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Forever is Here
Forever is Here
Forever is Here
Ebook247 pages3 hours

Forever is Here

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About this ebook

Sara was stunned when Ty made his announcement at the awards show. Before she can make up her mind how she feels about it, he is back in town, ready to pick up where they left off.
Ty knows what he wants and he's ready to do whatever it takes for Sara to take him back. As soon as she tells him what that is.
The one thing neither one of them expected was having to deal with Inya but she is not about to go away quietly.
Intended for readers 18+
**** This is Book Three of Ty and Sara's story. The full compilation, Book One: So Unexpected, Book Two: My Angel and Book Three: Forever is Here, was published May 2015. ****

Release dateFeb 14, 2018
Forever is Here

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    Forever is Here - Amanda Wilhelm


    TY FOLLOWED THE PRESENTER off stage. He was already feeling in his pocket for his phone. First he released the song. He scanned through the texts, which was hard, because they were pouring in. He didn't see anything from Sara, but he wasn't disappointed, Sara may have sent an e-mail. Or she may not have even been watching and had no idea. She would hear about it though, he was sure of that. He was just about to log into his e-mail when he heard her.

    Where is he? Where the fuck is he? Inya was screaming.

    The various people milling around backstage parted and there she was, about twenty feet away. Ty thought about running for it. She'd never catch him, not in the shoes she was wearing, but he didn't. It had been a shitty thing for him to do to her, he knew that. But he had to do it.

    Inya spun this way and that and finally caught sight of Ty. Then she ran towards him, faster than Ty would have thought possible. He didn't move. She was about three feet from him when she tripped and stumbled. He caught her easily.

    Hey, he said, gently setting her back on her feet. Let's go talk somewhere,

    Talk! she screeched, pushing him away and almost falling over backwards in the process. She regained her balance and slapped him across the face, as hard as she could. Fuck you Ty!

    Ty took the blow, which wasn't much, and watched her storm off. Ty realized everyone was staring at him, but he didn't care. He went back to his phone and his heart leapt when he saw the e-mail from Sara. He read it quickly.

    Mr. Winslow?

    Ty looked up from his phone, annoyed at having his attention diverted.

    You need to get out to the lobby for the interviews.

    Oh, right, the interviews.

    Yes. This way, please.

    No, Ty said slowly.

    He turned back to the e-mail. The kid started to speak, but Ty shushed him. He reread the e-mail carefully. Then he looked at the kid.

    Is there a back door?


    A back door, from the theater?

    The guy shrugged. Yeah, he said.

    Okay, that's where I need to go.

    No, I'm supposed to take you to the lobby.

    Back door and a cab. Can you get a cab for me? I need to get to the airport.

    The guy looked Ty up and down and folded his arms.

    Hundred bucks.

    Done, Ty said. Let's go.

    Sheesh, I should have said two hundred, the guy said. This way, come on.

    Ty followed the kid through the maze backstage until they were out in the alley.

    Wait here, the kid said and ran towards the main street.

    Ty waited by the back door. He pulled out his wallet and counted out five twenties. Then he added two more.

    Come on!

    Ty ran down the alley, handed off the hundred and forty bucks and hopped in the cab.

    Which airport?

    What? Ty said. He hadn't been listening. He had been watching the kid count the money and smile at it.

    The kid didn't know which airport. Which airport?


    LaGuardia or Kennedy?

    I don't know.

    Which airline?

    I don't know. I don't have a ticket yet.

    The light ahead of them turned yellow. The cabbie floored it through the intersection and then slammed on the brakes. He turned to look at Ty.

    Where you trying to go?


    Try Jet-Blue, he said. They have the late Boston flights. Kennedy. Then he picked up his radio and told the dispatcher he was heading to Kennedy.

    What if they don't have anything? Ty said, panicking.

    It's no big deal. I'll tell him we go to LaGuardia, but it will be Kennedy. Boston, late flight, Jet-Blue, check, he said pointing at Ty's phone. Then he turned back to the traffic and started yelling and blowing on the horn.

    Five minutes later the flight was booked. Ty leaned forward.

    Hey, what do they have for cabs in Boston? he asked.

    There was no way he could ask his dad to pick him up at that hour.

    Fuck I know, the cabbie said.

    Okay, Ty said and went back to his phone.

    By the time they got to the airport Ty had booked a car service from Logan to Sara's house. He had sent Inya an e-mail attempting to apologize and explain, but he knew she wasn't likely to forgive him or understand. Ty knew he could have handled it better, but whatever he had done he and Inya would never have ended up friends. Whatever they been, they had never been friends.

    Ty paid and thanked the cab driver and headed into the airport. In three or four hours he'd be home. He couldn't wait.


    THE ALARM FELT LIKE being hit over the head with a two by four and Sara groaned. She hit the snooze. She should get up now right now. No, she could wait in bed eight minutes, eight and a half minutes and then get up, right before the alarm went off again. She would do that. She rolled back onto her back and closed her eyes. That's when it happened.

    Slowly an arm slid under the covers wrapping around her waist. Sara felt it, but it took a second for her to understand. When she understood she started to scream. Then she forced the scream down so she wouldn't wake the boys. When she didn't scream she started to shake. She was trying to think, but she couldn't. It felt like she was drowning, she needed help and she couldn't get it. Then he spoke.

    Sara? Ty said, then more urgently, Sara! Oh Jesus, I didn't mean to scare you.

    Sara looked at him. His face was six inches from hers. His dark curly hair was a mess. When her eyes met his the feeling from the night before came back strong. Then she realized what he had done and she pulled away from him and leapt out of bed.

    Hey, Ty said.

    What the hell are you doing? Sara said.

    Then she looked down to see what she was wearing. She was grateful to see it hadn't been a night where she had gotten hot and pulled everything off, but she closed the pajama top over the camisole and started buttoning it, from the top down.

    I'm sorry I scared you, Ty said, but Sara didn't think he looked sorry at all, not grinning from ear to ear the way he was, he didn't. I came home, it was late. I didn't want to wake you up. Surprise!

    Are you kidding me? This isn't your home, first of all, second of all, Sara paused. The adrenalin was wearing off and she was realizing how tired she was. She couldn't think. Did you get my e-mail?

    Yes, of course.

    Well, I said to think about it, remember, about what you wanted?

    I did think about it, here Ty grinned again. All the way to the airport.

    Are you serious? Sara started and was interrupted by the alarm. She slapped the snooze and turned it off. God, she said, and sat down on the bed.

    Ty came up behind her and wrapped both arms around her this time. Sara pushed him off and stood back up.

    I can't believe, she paused when she realized he wasn't wearing anything but his underwear. I can't believe you did this! I have to get Rob up for school. You...stay here.

    Okay, Ty said, and stretched out on the bed.

    You... Sara wanted to tell him to get the hell out of her bed, but she didn't have time. Rob was good about getting out of the house in the morning, which meant they took every precious extra minute of sleep they could get. But there was no margin for delays. Fine. I'll be back, stay here.

    You said that already, Ty said.

    Sara didn't answer him, she just stomped out of the room. She was tempted to slam the door, but that could wake Ben up and she didn't need Ben and Robbie bickering before she'd even had her coffee. Sara looked mournfully down the stairs as she passed them, but the coffee would have to wait. She knocked on the door of Rob's room.

    Okay, okay, she heard him call.

    You up? she said to the door.


    Getting dressed?


    Okay. I'm going downstairs. You want a grapefruit or something?


    Sara headed down the stairs and quickly got the coffee pot filled up and turned it on. Then she dug through the produce bin for a grapefruit, but came up empty. By the time she got back up from the basement, with a full bag of grapefruit, Rob was in the kitchen. Sara dumped the bag on the counter and opened it.

    Here, she said, handing Rob one. Wait, did you brush your hair?


    I'll cut the grapefruit, she said.

    Rob headed into the bathroom, where both he and Ben had an extra hairbrush stashed. Not that Sara ever bothered trying to get Ben to brush his hair before school. Sara stopped at the coffee pot and mixed her coffee up quickly. Then she cut the grapefruit. Rob came back from the bathroom.

    Here, she said and pushed the bowl towards him then tentatively tasted the coffee. Rob dug into the grapefruit. I'll go out with you, she said.

    You don't have to go out with me.

    I need some fresh air, Sara said. I'll sit on the step and drink my coffee, way back from the road, she finished in her head. When Rob frowned at her she added aloud, Nobody on the bus will see me.

    Rob grabbed his backpack as they walked out through the garage.

    Have a good day, Sara told him and he nodded.

    As promised she headed around the front of the house and sat down on the step. Immediately she realized it was a mistake as the condensation from the cooler overnight temperatures soaked right through her pajama bottom. She didn't get up, she just clenched her coffee cup and sipped it. Finally the bus came and as it pulled away she stood up and raced back around the house.

    She stopped in the kitchen to set her mug down and then ran up to her bedroom. Ty jumped up as she burst into the room.

    Oh, man, I think I fell asleep again.

    Rob's gone, you can go now, Sara said.

    Ty didn't move.

    Go, now. I have to get Ben up.

    Go where? Ty asked her.

    I don't care, Sara said. I need to get Ben up now. So go. Now.

    I know, you need to get him up. I remember how he is, you know.

    So then why aren't you moving?

    I have nowhere to go.

    Not my problem, Sara marched over to the bedroom door pointed at Ty then out the door. Go.

    Your butt's all wet. What happened?

    Oh my god, Sara picked Ty's clothes up off the floor and threw them at him. Get dressed and get out.

    Sara, I can't leave.

    You are leaving, now.

    No, I mean, I don't have a car.


    I took a car service from the airport, they dropped me off. No car.

    Are you kidding me?


    At that Sara let out an exasperated groan.

    Come on, Sara, can't we just talk? I mean, after Ben goes to school.

    I have to go to work.

    Not for a couple of hours and no, actually you don't.

    Um, yeah, I do.

    You don't. I can take care of us now.

    Sara noted the change in his tone and when she looked at him she saw the pride gleaming in his eyes. She sat down on the bed, somewhat defeated, realized she was getting the bed wet and jumped back up.

    Crap, she said, looking at the muddy wet stain on the sheet.

    How did you get all wet? Ty asked again, then he cupped his hand around her butt.

    Sara slapped his hand away, but she was more sad then angry.

    I have to get Ben off to school, okay? Then I'll drive you to...your dad's? On my way to work?

    And we'll talk?

    I guess so, Sara said.

    Then she grabbed a pair of sweatpants from the closet and locked herself in the bathroom to change.




    They were sitting in his dad's driveway and there was the distinct possibility that any minute Mo would notice them and come outside. Sara had said they could talk, after she had gotten Ben off to school, but they hadn't. She had shooed him out of the bedroom and locked the bedroom door to shower. Ty had headed downstairs and had some coffee and then thrown together an omelet for them to share. He was surprised when she came downstairs dressed for work, usually she would eat in her robe.

    They hadn't talked and Sara hadn't eaten. After pushing her food around on her plate for a while, she had announced she was going upstairs to brush her teeth and that she would drive him to Mo's right after.

    Ty glanced at the clock in the car. She had a little over an hour before she had to be at work and it was only twenty minutes away. It seemed like a perfect time to talk, but it also seemed like Sara couldn't be less interested. Ty had plenty he wanted to tell her, but she seemed so angry.

    I guess...I'd be happier to see me, he said.

    Sara glanced quickly over at him and then looked ahead. Ty figured she wasn't up for saying much, so he decided to just lay it all on the table.

    I had no attention of breaking up with you before the tour, but then my dad and I had a talk and he kind of said I should.

    Excuse me? Sara said. She looked downright murderous.

    No, oh crap. Just hear me out, okay? My dad traveled a lot, for work, I told you that, it's what ruined my parent's marriage, him being away all the time. He thought it was a shitty thing for me to do to you, abandon you for seven straight months. So I thought about it and, fuck, I'm just lousy about talking about stuff like this and when I said it, I knew it wasn't right, but then you were so mad, and I had to go, and I hated leaving it like that, but I did. Once I got out on the road I kept trying to call you, but you wouldn't pick up and then you said you had moved on and I should leave you alone.

    Sara looked at Ty and he waited. Finally she said, Aren't you forgetting something?



    Yeah, what?

    Um, the whole Tinya thing?

    Sara sounded furious, but the crack in her voice, when she said Tinya, betrayed her. She was hurt.

    Do we really have to talk about that? Ty said. I love you. That's why I did what I did at the awards show. That's why I came home.

    Ty, twenty four hours ago you were getting engaged to her!

    No, that's just something the tabloids came up with, I was never going to marry her.

    And you bought a house together.

    She bought the house. It just all kept happening and the more that happened the more I knew it wasn't right, but I couldn', Ty stopped.

    He couldn't explain it. He barely understood it himself. The one thing he did know was that he never would have married Inya. And once he had figured that out, it made no sense for them to be together anymore. Even if Sara and Ty had never met he knew that was true.

    "Fine, Ty, you weren't going to marry her.

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