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Love, Marriage & Infidelity
Love, Marriage & Infidelity
Love, Marriage & Infidelity
Ebook205 pages3 hours

Love, Marriage & Infidelity

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When you’re in Love, you get married. But sometimes when you have hidden secrecies like Infidelity or even your Marriage, it can have a way of making you behave crazily! Just take Diego and Tiffany for example. They were teenage lovers that got caught up in the heat of passion and made a baby. Diego was taught to be honorable, so he married Tiffany so their child wouldn’t be a bastard. However, there’s a catch to this situation… Diego was supposed to be marrying his long time girlfriend Sophia. And their families have a legally bound contract to prove it.

Josie and Kennedy have been together for many years. They’ve been married and had two beautiful daughters that they both love and adore. It was always an up hill battle with these two because Josie’s heart was never fully committed to just her husband. And when she decides to leave Kentucky to go back to St. Louis to help her little sister Tiffany with her newborn baby. Things can get a little tricky when Levi comes a calling because he was Josie’s “fake” husband. And he never got over the fact that she left him and married Kennedy.

Sometimes Love can conquer one’s heart and it causes them to question everything they’ve ever known in their life. Sometimes Marriage isn’t always going to help solve the deep rooted issues that linger from the past that tend to come back to show their ugly heads. And sometimes the pressure against the cracks in Love and Marriage causes Infidelity. What will happen when all else fails?
Release dateDec 22, 2016
Love, Marriage & Infidelity

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    Book preview

    Love, Marriage & Infidelity - Vivian Blue


    5 Years Earlier

    The Munzo family was grieving because their beloved patriarch, Javier, had died. Angelica had called early the morning he had passed away to tell Juan Carlos the devastating news. This was the second time Caroline had seen Juan Carlos cry. The first time was when their daughter, Ava Maria, was born. Now, Juan Carlos would assume the position as the head of the Munzo Cartel, and his son, Diego, would move up the ranks. He would become one of the head figures in the cartel and learn the business, but Juan Carlos wanted his son to get a degree before he became engulfed in cartel life. One day, Diego would become the head of the family, and Juan Carlos wanted his son to have the business know-how to keep their family prosperous.

    Juan Carlos and his family were sitting in the living room waiting for the limousines to arrive. Today was one of the hardest days of Juan Carlos’s life because he had to lay his father to rest. The family had traveled to Colima the morning Angelica delivered the bad news. It was difficult for Juan Carlos to enter the house, because his beloved father was no longer here on earth. Javier was the driving force behind Juan Carlos and he didn’t know who or where to turn to for advice now.

    The doorbell rang and everyone was sitting on pins and needles as they waited. Caroline hoped it was the limo because everyone’s nerves seemed to be on edge. The maid entered into the room with Tiffany following closely behind her. She had on an all-white Chanel suit with a white large-brimmed hat. There was a little boy holding her hand and he had on an all-white suit as well. He looked about five years old and was the spitting image of Diego.

    Papa! Nana! shouted DJ. He ran towards Juan Carlos and jumped up in his arms.

    Hey, sweet boy! said Juan Carlos, hugging the boy tightly.

    Oh my God! Don’t you look handsome in your little suit, smiled Caroline, walking up on them.

    Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? asked Juan Carlos, giving Tiffany a hug. I would have sent the plane for you.

    I knew you had a lot going on with Javier dying, so I didn’t want to disturb you, Tiffany explained.

    Don’t speak nonsense to me. You know you are a part of this family as well, Juan Carlos assured her. Sophia was sitting on the couch, looking confused. She didn’t recognize any of the people talking to Juan Carlos except for his best friend, Levi. Caroline gave the woman and the others hugs, so Sophia assumed that the people must be friends from St. Louis. She was trying to get a good look at one of the women in a big white hat. She couldn’t see her face but there was something familiar about her. Sophia noticed how Juan Carlos and Caroline were gushing over the little boy. And when she got a good look at him, she thought she was staring at a younger version of Diego.

    Diego was in the kitchen getting a snack before they left for the church. He had just tried calling Tiffany to tell her he would be in St. Louis in a few days to spend some time with her and Diego Jr. He walked into the living room feeling a bit distracted when he noticed a group of people talking to his parents. He didn’t pay it any mind because people had been arriving for the past few days. He was so focused on trying to text Tiffany that he didn’t even notice that she was standing in the room with him.

    Daddy! shouted DJ as he ran towards Diego. Sophia stared in disbelief as she watched the little boy run over to Diego. Diego’s face lit up like a little kid on Christmas day, and he swept the little boy up into his arms. Diego kissed the little boy’s forehead and hugged him tightly.

    I didn’t know you were coming, little man, smiled Diego. I would have sent a plane to come get you if I knew you wanted to come see your ole man.

    I missed you, Daddy! Why haven’t you come to see me? It’s been a month since the last time you came home. Mama said you had some important business to take care of, DJ explained. Sophia was in shock as the glass she was holding fell out of her hand. The glass shattered all over the floor, causing everyone to stop their conversations and turn to stare at her.

    What’s going on?! shouted Sophia. Who is this woman and this child, Diego?

    We finally get to meet face to face. Allow me to introduce myself, said Tiffany with a smug smile on her face. She took off her hat and ran her fingers through her long flowing hair. My name is Tiffany Munzo and this is my son, Diego Jr.

    What! shouted Sophia jumping to her feet. Who is this woman and what is she talking about? Sophia turned to face Diego. You have a son?

    Yes, he has a son… And a wife, Tiffany replied.

    This is a sick joke, right? Whose wife is she exactly? asked Sophia. We all know that Javier had several women and illegitimate children. Is she one of his? Everyone looked at Sophia in disbelief. Diego put his son down while he stared at Sophia in disbelief.

    This isn’t a joke, Sophia, Diego replied. This is my wife, Tiffany, and our son Diego Jr. We’ve been married for over five years now. And my son is five years old. Tiffany stared at Diego as he walked over to Sophia. She was apparently distraught because she began to shake and scream at the news.

    I don’t understand, Diego! I’m your wife! Sophia shouted.

    No, dear, Tiffany interjected. Your marriage is a joke and I am the real Mrs. Diego Munzo! She smiled smugly at Sophia because she finally got the chance to throw it up in her face. Tiffany remembered the visit she had from Sophia, and how Sophia threw so much shade at her. She told Tiffany that Diego felt sorry for her because she had a child with no father, and that he couldn’t possibly love Tiffany because he was destined to marry her.

    So you and Tiffany are married? asked Angelica as she walked into the room. Why didn’t you tell us?

    Because I knew I had an obligation to our family to marry Sophia, Diego explained. But Papa and Ma knew about it years ago, Madre. I loved Tiffany and I didn’t want our son to come into this world a bastard, so we got married and didn’t tell anyone except her sister, Josie. Everyone looked over at Josie who had a smug look on her face. I’m sorry for not telling you, Madre, but I knew you all would have fought me on it, especially Grandpa.

    What about me? asked Sophia. I feel completely humiliated because we’re not married! We’re approaching our one-year anniversary and I’ve been planning this huge anniversary party. What am I going to do now?

    Cancel it, Tiffany smirked. Both Diego and Sophia looked over at Tiffany.

    I don’t know what to tell you, Diego replied. He let Sophia go and walked over to Tiffany. He stared deeply into her eyes and kissed her on the lips. This is my wife, and I truly love her deeply. And since everything is out in the open now, I choose to be with my rightful family. Tiffany looked at Sophia and smiled because Diego finally made a choice. Tiffany didn’t know what would happen beyond this point, but it didn’t matter, because Diego claimed her in front of all of his family.


    5 Years Ago

    The moment of truth had arrived. Tiffany had just given birth to an eight-pound-six-ounce baby boy, and everyone was excited. Juan Carlos and Caroline flew down to witness the birth of their first grandchild. Juan Carlos was so excited because this boy was the next generation of Munzo men. Ashley, one of Tiffany’s older sisters, and her husband, Joe, and father-in-law, Levi, which happens to be Diego’s godfather, were also at the hospital with them. Ashley and Diego helped Tiffany get through the tough eight hours of labor. She had Diego Jr. naturally and had to get stitches because her big baby boy had busted her wide open.

    Look at our son, smiled Tiffany. He’s so beautiful.

    You did it, baby, smiled Diego. He kissed Tiffany on the forehead. Thank you for our son. He is absolutely wonderful! Tiffany held Diego Jr. in her arms and smiled at him warmly. Can I hold him?

    But of course, daddy, smiled Tiffany. She handed him to Diego and watched as her husband and son bonded. They had just gotten married two weeks ago in Forest Park. It was a small ceremony that consisted of Diego, Tiffany, the Justice of the Peace, and a couple that just so happened to be at the park that day. They served as the witnesses and signed the marriage certificate for them.

    How do you feel, Tiffany? asked Caroline. I’m sure you’re exhausted.

    Yes, I am, Tiffany replied. But it was all worth it! I have a handsome baby boy that looks just like his father.

    Diego did curse that baby, laughed Caroline. Your son has that same nose and mouth as my Ava Maria. The Munzo family has strong ass genes!

    We sure do, Juan Carlos admitted. He walked up on Caroline and wrapped his arms around her waist. Thank you for my handsome grandson. I’m so happy right now. He kissed Caroline’s neck and smiled warmly at Tiffany.

    You’re welcome, Tiffany smiled. Diego did some of the work, but I had to do the hard part.

    Girl, men couldn’t handle having babies if they tried, huffed Caroline.

    I think we could handle it, interjected Levi. But God knew better and gave that job to women.

    I agree, Pops, laughed Joe. Because when I saw our daughter coming out, I thought I was going to faint! Everyone started laughing.

    I didn’t! Diego admitted. I thought it was the neatest thing watching DJ come out of his mother. Also, it gave me a deeper appreciation for her. Diego leaned down and kissed Tiffany’s lips. I love you, Mrs. Munzo, Diego whispered so no one could hear him but her.

    I love you, too, she smiled. Diego’s phone started to ring and Tiffany looked up at him. Sophia had been calling it seemed like every thirty minutes and it was starting to piss Tiffany off. I don’t know why you don’t tell her the truth. Diego looked down at Tiffany.

    It’s not that easy, Diego replied. Caroline noticed the tension between Diego and Tiffany. She walked over and grabbed the baby out of Diego’s hands and smiled warmly at her grandson.

    My grandson is so fat and stinking cute! gushed Caroline. Diego looked at her and smiled.

    Excuse me for a second, said Diego. I have to take this call. Tiffany glared vehemently at Diego and Caroline knew something was wrong.

    Why are you looking at my son like that? asked Caroline.

    Because that annoying girl is on the phone. And I don’t know why he won’t tell her that we’re… Tiffany caught herself because she was about to say that they’re married. We have a baby together. Diego loves me more than he loves Sophia. But that stupid arrangement between the families is what’s keeping them together.

    I understand your frustration, Tiffany, but you knew about this before you got pregnant. What? Did you think things would change because you were carrying Diego’s baby?

    I didn’t intentionally get pregnant, if that’s what you’re implying, La, Tiffany replied smugly. I didn’t plan on having kids until I was at least in my thirties.

    Well, I couldn’t tell by the way you and Diego were fucking like rabbits, Caroline smirked. I tried to make sure you guys had plenty of condoms when I found out you were having sex. Tiffany’s eyes lowered towards the floor as if she were ashamed.

    Diego was my first, Tiffany confessed. I gave him my virginity and in return, I guess he gave me a son.

    There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Tiffany, Caroline assured her. You’re out of high school and still have your entire life ahead of you. You can go to college and have the career you wanted. And we will forever be in you and Diego Jr.’s life to give you both financial and emotional support. We don’t abandon our own, Tiffany. And your son is a Munzo, so he’s a part of Colombian royalty.

    Diego wants me to move to Bakersfield, but I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with my family and raise our son, Tiffany explained.

    Well, it works out that Diego is going to school here in St. Louis. But what are you going to do when he graduates? asked Caroline.

    It’s not about what I’m going to do, Tiffany replied. It’s about what we’re going to do. Diego and I are committed to each other no matter what agreements were made between his and Sophia’s families. Diego is my man and the father of my child! I will never leave his side and we will be together forever! Caroline looked down at DJ and then over at his mother. She could hear the conviction in Tiffany’s voice, but felt like she was delusional. There was no way the families were going to go against the agreement. Caroline hoped that Diego didn’t fill Tiffany’s head with a bunch of false hopes, because it will be devastating when Diego had to leave them to go marry Sophia.

    I think I went overboard when I went shopping, said Caroline, changing the subject. Juan Carlos always complains that I have a shopping habit because I always have packages being delivered to the house.

    I appreciate everything that you guys have done for us, Tiffany smiled. I still can’t get over the nursery you guys had put into the house. And I appreciate you giving it to us because I didn’t know what I was going to do when I got put out of the house by my mother.

    I’m sorry that your mother reacted the way she did, Caroline offered. How can a mother turn her back on her own child? Especially when she’s pregnant.

    My mother has a history of abandoning her children, Tiffany replied. She left my two oldest sisters with their grandmother and ran off with my father when they were kids.

    My mother died when I was a little girl, but I still felt abandoned, Caroline explained. My father tried to do his best, but he was something else. And I know this whole arranged marriage thing is weighing on you. But for the record, I don’t agree with it either. I don’t know if Diego told you, but the reason why I landed in St. Louis was because I was running from my arranged marriage with Juan Carlos.

    Diego told me about you and his father, Tiffany replied. He didn’t like you very much when you guys arrived in St. Louis, but he respected you. Caroline laughed at Tiffany.

    Me and that boy used to get into it all the time. And no, he didn’t respect me when we first arrived. However, we were forming an understanding about respect, Caroline laughed. But eventually, we got it together.

    After you came to Diego’s rescue with the can good in the sock and defended him the way that you did, he gained an even greater respect for you, Tiffany replied. Diego came back into the room and Tiffany stared at him as if he had the plague.

    Joe, I didn’t take you for the baby type, said Diego, smiling.

    I love babies, man, Joe replied. It’s when they begin to talk that bugs the hell out of me. They go nonstop and never shut up.

    That sounds like a woman, said Levi sarcastically. All of the women glared over at Levi. What? I’m just stating facts.

    I think you just struck a nerve, laughed Diego. He noticed how Tiffany was staring at him and she looked pissed off. "Well, I

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