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Save the climate, improve your well-being with Cannabis
Save the climate, improve your well-being with Cannabis
Save the climate, improve your well-being with Cannabis
Ebook59 pages39 minutes

Save the climate, improve your well-being with Cannabis

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About this ebook

In just a few decades, humans have managed
to change the global climate significantly,
use up existing resources and trigger species extinction
on an unprecedented scale.
The average age of people rises
continuously, but at the same time the
quality of life decreases. The urgently
needed solutions to both problems should on
the one hand not endanger our standard of
living and enable other people to improve
their situation. Earth and Man have a self-
healing program and the solutions proposed
here can help both by activating this
Cannabis sativa is the oldest and most
versatile plant we know. It has accompanied
people for millennia, today it has largely
disappeared from the surface of the earth, it is time to
rebuild it and give it the space it
deserves. Worldwide cultivation will only
bring benefits.
In more than 30 years as an organic farmer,
the author has learned to see and understand
the relationships in nature. He was able to
deepen and expand his extensive knowledge on
trips and courses all over the world.
With clear words, he encourages us to act
without fear while we still have time.
Nature and our descendants will be thankful
for it.
Release dateApr 14, 2020
Save the climate, improve your well-being with Cannabis

Wolfgang Weck

Unbekanntes erforschen, Rätsel lösen, Puzzle legen und um die Ecke denken waren schon immer meine Antriebsmotoren. Nach Schule und Studium den richtigen Beruf zu finden, war entspechend schwierig. Schnell wurde mir klar, daß ein Job von 9 bis 5 nicht meine Sache war. Von den Idealen der 68iger Bewegung inspiriert kam nur noch Landwirtschaft in Frage. Selbstständig und unabhängig leben heißt auch selbstverantwortlich sein. Und so eine Familie aufzuziehen und mit eigenen Produkten ernähren war und bleibt meiner Ansicht nach der beste Weg, den ein Mensch einschlagen kann. Auf dieses Ziel hinarbeitend konnte ich im Jahr des George Orwell (1984) einen kleinen Hof im Westen von Irland kaufen. Und dort habe ich meinen Traum in die Realität umgesetzt. Als erstes lernt man, daß das was man sich vorstellt in Wirklichkeit nicht oder nur bedingt machbar ist. Es ist als ob man in der Natur einen Gegenpart hat mit dem man sich arangieren muß. Und die Natur ist der stärkere. Wie ich mit der Zeit herausfand ist die Gegend von der EU als severly disadvantaged klassifiziert, und damit hatten sie recht. Das war wohl auch der Grund warum die ansässige Bevölkerung veraltet und ausstirbt. Wer Geld verdienen will, muß in die Stadt. Die Natur ist eine harte Lehrmeisterin, aber wenn man durchhält lernt man viel und ist für alle späteren Eventualitäten gewappnet. Nichts kann dich mehr überraschen, weil du alles schon erlebt hast. Durch den Anbau und die Verwendung von Kräutern kam ich zum Ayurveda. Das tiefe Wissen dieser Lehre veranlaßte mich schließlich eine Ausbildung zum Therapeuten zu machen. Diese konnte ich im Jahr 2016 in einem renomierten Institut in Kattampally, Kerala in Indien erfolgreich abschließen. Heute bedroht ein Virus die gesamte Menschheit und ich sehe außer der Gefahr eine Chance für einen ökolischen Neuanfang. Wir müssen die Angst überwinden und die Imwelt und sozialen Probleme mit neuen Konzepten anpacken. Wenn wir weitermachen wie bisher, wird die Corona Seuche nur ein kleiner Anfang zu viel größeren Katastrophen sein. Nur Mut!

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    Book preview

    Save the climate, improve your well-being with Cannabis - Wolfgang Weck

    Save the climate, improve your well-being with Cannabis


    Save the climate

    Improve your well-being


    C a n n a b i s Wolfgang Weck


    Part 1 Industrial hemp

    Chapter 1 Nature is always right

    Chapter 2 Our jobs are in danger

    Chapter 3 Plastic, meat and the forest

    Chapter 4 Everything organic, or what?

    Chapter 5 Kill seven birds with one stone

    Chapter 6 The consumer has the power

    Part 2 Medical Cannabis

    Chapter 1 Siblings

    Chapter 2 New discovery, 4000 years old

    Chapter 3 The unpredictable

    Chapter 4 Why the whole effort

    Chapter 5 List of already known indications

    Chapter 6 Many roads lead to Rome

    Chapter 7 Story time

    Chapter 8 Help for our four-legged friends

    Chapter 9 Spoken enough, let go to work

    The gods take you by the hand or drag you on your hair behind them.


    Save the climate

    Improve your well-being


    C a n n a b i s

    Wolfgang Weck


    When the first signs of global warming emerged in the mid- 70s, no one could really imagine what it meant.

    Much more important appeared the finiteness of the oil stocks calculations of the Club of Rome, which were published at regular intervals.

    Nobody wanted to renounce the newly gained mobility and the associated freedom which was based on unimpeded and endless supply of oil.

    Congestion on the highways, air travel to exotic countries for ever body, three days short breaks, cruises around the globe did not exist yet. Also unknown were mass animal husbandry, the cutting down of the rainforest and the pollution of the oceans with plastic waste.

    People wanted wealth and endless growth was the way to get it. The effects it had on nature were ignored. Around the turn of the millennium, scientists began to warn about the rising danger of global warming and called for a rethink. But the required policy let the opportunity pass. A capitalistically organized society doesn't like projects that promise no profit. Converting the economy to environmentally friendly behaviour would have cost money, without financial benefits. So it went on as before.

    Today we get the bill for our failure and the connections between energy consumption and environmental damage are clearly visible. It also becomes clear that nature will not regenerate in our sense and large parts of flora and fauna are irretrievably lost. The process of climate change has already progressed so far that savings alone will not help anymore. The processes in progress, such as the melting of poles and glaciers, the thawing of permafrost, the warming of seawater, the spreading of deserts, the sinking of groundwater levels, the drying of bogs, soil erosion, etc. already run without our control. The amount of released damaging climate gases can not be calculated, since it is not a linear progressing process. The worldwide forest fires and soil erosion are both a result of the warming, as well as additional sources of even more CO². The emission of greenhouse gases happens with a domino effect or explosively.

    Plants need CO² for photosynthesis, but if the supply from the air rises too high, it can no longer absorb nitrogen from the ground and growth subsides. With the highest concentration of CO²

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