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The Arrival: The Arrival, #1
The Arrival: The Arrival, #1
The Arrival: The Arrival, #1
Ebook194 pages3 hours

The Arrival: The Arrival, #1

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Planet Earth was in trouble, the careless ways they had chosen to live upon their planet had now reached a dangerous level.

The Aeonian's, an advanced race that had now enjoyed many millenniums of peaceful existence had realised there almost unique good fortune took it upon them-selves to give a helping hand to those civilisations that were in trouble. One of those planets they called Blue. The inhabitants of that planet knew it by another name, they called it Blue.

Release dateAug 27, 2019
The Arrival: The Arrival, #1

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    The Arrival - Terrence Aubrey

    About the Author

    Terrence Aubrey was born in Bristol, England, the only son of a Ballet dancer mother and composer father. Rebellious of nature and from an early age, he abandoned his education at the earliest possible moment, fifteen. He showed no inclination of following in the artistic footsteps of his parents during his formative years.

    Preferring a self enlightening process, he set off upon an adventure that led him to experiment with understanding the mind and the development of self awareness. During that period he enjoyed extensive World travel across the countries of Europe, the America’s, north and south and the FSU. He found those travels, enriching, mind opening and educational and in equal measure.

    He discovered both a passion and love of writing by chance, while establishing a blog site. Through writing and publishing a host of blogs upon topical World issues his passion for writing grew. His primary passion was environmental and mankind’s seemingly total disregard for the very planet that we each depend upon. The leap from blogging to writing full length novels was a gradual process.

    The majority of his novels reflect his environmental concern for the way we, the human race have chosen to live and the consequences that path has led us towards. Whilst many of his novels are dramatic, even apocalyptic, they also show a way forward. Whether you believe that way to be better or worse than the current status quo is for you to decide. Terrence Aubrey currently lives on a farm in southern Spain and cultivates Avocados. He has four sons, three dogs, two ex wives and writes. He has now published several works of fiction and they can be found on all of the best online eBook publishers.

    Chapter One

    The first sighting

    Is mankind, the human race, capable of halting or even slowing its ever increasing ruination of the very planet that the planets inhabitants live and depend upon? There is, at the moment, no indication that the required the dramatic changes of lifestyle needed, will come about, or at least not any time soon.

    What if a civilization had successfully overcome the very problems that the Human Race is currently facing? What if that super advanced race took it upon them-selves to help civilizations such as the human race to arrive at a sustainable way to live upon their planets? This is a tale of just such an advanced race, as they try to prevent self inflicted Armageddon upon planet earth.

    The planet that the aeonian race called Blue was in trouble, serious trouble; it was fast approaching a critical period within the planets painfully slow evolution. Who were the Aeonian’s? The inhabitants of Aeon were an ancient race and they had enjoyed many, many millenniums of peaceful stability and more importantly, they had found an environmentally balanced way to prosper and thrive upon their planet. Over a period of tens of thousands of years they discovered that in that respect they were quite unique within their known universe. For that reason they vowed to help other civilizations overcome what they had identified as the critical period within the evolution that the inhabitants of all planets capable of sustain life seemed to pass through. The planet they named Blue was many millions of light years from Aeon and not known by that name by its inhabitants, no they called it planet earth. What were the dangers facing the planet Blue, they were in truth myriad? As the Aeonian’s had now seen on numerous occasions the inhabitants of planet Blue had totally disregarded the wellbeing of the very planet upon which they existed and depended upon! The planet Blue was not unique in that respect and a large fleet was sent forth to offer advice, help and assistance to those planets fast heading towards that critical stage within their evolution.  

    Commander Neon of the starship Hope 4 was tasked to the planet Blue. His ship was one of a taskforce of twenty, each of them sharing the same mission. As with each of the Commanders of the fleet codenamed Hope he was tasked to offer counsel and advice based upon their thousands of years of a peaceful and environmentally balanced civilization. The success rate of the Aeonian’s was less fifty percent but they felt duty bound to at least try and that they would do to the best of their ability.

    Aeon was one of twenty planets orbiting their Sun. That Sun was some six million light years from planet earth. It would take many, many millenniums of evolution and technical advancement, before Aeon’s Sun would be seen from that planet.

    At around the time that the dinosaurs were dying out as a species upon planet earth, the Aeonian’s were beginning to evolve as a race. They were slowly mastering farming and the growing of crops to augment hunting and fishing. Within a further thousand years they were living within sizable communities and within sturdy and well built homes and shelters. They were not alone, the inhabitants of their two sister planets named Eon and Deon were also making those same tentative steps.

    The Aeonian’s were an ancient and unique civilisation in many respects, but their most singular and greatest achievement was to have survived their own evolutionary process. They had through care and determination found a balance between their technological advances and safe guarding their planet. In earth years they had now enjoyed various forms of civilization for thirty thousand years!

    Whilst the Planet Aeon was one of cluster of twenty planets orbiting their Sun, it was the only one supporting any form of life. It had not always been that way. Billions of years earlier, life had begun its slow evolutionary journey on four of its neighboring planets. Of those four planets, two had suffered catastrophic and life exterminating natural disasters. Life upon the remaining three continued its slow crawl through the millenniums of evolution. The pace of evolution upon all three planets was, more or less equal, given a millennium or two either way. Aeon was not exceptional in its evolutionary process and had followed much the same path as its neighbors. Aeon’s distinction lay, at that time, far into the future.

    Chapter Two

    Aeon’s evolution

    Aeon had been blessed, for no discernible reason the inhabitants of the planet, the Aeonian’s had developed in a balanced way to live both spiritually and technologically. Their evolutionary development had not been without setbacks. The moment that reading and writing had become common place they retrospectively termed year zero.

    Towards the end of their second millennium of civilization a small, but powerful minority had discovered untold potential to increase their wellbeing and influence. They began to extract all manner of minerals and precious metals from beneath the planet’s surface.

    At around the same time their sister planets Nor closer to their sun and Eon, further away, had evolved differently. They had evolved into winner takes all societies and harshly so. A small minority upon of both of these planets’ effectively controlled and determined the lives of their populations. In order to protect their good fortune, the leaders of Aeon began to develop their military strength. That fact soon became known to the leaders of both Aeon and Eon. How the leaders of the two planets reacted was quite different. A minority, but albeit powerful group upon Aeon wanted to begin a massive military upgrade. They were over ridden by a more passive majority. Instead they developed a planetary defensive shield. They would render offensive weapons aimed at them harmless and they saw no reason to develop offensive weapons of their own. Unknown to them at that time, it would enable them to flourish and evolve as a race.

    There followed a bitter and devastating war between the peoples of Nor and Eon. It lasted three months, Aeon only spared because it was effectively impregnable. Nor, arguably won the war, but only hypothetically each of the planets had been rendered virtually uninhabitable. That war and the ultimate mutual destruction of their sister planets was to prove a turning point for the inhabitants of Aeon. Across the planet the main topic of conversation for years to come revolved around the ultimately pointless war that they had witnessed. How could they ensure that they did not suffer a similar fate at some point in their future? In many respects Aeon, was in fact blessed. At that crucial period within their evolution they had been fortunate in having a generation of wise, learned and selfless people. Slowly they began to come to prominence across the planet and they shared one common observation. That the forms of government currently practiced across Aeon were wrong and that their leaders were suspect in their motivation. It was more from good fortune than good intentions, that Aeon was spared the fate of its sister planets. A groundswell began to evolve, could they truly trust in leaders motivated by the accumulation of wealth and power? The overwhelming consensus was no, there must be a better way. Whilst this groundswell of public opinion swept the planet the wise leaders of the day cautioned both calm and secrecy. The various leaders of Aeon had no idea of their growing unpopularity as they led their privileged lives effectively isolated from their people. A strategy was quietly coordinated across the planet. In truth very few of the individuals coordinating the silent uprising neither sought, nor wanted positions of leadership and power and for the people of Aeon, that only added to their appeal and attraction. After several secret meetings between the several hundred leaders of this quiet revolution they agreed that they would form a provisional and planetary wide government. The provisional leaders of the silent uprising agreed to take positions of leadership of the uprising upon the condition; that they would serve only a term of three months. Once the three months had passed, new elections would be held, across the entire planet.

    Across the planet of Aeon well organized and coordinated groups formed and a time and a date was agreed upon. Upon that day each of the current leaders would be visited in force, arrested and cast from power. The process was an overwhelming success and only three Aeonian’s were to lose their lives that day and that only due to the fact that two of the ousted leaders employed armed guards. The profiteers, the materially besotted, were cast from power, imprisoned and marginalized.

    It was in their year of two thousand two hundred and sixty; that the Aeonian’s found a way to evolve and advance safely. Yes the inhabitants of Aeon needed the capabilities and dynamic ambition of their ousted leaders, but not at any price. A ruling counsel for the entire planet was established, it was made up of the reluctant leaders that had led the revolution. They then devoted weeks and months to perfecting and devising the fairest and wisest form of government they could come up with for their planet. The people would within each zone select their leaders, or guides, as they became known, but only for a period of thirty days once that thirty hour period had passed the leaders could be either re-selected, or de-selected.

    As their new system evolved and matured it was decided that the lack of a desire to vote would be taken as a sign of approval for a continuation for those in power. It was in part that aspect of their constitution that kept the leaders in check. The fact was that were the populace to become dissatisfied with their stewardship of Aeon, they would simply be kicked out of Office. That was one of the key elements of Aeons constitution that kept its leaders in check. It could happen in ten days or ten years. It became Aeons savior and each step they took from that moment on was for the benefit and continuance of the inhabitants of Aeon in their entirety. It was a system that stood the test of time and still remains in place tens of thousands of years later.

    Chapter Three

    Aeon’s evolution

    Fifty years after the war between Aeon and Eon, Neon continued to help the pitifully few survivors to survive. It was in fact hopeless, both planets poisoned for a millennium or more. That battle, that ultimately pointless conflict became a turning point for the people of Aeon. It was to not only guarantee their survival, but shaped their future.

    Their society evolved into a balanced, ecologically based system of equality. Yes, there were some a little more equal than others, but not excessively so. The Aeonian’s continued to develop technologically and in accordance with their determination to protect and sustain their beautiful planet. There were effectively two large land masses upon Aeon separated by two interconnecting oceans that ringed their World. The Oceans were big, but not overly so, Aeon was a planet dominated by its two huge land masses. It was also a planet blessed with an ideal climate for vegetation and nature in general.

    From Space the planet appeared predominately green, even its north and south poles. Due to Aeons lush nature it was also rich in wildlife and that too was respected and protected. Huge areas, sometimes covering tens of thousands of square miles, were fenced. The Aeonian’s, by common consent would not set foot within these areas of sanctuary. Through this simple expediency the wildlife upon Aeonia not only survived, but flourished. Farming and agriculture was possible practically anywhere on the planet, but was concentrated in areas not blanketed in forest. They had learnt at an early age the importance of their trees and forests and they too were protected. Whilst trees were felled for a variety of usages, replanting maintained the balance.

    By the end of their third millennium the Aeonian’s had developed the means to explore space. Initially they explored only within their own solar system, but they continued to push at the boundaries of their capability.

    The breakthrough came in their year five thousand, four hundred and ten; they discovered the means to travel at the speed of light. That discovery opened up the Universe, to the Aeonian’s, or at least a substantially greater area of it. With the entrenched history of their now dead sister planets deeply engraved upon their collective consciousness they began to look for life elsewhere.

    Together with their rapidly developing means of travelling through space they also developed the means of looking into deep space. Many years earlier and upon one of their mountain ranges they had built telescopes, huge telescopes. The first had been constructed on mount Condo shortly after what they now termed the great war and had been updated on a regular basis ever since. By the year six thousand the Aeonian’s had also developed several powerful space based telescopes and some of these they positioned in deep space. The Aeonian’s never forgot the day that perhaps saved them; it was a day that they celebrated every year across the entire planet. With that momentous day, the day of Aeons turning point in mind, they began building up a library of life supporting planets. The list was not selective and was irrespective of the planets status within the

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