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Dreck: Your death will remain a mystery
Dreck: Your death will remain a mystery
Dreck: Your death will remain a mystery
Ebook27 pages16 minutes

Dreck: Your death will remain a mystery

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"(Pick up the knife, pick it up)" The voice pestered.
"No!" He shouted. "He-lp me-e, h-elp me…" he screamed.
"You will die a slow and painful death," the voice continued, "your killer will never be found; your death will remain a mystery." The words kept ringing in his head as he struggled and staggered towards the door in pain.
The loud knock had woken the town sheriff. It was officer Walden that'd come to deliver the bad news. "His body was mutilated," He told the sheriff as they hurried back to the crime scene.
The cuts on him were stab wounds definitely from a knife; he couldn't believe his nice jolly friend was gone, killed in the most gruesome way. "He didn't deserve to die this way," he lamented. He was just an old man trying to live a quiet life."
Release dateApr 10, 2020
Dreck: Your death will remain a mystery

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