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Vicious Circles I
Vicious Circles I
Vicious Circles I
Ebook204 pages2 hours

Vicious Circles I

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About this ebook

Initially, the author's blogs had been inspired by HH Dalai Lama's Search for Secular Ethics.


The first collection includes research for his novel PETER & PAUL. This may be of particular interest to aspiring authors, who would see how much research is needed to produce a historical novel.

The novel, in turn, stimulated the author to discuss the diversity of subjects mentioned in the blogs.




Physical Universe.

Brain—100-billion neuron puzzle

Nightmares—Foretaste of Tomorrow?



The Innocent

Secrets Dispelled

I and my Father

The Question of Balance

Economic Growth


An Alien amongst us?

Killing is such fun!

Ageing is not requiredl

Was Jesus married?


...and MANY MORE...


The author holds that the onset of the Age of Aquarius is particularly demanding of us to Search for Secular Ethics that would unify humanity that had been set apart by religions. Until we do, we are in danger of conducting our lives in Vicious Circles.


The blogs are unedited and invite your comments and/or reviews.

Release dateOct 8, 2020
Vicious Circles I

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    Vicious Circles I - Stanisław Kapuściński





    Collected Blogs

    June to November 2012

    Research for Historical Novel


    In Search of Secular Ethics

    Volume One

    Stanisław Kapuściński


    Ebook Edition 2017. D2D Edition 2020

    ISBN 978-1-987864-17-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Peter & Paul is a work of fiction. Names, characters, titles, places and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously


    Peter & Paul (#1)

    YHWH and Peter & Paul (#2)

    Peter & Paul and Omnipresence (#3)

    Shavuoth or later, Pentecost (#4)

    The Secret of Shavuoth (#5)

    The Mystery of Yah and El (#6)

    Is this Blog for You? A little Break...

    from Peter and Paul (#7), Miracles (#8)

    The Secret of Shavuoth (#9)

    Can anyone perform Miracles? (#10)

    Let the Dead Bury the Dead (#11)

    What happened to the Gnostics? (#12)

    Where did Yeshûa’s Gnosis come from? (#13)

    A Secret Place? (#14)

    Ye are gods? (#15)

    Atheists or Believers (#16)

    A Historical Novel or Murder/Suspense Story? (#17)

    A Christian What? (#18), And what Paul? (#19)

    Paul’s Visions (#20), Apostles and Demons? (#21)


    It is time to start... (#22)

    The Dark Days, cont. (#23 to #28)


    Sanhedrin (#29), Sanhedrin (#30 to #32, excerpt cont.)

    CHAPTER 3 Sheol

    The Day Before (#33), Sheol—The Day Before, (#34 to #36)

    CHAPTER 4 The Day After (#37)

    The Day After (#38 to #40)


    Inspired by Peter & Paul

    Where am I?

    History reaches beyond its time

    The assumptions of Matrix

    HEAVEN: Now or later?

    Which way to Heaven?

    Are we the living or the dead?


    Unfolding the Mystery of SELF

    Is there Death, or Isn’t there?

    E Pluribus Unum, or...  the Biggest Clout

    The Universe is set on Automatic

    The Irrepressible Law of Hedonism

    No one is Born to Suffer

    Are Men really Created Equal?

    The Chicken and the Egg

    The Difference between Science and Religion

    What is the Meaning of Life?

    The Apple’s, or it was All Eve’s Fault

    Time and Miracles

    Within and Without

    Physical Universe

    The Brain—a 100-billion neuron puzzle?

    Nightmares—a Foretaste of Tomorrow?

    Atlas Shrugged as do the Republicans

    Survival of the Fittest?

    Autism and other mutations?

    An Alien amongst Us?

    Secrets Dispelled

    Killing is such fun!

    The Innocent

    Why Peter and Paul?

    Peter and Paul, sequel to Yeshûa?

    Immortality Now?

    I and my Father


    Not of this World

    Was Jesus Married?

    Something for Nothing



    Point of view

    Wanton Destruction

    Black or White Magic, or Love

    Green-eyed Monster

    Visualize your Reality

    On Suffering


    The End Game

    Aging is not Required

    Reward or Punishment?

    Economic Growth

    The Pluto Effect

    So, why the Pluto Effect?

    Back to Peter and Paul

    Blavatsky and other Esoteric Ideas

    One Nation under What?

    The Many and the Few

    The Question of Balance

    Peter & Paul, the Novel


    A Word about the Author

    Books by Stanislaw Kapuscinski





    intended as intuitive sequel to


    Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus.


    "Is man merely a mistake of Gods?

    Or God merely a mistake of man?"

    Friedrich Nietzsche.


    There is just one purpose to life and that is to enjoy it. To have fun. Lots of fun. Just making sure it’s not at someone else’s expense. The rest is free. After all, heaven is within you, remember?

    Other than that, Nataputta Mahavira (599-527 BC), called Jina (Spiritual Conqueror), a contemporary of Buddha, was right. Even as seasons rotate in a Vicious Circle, so does the Procession of the Zodiac. We enter our bodies as babies, unaware of their potential, we live, we age, we leave our bodies, and await another turn. We call it reincarnation. Thanks to the Procession of the Zodiac, we are born into a variety of conditions which are propitious for our growth. Hopefully, the Circles of Life though vicious in their persistence, rotate along a gentle, upward spiral, though it’s hard to say which way is up. Nevertheless, each New Eden, hopefully, incorporates total wisdom gained in previous Circle. And so on, and so forth.


    And now, our learned scientists have joined the crowd. Nothing can be destroyed, they say, in this, phenomenal world. Allow me to point out to you that the word ‘phenomenal’ not only means perceptible by the senses, or through immediate experience, but also:

    marvelous, magnificent, remarkable, exceptional, extraordinary, amazing, astonishing, astounding, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable, wonderful, outstanding, singular, out of the ordinary, unusual, unprecedented, terrific, tremendous, stupendous, awesome...

    ...need I go on? Surely, this transient, ephemeral reality in which we experience our becoming is all of that and more.

    And just imagine that this Universe ‘rotates’, or perhaps, continuously metamorphoses from one form to another. On and on, and on. Albert Einstein agrees with that as does Richard Feynman, both Nobel Laureates. As does Nikolai Tesla, whom Einstein once call a genius (more so than himself). So do most others.

    All is energy. Vibrating energy.

    Three more tiny step assure us of our immortality. All is all. Hence, let us accept that thoughts, love, and consciousness are also forms of energy. Thus we do not embark on a journey, we are on it. We always were, in one form of energy or another.

    The process is relatively simple.

    It is a matter of converting amorphous potential energy into polymorphous kinetic forms. By slowing down the vibrations, we create different elements, and, as the potential energy is infinite, the process is endless. We experience the potential energy as Consciousness. Ever developing, ever growing, in a Vicious Circle. Little gods are become bigger gods.

    On and on and on.

    It should be mentioned that the ‘awareness’ of the amorphous creative energy lied deep in our unconscious. To bring it to forefront of our awareness take a little effort. But most of all, it requires us to sublimate our egos.

    The process is essentially that of trial and error. While the ideas in their unconscious form are always perfect, their conversion is not, and thus the conscious individualizations can be the sole judges whether the conversion fits into the matrix of that which is already created.

    On occasion, when the creative process goes astray, it’s results are erased (their rate of vibration is increased to infinity) by reconverting them back into primary amorphous energy from which tangible (unsatisfactory) forms had been created. On the other hand, the successful results, those that fit into the ever-developing Master Plan, are stored at the vibratory rate of the energy we refer to as Subconscious. From there they can be drawn upon to be used as basis, as jumping boards for the creation of ever-new, ever more and more exciting realities.

    To repeat, the process is, of course, endless, and we, you and I, are the instruments that can, consciously participate in this process. It is up to us.

    The rest is history.



    July 24th 2012

    For a while, I’ve been walking in circles. I’d never done a historical novel before. I decided to jot down ideas as they came. I began writing blogs (in earnest) on July 23rd, 2012. I numbered them, just to give them a semblance of order as well as to see how my mind worked. Later the blogs took off on their own, when I realized that all my books have been based on philosophical premises, often requiring some elucidation, particularly for people who have never read my books, fact or fiction, before. I hope you will find the blogs useful, and that they will encourage you to dig deeper, and read  the whole book which develops the subject matter in a belletristic form (i.e. in the form of a novel).

    You may find that fact, if presented properly, can be stranger than fiction. And... vice-versa.



    I’m an atheist and I thank God for it,

    George Bernard Shaw.


    Essentially, my blogs serve to discuss matters that are developed further in my books. As Socrates so aptly put, I know that I know nothing, thus I prefer to present my illustrations, or arguments, in a fictional form. Judging by my reviewers, some readers are not sure if they are reading fact or fiction. And that is as it should be. After all, fact is often stranger than fiction, and the Universe is more strange than we can imagine.

    Luckily, as individualizations of the Potential Energy of the Source, our consciousness is indestructible. While all other forms of energy are recycled, only consciousness continues in a state of  unchangeable Being. In the eternal Now.

    My blogs began at the instigation of my wife, to break down my writer’s block. She thought that if I share with others the research needed to write a historical novel, my muse would guide me to dress those facts into tangible reality, into facts resembling fiction. That’s how Peter & Paul was born. The rest is history. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much I did writing it. After all, all the blogs had been published individually, as my gifts to my readers. Had you missed any, this collection will fill your gaps. As for the books that they illustrate, well, that’s up to you. You may or may not read them, but the blogs stand up on their own.

    To quote another one of my reviewers, be prepared to laugh, cry and even be edified on a single page, and totally lost in a single book. Some people told me that it takes them days to recover from the shock of reading me. I can only suggest that they are not drinking enough wine.

    One request.

    Like it or hate it,  please, share your impressions in a review. On the other hand... only if you like it...

    Peter & Paul (#1)

    A good way to celebrate a new blog (you can find my previous attempts on Author’s Den and at Goodreads) is by sharing with you the research I just begun for my new historical novel. My preliminary title is Peter and Paul. Yes, the biblical duo who were often accused by some accredited by others, for creating a religion, which conquered the minds of the western world.

    Few of us know that Peter and Paul did not see eye to eye. In fact they differed greatly on the interpretation of Yeshûa’s teaching. Yeshûa, or more correctly Yehoshûa is the real name of Jesus, supposedly the Greek equivalent. And even then Jesus has been pronounced Yesus; thus when one attempts to speak in the name of Jesus, one ought to know what the name stands for. And that is, more or less, how the book has began. With the real meaning of Yeshûa, who never intended to create any religion. This privilege, apparently, was taken up, firmly by his followers.


    YHWH and Peter & Paul (#2)

    Theoretically, the book should be called Shimon and Saul. The problem – most people wouldn’t know who those gentlemen were.

    I need lots of research. To write about Peter and Paul, I have to get the feel of the man who influenced their lives.  I touched on the subject of Yeshûa, the late form of Yehoshûa. Well, the name Yehoshûa is a rare Hebrew surname, but the etymological meaning gets to be more complex, though when uncovered, it throws a different light on the very principles of Christianity.

    In Hebrew, Yeshûa (in Greek Jeshua) means Jah is salvation. Yah (or Jah), in turn, is a poetic form of Yehovah (or Jehovah), which as Yahweh represents the Hebrew YHWH (Yodh, He, Waw, He). This tetragrammaton is the expression of the male and female universal principles, and appears to be the equivalent of the Mosaic I AM THAT I AM.

    Now the problems really begin.

    So far, we have regressed from Yeshûa backwards to Moses. And, you will note that there is absolutely no mention of any god, with or without a capital G.


    I am reminded of a Bergman movie The Seventh Veil wherein Max von Sydow makes this statement: We carve an idol out of our fear and call it God. We all know the story of the Golden Calf and the Ten Commandments. 


    Peter and Paul and Omnipresence (#3)

    (Continuous research for historical novel)

    I am beginning to see Peter and Paul’s problem.

    The dogmas with which I have been brought up state that God is omnipresent. Thus, perforce, I am within God. However, since God is omnipresent, likewise perforce, He/She (It? The Universal Principles?) is (are) also within me. Interesting. I’m not sure how this fits in with the tenets with which Peter and Paul have been brought up. Hopefully, we shall find out.

    Perhaps the fullness of this understanding explains the indescribable expressions of euphoria depicted by the old masters on the faces of mystics. The many martyrs of Peter and Paul’s days are said to have met their death with a blissful smile. It is as if they knew something we don’t. In a way, this book is an attempt to unravel this mystery.

    Shavuoth or later, Pentecost (#4)

    (Continuous research for historical novel )

    Apart from Yeshûa, my outright bestseller, writing a historical novel is nothing like any other novel I’ve ever written. It is still fantasy, an expression of writer’s imagination, but, to be honest, if one describes real people

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