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Perspectives: Thirty Days to Life
Perspectives: Thirty Days to Life
Perspectives: Thirty Days to Life
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Perspectives: Thirty Days to Life

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About this ebook

Perspectives discusses the journey of the author to accomplish a task he received: to see the good in all things for thirty consecutive days. He presents the conflicts experienced during and after the 316 days it took him to complete the task.

The author discusses the lessons received that have changed his perspective on the roles of self, the interaction of self with positive and negative energies, and his relationship with others. Perspectives demonstrates what can be achieved when you allow yourself to reject the influence of negative forces in your life and interpret all that we see with the strength of understanding and love. The author encourages self-awareness as well as awareness of both positive and negative energies, so that readers, like the author, will learn to distinguish the bounty of love that exist in their lives. In doing so, readers can experience a greater fulfillment of life and a deeper understanding of our spiritual connections.

Perspectives promotes spiritual understanding and evolution through the authors own personal experiences. In the process, the reader is able to find the method to correlate and advance their own life journey from the information presented.

Those who are truly ready to control their own spiritual journey will be afforded the opportunity to expand their understanding of self and of universal awareness through their continual spiritual evolution.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 22, 2014
Perspectives: Thirty Days to Life


In November of 1973 the author crossed over from the physical to the spiritual universe and back again. He hid away the memories until 1995, when a series of family events convinced him to delve deeper into the levels of human existence. In February of 2009 he received a gift that opened his eyes, mind, and heart; and enabled him to observe how the keepers of universal knowledge interact with our human existence. The author shares those experiences in this book.

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    Perspectives - Nathaniel

    Copyright © 2014 Nathaniel.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1520-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1522-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1521-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014909110

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/21/2014

    Dr. Richard D. Riddle Sr.


    I walk this morning, listening. I listen for that which is past the sounds of traffic, past the sounds of radios, past the sounds of birds singing, the wind blowing and crickets chirping. Past all of this is their voice. I listen intently, trying to hear past the heartbeat of the crickets.

    I am only half of what I can be, yet all that I will be I owe to what you do for me.

    I dedicate this book to all those that live on. He said, life is full of challenges, challenges to be looked upon as opportunities to learn, grow, and overcome. I gain strength from knowing. I gain strength from each of you.

    For those that live, brothers, nephews, nieces, cousins, uncles, aunts, in-laws, grandchildren, children, wife and friends; for each of you, past and present, new people that will come into my life and old friends that will leave, please know:

    To love deeply gives you strength. To be deeply loved gives you courage. You are my strength, you are my courage.


    To love is a choice. To see the good in all things is an opportunity. To teach love and understanding is a goal. To try, then fail and then try again is as much a part of life as trying and succeeding. Sometimes, it is better, because if we succeed too soon or too easily we may stop trying.


    That which gives you joy. In her life, she will accomplish great things, but only if she opens herself up to accomplish great things. If she is willing to take on the burden, then she will accomplish it. She will be plagued with anxiety, impatience, etc. Do not view this as negative. But if you persevere, does it not make you a stronger individual? Negative energies exist for a purpose, to test our own humanity, our own capability, our own perseverance. If you can overcome then you will be stronger. It is the nature of human satisfaction to overcome the great obstacle; to become satisfied with your accomplishments that were set before you. Know this, when you overcome those obstacles. Do not glare upon these as obstacles, only something to overcome, to persevere. We cheer for you. -- Ylliachon






    From Something

    To Something

    Walk With Me

    The Listener

    A New Challenge

    A Simple Task

    A Shift In Perspective


    Details of The Challenge

    The Good In All Things

    Lesson ONE - Frustration


    How Do You Meet My Expectations?


    Conflict Resolution

    Lesson TWO - Patience

    The Lesson of 30 Days

    Without Defense

    Lesson THREE - Encouragement

    The Heart of One

    God’s Will

    Making Memories

    Lesson FOUR - Commitment

    A Hungry Girl


    Reflections On Commitments

    Lesson FIVE - Meditation

    Lesson SIX - Listening

    Maintenance of the Mind

    Lesson SEVEN - Expectations



    Lesson EIGHT - Understanding

    Another Trip

    A Family Emergency

    Is Change Possible?

    The Acorn

    Reflections on Understanding

    Lesson NINE - Subtleties

    The Subtlety of Observation

    The Subtlety of the Attack

    The Subtlety of the Universe

    An Early Morning Conversation

    Lesson TEN - Respect



    Lesson ELEVEN - Choices




    A Past Life Regression

    To Teach Another

    I Am

    To Be

    Lesson TWELVE - Protection

    Problems to Solve

    Water Under the Sink


    The Protective Blanket

    Lesson THIRTEEN - love

    The Bird

    Hum Bul and No Bul


    Love Yourself

    Love Others

    30 days

    The Lessons Continue

    Help from Above

    God’s Love

    Love Is

    Lesson FOURTEEN - Friendship

    The Source of Evil

    Do You Love Me?

    Post Analysis

    Seeking Self

    Free Fall

    A Moment in Free Fall



    In Remembrance

    About Cyd

    About the Author


    Hi my friend…

    I was thinking of you the other night and this is what they wrote to you 38281.png


    TO HOPE means that you already know that it is NOT going to happen. Hope is your chance to WILL it so.

    TO BELIEVE is a firm essence of understanding not yet completely confirmed as a KNOWING; it is still proving itself.

    TO HAVE FAITH is a KNOWING of TRUTH. Truth is a universal constant. Knowing brings calmness to the soul. Knowing brings eternal knowledge to the masses in mind body and soul. Knowing just IS and cannot be denied. A knowingness is so deep inside that the mind and body completely understand. I KNOW THIS is a complete experience, UNDENIABLE, without contradiction, beyond circumstances. Knowing is beyond rational behavior, beyond all experience: It is a taking over of the soul, a taking over of what is human with a knowing of beyond.




    At the universal level, I am Nathaniel. Nathaniel is the name given to me at the moment God created my spiritual energy, often called the soul. I cannot remember any of that. I only can tell you it is true because it was told to me. On the physical level I am Richard. In both identities I was told who I am by those that know. In the physical state I was told who I am by my father and mother and my birth is recorded on a certificate held in the Missouri state records. On the spiritual plane, I was told my true name by those that also know. The spiritual birth record is recorded in the Hall of Records.

    I wrote of my physical and spiritual identities in my first book, Transitions. I, like you, have come and gone before. Like most, I do not have memories of those lives. I only know this life and the information that has been shared with me. I spent time reflecting on past lives and I worried about what I have done before. During one of my early morning walks I was assisted in resolving my worry by an Archangel who watches over me. He said that although I have led many lives that I should not dwell on them. He said that instead I should live the life I am on.

    It is important to understand that I do not have any divine direction to write. I simply write because I want to. I want to share with you information I have discovered. If you, the reader, doubt what I write and ask for proof, the only proof that I can offer is our existence. The renowned philosopher Descartes wrote in his Discourse in Method, I think, therefore, I am. I might alter this slightly to say, I am.

    During the last year of writing my first book, Transitions, I was also struggling to complete a new challenge offered to me. While proceeding down an initial path of arrogance, I soon began to uncover deep feelings of understanding that I had not experienced before. That understanding was paramount for the completion of Transitions and subsequently it has played an important role within this writing. I also know that I have only touched the surface of understanding, as there is so much I have yet to discover.

    Though at times my words may appear to be instructive in nature, it is my goal to not tell anyone what to do or how to lead their lives. I struggle with this goal and often fail. I attribute this to my desire to teach but ignorance can only teach ignorance.

    For those that have gotten to this point, if you are ready to take the next step in your own spiritual evolution, I present to you the many lessons and experiences that I encountered along my spiritual path. I will always try my best to share with you these experiences and leave you to use the information as you desire.

    The writing of Perspectives has spanned three years. I have often stopped writing for days, and there have been weeks where I have only progressed one line at a time, as I have hesitated to write until I was able to clear my mind. I endeavor to erase my feelings of resentment, greed, and disillusion. If I see myself failing for a moment, then I stop to overcome the hypocrisy within myself.

    Throughout the past years, I have also sought to gather new spiritual information and understanding. With each tidbit of information received, I have evaluated it and have included it, as applicable, to one of the many lessons.

    The Angels who watch over me call me the listener. The title brings its own complexities because it makes me feel good. Because I feel good about it, I try to listen more. The more I listen, the more I open the door to hearing. I not only hear the positive energies, but I can also hear the negative energies. Perceiving the difference between the two energies is very hard. I will often present two views of the same information within a section or in a footnote to increase the reader’s ability to discern the difference.

    Part of my writing style may be attributed to my educational background. I hold a Doctorate in Computer Science. In computer science, we break down the components of a problem or activity. We develop logical algorithms that are joined together with inputs, processes and outputs that enable a problem to be solved or specific work to be accomplished.

    To develop computer algorithms, the computer scientist must have a deep understanding of the domain within their defined work space. If I extend that process for algorithm development to my writing, Perspectives can at times be considered somewhat academic in its structure. By academic, I mean that I have organized the information in terms of lessons learned and I have added footnotes throughout that are as important to read as the text. The footnotes can reveal the source of the information as well as alternate views.

    I am not religious, I am spiritual. For me, religion is about books, spirituality is about God. This can seem contradictory as I often include quotes from the Bible or Quran. I do this to aid understanding. If I argue the inaccuracy of claims about what is presented in these books, there are some that will simply close their hearts and minds to what I am saying. To close one’s mind does not prove a position. Proof does not come from repetition or opposition. Proof comes from truth and understanding.

    There is so much that cannot be proven since what is to be known extends far beyond what we think we understand or know. To act on proof alone defies progress. Columbus could not prove the world was round without action. He had to act, to sail west, to discover something theretofore unknown.

    If you look at your own life you cannot prove with absolute certainty the blood heredity of your forefathers back to the beginning of life. For example, you know your mother and your grandmother. You may not know your great grandmother however for your grandmother to exist your great grandmother had to exist. If you continue back you know that your great grandmother had a mother who also had a mother before her. You may extend that path back from generation to generation. You may never know their names or where they lived, but you do know that they had to exist because you exist. This is the only proof that I can provide of the source of our existence and that proof is simply the fact of our existence.

    For some, their religious books are considered to be of divine origin, much like the thoughts of the divine power originally believed to be given to kings. I have heard it said that the proof of the divine nature of the books are contained is the words in the book. I cannot blindly accept that claim. For example the words in the books are often in conflict with what I have been taught about God. I can read the words in the Book of Exodus in the Bible that says, God closed his heart. Words of that nature do not make sense when you consider God’s unconditional love for all. Why would God close his heart? Did God need to prove anything? The answer should be easy to understand that God would never close his heart. With God there is nothing to prove.

    I think about the Christian belief which struggles with the Jewish rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus preached against the practices of the Priest in the Temples. He understood the persecution of the poor by those in power. The Priest forced the people to travel to Jerusalem once a year to pray in the temple. Once there the people had to pay heavy fees and taxes to the Priest who in turn were heavily taxed by the state. The times were very difficult and the poor would often sell their daughters to get the money to pay these cost. Jesus worked to change this practice. He taught the people how to see and pray to God differently. He taught God’s love. Because people listened to him and because he criticized what the religious scholars were doing, he was taken, tortured and crucified. I ask, if he walked into your churches today, would you know him? If he challenged what you do in God’s name, would you crucify him again?

    In the Quran there is a chapter that speaks of the origins of Muslim religion. It states that the original people were those of the twelve tribes of Israel. Of those people there were some that were offended and walked away from the others during the time when they all waited for Moses to return from the mountain. It was at this time that some of the people of the tribes became afraid that Moses may have abandoned them and they melted gold and created idols to worship. It also states that a group was against those that created the idols. This group kept their faith and worked to remain true to God. Perhaps that faith was true then, but doctrines of most religions are not clear to me now. Regardless of how I try to see differently, it seems to me that religions appear to worship their books rather than God. It appears that way to me because when I ask if God were to send someone to tell them that the book is wrong, what would they do? The response is usually a rejection of such a message because those words could only be words from Satan.

    I think that many people place great importance on their religious book. If I were to give a book that much importance it would mean that I would be giving the book greater respect than the respect that I give God. I cannot do that but instead work to understand the message intended by the author. In religious books there is a lot of history, stories, and examples to use and compare to our lives today. I do not resent history, but it is simply the past. We cannot change the past. All that we can affect is the future and our future is ahead of us. We can bury our thoughts in the past and continue doing the same thing over and over again but how many times must we walk around the same circle? Is it possible to see the path that is yet to be taken?

    To change the course of my existence, I cannot give more credit to one thought over another. I must be open to consider the alternatives. If I am to find the good in all things, then I must see beyond what appears in front of my eyes to discover the good within.

    I desire that what I present to you is thought provoking. If you read a paragraph and feel attacked and find it necessary to defend your position, I must apologize in advance for my own ignorance and careless words that would instigate that feeling. I am not presenting any position to cause dissention between you and me, nor you and others. I just try to open the door to reflection of oneself.

    I ask: If not me, then whom? Does the power to change oneself, and then others, belong to someone else or does the power to change human thoughts and actions belong to God alone? If that is the case, then why did the actions of one change so much? Were the actions of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and Martin Luther King Jr, inconsequential? Was their leadership and personal example worth it? I suspect that two thousand years from now, we may look back and see another who helped people understand while at the same time see ourselves continuing to repeat our mistakes from one generation to another. Is this simply apathy on our part or do we really believe that evil can only be eradicated by the explosive arrival of the Christ surrounded by armies of angels descending to earth on fire breathing horses as they strike evil with their swords? Is it possible that we simply justify our actions because the job to change the world is only left to the heavens? While we wait should we practice the enjoyment of the treasures of the flesh and ignore the treasures of the spirit?

    I encourage you to think about my questions as you read Perspectives. Please consider any similarities you may discover in your own life to the stories and examples that I share. There is no magic formula for life. There is only choice. You have taken a significant step toward your own life’s journey by picking up this book. What you do with the information shared is up to you. The path taken by you and I will not lead to a distinct end. For this reason, the subtitle of Perspectives is 30 Days to Life. What I struggled to achieve for 30 consecutive days did not come to an ultimate end point. It only revealed that which must be continued. Please know that God loves you and the Angels love you ~ completely, without conditions.


    Sometimes I see things from a myopic view. It is like I walk with blinders covering my eyes. The screaming inside my head often drowns out any information I may receive that is external to my own thoughts. These thoughts, like a thousand raindrops hitting a pool of water, blur the image of who I am. If I can clear my thoughts, I will see myself.

    In Transitions, I wrote about love of self. As I took my morning walk I was granted a conversation with one of the many Angels that watch over me. During this conversation he helped me with both a question to ask and the answer to the question. The simple question to ask was, how do I love more? I walked awhile and then asked the question of him. He responded, Learn to love yourself. This did not mean to consider only myself. It did not mean that I should put myself on a pedestal and look down on others.

    He went on to explain that we are all created from the same essence of God. He said that when we can see God within ourselves then we can see God within others. His words touched me deeply as I opened my mind to accept the meaning of what he shared with me. For me, it promoted the ultimate objective --to release fear, to release the fear from within. Understand who and what I am, accept myself, and know that I, like each of us, am a part of God. If I can see the beauty of my existence, then I can enjoy and love who I am. I must remove the doubt; remove the internal fear and anxiety.

    Of what am I afraid? Is it life, or is it death? In either case I am faced with the unknown. I can remember many pieces of my past for this lifetime. I can see this moment but I cannot see what will happen in the next second, let alone see what will happen in the next hour or the next day. What I can do is predict what should occur, given that I do certain things. If it does not go the way that I predict, what will happen? Will it really matter? If it does not matter, then why am I here? If it does not matter, then why would they care and why would the negative energies work so hard to keep me from knowing the love that is all around?

    Fear is a powerful feeling. It is an emotion that can push us to react in ways that are really non-predictable except in its non-predictability. Both Zophiel and Ylliachon told me of my superficial thoughts. Many human thoughts and emotions are superficial. Though superficial thoughts and emotions can impact the human existence, there is nothing of significance that can really happen at the spiritual level. Regardless of the outcome of physical interactions, it is the protection of the soul that is really the first and foremost concern. Though the physical body can be hurt or destroyed, there are only two entities that can harm the soul. The first and utmost is God. God created me and God loves me, as he loves you and all that he has created. God’s love is without conditions. God would not destroy that which he created.

    The second entity that can harm the soul is self. I ask another question, Is it possible that I am afraid of self? I believe that I can damage my soul. I do not think I can destroy my soul, but I think that I can anchor myself in an existence that keeps my soul far from home. I can keep doing the same things over and over again through eternity and perhaps spend eternity in the hell of my own creation.

    For me to change my future I must learn to love myself. To love myself is to understand who I am and why I am here. If I can understand the purpose of my existence I will be able to address my fear. If I can remove my fear of living and my fear of death then it may be possible for me to live. If I can live then I can love. I think that to live and love is why I exist and for me that is enough.

    I will not tell you what you should or should not do. This is not a how to book that dictates how you should live. The fact is, I cannot tell you what to do, nor can anyone else. Each person has their own plan, their own thoughts, and their own guides. I can share with you what I have done successfully and where I have failed. There are actions that have worked and others that have not worked for me. I can share with you the words that I have heard spoken and the tasks that have been given to me that have helped me progress. I can also share with you my own struggles as I continue to move along this path.

    Will there be a benefit to you for reading this work? The answer will come from your heart and mind. I only promise that I will present the best information that I have. What you gain from it is up to you.


    Within Perspectives there will be text that is indented and italicized. I have done this to isolate for you ‘actual spiritual discussions.’ I will show their words in the dialog with the preface He: and then present the text for what I received. I then preface text with Me: for my responses.

    As I have described in Transitions, I have observed what I call three separate states of my son’s physical and spiritual situation. In all of the states he left his body, in some cases another took possession. The exchange was witnessed from both the exit/incoming and the exit/return conditions.

    State one seems to be him, but not in the physical sense. In this state, he presented information and often referred back to his human form. In this form, I asked him how I should call him and his response was call me son.

    For state two, there was another that exchanged positions with him. I use the word exchange rather than channel as in this state his spiritual existence has left his physical existence and another spiritual existence has entered into his physical existence. In this state, there was a direct dialog that took place with one of many that had a message to deliver or simply came to share

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