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Seamstress for the Man
Seamstress for the Man
Seamstress for the Man
Ebook72 pages58 minutes

Seamstress for the Man

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When she’s not designing costumes for Las Vegas showgirls, Nancy spends her off-hours servicing Sin City’s hottest male strippers at the world-famous Palomino Club. These studs need a “third leg” for every design, and that’s where Nancy’s talents lie. Inch by inch, her attention to detail ensures every sword gets the right-sized, most fabulous sheath.
Fortunately, Nancy’s husband knows his place, and doesn’t interfere with her kinky hobby. But when her hypnotic fascination with an enormously "gifted" new dancer turns their world upside down, the couple starts having second thoughts. Before long, husband and wife are drawn into a vortex of sexual obsession and compulsive size worship. As the story moves toward its unsettling climax, morality and good intentions fall victim to the most primitive urges.
Journey into a world where the characters lose themselves in labyrinths of lust, until it’s no longer clear who’s exploiting whom, where sex work, jealousy, imagination and intoxication collide, and sparks fly.

PublisherTilda Blixen
Release dateJul 9, 2020
Seamstress for the Man

Tilda Blixen

Many married men find the idea of an open relationship appealing. They confidently picture all the women they will be bedding outside the confines of monogamy. But in reality women always have more opportunities to find no-strings-attached sex, to the point where the difference is laughably unfair. Couples entering the swinging world quickly realize the average woman has her pick among an exponentially larger throng of willing partners than the average man.It is often an eye-opening experience for the woman, who perhaps for the first time in her life fully comprehends the level of power she wields in the erotic realm. If she can overcome the social conditioning and slut shaming the vast majority of females undergo as children, a whole new world opens up before her. In this world, she finds, high-status, alpha males she’d once considered “out of her league” are more than willing to sleep with her.For the man, the experience is often opposite. Unless he is himself a high-status, alpha male, (and, yes, penis size matters here—sorry, guys), fewer women are available to him. It’s Pareto’s Principle in action, the statistical 80/20 split that occurs in so many open markets: 80% of the world’s internet traffic goes to 20% of websites; 80% of film profits go to 20% of films; and 80% of the females will chase 20% of the high-status males.A lot of men get left on the sidelines. And yet Mother Nature, in her wisdom, offers such men compensatory pleasures. Faced with the incontrovertible truth of his sexual inferiority, a man’s sex drive will often turn back on itself, perhaps as a means of psychological self-defense. While watching his partner scale heretofore unknown heights of erotic bliss, he may find himself—often against his will—becoming sexually aroused. I’ve seen this happen with my own eyes. It’s a fascinating journey.The emotional cocktail known as “cuckold angst,” the disturbing and contradictory mixture of excitement, humiliation, and anger, rates as one of the most intensely erotic emotions a male can ever experience. Once accepted, it can become highly addictive.Indeed, this dynamic can become highly addictive to both partners, male and female. And like all addictions, the more you get, the more you need...This is the theme of my stories.

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    Book preview

    Seamstress for the Man - Tilda Blixen

    Seamstress for the Man

    By Tilda Blixen

    Copyright 2020 Tilda Blixen

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is dedicated to adult-film superstar Janet Mason, whose preternatural charm and singular energy inspired its writing

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    About Tilda Blixen

    Sample Chapter: Size Queen Wife

    Chapter One

    Gavin Hightower was grilling steak kebabs on the patio by the pool when he got a text from his wife, Nancy:

    "Stop whatever you’re doing. Go to the bedroom and get naked, it read. I’ll be home in 5 min."

    He shut off the burners and removed the half-cooked kebabs. This was not the plan at all. The sex wasn’t supposed to happen until after dinner. What else would she change? he thought anxiously. But it was never wise to question Nancy’s instructions. So he did as he was told.

    He was lying naked on the bed when Nancy entered the bedroom and purred, Have I got a story for you.

    Forty-one-years-old, with jet-black, pixie-cut hair, luminous white skin, and ever-present, black rimmed glasses, Nancy stood 5’2" in flats, which she kicked off as she moved toward the bed.

    I love stories, he replied. As long as this one doesn’t end with me spending any more time in this thing. He indicated his cock and balls, snuggly ensconced in stainless-steel chastity device.

    She threw her phone on the bed and removed her black silk blouse with manicured fingers, revealing a white bra over b-cup tits. Then she seized his caged member, admiring its confinement, as always, as if it were nature’s most perfect state for a hubby’s genitalia.

    I know, sweetheart, she cooed. You’ve been such a good boy. She ran her hands lovingly over his trim 5’7" body. Gavin was well-preserved at 43, his sparse body hair a darker version of his sandy blonde head hair.

    But we’ll get to that later. Right now I need your tongue on my pussy.

    She stepped out of her beige skirt and, like a skilled cowgirl, straddled his face. The familiar pressure of his chin and mouth on her vulva sent waves of pleasure up and down her spine.

    Oh, that feels so good, she moaned, grinding her hips into his face. You’re such a good hubby. So understanding, so willing to cater to your wife’s needs.


    Oh, God, yes, stick your tongue right in there. That’s perfect. I was—I was so horny on the ride over, I almost had to finger myself sitting in traffic.


    I had been looking at—oh, yes, right on the clit like that. Don’t stop…I had been looking at some pics Donna sent me. They were of—oh fuck, yeah—they were of a new dancer at the club…

    Mmmmmm, he moaned, disappointed. As he feared, the lockdown would probably continue.

    "Shh, don’t make a fuss, hon. Just keep licking my clit. Wait till you see this guy. You’ll know why I had no choice. Why we have no choice."

    She picked up her phone and opened it to a professional looking photo of an incredibly muscular and handsome black man cavorting in foaming ocean waves. He was wearing nothing but a water-soaked, white sarong that clung tightly to the outline of his huge cock and balls. Nancy fixated on his enormous package, thrilled with the knowledge she’d soon be in its presence.

    Swiping ahead to the next pic caused an even greater surge of lust. In this one the same man was naked and fisting his fully erect cock. It was gargantuan, in both length and width, one of the biggest she had ever seen, and she had years of first-hand experience with big black cock (BBC).

    Look at it, hon. Isn’t it a beauty? She held the phone down to his eyes.

    Gavin groaned in a way that was both affirmative and submissive.

    There’s a video too. Continuing to ride her husband’s face, Nancy queued up a clip of the muscular black man fucking a white woman doggie-style. The woman’s face was pixelated out, but he was pulling her long brown hair and slapping her big juicy ass. Her moans made it clear she was loving it.

    Grinding even harder into Gavin’s face, she hissed, "Oh, God, that’s so hot. Look at those muscles. Look at that

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