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We Are One
We Are One
We Are One
Ebook305 pages3 hours

We Are One

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About this ebook

Ever wondered what God might have to say about Islam? Christianity? Judaism? Buddhism?


Is it possible we could create a world where everyone knows that WE ARE ONE? A world where every person, every animal, and Mother Earth herself are all treated with respect? What might that world be like and what do we need to do to get there?


Find out in WE ARE ONE.


This remarkable book also further explores the lessons about life and death begun in Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story, so you might like to read that one first.


Lorelle Taylor's second book, WE ARE ONE, calls on the major religions to unite with the rest of humanity as we work towards a world of peace and harmony.


Get your copy today and discover how you can help to bring about this wonderful new world.

Release dateSep 1, 2020
We Are One

Lorelle Taylor

Lorelle Taylor has undertaken formal and informal studies of religion and spirituality, learning from spiritual teachers in the physical world, as well as in the spiritual realm. She is the founder of the New Spirituality Organisation of Australia, an angel card reader, and an advocate for animal and environmental welfare. Just as Lorelle has, you, too, can learn from the experiences detailed in her books, We Are One and Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story. Learn lessons about life and death from angels, spirit guides, Jesus and God. You, too, can consider God’s perspective on religions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. You will come away with the understanding that “Love is the answer to all questions”.

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    Book preview

    We Are One - Lorelle Taylor


    Although this book can be read as a stand-alone book, there are concepts in this book which may be more easily understood after first reading the book, Getting Used to Weird: A Very Different Sort of Love Story.I

    You may be shocked by some parts of this book, but after you have recovered, I urge you to continue reading. You may find it is worth it.


    Angela breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps she wasn’t crazy after all. Perhaps everything that had happened to her in the last few weeks really was meant to happen. Perhaps it was all supposed to allow her to become the person who could help the world move towards the New Spirituality, the wonderful new world that the voice in her head had promised her, that God had promised her. Maybe it really was all part of God’s divine plan.

    She still had doubts. She still could be one step away from the psychiatric hospital, but she now also had hope. She hoped that, one day, all the world would come to know that We Are One, and that God created each and every one of us in his/her likeness—not a physical likeness—but the likeness of God’s love. She could once again believe that God is love, and if God created all of the universe, then everyone and everything must be love also.

    If Angela could tell her story to the world, it wouldn’t matter if people didn’t believe her. It wouldn’t matter if they thought she was crazy. She hoped she could believe what God had told her:

    "Angela, the world is ready for your book. You know this is a work of fiction, and everyone will know they can believe it or not if they so choose, but everyone will know it is the truth. Everyone will know that you did speak to God, converse with God, receive revelations from God.

    I know you are thinking: ‘What about those people who will find it too confronting?’ You wonder if they will be able to cope with the revelations I have given you, if they accepted them as truth. Those people, Angela, will be able to discount it as pure fiction. Those people will understand that it is merely the workings of a crazy mind in a crazy fictional book. Everyone else will know that everything you have put into this book is true.

    So, she would be crazy if that was what was required, but she would hope, just as those who heard her story would; hope that every word was true, and that love would one day rule the world.

    The Word of God

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    John 1:1 II

    In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

    John 1:4-5

    Angela knew she too had come into the world to shine her light in the darkness. She had come to be a confident, faithful, invincible beacon of God’s love. She knew this was the role every person on the Earth could choose, if they wished—to be God’s beacon, to shine light in the darkness. She knew this had also been Jesus’ role, and she remembered the cover of the book she read: I Am with You Always: True Stories of Encounters with Jesus by G. Scott Sparrow, Ed.D.III The cover showed Jesus holding a lantern, a symbol of the light he brought to all those he helped; not only those in the book, but those throughout history who used his life as an example. Jesus came to speak to Angela, just as he had come to speak to many of those whose stories were related in the book. Angela knew that, just as Jesus was filled with the word and the light of God, so too could she and the rest of humanity be, if they based everything they did on love as he had.

    It took her quite a few years and many lessons to arrive at this understanding. The lessons themselves were not difficult, but her attempts to apply them were. She learned a lot of her lessons from books like The Power of NowIV by Eckhart Tolle, which taught her how to live in the moment, that she could control her thoughts, and to acknowledge her observing self. She learned about the law of attraction from Abraham, and Jerry and Esther Hicks, in books like The Law of AttractionV and The VortexVI.

    Angela learned that she could communicate with angels from Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie and Andrew Ramer in Ask Your AngelsVII. After practising the exercises in that book, she employed the same techniques in communicating with her spirit guides, deceased loved ones, and Jesus. Jesus helped her with healing and her lessons. He taught her how to raise her vibration and gave her detailed exercises to improve her skills at hearing and transcribing messages from spirit.

    How did she know she was talking to Jesus? She just did. If asked to explain it, she would respond: When you fell in love with your husband or wife, how did you know you wanted to spend the rest of your life with that person? When you bought a house, how did you know that was the house you wanted to live in? When you bought a puppy, how did you know this puppy was your puppy? You just knew. And if Jesus spoke to you, you would know that too.

    Angela learned that her observing self is her spiritual self, and that her spiritual self is connected to every other being and every other thing in the universe through God’s love. It is this connection which allowed her to communicate with her angels, her guides, and Jesus.

    When she read Conversations with GodVIII, by Neale Donald Walsch, Angela knew that he had spoken to God and that sooner or later she would converse with God, too. She read other books by Neale and learned how to have a Friendship with GodIX, and that there is no such thing as death, only a passing into another realm where we are Home with GodX.

    As Angela’s friendship with God developed, they began conversing regularly, and Angela knew she must share those conversations in her book.

    Prior to her awakening, Angela had considered all of this very weird indeed. As she began getting used to weird, she realised it was impossible to have a deep relationship with God without being at least a little weird. She came to realise that a lot of those things which she had previously thought of as weird were really expressions of love, and they were considered weird because most people had little experience of such love.

    Angela learned about God in Sunday school as a child, but even though her father had been a Congregational minister, God’s love was not something that was discussed. She had completed a religion studies course some years prior to her awakening, which taught her about Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, but God’s love was not a focus of that course either. However, she did learn that each religion had a version of Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and she found this significant.

    Angela had learned in Sunday school that God is love and after her awakening, she began to understand that love and faith were the keys to success in all things. She learned to have faith in herself, faith in the universe to bring forth her desires, and faith that God is real, and God is love.

    Although her faith was not always strong, and at times she felt her faith had completely deserted her, Angela’s love for God gradually increased along with her faith. Eventually she came to have great faith in God, and in her ability to hear and transcribe God’s messages. She had great faith that she could be the confident, faithful, invincible beacon she had promised to be.

    Tomorrow’s God

    God: I love you, Angela. I just wanted to let you know that, and to let you know there are some words of wisdom in my book, Tomorrow’s GodXI, that you might like to include in your book. You know we are all one, so it is OK for me to claim credit for the book that bears Neale Donald Walsch’s name as author, but you also know I appreciate both his and your efforts in helping to spread my message to the world. Thank you to both of you, and to my many other messengers. With all your help, Tomorrow’s God will be the god of the people in the very near future.

    The Future of Education

    God: Angela, are you ready to talk about Tomorrow’s God?

    Angela: Well, sort of, God. I wrote a lot of notes but I don’t know quite where to start. I loved the look at the future of education. It sounds very exciting.

    [The book explained that education in the New Spirituality will teach children and adults Who They Really AreOne with God and One with everyone and everything in the Universe. It will show children how to use the old three R’s of reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic only as tools with which they can create the new three R’s of reconciliation, re-creation, and reunification.]

    God: It does sound exciting, doesn’t it? But there were some parts of the book you didn’t agree with…

    The Future of Business and the Economy

    Angela: Yes, God. I am happy to be convinced, but from my experience in our business, I just can’t see how we can get to where the book states our economy will be, from where we are now. For instance, I don’t think the suggestion from Conversations with God Book 2 of writing the cost and sale price on a tag will work. We recently had an incident where we told a customer our gross margin, which is really low. They reacted badly because they were unfamiliar with comparative businesses and the overheads paid out of that margin. I just can’t imagine that you can ever give a person sufficient information for them to understand the whole picture, and everyone’s whole picture would be different.

    The same applies to people’s wages. In CWG Book 2, it was suggested to tell everybody everyone’s wages, but people seem to have a narrow view of what others are worth and an inflated view of their own worth.

    God: Angela, I think you underestimate your fellow human. It should be possible to educate people about the whole picture without too much difficulty.

    Angela: And how do we get from here to there?

    God: In small steps, Angela—small, brave steps.

    [In Tomorrow’s God, God said these business practices mentioned in Conversations with God Book 2 would be examples of ways business and the economy will become transparent.]

    God: You were right to be excited by the things you read regarding the New Spirituality, for it will hold all of the things you have been working towards—peace on Earth, and goodwill towards all people and creatures of the Earth. Have no fear. All will be well. Love will prevail.

    Angela: God, I made a note about your discussion about changing from a disposable society to a maximum use community, where we would produce fewer consumer items per person. This, too, is difficult to imagine. As we found in our business, people always consider the bottom line. It doesn’t seem to matter that the cheapest product is going to be thrown out in one tenth of the time of the more expensive product; most people buy the cheapest. They don’t seem to care that buying the cheapest is less economical in the long run, or that ultimately their own jobs may be sent off-shore in the process.

    God: Angela, you know this is changing slowly. Your government has mandated a change to more longer life lighting products because they are more efficient energy-wise. People are starting to consider how long things last, and what the effects are, not only on their long term financial situation, but also on the environment. Here again, slow steps are already happening.

    Angela and her husband, Bill, had been operating their lighting business for many years. Angela knew that in God’s world anything was possible, but from her experience, she was not hopeful that she and her fellow humans could change, even with small brave steps. Then she realised if we are to bring about the world mentioned in Tomorrow’s God, we need to base our decisions not on our experience, but on faith and love.

    Consider the Consequences

    The next day, Angela was walking through the mangroves when she had the urge to ask if there were any fairies in the vicinity. She had learned that fairies are like angels who look after the natural world and animals. Prior to her awakening, Angela had believed that fairies only existed in stories. Since reading Doreen Virtue’s book, Healing With the FairiesXII, and learning from Jesus that dragonflies were the fairies’ representatives in the physical world, Angela felt a strong connection to fairies—when she could bring herself to believe in them. She had many encounters with dragonflies—when she was feeling down or when she had something to celebrate—and they always lifted her spirits. Yet she was still surprised by a positive response to her question.

    The fairy introduced herself as Patarina, but Angela had difficulties understanding the message, so she asked Patarina if they could continue the conversation that evening when Angela could write it down.

    Angela: Hello, Patarina. It was lovely to make your acquaintance today. Was there something you wanted to tell me?

    Patarina: Yes. I wanted to ask all humans to please consider the consequences of your actions. I know sometimes you are ignorant of the consequences, but many times humans do things without ever even thinking what might happen. What might happen when you use harsh chemicals that end up in our oceans. What might happen when your plastic bags blow into the sea. What might happen when you chop down that tree, when you use up all the world’s resources. When you do everything you do, consider the effect on the other animals, the other humans, the other beings who inhabit this beautiful Earth. Consider the effect on this beautiful Earth.

    Angela: Thank you, Patarina. I will try to consider the consequences of all of my actions, and ask that everyone else does as well.

    Patarina: Thank you, Angela, for helping to be a voice for the fairies, and for all the beings of the Earth.

    Angela: You’re welcome, Patarina. I am happy to help. Please keep an eye on all those turtles out there, and do whatever you can to help them.

    Angela had seen many dead turtles washed up on the beach, near where she lived. She knew many died because they had ingested plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish.

    Patarina: I will, Angela. I will pass your love and best wishes to the turtles.

    Angela: Patarina, was there anything else?

    Patarina: No, thank you, Angela. Goodbye for now.

    Angela: See you, Patarina. I hope, literally, one day.

    Patarina: One day, Angela.

    Angela hoped she and the rest of humanity would remember to consider the consequences of their actions.

    Angela: God, I wanted to talk to you about the really bad dust storm we had today, across the entire east coast of Australia. I wondered if that was another of the Earth’s messages to us that were spoken of in Mother Mary’s book, Mary’s Message to the WorldXIII.

    [In this book, Mary predicted an increase in earthquakes, changes to weather patterns, the extinction of many species, the melting of polar ice, and increased UFO activity, among other things. She suggested we all turn to God now.]

    God: Yes, but it is not so much a message, as a natural consequence of past actions. The Earth has created ways to shield herself from the global warming that people have created. The dust storm was a natural consequence of some of those reactions.

    Angela: God, is there anything we can do to undo what we have done to cause these and other consequences?

    God: Angela, your peace, love, healing, and joy which you send out to the world, including Mother Earth, helps, but changing people’s outlook on the whole of life is really the only way to ensure a future free from such consequences. As your fairy friend pointed out to you, people need to consider the consequences of their actions.

    Angela: But, God, what about when we consider that the consequences are justified, or at least unavoidable? For instance, it was pointed out to me that our decision to source a lot more components off-shore to help our business become profitable will add to global warming because the goods will travel by plane and because China is less likely to produce the products in an environmentally friendly way. Our business has to change to survive, and it has consequences.

    God: That’s right, you will not eradicate these sorts of consequences overnight—only by small brave steps.


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