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How to Capture and Tame a Wild China Girl
How to Capture and Tame a Wild China Girl
How to Capture and Tame a Wild China Girl
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How to Capture and Tame a Wild China Girl

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In today's America, marriages are falling apart or never happening at all. This is an event that is occurring in small rural towns as well as in large metropolitan centers. Since the beginning of the sexual revolution, we have all been told that marriages are institutions of patriarchal oppression, and that if men and women are both freed from this oppression, happiness will bloom. Regrettably, reality intrudes, and men and women are finding the reality that we now find ourselves is actually a d

Release dateNov 13, 2020
How to Capture and Tame a Wild China Girl

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    How to Capture and Tame a Wild China Girl - Daniel Gregg


    How to Capture and Tame a Wild China Girl

    Daniel Gregg

    Copyright © 2018 Daniel Gregg
    All rights reserved
    First Edition
    Page Publishing, Inc
    New York, NY
    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc 2018
    ISBN 978-1-64350-589-3 (Paperback)
    ISBN 978-1-64350-590-9 (Digital)
    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12


    This is a book written by a man for men. I am not going to be polite or politically correct, and I have absolutely no regard for your feelings. I am going to provide information that may be painful and difficult to accept, but to the best of my knowledge, it is correct. I do not sugarcoat, and I have no intentions of starting now.

    If there are any feminists, gender studies students, or social justice warriors who have picked up this book by mistake, I would recommend that you put it down immediately as it will only, no doubt, offend you. I have listened for decades the tripe that has been passed off as common knowledge and determined that this group not only does not understand how the world works but is also actually pushing it in the wrong direction.

    I am spending a good deal of time documenting how wrong they are as well as making recommendations about where to go from here. As you might guess from the title, this book documents how to become involved with foreign women, especially Asian women, for marriage. This is necessary because American women, for the most part, have rendered themselves completely unfit for marriage. Pity.

    At any rate, I will be detailing how men should present themselves to the population of foreign women.

    A quote from the Center for Immigration Studies (How Many Mail Order Brides, April, 1, 1997): Heaven is having a Japanese wife, a Chinese cook, a British country home and an American salary. Hell, on the other hand, is having a Chinese salary, a British cook, a Japanese house and an American wife.

    Ouch! The truth hurts when you corner it.


    I wanted to get married and have a family. I wanted to live a normal life and live a life that my parents had, but I had to travel down a different path.

    As I started on my journey through life, I tried to figure out how to make it all happen, and the longer I studied the problem, the more convinced I became that there simply was not a viable solution. The women of my father’s generation were simply not to be found because a new breed of American women had taken their place.

    Who were these women, and was there any hope of making a lasting relationship work out? The longer I examined these women, the more convinced I became that they simply would not make adequate wives and mothers. Now, what was I to do? I wanted to get married and live a normal life, but the women of my generation were uninterested in the kind of life I wanted. It was at this point that I started to broaden my view and look at women from outside of my own culture to meet my requirements.

    If American women are not interested in a relationship with me, then perhaps there are women of other cultures and other countries that are interested. I did not abandon my search of American women, but I simply broadened my view and examined all women that I chanced to encounter. I examined these women and their cultures, how they viewed family and children, and how they viewed their relationship with their husbands.

    I eventually found my wife, and true to form, she was not an American woman, but a woman from China. Her views on home and hearth were very near to my own, and we successfully bonded to create a successful and stable marriage. This is not to say there were not a few bumps in the road, but these were overcome. It is my intention to identify the problems that we had and show how cultural collisions between the East and the West caused a certain number of problems between us. Of course, I cannot cover all issues, but I will attempt to go over the major areas that cause difficulties in Eastern/Western relationships.

    In this book, you will find some repetitions which necessarily are there. When I discuss the best methods for dating, you will also see a similar thread in the section on engagements. I have tried to minimize the comments, but they are there nonetheless. Please accept my apologies for the repetitions.

    I want to state here for the record that I am going to not only detail how to successfully marry an Asian woman, but also how to remain in a stable and successful marriage. I am not going to spend any time documenting how to bed her because that is counter to the objective of the book. If this is of interest to you, I would recommend you study the writings of pickup artists.

    Good hunting.

    Daniel Gregg

    Chapter 1

    Why American Women Don’t Make the Grade

    When I first started dating, I honestly did not know what I was doing, so I was starting out with a clean slate. I did not make any assumptions, but just watched and evaluated all the women that I chanced to meet up with. As time went on I collected enough information about American women to know that the probability of finding someone good enough to be my wife was too low. Below is a listing of all the major issues I found with American women. I am sure that the alert reader will be able add other issues to my listing that I may have missed, but limitations must be imposed for the sake of brevity.

    1.1 Feminism

    Probably the worst thing that happened to American women in the last half century was the introduction, and large-scale adoption of feminism in the American women. Basically, feminism breaks up into three separate groups: first-wave feminism, second-wave feminism, and third-wave feminism. The general definitions of these three categories are as follows:

    First-Wave Feminism: This is the first real feminist movement that demanded the right to vote. If you recall, when the United States was founded, only white men of good standing (plus land) were allowed to vote. As time went on, these restrictions were slowly lifted until just about everyone who can hold breath are allowed to vote. The right of women to vote was established in the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution on August 18, 1920.

    Second-Wave Feminism: Second-wave feminism was concerned with the right of equal pay for equal work and was ratified by the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment. Basically, this amendment stated that women were equal to men, and as such, should be paid the same money for the same work done. Originally the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment was created for blacks and minorities to be accorded equal access to work, but during the process women’s rights were added in.

    Third-Wave Feminism: This is the feminism that grew from second-wave feminism and is what most of us are familiar with today. The requirements for third-wave feminism are not well articulated and it is not really clear what is desired. Generally, third-wave feminists believe that women are identical to men and should have the same outcomes in life. If this does not occur, then somehow sexism is responsible and men are all potential rapists who want to oppress women.

    So let’s talk about today’s feminism. First of all, according to a Huffington Post poll, those Americans who call themselves feminists make up about 20 percent of the population, 16 percent of men and 23 percent of women. Looking at this data, one would suspect that feminism would be largely dying out and having almost no impact on American culture. Regretfully, exactly the opposite is happening. Most American women have this very odd idea about feminism and what it means to be a woman. Because of this ideology, which pervades almost all aspects of American life, it is almost impossible to find anyone who is not subjected to this belief. This is primarily because the left-leaning media and universities are pushing this ideology so that it remains in the mainstream.

    As you are probably no doubt aware, because today’s feminists have not articulated their goals, then no absolute measurements can be taken. There is talk about the wage gap, sexual objectification, and rape culture, but these are all just a false narrative to shame men (Dr. Christina Hoff-Sommers’s The Factual Feminist, a classical second-wave feminist). Why is this happening?

    The fundamental reason is that almost everyone has the idea that outside of the obvious physical differences, men and women are identical. With this idea fully embraced, then when men and women have different desires, this must mean that men are defective because they are not the desires of women, and then men are then made to feel ashamed of who they are. A consequence of this is that many men simply give up and spend their time playing video games, taking drugs, or a whole host of alternative activities to pass the time.

    Some alarming data has been found showing the trajectory of marriage in America as a function of time and is as follows:

    Figure 1.1.1: Marriage Rates in the United States

    Vice has actually commented on this observation (although provided a different rationale for what is happening) in their September 26, 2015, article It’s Not Your Imagination, Single Women: There Literally Aren’t Enough Men Out There, One snippet of interest follows:

    Not long after he turned 30, the writer Jon Birger realized he and his wife knew a lot of women like that. The couple didn’t have a lot of single male friends left, but the many single women they knew all seemed to be buyers stuck in a seller’s market. One of those friends, Birger told me, had been dating a guy for a couple years. It certainly seemed like they were well on their way to getting married. She was in her late 30s, he was in his mid 40s. She really wants to have kids, get married, the whole [thing]. And she’s amazing in every way.

    One day at lunch, Birger casually asked her about her boyfriend. Her whole expression changed, Birger recalled. They had just broken up. They’d been dating for over two years and he said he ‘just wasn’t ready to settle down.’

    This got Birger, a former economics writer for Fortune and Money, thinking: How could a man of that age be so cavalier about casting aside such an amazing woman? And why do we all have similar stories of incredible female friends trapped for years in dating hell? Why are there so many great single women? Where are all the great single men?

    Using his background in economics and statistics, Birger sought out an answer. The result is his recent book, Date-onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game, a clever read with a sobering conclusion: There simply aren’t enough college-educated men to go around. For every four college-educated women in my generation, there are three college-educated men. The result? What Birger calls a musical chairs of the heart: As the men pair off with partners, unpartnered straight women are left with fewer and fewer options—and millions of them are eventually left with no options at all.

    Of course, Birger draws the wrong conclusions (especially regarding the amazing women), but that is beside the point. Birger’s data is accurate and represents the new reality for millions of men and women in America today.

    Because men are no longer getting married, or even have a desire for marriage, there is a significant drop in those pursuing high-stress careers. If a man makes more money, then the state will just take it away from him in the form of higher taxes to transfer to other groups.

    Originally the idea of taxation was to pay for interstate highways, aircraft carriers, and hydroelectric dams. The job of the government was to take a certain percentage of everyone’s money and use it for infrastructure projects or funding the military. As time progressed, more and more money were turned into transfer payments for those less fortunate. As a result, today’s America finds that most tax dollars are turned into transfer payments. This results in little interest for the average single man to want to join the push for upward mobility, especially if he is not married or has no intentions of getting married.

    Regardless of all the reasons, men today have a significantly reduced interest in getting married and having a family. If a man does get married, there is a 50 percent chance that the marriage will end up in divorce. Seventy percent of all divorces are initiated by women with the reason most often provided is dissatisfaction.

    As Dr. Helen Smith noted in her book Men on Strike, men are making a calculated decision about marriage, and most have determined that the risk is simply too high and the benefits are too low. As such, many men today are completely avoiding marriage, and the above data corroborates this statement.

    I lay all these issues at the feet of the woman’s movement because they are the ones responsible for the destruction of the American family. Unfortunately, women are suffering more from this new feminist nirvana than men. Today in the United States, 25 percent of American women are taking psychotropic drugs just to keep depression at bay (Huffington Post). Worse than that, in the United Kingdom, 31 percent of all women have been diagnosed with a mental health problem (Wired, May 3, 2017, by Emily Reynolds), most prominently depression. At this point only the most delusional can claim that all is well in the republic.

    Allegedly, women are just as smart as men, but I remain extremely skeptical. In 2009, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers wrote a paper titled The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness. While women have made significant gains in the past thirty-five years, women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relatively as compared to men. If feminism is the vehicle that is to be used to provide a better life for women, why is exactly opposite happening? Is it just possible that this hypothesis is incorrect? Why haven’t there been feminists applying the brakes instead of hitting the accelerator? To date, I have heard nothing from the feminist movement commenting on this report except that men are an evil, oppressive patriarchy, and a whole host of other names applied to distinguish them. Apparently, more feminism is required to solve the problem. From my perspective, this is engaging in wishful thinking rather than critical analysis.

    1.2 Weight Issues

    If I may be so bold, human beings are biological creatures. Men and women look at each other to make determinations as to whether or not to get married. From a man’s biological perspective, fertility is of primary importance. Now ladies continually shame men about how unfair this all is, but this does not make it any less of a fact. So what are men looking for in a woman? A man evaluates a woman primarily through visual stimuli, and he is primarily interested in an attractive woman with a good personality.

    When I speak of attractive women, what I am referring to one who is physically fit and well toned. Basically, what I am referring to here is a woman who has optimized her body for the production of babies. Men cannot articulate why they like women like this, but there is absolutely no argument that this is their favorite. For those of you who still remain confused about men’s desires, all one has to do is to pick up and page through a gentleman’s magazine and male desire will become abundantly clear.

    The second requirement is for a good personality. This is important because of all the time that a man and woman will be living together. While having sex and making babies is a noble pastime, when not engaging in these activities, then other topics will be discussed, and having a partner who shares your interests makes this far more interesting.

    It has long been my observation that attractive women generally have good personalities. I have noticed that when women have poisonous personalities, it very quickly shows up on their face. The face of an individual, both male and female, is a reflection of that person’s personality. By the time a man has reached marriageable age, he has had the opportunity to interact with thousands of men and women, boys and girls. Through these interactions, he has learned which women are desirable, but more importantly, which are not. Most of the beautiful women observed at the checkout line magazine rack of the local grocery store I find to be rather disagreeable. They are not beautiful, and I am somewhat, to quite repelled by them simply because of how they look.

    Now, when a woman is overweight, then this is an indicator that something is wrong with her. While feminists will expostulate that this is fat shaming, in reality it is simply not choosing women for a future relationship. To date, the state does not have the power to force a man to marry an arbitrary woman. Because of these rules, men will generally shy away from overweight women or will display a preference for slim women.

    If we start to dig deeper, it quickly becomes clear that most overweight women have a whole host of other problems, psychological and otherwise, which make them an unsuitable choice for a wife. At this point, one can rail against the whole unfair system and curse the entire male sex, but that is a fact, and any opinion of the fact will not alter it—my apologies.

    So while feminist sisters of similar girth may console this plump woman, the fact still remains that men are not, and will not, be interested in this woman.

    It is my humble opinion that the mothers of these stout women should have come down on their tubby daughters hard and not pull any punches. A woman’s most important choice in life is getting married, and her external appearance is a primary consideration in this event. I don’t even want to get involved about how unfair it all is because again, this is not relevant to the conversation. This is a fact, and whether or not you accept this fact will not change the reality of the fact itself. Go on a diet!

    Unfortunately, this is a conversation that did not happen, and this explains the explosion of chunky women in American society. These women have effectively taken themselves out of the marriage market.

    After doing a little research, it turns out that greater than 59 percent of all American women are either overweight or obese! This is a staggering number of women who have difficulty keeping the pounds off. Almost two-thirds of all American women are over their optimum weight and as such are having difficulties being chosen by marriage-minded men.

    Below is a chart showing how excessive weight in men and women has changed since the 1960s:

    Figure 1.2.1: Chart of Overweight and Obesity versus Time

    One can see that both men and women have suffered significant weight gains as a function of time, and the time rate of change appears to be increasing.

    One question that comes up is why is this happening? Don’t women know that when they are overweight they risk losing the attention of men? What exactly is going on with these women? Is it just possible that they are not happy with the way the United States is changing and as such their weight gain is just an indicator of this unhappiness?

    So my question is when are we as a society going to actually listen to the psychologist and social scientists to try to figure out what is going on? Why must we continue to ignore these warning signs? Apparently, feminism has just not been implemented correctly and more must be done to make America a more feminist state.

    1.3 Tattoos and Body Piercings

    It is all the rage today to get all sorts of tattoos and body piercings to show just how edgy you really are. There are thousands of tattoo parlors around the United States, and who hasn’t seen the occasional lady who is adorned with this artwork? So when a perspective date is looking for a woman and he sees one who is decorated with this artwork, what is his reaction? Now, although a woman may have no interest in what that man thinks, this is directly linked to the kind of a husband that she will get. So what is this tattoo, or body piercing, telling the prospective husband? The message to him is that she is a low-class woman who is of low moral character—translated as she will be a poor choice for a wife.

    Now, I realize this is unfair, but men can have tattoos because this emphasizes their masculinity. It should be stated here for completeness that a man who has a tattoo is still in the lower class of individual, but a tattoo, especially of a military nature, does very little in a woman to dissuade her from this man. The man who has more than one tattoo (especially prominently displayed) will find that he will have difficulty in getting a high-level job. To those gentlemen out there, the ladies are looking at you for your abilities to acquire resources, and if you have a tattoo, then this can potentially restrict your future performance. If you absolutely must have a tattoo, then have one on your shoulder where it will not be seen in a work environment.

    With the above said, I think it should be clear now that tattoos and body piercings are best left to the artistic community and be abandoned by the general population.

    1.4 Bad Mothers

    It is embarrassing to even have to mention this, but men want families. Men want successful families, and that means that a successful wife and mother is required. When men look at women, one of their criteria will be the quality of

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