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Over 150 Beautiful and Inspirational Poems for Recovery
Over 150 Beautiful and Inspirational Poems for Recovery
Over 150 Beautiful and Inspirational Poems for Recovery
Ebook300 pages10 hours

Over 150 Beautiful and Inspirational Poems for Recovery

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About this ebook

My eBook "Over 150 Beautiful and Inspirational Poems for Recovery" is for anyone who has struggled with addiction, codependency, childhood abuse, bullying, anxiety and loneliness. The poems and inspirational writings are meant to bring comfort when you may feel alone in the world.

I wish you well in your recovery and thank you for reading my eBook!

All the Best,

Eric Jones

PublisherEric Jones
Release dateOct 13, 2019
Over 150 Beautiful and Inspirational Poems for Recovery

Eric Jones

I love writing, reading, history and I get much enjoyment in helping others. I enjoy baseball and running.

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    Over 150 Beautiful and Inspirational Poems for Recovery - Eric Jones


    There are millions of people today who suffer tremendously with self-hatred and addiction problems. I have never met one person who was hooked on something that had a positive opinion of themselves. I also have never met one person from a very troubled background that has reached their full potential without looking at what makes them so chronically insecure and miserable. I think it is such a tragedy when someone hates themselves so much that they would want to take their own life. I also find it equally disturbing how people can self-destruct, because of lack of encouragement and find all kinds of things to try and ease the pain that they feel inside. I can easily see how it all gets developed. The child that never received their basic rights and needs from their parent’s will ultimately search the universe for someone or something to make them feel better. Unfortunately, most people and things they find will leave them feeling even emptier, because these people and things will be completely wrong for them.

    I do believe there is a way of feeling better which can have a profound impact on your life. I wish I could tell you that it was easy without any discomfort, but that would be a lie. You must want to feel better and want it like there wasn’t anything else. You owe it to you. All you have is you. You know how dreadful you feel at the moment, but it could be just a temporary mindset if you are prepared to work at your extremely low self- esteem and inferiority complex.

    You must be ready to take the rough with the smooth. You can have a life without restriction. You can be completely independent of people and things that are just no good for you. You are the captain of your own ship. You just must limit your time or remove yourself entirely from these people and things that bring you down. You also must learn to praise yourself daily. You need to replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk. I told you that it wasn’t going to be easy. You need to work on this and, like I said, you must want it like there wasn’t anything else. My poems begin now on the next page. Some of the content may be like what you are experiencing. They are designed to show that you are not alone. I wish you the best always!


    The bond that I have, really, is a terrible strain

    Hate that it causes me such enormous pain

    So tired of my love in vain

    All I really want is to feel sane

    The roses I pick seem to have many a thorn

    Don’t like wishing I was never born

    My love has grown old and I am worn

    My aching spirit is what I mourn

    Just have to find a way to detach

    I so need to release this hatch

    To open the door, I need to remove the latch

    Feel someone out there that will be a better match

    The roses I pick seem to have many a thorn

    Don’t like wishing I was never born

    My love has grown old and I am worn

    My aching spirit is what I mourn

    Understand fully life is too short to feel low

    Every flower needs care to help them grow

    The car that doesn’t work needs a tow

    Must stop figuring everything out and just go with the flow

    The roses I pick seem to have many a thorn…


    The memories are so hard to take

    You feel your sanity is at stake

    Images of painful times dominate your life

    There is just too much strife

    So hard to focus with the negative voices inside your head

    Getting much harder to get out of bed

    Turning to vices feels right to cope

    You could use just a glimmer of hope

    How on earth did it get this bad?

    Something must give, before you go mad

    You must tell the shame to take a hike

    The British will say to get on ‘yer bike

    The pattern of negative thoughts is designed to keep you low

    Get rid of it, so you can grow

    People and events are the reason you feel sick

    Can’t change the past, but now you can give yourself a good kick

    Promise yourself you really want to change

    You will naturally feel scared and maybe a little strange

    Write down positives about you

    Out with the old and bring in the new

    Fresh beautiful flowers can be a nice start

    Therapy with God will mend your aching heart

    Crying will help immensely and help you feel sane

    You will improve dramatically when you share your pain


    No doubt, there is a darkness that engulfs me at times

    Wish I didn’t answer that bell every time it chimes

    So tired of abusing myself when things don’t go right

    Wish, I didn’t surrender so quickly, when I should put up a fight

    Have to admit, I foolishly worry about some upcoming doom

    Old memories of lost battles certainly can loom

    People have mistreated me whether or not it was their intent

    Been an enormous struggle at times to feel content

    Confidence has been non-existent from the start

    Shame is no stranger and practically has broken my heart

    Never really trusted my instincts and direction

    Blamed myself, even when I wasn’t the one that needed correction

    Believe it or not, but I don’t want sympathy nor any pity

    I borrowed pages from inspirational folks and robbed their kitty

    My one and only goal is to have a strong inner belief

    I must do what I have to do to obtain some relief

    I want to absorb recovery now and become a quick learner

    Understand some people, sadly, have to be put on the back burner

    Feeling sorry for myself, by all means, must come to an end

    This wonderful therapy will indeed help me mend

    Not everything in my life has gone or will go to the dogs

    Just need to go back in history and read the logs

    Must learn that not everything is smooth sailing

    Something’s just need work and it doesn’t mean it’s failing

    Have come a long way and there is no going back

    Trusting God now and HIS plan to keep me on the right track


    A robin has appeared today on the windowsill

    Want to get out of bed if I could find the will

    Lately I find myself in a constant sob

    Superficially, I thought it was just the job

    Memories of childhood haunt me and have now affected my sleep

    Silly to be disturbed by something so long ago that makes me weep

    I have always been in control and kept myself in check

    Too many responsibilities I must tend to and no time to be a wreck

    Sure, I have been told that I give too much and should have a break

    I am worried about these emotions and what is at stake

    My role is to be the rock and I am the glue

    Talking about me is not what I do

    I am afraid of what I will say

    I always looked the other way

    People rely on me too much and perhaps it’s not fair

    Don’t think anyone I know really wants to hear

    My family life was rigid and we were told not to talk

    In the past if I was stressed, I go for a walk

    Way too much abuse with so many rules I had to live by

    Never stood a chance and now look a tear has come from my eye

    I lost my faith some time ago with bridges I decided to burn

    I need God right now and perhaps HE will give me another turn

    I realize there is pain from childhood and something has to give

    Guess I better take care of me, because this is no way to live


    There are some people who are just no good.

    You are not to blame and not a horrible person.

    You are not a mistake.

    You got handed a rotten deal.

    You have dealt with things that are unimaginable, but like a true winner you dust yourself off.

    You are a lot stronger than you realize and you always bounce back, because you are a fighter.

    You are a beautiful person and are loved.

    God sees everything and will reward you. There isn’t anyone quite like you.

    You have been through hell, but you survived. You are truly unique and have a lot to give.

    You have done things that hurt your self-esteem, but you are learning to forgive and love yourself.

    God wants you to take care of yourself physically, sexually, and emotionally so you can enjoy your life.

    Life is wonderful, because you are here.

    You don’t have all the answers, but at least you haven’t quit.

    Your abusers might have won some of the battles, but you, my friend, are winning the war.


    Congratulations on how well you have done.

    You may feel alone at times and question if you did the right thing, because of your family and friends who are still in a dysfunctional mind-set, but that is normal.

    Trust yourself knowing that you have shown tremendous courage and that you can keep going forward.

    Speak candidly about your feelings to God and your loved ones.

    Have a laugh at yourself and try not to take yourself too seriously.

    Don’t be surprised if people see a different side of you that is fun and childlike, because you are blossoming. There are people who will try and pull you back to where you used to be in dysfunction, but ignore them and continue to shine.

    Tell yourself that you are simply awesome every day.

    Trust yourself that you can live independently if you choose.

    Take the time to get in touch with what you want to do with a career or a hobby that you keep putting off.

    Stay away from people and things that are not good for you.

    You will have days where everything gets on top of you, but try and stay focused and you will get through it. You do not have to change or try and convert someone to your new way of life, because the time may not be right for them.

    Please try, my friend, to forgive the people who continue to speak and act badly against you and surround yourself with love.


    People do enjoy picking holes in me

    Just the truth I have had to accept, you see

    Been an easy target for bullies ever since I was young

    Sad, that my bell has been repeatedly rung

    Lovely person I am, really

    Have to admit the pain has made me like a withered lily

    Way too many times I feel my back is to the wall

    Find much comfort when I can get away from it all

    True, there are times I placed myself in harm’s way

    Often just wanted to break the silence by saying hey

    My sensitivity has indeed affected my swagger

    They can be sharp as a dagger

    Usually pay the ultimate price

    Thankfully, now I think twice

    Way too many times I feel my back is to the wall

    Find much comfort when I can get away from it all

    Nothing wrong in taking solace doing your own thing

    My interests are more important than wanting to cling

    Some people will never change

    Shrug my shoulders, because these folks can be very strange

    Incredible feeling that in life, you can always change the theme

    Crazy, that having peace doesn’t require any extreme


    Can I ask you something, without getting mad?

    Do you honestly think catering helps your dad?

    I am not sure what you mean?

    Naturally I want him to get clean

    Constantly, babying your father doesn’t help him at all

    Of course, he loves the fact you are at his beckon call

    He needs my help, because he is so weak

    I don’t buy the fact he is that pathetic and meek

    Dad needs me to look after him

    Go do that, but having your own life will certainly become slim

    You really do need to get out of your role

    Putting him or others before yourself kills your soul

    Ok, I will admit I am a bit of a people-pleaser

    What really is the payoff looking after this particular geezer?

    He pays me attention, when usually I am ignored

    Regarding him, don’t you ever get sick and tired or just bored?

    Not really sure what you are driving at?

    Your father, with his own life, needs to step up to bat

    You don’t understand, he is a good guy, who could do with a break

    Why then must you put yourself at stake?

    You are afraid he will turn on you if you stop catering right now

    Let him fall even if you have a serious row

    I haven’t dealt with the fact my needs were never met

    You have to, because trust me, it won’t help becoming his pet

    Don’t you think that is pretty cruel?

    I love you and I just don’t want you to be anyone’s fool


    Used to be able to run like a deer

    That is how I dealt with the storms, when they were severe

    Sure, had so many dreams of a new frontier

    Sadly, fear prevented me going forward, when I was unclear

    Back in the day, I was young and not so bold

    Back in the day, I could be bought or sold

    Back in the day, I had a vision, yet it was usually put on hold

    Back in the day, I just wish, I at least told

    Always felt like some kind of sick joke

    Already had addictions, before I started to smoke

    Avoided new things, since I always thought I would choke

    Worked hard at jobs, yet I was usually broke

    Back in the day, I was young and not so bold

    Back in the day, I could be bought or sold

    Back in the day, I had a vision, yet it was usually put on hold

    Back in the day, I just wish, I at least told

    These days, I have evolved and don’t feel so coarse

    Family and old friends didn’t like the new force

    Still learning every day to look ahead and not across

    And, don’t worry, this old boy is getting settled with less remorse

    Back in the day, I was young and not so bold...


    Said goodnight to my overworked father

    Listened from my bed, as he sighed

    Shamed myself for not helping him

    Just like mom, I run and hide

    The banging dishes make me jump as I cover my ears

    Wonder how I will sleep tonight?

    Trying hard to focus on something else

    Keep telling myself I’ll be alright

    Long to explain this all, to a friend

    Perhaps if I ask the Lord, he would indeed send

    Rode the bus home with mom in her room

    She lets me in and returns to bed

    Sitting alone in the darkness of our small home

    So much anxiety fills my head

    Dad returns home and I vacate to the basement

    Rain has started and water is coming in through the cracks

    Didn’t hesitate to pick things up, before I was told

    Do what I can to avoid the attacks

    Long to explain this all, to a friend

    Perhaps if I ask the Lord, he would indeed send

    Rain stopped, I now I pitch my ball at the stairs

    Takes my mind off of my tears

    Wish I believed in myself more

    Don’t like what is going on at my core

    Too damn scared to get involved

    Silly, that I am so withdrawn

    Someone said that I had a lot of potential

    Can’t be too hard on me, for what I undergone

    Took one too many for this team

    Perhaps one day I will show what I can do

    Must just keep going forward

    Will search for inspiration, to sink my teeth into

    Long to explain this all, to a friend

    Perhaps if I ask the Lord, he would indeed send


    Been the master of finding fault in myself

    Certainly, can give many a run for their money

    With disliking me, sometimes a day doesn’t go by

    So afraid to give new things a try

    To me it’s always partly cloudy, instead of partly sunny

    Useless way to be defined I can assure you

    Nothing good comes from it

    Can’t keep pointing fingers, because I am still playing a hand

    Interested in finally making a stand

    Sad, when you don’t like yourself one bit

    Yes, it’s true I had a horrendous upbringing

    Being around abuse and abusers is not good for me

    Will stop looking for any type of trigger

    Time to tackle my pain with incredible vigor

    Today I will stop, barking up the wrong tree

    Read somewhere, most can’t say I love you into a mirror

    I’m sure it would be different if the subject was hate

    I am all I have in this life

    Must stop twisting the knife

    Pain will be released, just looking in the mirror stating I am great


    I would like to think I have a grip on my codependency, but I don’t.

    I am addicted to my family of origin, which leads me to have addiction problems with people and things that are not good for me.

    I obsess about them when I should be focusing on what I need to do and it drives

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