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The LightWorker's Codex: A Practical Monograph of LightWork Physics & Metaphysics
The LightWorker's Codex: A Practical Monograph of LightWork Physics & Metaphysics
The LightWorker's Codex: A Practical Monograph of LightWork Physics & Metaphysics
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The LightWorker's Codex: A Practical Monograph of LightWork Physics & Metaphysics

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“ LightWork: the open and proactive practice, study, interaction and application of different and interconnected forms and wavelengths of Qi to accelerate, accentuate, modulate and balance existence on the Mind~Body~Spirit~Environmental levels.”
b.ber, The LightWorker’s Codex
The LightWorker’s Codex is the comprehensive guide to the Intuitive connection to Qi, Life Energy: the step by step procedural for positive, productive, proactive utilization of the Intuitive Self, Physical and Ethereal Senses.
The LightWorkers Codex compiles, explores and codifies ancient to modern tools, techniques, terminology of the world’s Metaphysical practices into core LightWork Mind~Body~Spirit practicals.
The LightWorker’s Codex is the seminal, indispensable support text enabling and empowering beginner to expert; fostering the growth and evolution throughout all EnergyWorker’s life and journey. No matter one’s training or doctrine, The LightWorker’s Codex illuminates core components and building blocks that are applicable and adaptable to all reader’s doctrine, faith, belief, healing therapeutic health platform and practice.
From Sfirot/Chakra to Astral Projection, Elemental Connection to Qi movement, Intuitive and Ethereal Sensory Perception to Magnetic Therapy,  Spectral Spirits to the Spirit and Soul, the LightWorker’s Codex is the accessible, quintessential guide to LightWork all Energy Work Therapies, Healing, Identification of the personal to global Mind~Body~Spirit~Environment energy.

The LightWorker's Path: to balance Body~Mind~Spirit~Environment  to optimize existence.
Release dateApr 22, 2020
The LightWorker's Codex: A Practical Monograph of LightWork Physics & Metaphysics

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    The LightWorker's Codex - B. Ber



    Magic, Energy, Light, Mystic, Qi, Prana, Medicine, Mojo, Juju, Medicine: Metaphysics and the Mystic. The terminology for identification, quantification, control and movement of Energy at will and the recognition of different plains, levels and oscillations thereof. Uncle Harry called it, Hokum! Baloney!: all the more reason for me to firmly believe there was and is no difference between know Empirical Evidence based Science, Physics and the Ethereal, Metaphysics, the existence and application of LightWork.

    Humans and Magic. Magic being an age-old name for movement and control of Energy and matter; today, relegated to sleight of hand and CGI. I prefer not to use the word, Magic in my work, workshops or this text. While Magic is being taken back by many LightWorkers, Metaphysical Practitioners and Faiths, any way you spell it, the word Magic does create a wall of suspicion and a dismissive attitude with the majority of the population.

    For that matter, Magic in its’ older names and incarnations are what many Practitioners today call LightWork or EnergyWork, myself included: from here on, it is Metaphysics, EnergyWork or LightWork for this text. Along that thread: Intuitive instead of psychic. Psychic being a phrase equated with charlatans, shills, Television Producers and many scam artists. Please take care when you hear buzz words like, god given sight, the talent, the gift from a "psychic: chances are, you, your Body~Mind~Spirit~Environment balance, health and money may soon be parted.

    Now that that is out of the way: Metaphysics and LightWork is the study and application of different forms and wavelengths of Energy to accelerate, accentuate, optimize and balance existence on the Mind~Body~Spirit~Environmental levels. LightWork allows us to increase that connectivity and permits us to function in a more harmonic, synergetic and symbiotic manner with everything. Metaphysics and LightWork are postulated physics, not unlike Quantum and String Theory Physics but usually based on old or ancient empirical observational evidence.

    Humanity turns to Spiritual paths, to Metaphysics, LightWork and the Mystic to decipher, connect with and maximize our lives because we have a glimpse of and the deeper desire to find their place in the fabric of time and space at this juncture: to quench the need for communication, connection and realization.

    Science is not there to destroy Metaphysics; science is there to explain how things work. A great deal of Modern Science and fields of Quantum and String Theory Physics are now postulating that everything is one form of Energy or another; everything is connected and with proper training and execution, we can direct that Energy. A hell of a wait if you ask me.

    Yes, people can alter their health and environment through consciously directing Energy. Yes, there are other plains of existence and some can view them and make contact. Yes, Energy can never be destroyed: it is transmuted so perhaps the eternal spark, Spirit and Soul does live on. Yes, the Intuitive self can be trained and those abilities can be passed down via physical and Metaphysical DNA, (we will be exploring Metaphysical DNA later in this text).

    So, now that quite a bit of science says this Metaphysical EnergyWork and LightWork stuff is real, most of us are completely brick-walled by societal programming and preconceived notions of its’ reality and scope. To embrace, explore and interact one must first remove those barriers: if removal is not an option, let’s make the barriers transparent.

    Metaphysics and applied sciences & arts of LightWorker utilize to hear, see and commune with the Universal to assist us in moving to the next steps of human evolution and quite honestly, back to our most basic elemental being.

    The purpose of The LightWorker’s Codex, is to allow the reader, (who is hopefully the participant) to apply and integrate LightWork technique to their practice, their religious programming, belief system, their Spiritual flavor; to immerse themselves in communion and communication in a proactive, safe and nourishing manner. What this Codex is about is the root or core Energy connection, LightWork techniques that can be learned, mastered and fully, safely harmoniously assimilated into your Faith, belief or operating system to attenuate and maximize your specific operational capabilities.

    This text differs from other books and doctrine because it is not a follow me and I will set you free text: this Codex is not about conversion to religious or societal programming, nor damming born Spiritual or embraced programming and path. Your or another’s Faith may be mentioned in this text as a touchstone or example but in all honest, your flavor is none of my business.

    The Codex does cover and explore some very common Deist-centric terminology: they are integral to understanding the complex & integrated Mind~Body~Spirit~Environment foundations of LightWork and Qi movement. One has to understand the hardware and software of a system to understand how to use it properly.

    LightWorker’s Codex is created to explain many terminologies and techniques to illuminate the common threads that tie Metaphysical, Physical and LightWork together. We will explore and include quite a bit of what is considered science, theology, medical and dogma to facilitate understanding of LightWork and life’s work. The LightWorker’s Codex was created because of a glaring void and huge need. Over the decades of being a Metaphysical practitioner, LightWorker, Student and Teacher, I have seen many paths, modalities, Faiths that are all well and wonderful but many times do not address dogmatically independent specific and safe core techniques: the core how-to get where the participant needs and wants to go. Unfortunately, this lack of technique instruction has yielded quite a bit of physical, Spiritual and emotional damage on the way. This Codex illuminates core strategies and techniques that can be easily applied to any and all Metaphysical, Mystic and Spiritual modalities, producing safe, productive and proactive results.

    Just as importantly, the LightWorker’s Codex is created for all levels of expertise to be able to explore different methodologies and Spiritual paths with a core understanding of the how’s and why’s specific Metaphysical and LightWork exercises can and do work. Novice or seasoned Professional, atheist or high Priest, The LightWorker’s Codex is the quintessential and applicable techniques text.

    A bit of personal background: I started out just like the rest of humanity. zygote, fetus, baby, toddler and so on: I was born open and never closed as I matured; my 5 physical senses grew and functioned but they never became dominant nor eclipsed my Ethereal or Intuitive senses: all senses worked together. Thank goodness, my mother knew what she saw and created, (my given name means All Seeing Sorceress in a genealogically unrelated language) I was supported, nurtured and protected; for her, it is just, the way we are.

    I am not some gift from God here, (though I and my abilities have been called as such): I was called a faie, fairy like child by Great Aunt Genny: an odd child who knew and saw stuff I should not have known. To most, I was that kid who was missing on a piston. As I grew, I recognized this oddness and made the conscious effort early on to be open and pay attention throughout my life. (This last sentence is totally contrary to what my spouse says on the subject, "you never pay attention": it seems, I suffer from spousal deafness). As mentioned, I was quite fortunate to have that mother that got it, protected me and fostered me, and then, I thus supported my children’s perceptive abilities. The evidence and trust in inner self outweighed doubts and fears: I opened up and only looked back when I needed to get my bearing. I still do.

    In my teen and adult years, I found out that I come from a long line of Mistich through the maternal grandmother’s side. My lineage was underground in Belarus, but still worked and served to heal, balance and see. Please recognize that in centuries past, if you worked outside the socio-religious norm and were a female, you were a witch and dammed: only men could study Metaphysics in comparative safety and openness. Fortunately, that did not stop my lineage or its’ service and I fully understand that that scenario repeats itself worldwide, throughout time.

    My paternal Boyko Ukraine line are no slouches when it comes to Intuitive inclination and abilities: those attributes were feared and for the most part, deeply repressed, seeing deeply in dreams and Vision Quests was only spoken about over late night Scrabble, black tea, halvah and whiskey. Feared, repressed but strong none the less: one cannot and should not ignore what is part of the genetic and meta-genetic construct. Important side note: please do listen to your elders: I was gifted this information when my father turned 90 years old.

    As a LightWorker, I am quantified as self-realized in this lifetime, I have not specifically studied with any teacher or single doctrine: yet in my opinion, have formally studied with some of the greats of humanity and other realms. I was and am still drawn to explore the core texts and commentary for all methodologies; reading and studying everything thereof. From Chinese and Japanese Energy Manifestation techniques, Tibetan and Egyptian Books of the Dead to the Zohar & Kabbalah, Mayan societal Magic, (there is that M word again) to African & Native American Medicines: Metaphysics and LightWork core Technique is all there, just in different syntax, languages and societal invocations.

    With all of my life’s explorations and research has led me back to my foundation, my born Metaphysical/mystical Faith and support texts. In my Faith, are born and trained to explore and conjecture about everything: look to the Macro and Micro, the interconnected nature of the Universe, everything being alive, rather like most Native American Spiritualties and doctrine. So, through it all, it is my nature to explore LightWork and Metaphysical relentlessly and find the common connected core techniques.

    I have paid close attention to all information shown and presented to me on the Physical, Ethereal, LightWork and Metaphysical levels: sometimes it jibed immediately, others, it took decades to become relevant; a very long pregnant pause in this time frame indeed. Just like most folks, I am still exploring and learning but have found core elements and keys that ring true in the texts and paths, Physical and Metaphysical alike. There is no real separation or difference in the end: it is just a matter of quavers, wavelengths and harmonics.

    Like many in my maternal line, I am dyslexic, ( loads of childhood fun learning to read and execute mathematics): that enabled and enables me to see patterns in multiple dimensions and connections, increased spatial acuity and allows for existential perception on multiple plains and tracts. I was and am able to find the commonalities and then the core elements of Physical and Metaphysical practices and occurrences: when one takes away time and socio-related symbology to identify and isolate the core connective elements, you find, well, the core connected and operational elements. Whenever I mention the upside of dyslexia to other differently hardwired people, there is a huge, light bulb moment: wow, that is so true. For you who are normally wired, have no fear, you are quite able to learn and harness the same perceptive positives, without the number/letter switch-a-roo side effects.

    Whether you are self-taught, self-realize or have studied with a master for your entire life, (and in my and many other practitioner’s opinion, many lifetimes), it is about the core practice that ties all of the different takes, different practices together. The core of them all, the common thread: that thread that weaves throughout time, existence and dogma.

    In all honesty, you must recognize that you have got a fine, inborn, functioning Intuitive system that allows you to safely access and address your Metaphysical/Ethereal DNA, your born 6th + sense abilities to move and control Energy. Really, no kidding. It is just dormant, dominated or superseded by your intellectual and learned consciousness: just your intent can and will assist in opening the doors to Intuitive connection larger Universe.

    We are pre-programmed and capable of all the stuff in this book and much more. Here is the monkey in the wrench folks; talent and genetics are nothing if you do not train, hone and humbly accept the knowledge that comes to you when it comes to you. Sometimes people get it immediately and sometimes it takes a lifetime or many lifetimes, (for those of us whom are quite stubborn, myopic or just too busy) to become relevant, sync and sink in. Tools like crystals, wands, healing rooms, Masters can help but openness to the possibility is the first and most important step to communication with self, the Universe and everything in between.

    My path, LightWork technique and teaching style is serious but it is also based on exploration, enjoyment and humor. Those are, in my professional opinion three components of LightWork that are highly overlooked. Who said Metaphysics and LightWork is not or should not be joyous? I am a tough New York City native cookie when we are engaged in serious and highly intricate techniques but encourage my crew, clients and students to laugh, joke and play when the pressure is off. To clear tension and Energy, some teachers utilize smoke, some chimes or silence, others prayer and chanting: me, lightness of heart and emotion, laughter.

    Many teachers and doctrines call for pain, deprivation and suffering to train and drive the lesson home, no pain, no gain and, at times, having the facts and practices beaten into you. This method may have one retain high amounts of information but creates a huge blockage where there should be a flowing connection: little joy and satisfaction comes from the trained act. The no pain/no gain is not my methodology nor technique, though I have had to walk that path while working with, for and under many people.

    Great joy/great gain is the MO of this Codex and my teaching technique. Enjoyment, open exploration and laughter punctuating the lessons makes for better proactive retention, a more flowing and complete application of said knowledge plus it cleanses and resets the environment in a positive stance. If you aspire to be or already are an Energy or LightWorker, remember, laughter, exploration and enjoyment are emotional light and healing.

    This is not rainbows and unicorn farts, it is a hard fact of reality: take the work seriously but with an open and joyous perception: it can be the difference between drudgery and satisfaction. In all reality, exploration of any technique and practice in the positive frame of mind and emotional stance allows them to stick in a positive way. The basis and tenor of this text’s practices are based on similar tenants: I ask you to keep an open mind, light heart and laughter, (especially when you fail and no harm is done) in mind while exploring and utilizing this Codex, Metaphysics and LightWork.

    LightWork can be heady stuff to wrap one’s head around; it is a tough thing, trying to embrace what cannot be absorbed and recognized by the physical sensory perception. You cannot always recognize the touch of an ethereal being, you cannot always see a Sfirot/Chakra ’s glow or spin, you cannot always hear the Universe or a Cloud whizzing by as your Soul travels through it. It is a great deal to conceive and perceive. Society and the intellectual, educated mind call Astral Projection and most LightWork practice flights of fancy and imagined. If I cannot see, hear, smell, touch: it is not there: marginalized to blind Faith, lack of emotional maturity, mental health and delusion.

    We of the Metaphysics, Alchemists of the Moderne and LightWorkers strive to Tap and embrace the light fantastic that is our Mind~Body~Spirit~Environment. We recognize that we are indeed programmed to and for perfect synergy of the one and the Universe but the issue is: it is not just the infrastructure; it is what you do with it.

    You ARE the infrastructure and

    you ARE in control.

    We LightWorkers and Metaphysical Practitioners reconnect with the primordial sensory infrastructures: our ability to commune with, direct and modulate all Energy. As mentioned, it may be tough going: decades of physical plain sensory input and societal morays have marginalized, veiled and buried our inborn and eternal Ethereal senses. Be they tagged intuition, psychic, 6th sense, heebie geebies, ( love that phrase) clairvoyance, clairaudience, + all the "’ clairs ", Spirit talk, possession: all forms of our primordial natural communication abilities.

    We utilize amplification tools and techniques to modulate, reconnect, awaken and literally dig out and those primordial senses. Crystals, minerals, wands, tarot, pendulum, deprivation chambers, dousing rods, sweat lodges, yoga, tai chi; never mind the myriad of religions and Spiritual doctrine. All to reconnect the disconnect when we are in the flesh, (that is a tee shirt blurb if I have ever written one…. Mom would be so proud ).

    Here comes the sales pitch: no matter what your heritage or Faith, tool or toy you apply, you are all able to make the quantum leap, jump start and reinvigorate your primordial, ethereal senses. You are born to it, your Soul/Eternal Spark is here in this body, with this Spirit at this time to make the connection so the Soul can evolve, whole and complete on the physical, Ethereal and Metaphysical plains.

    That statement just shot down a metric ton of religious dogma; no…..wait: actually, that supports and simplifies that all of the dogma.

    I need you to trust yourself, have Faith in the self that you are the cup and indeed, what you are exploring will hold water: correct stance, breathe, release and enjoy. It is also important to remember, embrace your chosen Faith, (that includes science and nullist) and be open and inquisitive towards exploring other modalities: contrary to popular belief, your deity will take you back and still love you; (if you are a Pastafarian, there is a 30 day guarantee).

    There are quite a few names and nomenclature in this book that are Metaphysics and my flavor of LightWork specific: there is no denigration or marginalization meant by them, it is just part of my florid and descriptive vernacular. One term, newbee is utilized for someone new to a method or path: this is a reference to honey bee husbandry. New Honeybees are cared for by their sisters in the hive and work their way up through the hierarchy to become trained enough to complete each task, nursery bee, guard, gather pollen and nectar for the hive, undertaker bee and for a select few, retired bee. All important to the hive, all have to start somewhere: that somewhere is being the newbee to the hive or designation. It is a good thing and a complement: integrated part of the system and working your way up and through.

    So, in the end, it is all SSDD: Same Spirit, Different Dogma; The LightWorker’s Codex and prescribed methodology is about safe practice of core principles that are applicable to all proactive, productive dogma and systems. All these dogmatic paths looking to explain the same thing; light, Spirit, body, environment anyway: the key is your body and Spirit is just the vehicle, the Merkaba.

    I finish this introduction with a bit of self-serving aggrandizement. The large majority of my students and clients have commented that, I have studied or worked for years and under many teachers, masters and philosophies: yours are the only workshop and LightWorker that teaches the basic techniques. You have to write the book.

    The LightWorker’s Codex is about the base, core technique, add specific Spiritual and structural belief, stir vigorously, explore and enjoy.


    Chapter 1

    LightWork: Metaphysical & Physical Application: Basics of Operations, Definitions & Explanations.

    LightWork & Metaphysics: Harmonious Energy Attunement, Balance & Modulation.

    LightWork is the open and proactive practice, study, interaction and application of different and interconnected forms and wavelengths of Physical & Metaphysical Energy to accelerate, accentuate, modulate and balance existence on the Mind~Body~Spirit~ Environmental.

    Metaphysics: Meta: meaning, beyond; Physics: postulated and evidentiary exploration of science, nature, Energy and matter.

    Metaphysics and applied LightWork techniques allow us to increase that connectivity and permits us to function in a more harmonic, synergetic and symbiotic manner with the physical and ethereal plain.

    Metaphysics: beyond physics; in reality, is postulated and applied physics that moves beyond the socio-scientific boundaries of the moment. Metaphysics is theorized physics just like Quantum Physics and String Theory. Today Metaphysical LightWork embraces and explores new, older or ancient empirical practices and observational evidence.

    The previous paragraph is for those who, like me, tend to skip introductions.

    EnergyWork: Applied Metaphysics.

    Light, Dark, Shadow; in a nutshell all are EnergyWork, the core operating systems of applied Metaphysics: identify, connect, modulate and direct, (on the Macro to Micro) the divergent forms of Energy to desired ends. EnergyWork encompasses all types and directives: from good to evil, productive to destructive, light to dark. Humanity has been creating, executing and refining Mind~Body~Spirit~Environmental Energy balance and control since there has been humanity. EnergyWork techniques, names and identification categories wax and wane with civilizations and Faiths: the effective forms are rediscovered and updated to each era’s doctrine, morays and technology. Today, for the first time in centuries, EnergyWork in many productive and constructive forms are openly practiced: liberating from the shackles of societal superstition and dogma via science and religion.

    While EnergyWork is based on the equation above, not all EnergyWork is administered or utilized for the same ends. EnergyWork tends to be some degree of 3 afore mentioned categories, Light, Dark and Shadow. While nothing is ever 100% pure, a majority of EnergyWorkers identify and operate within a specific category. Do no harm is the core basis for LightWork form of EnergyWork, and the majority of ShadowWork.

    LightWork operates with full disclosure, a proactive and productive methodology: harmonious procedure and posture with full respect and inclusion of the subject’s needs, desires and belief system. LightWork seeks to restore, optimize and sustain balance of Mind~Body~Spirit~Environment. LightWork works with and compliments other productive forms of medicine; illuminates and integrates arts, sciences and therapies for restoration and attenuation of Mind~Body~Spirit~Environment balance.

    ShadowWork is positive and proactive the vast majority of times, working towards the productive, harmonic intent but can also be targeted towards discord and blockage. ShadowWork can be and is usually conducted and executed behind the scenes with no notification and administered without need or request of prior consent, foreknowledge or disclosure to the recipient or of the Energy’s focus and manipulation. Quite a few Faiths are based on ShadowWork, they also do not recognize the differentiation or categorization of good/positive or evil/destructive: their form of ShadowWork, just is: EnergyWork with no ramification constraints.

    DarkWork is based on utilization, modulation and direction of Energy to invoke chaotic, discordant or destructive ends towards the recipient. The vast majority of times, DarkWork operates and targets in secret, fully veiled or with just the practitioner and a select few working in concert, with or without their consent.

    Metaphysics & LightWork: Quantum Physics & Cosmic Mechanics

    Environmental Sciences, String Theory, Quantum Physics, Higgins Bison, God Particle, Enchanted Quarks, Dark Matter, Multiple Planes of Existence, Chaos Theory, Black Holes, Null space, Energy Wells. Mysticism, Existentialism, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Life Force Energy, Qi, Sacred Geometry, Air Bending, Earth Magic, Medicine, Golden Ratio. Terms and terminology quantified, utilized and updated by humans since recorded history. Diverse disciplines and fields of which scientists and Mystics postulate theories of minuscule and unseen forces that formed and make up our Universe, the body and ‘all that is" to this day. Today, the building blocks of the Macro and Micro Universe are now being viewed via particle accelerators, radio telescopes and electron Microscopes: yesterday, via Astral Projection, Out of Body Vision and Totem Quests plus a myriad of old science and art techniques of LightWork.

    In the LightWorker’s view the Metaphysical tools and names for each occurrence are different but no less valid than what NASA, CalTech and INTEL attaches to their amazing discoveries. These Modern Scientific Holy Grails are what LightWorkers, Mystics, Shaman, Medicine People, Crones and Seers have postulated about, seen, surfed and described in the sciences and languages of the Mystic and Metaphysics throughout recorded history. Many of ancient societies did not differentiate between science and religion or Spiritual beliefs: the great majority of their observations and science was empirical evidence based, just like today. Due the passage of time, those old ways become the stuff of legends, myths and fantasy. We have lost the ability to understand some of these ancient languages and the context in which that science was created, because their languages, gods and devotional systems were different and their societies have long turned to dust, their information is debunked as primitive superstition by later societies and scientific bodies. Transient Truth is influenced by the time and society: Transcendental Truths transcends time and societal doctrine and are the core of laws, facts and existence.

    From the LightWorker’s or EnergyWorker’s view, Albert Einstein was a great Metaphysical theorist of his century. 22nd century Quantum Physics is just catching up and explaining what has been a part of the human experience through the Mystic, through Metaphysics: eternal truths and laws; infinite bigness, infinite smallness, intimate and ultimate connectivity.

    Just because old technology and knowledge is ancient or foreign, its’ core information and basis may be just as valid and applicable to today. Empirical evidence will out truth as truth, no matter who is in power, no matter how many grains of the sands of time flow through the glass.

    In LightWork, Metaphysics and now in some tracts of modern Physics there is no physical matter, almost everything is Energy: what we perceive as matter is Energy that moves slow enough to coalesce and take on a solid state, purposeful form on this plain of existence. In LightWork, as with many Native American, Elemental Faiths and some Hebraic Kabbalist belief systems agrees with this but takes a slightly different step further and with different syntax: everything is alive and/or possess the Ethereal, Eternal, Life or Divine Spark.

    Cause and Effect: Connection and Interconnections.

    Dr.Suess', Horton Hears a Who is a seminal text on LightWork, Quantum Physics and Metaphysics: infinite bigness, infinite smallness, alive, independent interdependence. This is the way of the Universe is the ultimate Mystic’s and LightWorker’s methodology and Vision. We are all a single Universe unto ourselves and just a minute particle of an infinitely, incomprehensibly expanding Universe: part and parcel part of that great Entity. Rather like cells combine, independent and interdependent to create the body: along those lines, we train and aspire to connect and modulate on all levels of that interdependence.

    Everything holds causality and effects everything: this very thought of infinite bigness/infinite smallness can to give one a hell of a headache. It still makes the brain hurt just trying to fathom the infinite expansive and the infinitesimal, hence reference to the mighty, Horton text; especially the last page: we are a Universe unto yourselves and a Micron on a quark in an atom on the back of a cell in the Universe.

    DNA: Of the Physical and Metaphysical

    As to infinite smallness and building blocks, we and all living things possess DNA coding: our physical building blocks and construction algorithms. As to LightWork: we apply this to other plains of existence; as a LightWork Practitioner, I postulate and recognize each living thing also possesses a Spiritual, Ethereal or Metaphysical DNA signature and structure, quite like the physical body. This Ethereal~ Metaphysical DNA contains our Ethereal or Metaphysical building blocks and algorithms that construct the Soul, the eternal spark that we possess: all intertwined and integrated into and with our physical DNA with each successive incarnation. Just as we pass on our physical DNA to our offspring, our Ethereal Metaphysical DNA passes down to our Soul’s and our family member’s Soul’s connection next physical incarnation.

    Humanity turns to Spiritual paths, to Metaphysics and LightWork because we have a glimpse of and the deeper desire to find their place in the fabric of time and space at this juncture: to quench the need for communication, connection and realization. We of LightWork work to connect with, modulate and balance the Ethereal/Metaphysical and Physical DNA in everything.

    The Human Computer: Soul, Spirit, Body

    When exploring LightWork, one needs to understand inter-connectivity and the singular self. We are creatures of many existences: the seasons of our Soul are our many lives and integrated Spirits that come and go: independent and interdependent. Actually, we are very much like today's computer, created in your own image; the whole Soul~Body~Spirit is just hard ware, software/OS, data, programming, Energy source.

    The Soul = the base data eternal, transmuting, transferring & updating from form to improved form, expanding capabilities as the platform allows.

    The Spirit = the OS, the operating system for the Soul to operate the body, in each upgraded interface form to navigate and interact successfully in the new space, life and time.

    The Body = the physical machine; the hardware that houses the whole ethereal shebang: allows for sensory interface, input/output, facilitates in the Soul's connection to and containment of Spirit; the journey to complete itself, this corporeal level of existence so it may move to the next level and/or assist others to complete their Soul's journey, its’ evolution.

    OS or Operating System = the born to and/or embraced societal/cultural belief system; be it religious, scientific or somewhere in between is your base Universal language is your OS. Embraced belief systems are the languages, parameters and platform of social operations; it is comfort, safety and translator all in one. Information comes in, it is filtered through the personal embraced OS belief system to make it assimilated and digested or rejected.

    Just as OS should be augmented & updated regularly to serve, interact and operate with the evolving world, so is each human's belief system. Each person should be entitled to updating, and augmenting their system as they see as needed.

    Programming : knowledge both acquired and Ethereal DNA based: regularly updating with input via the senses and ethereal senses: allowing for all of the elements of the being to continue to evolve and grow.

    The Soul: The Eternal Spark

    In Physics, Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed into others forms of Energy. The Soul, the ethereal spark is the stuff of immortal Energy. In many doctrines, the Soul is created in perfection and is actually part of the creating deity or Cosmos: when the Soul inhabits a body, it is sent to learn, experience and interact on the physical plain of existence. The Soul is on a path to evolve, learn and grow towards the next step in its’ service or utilization in the fabric of the Universe: in order to accomplish this, it is born to a body complete with the Spirit, and the proper OS to operate in that life at that time.

    With each life time, the Spirit interacts with others and environment, has experiences and deals with the causes and effects thereof. Through each lifetime, the Soul accrues debt and credit through action and interaction: gains knowledge, adds to the universal knowledge repository, the Akashic records, the Universal Record of all that there is, was and will be. The Soul comes back into physical form to complete, repair, augment and finish the lattice work of its Metaphysical DNA: Microbe or whale, human or tree; lessons lived and learned.

    The Body~Mind~Spirit~Environment harmonic Energy modulates at different wave lengths: all augmented by education, Spirituality or practice. These wavelength’s modulation heralds back to the Spirit being the OS for the body in each life: the Spirit creates or adapts to a proper resonant frequency to balance with the Soul’s purpose and its’ base harmonics. A Soul is a Soul, it

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