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Mina's Vampire Mate: Vampire Witches, #1
Mina's Vampire Mate: Vampire Witches, #1
Mina's Vampire Mate: Vampire Witches, #1
Ebook117 pages2 hours

Mina's Vampire Mate: Vampire Witches, #1

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Mina is working at Nikki's Department store after leaving an abusive relationship. She wanted to take a break from everything until someone breaks into her house disturbing her peace. They are after her since she is half vampire and half witch. And the person to the rescue is Neo her vampire mate. They are both trying to hunt down the person responsible for ruining her peace.

Release dateOct 25, 2020
Mina's Vampire Mate: Vampire Witches, #1

Jessica Samuels

Jessica Samuels is an author who writes young adult and new adult paranormal romance. When she isn’t writing about vampires, werewolves, witches and angels she is watching stream, reading and playing video games with friends to pass the time.

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    Book preview

    Mina's Vampire Mate - Jessica Samuels

    Chapter 1

    Mina drove in her blue Ryder Strike to make her way to Nikki’s department store, and a feeling of dread overcame her. She had been working there for so long she dreaded going in since the customers tormented her on a daily basis with stupid questions, and treating her crappy over paper coupons. It was about 9:30 in the morning, and the blue sky was shining in the distance. Luxor wasn’t too busy road-wise since most of the creatures drove at night. She knew the way pretty well, and passed the drivers going under the speed limit.

    Her eyes were red and puffy from crying herself to sleep, and she definitely thought it would be a three drink night tonight since it was too much. She broke up with her boyfriend, and it was devastating since she was in love with him. She thought she was going to marry him and he called her worthless. Once he pushed her into a wall it was all over since she couldn’t take the abuse.

    Her dark grey eyes scanned the busy road, and creatures of all kinds drove to places. Luxor had a street called Main street. Besides being a no kill or spell zone, it is a place to shop, eat, and even relax. Stores for creatures of every kind. Nikki’s catered to everyone. Her hair was brushed out at least, and she wore her usual perfume to make sure she smelled good, and not like she hasn’t showered for days. She could make the weather rain and thunder if she wanted to, and she just had a container of blood to keep her blood lust in check.

    The customers really tested her limit at times. Then again she was only half vampire, and the other half was a witch. She has the hunger but not as strong as a full vampire and she can feed off the elements, too. She kept spare blood in her fridge at home and even had fangs that can retract, too. She dressed in a blue shirt, blue pants, blue sneakers, and she had her dark blue tag pinned to the left side of her shirt with the name Mina. Driving can calm her down at times and she needed to get out of the house or else she would think about everything.

    Her ex left her in a bad spot. He even came to her work and tried to get her back, but to no avail. She remembered the way he looked the next day. He smelled like shit, too like he didn’t shower in weeks. But all the groveling wouldn’t change the fact that he pushed her and would expect her to drop what she was doing and answer his constant texts and calls. He got mad at her since he was drunk and wanted to argue about the fact that she didn’t want to move in yet. He thought it meant period, and physically pushed her when she was on the bed. Her head hit the wall, and it stunned her since it’s bad enough he yelled at her calling her worthless. He even had to belittle her since she just graduated and got a job at Nikki’s which was a waste. After all that it was game over, and she didn’t want anything to do with him. It wasn’t just a fight, it was the end for the last time and it wasn’t the first time he was physical either.

    His family made it worse since they were acting like him pushing her was no big deal. It was and he even left a note on her car saying it was a minor thing taken to the extreme. Her grip tightened on the steering wheel, and she wanted it all pushed away. Tonight after she got off work she would cry one last time and have a few jack and cokes after work. As a last hurrah. She needed it since lately it sucked. Her heart still hurt her, and she didn’t even think she knew what real love was. She needed to stop thinking about everything.

    A few streets and she was in front of the mall parking lot to Nikki’s. It was nearly empty except the cars belonging to the mall employees. She arrived there on time, and 15 minutes before they officially opened. She was happy to have some time before the real torment began. She has no choice but to work retail to get her head on straight. After being controlled, abused, and having someone constantly accuse her of being a cheater she needed air from it all. He was horrible, and for the longest time she stayed with him since she didn’t want to be alone. She hoped her ex was far away tormenting another poor soul. She chased him away with an order, and blocked him on everything. Her smartphone was in her pocket in case she was needed. She even changed her number to get away from him.

    Her dad is a vampire leader and her mom a witch leader. Both their powers combined made her unstoppable. She was the one to unite the witches and vampires to make them see they need each other. It meant she had a mate somewhere out there, and she didn’t know if he was a vampire or witch. It was a lot riding on her shoulders, and her parents' numbers were on the phone in case she needed to stay with either of them. Maybe there will be a point where vampires and witches can be in peace? Maybe? She didn’t know. And she walked up to the locked doors of Nikki’s and punched in the code to get in after hours. She heard the click that she put in the right code, and she went into the empty, dark store. All the lights were off since the store wasn’t opened yet. They will come on at 10:00 when they officially opened.

    There were parts of the department store where the clothes were folded neatly and it actually was sized by color and clothing sized. Then, there were tables where everything was mixed up and you couldn’t tell which ones were supposed to be there and ones that don’t belong since some asshole messed up the order. There were all kinds of racks there. Some were 50% off, 40%, 30% and even 25% off, and there were the regular priced and everyday values, too which coupons didn’t work on.

    Nikki’s has a store card, and the card has all the coupons a customer needs so there is no need to ask for one! Some of the customers are so lazy everything is mixed in. Nikki’s has everything shirts, pants, skirts, jeans. Everything someone would need to go to events and wear casually. Even fancy dresses for young witches going to ceremonies, vampire formal dresses, and even stuff for werewolf full moon dresses and clothes that can change with you. There were sections for everyone: Vampire, witch, werewolf it didn’t matter. Even clothes for women to attract vampires and werewolf pheromones. Shoes that can fly. Shoes to make someone invisible didn't matter. They even sold makeup, perfume and accessories to go with the ensembles.

    Mina stood in the Customer Service department, and went to a register to clock in. There were already employees talking about the latest stuff in their lives, and their morning drives. There were vampire employees that carried blood flasks on them in case the hunger strikes. That blood lust is a bitch, and Mina hated it but it was disappointing it didn’t make her bite her ex. She should have bit him, and drained him dry for the horrible person he was. Nikki’s has species of all kinds and different reasons for working retail. There is a certain amount of boredom one can face when you have an eternity looming around. Some are college students, some retired and some needed something to do out of the house.

    She needed one to get by and take a break from it all. She needed space. Space would be good for her since it was a hard break up. She thought she was in love. He was the wrong person and he wasn’t a vampire but a plain ass witch who tricked her. He threatened her life and got into a fight with his family the day before his birthday and twisted her arm. Horrible.

    And in a few minutes when all the employees came in the bullshit morning meeting happened. She understood why they did it especially when they discussed numbers of the previous day and she tuned it all out like she usually did. She barely paid attention to them anyway. She especially tuned them out when the bitchy manager was speaking. She is very condescending and talks to people as if they were twelve. Mina really hated her badly. She yelled at her a lot and the recent incident was over stupid letters not getting handed out when she has more important stuff on her mind other than her bullshit. She also yelled at her for not getting racks done. Mina was pulled to the side by Kara, and bullied. If she didn’t need the job badly she would have quit sooner. Thankfully, Kara stopped talking and the boring meeting is over. She headed to the register in her department which is in the kids department to count the change before they open. And she got done in record time since it was time to open the doors, and let the sales/coupon zombies in.

    And if they aren’t let in on time then you get rude old people who bitch about them being let in six minutes late, and they will be nasty over it. One lady asked her if she forgot, and she explained what happened. Then the lady bitched over lack of help. Mina apologized, but that was all she could do. She didn’t have control over everything else. Customers love yelling at retail workers over stuff, and what was worse were the ones who go ‘but I am not taking it out on you’…Yes, you the fuck are. They also say they don’t mean to take it out on you when in

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