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Vegan Alien Intelligence: Terraforming A New Universe Starts With The Earth
Vegan Alien Intelligence: Terraforming A New Universe Starts With The Earth
Vegan Alien Intelligence: Terraforming A New Universe Starts With The Earth
Ebook1,326 pages21 hours

Vegan Alien Intelligence: Terraforming A New Universe Starts With The Earth

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This book talks about how to restore and protect the Earth, secure the future of mankind, and all living beings. The Earth is going through changes, because of the environmental impact that intensified for decades. There are many natural, technological, and global solutions to pollution, depletion, and a declining environment. The planet must be restored to its previous abundant, healthy state as soon as possible. This book provides inspiration about the technologies, solutions, and the action that could be implemented worldwide. Natural resources and a healthy environment are the most significant aspect of the Earth. We can begin re-terraforming the Earth now, to somehow put an end to all the problems. Nations must cooperate, rather than contend each other, to protect and save the world.
Release dateMar 2, 2023
Vegan Alien Intelligence: Terraforming A New Universe Starts With The Earth

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    Vegan Alien Intelligence - Mert Kemerli

    Vegan Alien Intelligence

    Terraforming A New Universe Starts With The Earth

    Mert Kemerli

    Copyright © 2023 Mert Kemerli

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-312-86465-8

    ISBN-10: 1477123456

    Cover design by: Art Painter

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book has been inspired by the recent catastrophic events.  We must find ways to protect our world,  and the future of humanity.  The Earth is a living entity,  it's alive.  I hope you can get inspired from this book to find new ways, take action about protecting and preserving the Earth,  to save humanity and all living beings.


    Title Page



    Sustainable Civilization

    Green Smart Cities

    Carbon-negative City

    Plant Trees

    Create New Rainforests

    Green cities

    Best green technologies

    Carbon-based technologies

    Terraform Technologies

    Tree Force


    Green technologies


    Green Cities - Green Industries

    The Aliens

    A New Universe

    Refresh The Economy

    Green future  

    Bio-renewable Solutions

    Plant-based technologies

    Green Energy Cities

    The Message

    Climate technologies

    Create A New Universe

    Super trees and super crops

    Green Infrastructure

    Solarpunk Future

    Food Forest

    Turn The World Into A Rainforest

    plant-based technologies

    natural and technological solutions

    Climate change technologies

    Re-terraforming the Earth

    Sustainable Civilization

    How to become most sustainable, regenerative, and carbon-negative and build a pollution-free, green civilization

    Hello there, bacterial lifeforms have been threatening the human population. Two 20s in the same year has been chaotic. The reason behind virus outbreaks is human ignorance, recklessness, and misuse of the planet and its sentient beings. Humans have lived as a component of nature for thousands of years. The industrialization has instituted a period of drastic exploitation of the environment and its living forms. All creatures in nature assist the regeneration of the environment and cycle life and matter back into the system endlessly. The animals that emit the most carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases still vitalize the soil, ecosystems and fertilize vegetation with their livelihood. The most intelligent species called humans are supposed to be more beneficial for the environment and the planet than ravaging it apart for survival. If you think about it, everything in life is done to survive. Survival in nature continues in a circular system, flushing all elements without any loss. The most destructive civilizations have gone extinct or lost their prosperity until there is nothing left. Every nation is obliged to clear up their pollution and go as eco-friendly as possible because every region affects the entire globe severely. Power generation, mass-manufacturing, and all other industries are shifting towards carbon-negativity and environmentally-safe systems. Everybody was trying to consume, dump and pollute more in the past, hopefully, this will change for the sake of the only planet humans can live on. Space colonization and terraforming may only be a dream, it may never become a reality. It’s best to protect and preserve this planet more every year. A new era has begun after the pandemic, everyone, every company, every country is mandated to adjust their industrial and societal orders also adapt to the needs of the environment. Sustainability should be the number one goal for every continent. Continents are required to unify and cooperate to work on ecological and planetary projects. A green, ecological civilization is way better and advanced than an industrially destructive and consuming one.

    The economy will do better through green growth and expansion fueled by polluting, detrimental energies, and products. Carbon-negativity should be embraced right after sustainable developments. There is a possibility for every industry and city to amend as a carbon-absorbing structure. There are tons of new inventions and technologies coming out to build a more sustainable and regenerative civilization than ever before. More and more scientists, researchers, engineers are working on creating solutions to tackle climate change and land degradation. Every cropland and habitation can easily be revamped as a poly culture eco-village, breaking down greenhouse gases and synthesizing useful by-products. There is going to be constant innovation in every field of business to increase sustainable adjustments, reduce waste and pollution. Greenhouse gas emissions are way too high for nature to deal with. It’s more difficult to absorb and utilize potent gases like methane and nitrous oxide, warming up the globe. Plants only inhale carbon dioxide, not greenhouse gases. Some heavy gases are almost impossible to remove and clear out of the atmosphere. That’s why greenhouse gas emissions should be restrained worldwide in order to begin removing them from the atmosphere with carbon capture technologies. The most regenerative agriculture can be poly culture and agroforestry. These innovative farming methods can rejuvenate desolate lands and sequester carbon in the ground. There are many natural solutions, but industrial-scale carbon capture is still crucial to somehow stop uprising warming. Plant-based productions and businesses can supersede polluting and cruel industries also help the environment to revitalize.

    There is a need to implement more plants and plant-based alternatives into all industries and manufacturing systems. Everything depends on people and what they do to survive. This is an existential threat to every world citizen. Construction is one of the biggest emitters. A new type of cement can absorb co2 like a sponge, that way construction can be carbon-neutral or positive depending on the scale. More construction is needed to move the population to resilient, inland areas before more catastrophes and sea-level rise reach the coasts. Glaciers are melting and shrinking every year, global warming will generate more catastrophic events in this century and the next. People are supposed to relinquish prejudice, differences, animosities and consolidate to build the most sustainable and ecological civilization ever existed. The green economy may be more expensive for everyone, but it may gradually restore the planet and uphold resilience. The biggest emitters can adapt to the green economy and invest in innovative solutions, productions, and clean energy. Clean energy will always be one of the biggest industries worldwide, even free energies would be profitable and useful for the masses. There may be a lot of things that are classified, they can be uncovered to establish a clean, sustainable future with no cataclysms.

    There are many new inventions and discoveries in development to tackle the climate crisis and increase sustainability. The globe is still warming up every year. Some rainforests may turn into savanna due to deforestation to clear land for animal agriculture, palm oil, and other plantations. The environment must be the most important prospect for any newly developing civilization. Destroying the environment, forests and wasting fragile natural resources will only impoverish and torment the human population. Advanced civilizations utilize the environment without harming or degrading it to sustain their communities. You can’t see this on Earth yet, but people are waking up to what’s been done wrong. Greenhouse gas emissions are everywhere, farming still emits tons of greenhouse gases. It’s not just the greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere that warm up the planet. Magnetic pole shift may be intensifying climate change as well. Everyone has to adapt to the needs of the environment rather than their habits, customs, and traditions. A lot of things have to change, almost all industries harm the environment and emit tons of greenhouse gases. The environment is the place that nourishes the human race, it’s not going to provide when it’s ruined.

    Advanced civilizations have misused their environment for technological and industrial growth, then they’ve realized they had to protect it in the first place. It’s not just plants and animals, the Earth’s natural world consists of countless species and a circular equilibrium. This biodiverse circular system nourishes all life, including humans. The greenest, circular economic system may restore the environment and use waste as a resource. Most industrial nations’ environment and air have been the most polluted and degraded, but they can overturn this with greater synergy and understanding. People believed economic, industrial growth, and expansions are the best purposes for society to go after. This is a totally false belief system. Extreme growth and consumption will only devastate the environment and turn the planet into an uninhabitable, toxic terrain. Most alien races may be coming from dead worlds because they’ve consumed their environment to a point of no return. Humans shouldn’t emulate what they’ve done wrong, which is extremely technological and industrial advancement. Every nation must communicate, learn from each other and cooperate to restore their environment into utmost renewability and resilience. Otherwise, the deterioration will spread to other parts of the world, you can observe this during pandemics and endemics.

    Most of the industries that are detrimental to the environment will go obsolete or redesigned to be beneficial for the ecosphere. Everyone can learn to live more ecologically, and this will get better with more knowledge and practice. Study and practice can make anyone a maestro, sometimes the most significant objectives are the simplest ones. People will always need tons of products, energy, and things to survive and live comfortably. Some people adopt minimalism in their lives and experience greater fulfillment and sense of purpose. Life isn’t all about working, consuming, and wasting all that exists. After some time, there will be nothing left for the growing population. Pollution levels are extremely high worldwide, pollution must be hindered in one way or another. People have to live more ecologically from an individual and corporate standpoint. Old ways of living, consuming, making things, and even manufacturing are required to improve to benefit the planet’s natural environment and biodiversity. Nature exemplifies the greatest cyclical system that never degenerates, only changes form. Every industry can take an example of this magnificent model encircling the globe. There is only one planet to live on, it has to be protected at all costs. There is nothing more substantial than this in life, the planet’s natural biosphere is the most consequential aspect.

    Everyone can carry out critical tasks to protect and enrich the environment in order to tackle global warming and disastrous events. Calamities can be prevented in advance with the augmentation of natural resources. Natural resources are abundant, diverse, and beneficial for the planet’s life balance. There are tons of species that can be cultivated on land, on water, in rural or urban areas to stabilize climate, rainfall, and increase sustainability in every region of the world. There are already inventions mimicking artificial leaves splitting hydrogen and oxygen from water to generate free energy to power homes and industries. Trees and forests can soak in tons of carbon dioxide, yet artificially enhanced tree prototypes are able to absorb more carbon dioxide and store it for many uses. Therefore, artificial leaves and trees may generate free energy and store useful industrial gases. Artificial forests can be able to remove greenhouse gases and stockpile their main elements as industrial resources. Every element is very useful when it’s split apart, the main elements have the capability to produce free energies. This is called a type of green energy, green energies have already initiated a new era in human society. They’re being subsidized and implemented by all nations. Green energy innovation will eventually conceive free energies to power civilization more sustainably in a circular order.

    These free energies mimicking forests can power cities, buildings, and even spaceships in the future. There may be some free energies that are highly classified, but they can be revealed to halt climate change and environmental decline. The world’s largest cities emit more greenhouse gases and alter the natural ecosystems than anywhere else. Most types of farming still emit potent gases, so nothing is really sustainable yet. Farming, manufacturing, and cities can merge as one productive rainforest ecosystem that can continuously enrich the environment, break down greenhouse gases, and sequester carbon as a resource or in the ground. Indigenous communities have accomplished this in the past. Modern men don’t want to live as natives, but they can still perform native rainforest living infrastructure in industrial and city designs. There were ancient civilizations that were very ecological also advanced. The level of advancement can be assessed with environmental protection and sustainability. No civilization can become advanced by harming the environment or destroying their planet into extinction. Everything that humans are accustomed to may have to change.

    The Earth is indefinitely going through many changes. Change is a big part of life all over the universe. You can’t keep doing the same things forever. The information is flowing faster through the advancement and uprise of technology, the internet, and devices. Everything is energy and also information. Nobody and no being can accomplish anything without the proper information. That’s why people have to research and find the correct data about their environmental impact and invent new ways to recover the planet. The environment is where all beings, including humans, abide. It can’t be all technological or industrial. Cities can’t be just industrial areas where people live by polluting and ravaging the ecosphere. Human beings have been genetically engineered to be the green guardians of Planet Earth. This is one of the most special and magnificent worlds in the entire universe. There is no doubt about that, it’s just something people didn’t know about. Most alien races come from depleted worlds in search of coveted resources that the Earth comprises in abundance. That’s why the planet’s sustenance is exceptionally momentous for the human race to live and evolve into the future. A global ecological civilization can achieve way more than a technologically devastating and oppressive dystopia. The Earth’s ecology is extremely rich and diverse, thus it has to be conserved and boosted with great endeavor and cooperation. Environmental problems and climate change can either unite humanity to start doing the right things production and consumption-wise, or incite never-ending conflicts and animosities. Everyone, even many alien races, want the same thing. They want the best environment and output to sustain themselves. Green prospects that will nourish civilization forever or a tyrannical, poor dystopian future are ahead.

    It’s up to humans to make the global shift towards ecological renewability and green energies to secure their survival. Luckily, a lot of countries have awakened after the pandemic, they know they’ve been destroying the environment and polluting the planet increasingly. The accumulated wealth that stays in numerical accounts forever will never benefit the whole living system. Nature contains all the resources to rejuvenate human civilization into its most sustainable phase of development, but industrial devastation and pollution must be strictly regulated by all nations. Electricity has to be generated through renewable technologies and natural breakthroughs mimicking plants and nature. There are many so-called green technologies that are waiting to be mass-manufactured to supply the global demand. Some of these can remove tons of carbon dioxide, produce hydrogen and oxygen as energy from water, and so much more. Whatever nature does with photosynthesis and other means can be copied artificially, and some of these inventions ultimately emulate nature’s amazing energy and nutrient generation. Recycling any type of material into new products will be one of the biggest industries, and this is what the planet needs at this time to oppose plastics and other pollutants. How you live in your daily routine can either affect the globe negatively or breathe life into sustainable productions and critical projects. What you buy, consume, and dispose of is very significant, almost no product is beneficial for the globe’s natural environment. This is one of the things that must be revised worldwide before pollution and climate crises are irreversible. Natural disasters have been literally intensifying every year, nobody knows what will come next. Every summer was longer and hotter, winters are kind of like mini ice-ages.

    Green hydrogen produced with renewable energies can be one of the biggest industries and breathe life back into desolated areas. The purchase, use, and dump system are going to be obsolete and get replaced by refilling stations and stores. Everything people buy and use ends up in landfills once they’re no longer needed. Any product could be refilled so many times without any need for packaging and waste. Some entrepreneurs have devised a circular business method where people bring their own containers to refill with anything they purchase. It’s kind of more expensive at first, but prices will be more reasonable one day. It’s impossible to compete with large corporations, so the largest corporations can ultimately embrace extreme eco-friendliness, waste-free, and plastics-free business structure. Otherwise, pollution levels will never decrease and sustainability will never reach the global targets. Ecological productions can be way more sustainable than industrially unsustainable expenditures. People will always need tons of products and services to survive and live conveniently. Therefore, the switch to global environmental protection must be adopted by all industries, since almost all of them take away from natural resources that uphold the planet’s natural balance. Green energy can power civilization shortly, and that’s great news for all living beings. Solar farms are infusing into farming communities, increasing yields and harvest. There may not be any need to construct new dams for hydropower, other renewable energies are safer for the environment, and they can generate enough power. Every nation should communicate, cooperate and unify to tackle climate change and its cataclysmic consequences.

    Existential threats can unite humanity as a super-green force encompassing Planet Earth. There may be an alien threat trying to take advantage of humanity during times of crisis and confusion. It’s best to preserve the planet’s self-abundance and biodiversity in every continent and region across the globe. The planet lost two-third of its rainforests and more than half of its forest cover. They must be planted back, and any rich natural habitats and forests must be safeguarded in all circumstances. Destroying more forest coverage, especially rainforests which are the lungs of the planet, will only destroy nature and impoverish the human race into extinction. Every species is essential to the natural balance encircling the Earth. Earth’s nature is so rich that it may eventually reach the stars and other planets to begin terraforming depleted or barren spheres. It all depends on humans to wake up and start doing the right things. Consuming more and more until nothing is left is the worst thing to do in life. There are many foods and products as well as energy sources that are extremely destructive for the planet in general. Corporations can’t embrace green revolutions planned to protect and enhance nature’s every aspect if the human population doesn’t lead first.

    Green, vegan, plant-based movements and green energy revolutions have been gradually opening the gates to planetary rejuvenation and unification. Nothing in this magnitude ever occurred on Earth before. The rising awareness and growing knowledge about real problems and solutions can transform the planet rapidly and lead civilization in the right direction. Humans are a remarkable species destined to surpass all alien races that come here to carry out secret agendas. In the future, everyone may have a self-healing, free energy spaceship to complete the most crucial environmental, societal and planetary-restorative projects and activities. It’s difficult for anyone to worry about the planet while they’re trying to survive in a declining world. For that reason, the planet’s bio-abundance is required to be amended consistently for the sake of human civilization. Everything can’t be a resource including all animals and what nature offers, most of these organic lifeforms should be fortified to increase natural resilience and biodiversity. Biodiverse and biophilic cities, farming and industrial productions can be perpetually sustainable and productive. Introducing diversity to any landscapes has been more prolific than monoculture kind of destructive techniques.

    Any nation can become carbon-negative, eco-rich, and green. The pandemic has uncovered more possibilities for environmental endeavors that were disregarded in the past. Rainforests are by far the most renewable regions unique to Planet Earth. Any world city regardless of its size and population can be remodeled as the richest, diverse, lively rainforest ecosystem to utilize greenhouse gases and waste as a resource. Lockdowns have reduced carbon emissions significantly, and this can only continue if natural solutions are executed all over the world, including the world’s largest cities and industrial zones. Agroforestry schemes are some of the most efficient systems to turn desolated lands into productive, carbon-sequestering fields. AC units drain a lot of electricity also massively contribute to climate change. The planet is warming up, so people will need AC throughout the year. Carbon capture technologies are very expensive and may not be efficient to remove the trapped carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. AC units can be modified to remove carbon dioxide and store it in containers worldwide. This way, the excess CO2 would withdraw from the atmosphere back to containment or underground. CO2 and even the main elements of greenhouse gases are very valuable for various industries. CO2 has a very high market value, split elements can be new energy sources as well. The only thing is to somehow capture these gases and keep them in storage for industrial use.

    Greenhouse gas emissions are still extremely high, and they will uprise due to the growing population's demand. It's all supply the demand, the human population has evolved to be destructive for their environment. Now is the only time to solve existential threats that are magnifying every year. Many rainforests are still on fire, palm oil, soy, cattle ranching, and some other industries are behind these fires. If the planet loses its rainforests, the consequences will be dreadful. These are the most biodiverse regions that produce the most oxygen, basically the lungs of the Earth. Carbon technologies will be one of the biggest industries soon. Carbon capture innovation will receive massive funding to oppose climate change. The best thing to do is to convert all ac units into carbon capture mechanisms. Research and development are veering to climate change innovation here on out, and there will be new alternatives and technologies arising every year. AC is one of the most essential machines in every household, office, and city block. They work effectively every day to cool and heat rooms. Carbon capture isn’t much different than air conditioning, it’s basically working reversely.

    There have been a good deal of reverse engineering until now, futuristic spacecraft have been developed. Capturing carbon dioxide and store it with AC fans wouldn’t be impossible. Technology and innovation are increasing every day. Almost everyone will work on projects and tech to tackle climate change because it’s the most threatening event of the modern age. Energy industries knew pumping a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases would warm up the planet, but they didn’t stop since there was no other way to generate energy. Human beings require more energy and resources than any other being out there. Funding for the best carbon capture tech is the easy part now, natural solutions are still the most potent methods of removing CO2 from the air. Artificial photosynthesis can split and utilize gases as industrial elements.

    Cities will incrementally transform into rainforest productions to be carbon-negative and pollution-free. That’s why existent rainforests should be conserved and transplanted to nearby cities, for them to increase sustainability and productivity. Green spaces uphold creativity, happiness, and mental clarity. People want to be part of nature, living detached from nature and working too hard just to pay bills isn’t beneficial for human beings nor the planet. Natural solutions and nature’s renewable resources can be implanted densely into urban, suburban, and rural areas. Dense reforestation is the best way to plant new forests, orchards, and food forests. An efficient method to stick trees, plants, seeds only a few inches apart from each other for faster growth and output. There are billions of people that live in cities, there are billions of ac units and fans all over the world. Cities are being retrofitted with clean energies and green infrastructure during times of crisis. AC fans can be converted into carbon capture technologies with proper modifications. AC and refrigeration drain tons of electricity and produce gases being trapped in the atmosphere. All technologies can be reworked to tackle climate change and environmental degradation.

    The Earth’s environment is still rich and robust, though time is running out for planetary protection. The demand for metals to manufacture clean and renewable technologies is escalating every year. Sustainable metal extraction will be the next booming business, other planets, moons, and asteroids may contain rare, unknown metal deposits. Space mining can be appraised as incredibly profitable. All kinds of metals will be in high demand to manufacture technologies and clean energy apparatus. Every industry and nation is adopting green energy and sustainable systems to be able to prevent disastrous events. More metals are needed to build the green infrastructure globally. There aren’t enough natural resources nor metal deposits to supply the green growth unless it’s supported by recycling and ecological improvements. Sustainability depends on metal extraction as well, not just natural endeavors. Green metal revolutions will bring many benefits and increasing growth to switch to clean energy. Climate change can fuel green innovation and technologies that were held classified or postponed for decades. Free energy and nature copying technologies might already have been operative in contained facilities.

    The thing is, leaders and proprietors didn’t believe clean and free energies could be more profitable and efficient than polluting industries. Secrecy over the most significant subjects must be exposed to put an end to existential crises. People should evolve as a free and cooperative society in the universe where there are countless alien races. Some of them are already here on Earth. There is a great possibility that the self-generating green prospects will outmatch all alien races with more advanced technologies. Technology isn’t everything in the universe, it’s just a tool to get things done. The physical environment that supports all lifeforms including humans is way more sacred and valuable than tech obsession and expenditures. Without a healthy, fertile environment, humans would get impoverished in a short time no matter how advanced tech they’ve formulated. That’s why the Earth’s rich environment should be safeguarded by all nations, since every part of the world affects the whole severely. More restrictions and adjustments are necessary to address climate change, warming, and the unstable biosphere.

    Part 2 -

    The entire globe could get forested and redesigned to reach its greenest, densely the richest phase via rapid proliferation. There will be new green energy cities and eco-villages built in many locations to move the population into safer zones during disasters. Bunkers aren’t good enough for a lot of people to be safe and content. Underground cities can simulate Mars colonies in domed underground cavern systems. There are some very large caverns exhibiting lively ecosystems and fecundity. Underground systems can be as livable and rich as the surface environment on Earth and out in space. Through terraformation, Mars, Earth, the moon, and some other moons will amalgamate with space mining colonies and rapid transport. The Earth definitely requires re-terraformation to secure its environment’s stability and permanence, so humans can live here for thousands of years. All the natural resources that sustain all life on Earth must be preserved because life and civilization must subsist into eternity. Rainforests are by far the most significant entities, including the greatest biodiversity. Some nations have been destroying these magnificent resources for monoculture industries, which are very destructive, cruel, and detrimental for the planet. Anything of monoculture at a large scale is a threat to the planet’s existence. Green energy isn’t adequate to solve all the environmental and climate crises inciting deforestation, degradation, and mass extinctions.

    The most advanced civilizations are the most ecological ones in the universe. It takes time to progress socially, technologically, and mentally for newly developing societies like humans. Any threat to ecosystems, rainforests, and the planet’s comprehensive biosphere should be eliminated right away. There are tons of threats to the existence of human society and all living species, climate change and deforestation have been aggravating these perils every year. There won’t be enough natural resources, water, food, or basic essentials for the growing population in the near future, possibly in less than a hundred years. This will beget endless conflicts and poverty, so the planet is supposed to be braced ecologically, socially, industrially before the damage is irreversible. People will always live on this planet, they have to do whatever it takes to save this magnificent, biological storehouse designed to generate more than enough biome to breathe life back into dying, depleted, and desolate spheres in space. A lot of the planet that contains intelligent civilizations are extremely barren or exhausted compared to the Earth. That’s one reason many alien organizations travel to Earth to gain control of human society in order to exploit every resource, including humans.

    There will be more green technologies to a greater extent. Mimicking nature in technologies, productions, construction, city planning, and many other sectors will never end. Alien civilizations aren’t sustainable by any means. They’ve depleted their planet’s environment and all resources to be searching for basics elsewhere in space. The Earth is an extremely regenerative and lively sphere, so a lot of alien associations covet what the Earth contains. They’ll do everything to deceive and exploit the human race. The Earth is still in grave danger, the human population has been overusing and devastating the environment and all kinds of natural riches increasingly. The switch to the green, ecological, sustainable future should be global and steadfast before industrial depletion destroys the natural balance of the Earth. There is no reason to be amazed by alien technologies or what they’ve developed, since nothing about them is sustainable nor beneficial for humans’ permanence. It’s better to preserve the environment’s fertility and endorse green technologies and clean energy to supply and upgrade human civilization. If alien technologies and schemes are admitted and implemented worldwide, technological and industrial expenditures will turn the planet into a toxic, depleted, uninhabitable zone where aliens are in charge of everything.

    The human civilization should follow a totally different path than technological, industrial, capitalist systems. Plant-based productions have revealed a great period in economic, societal, and global structures. Most of the plant-based productions can be extremely sustainable with little emissions and biodegradable materials to poly culture systems that can sequester carbon and build a clean ecosystem. Some alien races want to divide and conquer humanity, so the world population must unite as a super force to recover the planet and work on planetary-enhancing projects and targets. A lot of people may have their own self-healing, nuclear or free energy-powered spaceship to carry out the most critical missions to protect and enrich the planet’s natural environment. If the environment is ruined as a result of natural and climate catastrophes, humanity will lose everything in a short time. That’s why the focus on environmental protection and climate change should be the main concern. Every industry extracts raw materials from the environment that’s debilitated faster each passing year. There won’t be enough raw materials to cover the production lines of every industry soon. This may incite more conflicts and instability as well.

    Warming weather will also reduce natural assets and biological elements that are essential to abundance. For this reason, every industry regardless of where they’re operating in the world must be regulated to adapt to the planet’s needs and balance of life. Biological stocks are more viable and disaster-proof when they’re cultivated and reproduced with poly culture designs and planning. That’s what some nations have been employing to reforest and re-green some sections to stop desertification and invigorate rural communities. Rural areas have been experiencing an uprise in employment, income, higher quality of life with the introduction of clean energies and technologies. These rural communities are being remodeled as eco-villages and eco-cities to remove and break down greenhouse gases and fortify productivity and abundance. A lot of people have left big cities that are the most expensive, crowded emitters to start a new life in smaller cities.

    Green technologies may save the world and secure the future of humanity. The promotion of green energy worldwide has already launched a new era that may be brighter and more viable than before. Mass-manufacturing of these technologies has to be inexhaustibly renewable and safe for the environment, otherwise the impact on the reproductive ecosystems will be unstoppable. Manufacturer nations will mass-manufacture the greenest technologies to make the switch to extreme sustainability for every continent. Research and development will contrive more efficient and potent energies, mechanics, machinery, and high-tech. Mimicking nature can create leaves, photosynthesis, carbon capture mechanisms, new energy systems artificially. Nature is the most intelligent and evolved entity that's interconnected over the Earth. When people do the right things ecologically, nature always supports that. Otherwise, disastrous events will be permanent all across the planet. Climate change has forced humankind to invent a better, more sophisticated civilization that can finally sustain itself and its cosmopolitan space with renewables. The methods of industrial production that outstrip the natural world will be obsolete with the rising awareness and innovative applications.

    Several alien races have been doing whatever it takes to conquer the human race from the inside through deception and mind control. All of this can be prevented if human society starts cooperating to protect the global environment and establish an extremely sustainable civilization. Human civilization has the chance to surpass all alien races in the shortest time possible by constantly re-terraforming the Earth and many alien worlds. This planet is way more important than other barren planetary systems that various alien races come from. The planet can regenerate itself when greenhouse emissions are reversed and forest cover is extended up to 80% of the landmass. All rainforests must be conserved by switching to poly culture farming and complete plant-based productions. The largest rainforests were man-made food forests cultivated by indigenous communities over the course of hundreds of years, thus new rainforests can be grown anywhere in the world. Rainforests don’t have to be located in tropical zones, either. There are plans about re-greening the world’s cities to oppose climate change and any city can be the richest rainforest housing many people in a densely biological ecosphere. It all depends on people to restore their home world, wanted by many alien races and associations. None of them are here to help or save the world, other than using it all until nothing is left. Aliens aren’t advanced other than technologically, since they’ve depleted their planets into extinction.

    The Earth will blossom with greater harvests when the green energy framework is in full operation. People are more productive and placid in densely packed cities and places with a diversity of plant life and organic lifeforms. Organic productions have been very popular, pesticide-free, and nutrient-rich than traditional practices. There is no need for pesticides or fertilizers when plant productions are designed as densely and diversely as possible. Green technical innovation is growing as the number one sector to be able to prevent climate crises and enrich mass-manufacturing as a bio-based, renewable resource hub. Plant-based packaging and plastics will eventually replace traditional plastics that pollute the oceans and enlarge landfills. A carbon-negative civilization can be the most advanced, greenhouse gas emissions relate to pollution, land degradation plus global warming. The same thing has happened to Mars a long time ago. The Earth should never lose its habitability and its robust atmosphere, there is no other place like the Earth in the universe. It’s extremely special and unique compared to other planetary systems and alien worlds.

    Mankind has been conceived to be the greenskeepers and saviors of Planet Earth, it’s recruiting every human being to take action now. Every person can make a change with the things they do, human beings are very intelligent and powerful. Every little thing, every action, matters in this extraordinary period of civilization. Animals look more civilized than humans because they live as a component of nature without outstripping its organic, biological assets and organisms. Photosynthesis provides most of the nutrients to all living beings part of nature, including humans. Humans still harvest most of the base materials, foods, and feedstock from photosynthetic expedients. Photosynthesis is the main process that sustains all life on Earth. It can still help in city renovation and industrial sciences to become carbon-absorbent and safe for the environment. There are so many commercial processes that generate a tremendous amount of gases and waste, these conventional techniques are old-fashioned and not suitable for modern times. Thus, they can be redesigned and regulated to become eco-friendly through photosynthetic modifications.

    Industrial and societal innovation and sciences are upgrading every year. There are always many things to improve in every business, industry, city, manufacturing, farming, and any other sector. To tackle climate change, everything has to be revised, everybody has to live, work, consume differently than in the past. People have been misusing a planet wanted by many alien races for hundreds of years. You can tell this from the reduction of forest and rainforest coverage across the world. You have to think it all globally, this is a planetary threat. The same things have occurred on many other planets inhabited by intelligent alien races. They loved technology, they’ve been fixated on technological advancements so much that their planet lost its balance and wind up depleted. This is happening here on Earth now, there aren’t enough raw materials to supply  technological and industrial consumption forever. Oil deposits may get exhausted in less than 50 years. Oil has been powering the entire globe, every aspect of the human population, for a while. It also contributed to global warming severely. Human civilization is a newly developing community in the universe. A lot of native and developing civilizations have been overtaken by other alien races and collectives with secret agendas. In order to compete with many alien races, the planet’s sustainability should be preserved by all means. That’s why a global green infrastructure, green deals, clean energy, net-zero goals, forest protection, renewability, and sustainability are all crucial to thwarting deceptive and malevolent alien organizations.

    Green technologies that are in development can excel alien technologies and hinder deceitful alien plans. Humans are living in a totally different world reality than in the past. A carbon-negative civilization forming a stable environment and climate to sustain humanity and all living beings can eventually emerge as a very advanced and regenerative society in the universe. The universe is already here, there are probably many technologies kept classified. Gas burning cars contribute to climate change, classified technologies can be applied to power generation and transportation systems also cars, airplanes, boats, and so forth. Thereby, all kinds of transportation systems, cars, flying machines, cities, energy systems, and productions will evolve as very futuristic, living, bio-based mechanisms. The Earth civilization can incrementally become the most sustainable in the universe, since this is a very regenerative and biodiverse living sphere, unlike countless alien worlds. A united green consolidation will constantly re-terraform the Earth, sequester carbon, split greenhouse gases in every industry. New inventions and innovations circulate the world very fast through the internet, social media, as well as in between venture funds. Some entrepreneurs believe solar energy is so abundant that it can power civilization easily. Sunlight cherishes nature every day, it can feed all kinds of energy systems, sustainable plant productions. Solar and wind will play a bigger role in power generation. There will be many solar and wind farms in every state around the globe. Rural areas will gain momentum with the help of clean energy farms that can also produce food, raw materials, biofuels and so much more.

    Small and mid-size cities will be the best places to do business, to start new enterprises and manufacturing plants because there will be less traffic, better prices, more energy from nearby renewable farms, more output from surrounding plant-based agriculture. Greenhouse gases will either be stored underground or split into useful elements to be used in all industries. Every greenhouse gas is actually very valuable if it can be captured and split into main elements. These elements like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen are energy sources themselves. Perhaps, climate change will be a story once the global climate plans and net-zero goals are achieved then carbon-negativity is adopted in every nation. It’s up to humans to make the shift, people would want to change everything that contributes to climate change, pollute the air and the environment. There are already many jungle utopias around the world, a lot of people visit and move to these ecological gardens to start a new life and get closer to nature. You can still accomplish anything anywhere in the world, most places offer a good quality of life. You can live an ecological, natural lifestyle in many places across the world. It’s sometimes easier to attain certain goals and aspirations in countries not too fancy and supposedly the first world. Even less developed countries have a lot of opportunities, and it’s easier to work on green projects there.

    Rain food forests will be the standard of farming and living centers for all nations when people understand that they have to protect all rainforests and build new ones to feed themselves sustainably. The innovation in solar and wind power is augmenting every day. There are a good deal of new wind turbine prototypes, and some of them are bladeless. Renewable energies are gradually turning into free energy technologies to power civilization with no emissions or any impact on climate and the environment. The future is barely coming alive with global green stratagems. Solar panel technology may improve every year to reach 100% efficiency, converting most of the sunlight directed at Earth into practicable fluid charge. Thousands, maybe millions, of solar and wind farms embedded into carbon-absorbing fields will be constructed worldwide. All the greenhouse gases will be captured as a resource with carbon capture and storage facilities. Hopefully, Mars, many other worlds, and some moons will be terraformed on the way since the Earth is beginning to re-terraform itself in order to stop cataclysmic events. The Earth is an intelligent living domain, it will cleanse itself if the human population doesn’t clean up the atmosphere and stop environmental destruction. The aliens will only try to take advantage of a weakening and conflicted human society going through widespread confusion. People need to know what to do best to utilize the environment with no harm or instability.  

    Temperatures are still rising every year, net-zero targets are way ahead until 2050. Until 2050, nobody knows what’s going to happen, things may get worse and worse each passing year. Of course, administrative work is significant, but individuals can do a lot to reclaim the Earth and impede disastrous events. There are people who collected rare seeds, saplings, plants, trees from the Amazon during fires, and they have grown them to build a new rainforest consisted of rare, exotic species. There are countless species of plants, trees, fruits, insects, animals and so much more in the largest rainforests around the globe. The vulnerable species at the brink of extinction must be protected and reproduced elsewhere. The species transplanted elsewhere for protection and reproduction can adapt to new climate zones in a short time. Most exotic species are prone to adaptation and survival. It’s best to grow tons of new rainforests as farming states in many nations. Every country has very large lands selected for farming, forests, and conservation. Nations parks are fun to visit and hike, but they could bloom as the richest, most lively, and productive rainforest systems as well. To reach utmost carbon-negativity will require so much more from every nation, company, and individuals regardless of where they live and what they do for a living. Solar energy is so powerful that it can provide propelling force for spaceships in the future. In order to terraform many new worlds and protect the Earth from subtle alien invasions and extinctions, light-speed spaceships are needed to carry out critical tasks expeditiously.

    Solar and compact nuclear reactors may do the job in spaceships. Some car companies embedded solar cells in the outer shell of their car designs to charge them throughout the day. If solar cells reach 100% efficiency, transportation will be propelled by sunlight without the need for any fuels. The only fuel required is biofuels, their productions can make use of carbon dioxide and breakdown greenhouse gases during the process. In the future, everyone will have an electric car that will also fly out in the push of a button, turning into a spaceship to pursue planetary and universal missions. There won’t be any need for batteries to store energy, thermal solar panel technologies can generate energy at night too. Magnetic engines can self-propel any type of transportation system and machinery, magnetism plays a very big role in electric motors. Energy-generating roads and floors will be more common. There are ways to generate a great amount of energy on the roads that cars travel every day. Solar roads can be more durable than pavement, movement can produce tons of energy where there is a lot of traffic. Every movement, even walking on the floor, can produce free energy to light up the room you’re in. Some gadgets attached to human skin can produce energy from the human body and heat to charge electronics. Smart devices and cities are everywhere, almost every device and city is becoming smart. Renewable energies are merging with smart gadgets and smart cities, so net-zero goals can be attained. The entire community can be 3-d printed in a short time by cutting down costs and materials. Green energies will be much cheaper and efficient than fossil fuels in the near future, their manufacturing is increasing each year. Solar farms and farming communities are intermixing to boost production capacity.

    There is no time to lose after the pandemic. Every industry and nation has to reform its framework to reach net-zero goals as soon as possible. 2050 or 60 is still far ahead, and climate change and environmental impact will only worsen each year. Urban areas and the world’s largest cities can change their context for the betterment of the environment and also utilize CO2 for businesses and productions. Nature uses CO2 as a resource encompassing the entire planet every day. There is no need to pump out tons of CO2 and gases to produce energy, to make products, and for machinery. Unfortunately, every industry has been contributing to climate change and environmental depletion, especially after the industrial revolution. Manufacturing of products never emitted so many gases before the industrial revolutions. Green energy will easily exceed all industries, and it can provide the funds to stabilize climate and rejuvenate the ecosystems, add more forest cover over the Earth. The green economy may be more expensive than the cheap, oil-based, capitalist economic system that takes away and drains the finite resources fostering all life. The ecological equilibrium maintains a steady climate and growth upon the world in order to sustain all lifeforms and ecosystems. Humans are just a component of this ecosystem encircling the Earth. Humans were never put on Earth to consume it all until nothing is left. Other planets are extremely bleak compared to the Earth.

    Depleting this planet will only give many alien races the chance to exploit, enslave and take over the human race living on a planet being observed and coveted. That’s why this is a very serious existential threat that affects every living being and the most intelligent beings called humans. Primarily, energy is what made civilization a newly advancing society in the universe. Technologies will always be the tools to get things done. You can only do much with your smartphone, but you can do pretty much anything if you take care of the environment that you live in. That’s why the environment, climate stability, soil fertility, water sources, biodiversity, forest cover, industrial sciences will always be the main concern. They provide everything for human beings to subsist and evolve in this physical realm. The reality of the universe is a lot harsher than the Earth on a magnitude scale. There is less of everything you can think of in space compared to the riches of the Earth. Not enough time to stop the destruction of nature and its life-generating habitats and organic kingdoms. The era of pumping greenhouse gases for economic growth is coming to an end, there are many other ways to grow the economy by sequestering, absorbing, utilizing all elements, gases, and resources with renewable designs, technologies, and mechanisms. The nations that can protect their environment and natural resources will be able to endure the coming cataclysms that may be impossible to restrain as of now.

    Renewable green resource productions will supply the global, sustainable economic systems that will boost the environment’s plethora and somehow impede catastrophic changes. The universe has been in this solar system, observing and studying the human population and the Earth. A lot of things that people do are wrong for themselves and other lifeforms. Everyone has been adding up to the decline of a world being hankered by many intelligent alien collectives. Some of these are very dangerous because they’ve been collecting worlds in space and subjugating their native inhabitants as a workforce. The same thing should never happen to human society, with a great promise to become an advanced and eco-balanced civilization. Every nation must unite to at least recover the planet’s environment and fix climate issues. You wouldn’t want to live in a world that lost its abundance and fertility. The consequences would be tormenting, and it would be impossible to invert the detriments. Nature has been operating in a circular system for millions of years. Hence, nature’s circular, renewable proliferation can be applied in every aspect of human society for boosted profusion. Planting trees and growing gardens are still some of the best things to do for anyone. It’s impossible to remove trapped greenhouse gases just by planting trees. Ocean-based plant farming like seaweed, kelp can remove more carbon dioxide than planting trees in a shorter timeframe.

    Every plant has many uses, water plants are arising as a booming business. The demand for plant products is higher, while the eco-awareness is surging every day. A lot of stores and businesses are ditching plastic bags, single-use plastics, cutlery, and packaging. Biodegradable and compostable alternatives aren’t any better than traditional plastics. They still take a long time to decompose and composting can only be done in industrial facilities. Some companies think hemp and bamboo-based materials can replace plastics, and they decompose in a few months or so. It’s possible that a completely carbon-negative civilization boosted all its industries and cities into their greenest, the most renewable form that can outmatch alien races and repel any malevolent and deceptive groups. Everything depends on people and what they do. What they do depends on what they know, learn, study, research, and want to get done. The innovation has increased so much that working somewhere is outdated. Everyone is trying to build a better future, invent a better product for the planet and improve society in one way or another. Green innovation will forge tons of new products, services, and technologies. Some of these will improve climate, stop disasters, uphold natural abundance and diversity of ecosystems. Every city has its own ecosystem in and around it. City ecosystems have been destructive for the planet’s life balance. This can change now, people and administrations are trying to find new ways to put an end to climate and ecological problems concerning every world citizen.

    Many plant species grow so fast, there are many plants that can cleanse the air in cities to a greater extent. There is no limit to what plants can do, nature is way more intelligent, evolved, and skillful than all other lifeforms. That’s why alien races that come here want this rich and robust ambiance for their own benefit and uses. There is a species of plants for pretty much everything. People are realizing that almost every product, even substitutes for plastics, can be made with plants grown in a rainforest poly culture setting. Subsequently, every city and industrial design will adapt to climate and the environment as a rainforest mass-production, which is the most sustainable way to sustain civilization. Nothing, no region, no deposit, rare and finite reservoirs should ever get squandered no longer. The industrial era of utmost consumption and waste is leaving off. A circular green economy and universal structure will supersede the current capitalist and wasteful configurations. There is no more time and room to expand what the Earth offers for all lifeforms. Renewable technologies will upgrade every year, they receive more funding and research than most other sectors. Buildings that people work or live in are going to blossom into the living, breathing, carbon storage, biophilic edifices harnessing solar and other renewable energies.

    Biophilic designs will modify urban areas and turn concrete blocks into climate-positive, eco-cities. Perhaps, rockets filled with organic, life-generating organisms and resources will reach Mars and other suitable planets and breathe life back into them through rapid terraformation with organic proliferation. The only thing needed is to form a potent magnetic field. Opportunities are endless when the Earth’s natural abundance is preserved and boosted into the most biodiverse and prolific phase in its evolution. Everything relies on this circumstance intended by the human race. Extreme carbon-negativity of all nations can transform civilization as profuse global rainforest interconnectivity. Everything is connected to each other on many levels since everything is actually energy regardless of its physical form. Human beings are spiritual beings coming from the same place, but they still believe they’re all separated from each other. It will take extreme cooperation, communication, and synergy to overcome any cataclysmic event, expel alien forces, as well as protecting the planet’s natural environment to sustain humanity for thousands of years. Mars is a dead world that resembled the Earth in its ancient past. The same thing is happening to Earth now, humans must stop its destruction as soon as possible with great consolidation. Innovative information disseminates rapidly via cyberspace and satellite grid. Any new discoveries about upgrading any facet of civilization will spread apart the world to change the world for the better with the help of every world citizen. Funding is the easy part, real solutions to existential threats are supposed to be identified and put to use.

    Green Smart Cities

    Extremely Renewable, Green Energy, Naturally Water Generating, Carbon Capturing Green - Smart Cities Can Be Built All Over The World To Solve Global Issues Like Climate Change, Pollution and Unsustainability

     A lot of countries are planning to build green energy, smart infrastructure cities to tackle climate change and make society more advanced with these new developments. Of course, these cities require a lot of resources to start from ground up. It’s still the right direction to take for a developing civilization like humans. The largest cities around the world will never be green, they grew too large to fully electrify them with green energy sources. For this reason, it’s better to build many new, smaller sized, green energy smart cities where people can live, work and enjoy their time at with a lot of activities. Some entrepreneurs invest in desert locations to build new smart, green cities unlike any other. Green energy actually upgrades the grid and cities, also make them smarter because they’re based on smarter energy systems that connect every component of the grid and cities. Cities and new smart manufacturing zones will be close to each other, and they can be fully powered by green energies that are advancing rapidly at this time. This is how a global green infrastructure that can reach out to other planets and moons can be promoted now. These practices and cities will attract the most investment from the biggest corporations and entrepreneurs. Every big company would like to start a very livable, sustainable, renewable city to fulfill their operations and grow by restoring and regenerating the planet. These new structures can be designed to tackle the climate change and end waste altogether during preplanning and design phase. There are enormous proportions of land in the deserts, and constructing green energy cities is easier in these locations. Solar can be easily installed in the deserts, wind works well in many desert locations as well. Since there is a scarcity of resources in deserts, every component and production has to be fully recycled, reused and circulate in a loop to end pollution in all field of business. Green energy in desert locations are more viable for self-sustaining, smart cities. The challenge is to create freshwater flow in deserts because a steady flow of freshwater is crucial for everything that people do, regardless how smart or green it is.

    Some of these cities are named after Greek words meaning the highest purpose. Individuals in society are coming together to build the best city and business infrastructure ever established here on Earth. Only in this way, crises can be prevented and climate and natural resources can be stabilized altogether. The mission of new green cities is to create a more equitable and sustainable future for every living being, including animals, people, plants, other organisms. During crises, humans have innovated the most. This is what’s happening at this time on Earth, a lot of people started inventing and innovation like never before. This can skyrocket sustainability of every industry and business since it depends on people to make the change. New regenerative and green cities can be managed by the greenest, most eco-friendly companies basing themselves in these new locations to increase their own environmental and resource viability. The thing people need is extremely renewable and regenerative mart, eco-villages that reforest, restore the environment they’re in, also create new freshwater resources via solar humidification and natural forest-based rivers and lakes. All of these can be obtained in deserts, dry, deforested, burned or even monoculture areas. These new states will grow as renewable energy forests that will re-green, electrify and create freshwater increasingly, and they will connect to other zones and states continuously improving the environment and climate. They form urban hubs that are open, fair and inclusive. New cities will offer wide open streets that prioritize pedestrians and cyclists but still offer room for electric shuttles, vehicles and mass transit. They replete with ample public spaces reflecting the green ethos. Living laboratories enable seamless real-world testing of new green technologies and ever-evolving approach by which such restorative technologies and services continuously grow and improve. Many facilities will recycle water, waste and all other materials used to make everything. Renewable energy will be the framework of the entire city and businesses. Central towers will resemble vertical forests as a beacon of sustainability, interaction and learning center for people. Cross laminated timber sourced from well managed forests and plantations can be used to construct most buildings, as well as other plant blocks and green concrete. Inside central parks, facilities and buildings forecast to have photovoltaic roofs and walls, elevated water catchment, storage, aeroponic farms which enable farming with air moisture and misting.

    These extremely sustainable cities growing like forests in deserts will be the blueprint for every country and for future generations. Water systems transferring precious water to every building and house must be drought resistant, since water is getting scarcer. One way to achieve this is to naturally create water from air moisture and by creating water flow that create a variety of greenery around it. New green cities will offer people higher quality of life and greater opportunities. A lot of people will leave large cities for these ecologically improved versions. When people are able to regenerate and re-green their environment and city perpetually, they will be the happiest. This is what people actually want and need in life, not money, things or wealth. This will put an end to

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