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Runaway Princesses
Runaway Princesses
Runaway Princesses
Ebook120 pages40 minutes

Runaway Princesses

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When twin princesses Biscottini and Bruschetta Onion escape from their luxurious lifestyle in King Onion’s castle in a quest to find true happiness they are surprised at every turn: they act quickly to avoid danger, work harder than they could ever imagine and learn to eat humble pie; discover teamwork; learn about rules; discern good friendships, and how to be discrete about their true identity. They meet interesting characters along the way: Carob the horse, Twitch the white rabbit, and the dangerous Mister Cage-man. Their life-changing epic provides friends, but when they want to return to the castle, humungous obstacles arise. Will their new friends help them to fulfill their destiny? Great life lessons for readers old and young, good family reading with a happy ending, a theme of admirable love, destiny, and food topped with icing made of joy in living every day no matter what happens.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateMay 8, 2012
Runaway Princesses

Eileen Marie Seltenrych

Marie had her first art assignment at the age of six, when her teacher asked her to draw posters for her bridge club. It proved to be a success - she became her teacher’s favourite until she left primary school. Her ability to tell stories also began at an early age when she created comic books with her siblings during the long school holidays in Ireland. Marie’s love for writing stories and creating inspirational art have been revived in the past few years and she now uses her computer, an electronic pen, tablet and accessories to bring her ideas to life. In Runaway Princesses her childhood dreams reach fruition as she fuses her love of telling stories, teaching children honest life lessons, combined with her experiences as an actor and producer in an inspirational story with motivating and delightful characters in fascinating settings.

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    Book preview

    Runaway Princesses - Eileen Marie Seltenrych

    Chapter One

    Once upon a time, there lived two princesses who were twins: one was named Biscottini, and the other was called Bruschetta; King Onion, their father, was eating these foods when the servant called out, You have two girls, what are their names?

    King Onion yelled back: Biscottini and Bruschetta.

    The Queen looked at her beautiful twin babes asleep in their cribs and smiled. She gazed through a special magnifying glass and said, They have the mark of princesses. Can you see any marks? Look closely at their little feet.


    The folk living in the Kingdom of Chipolata rejoiced and ate hundreds of sausages to celebrate the princesses’ arrival. The Chipolata Kingdom was made up of King Onion’s domain and four towns: Hunchytown, Bananamash town, Cauldron town and the town of Buttermilk.


    Princesses Biscottini and Bruschetta grew up to become beautiful girls: these are their portraits hanging on the wall of the Throne Room in the castle.

    Servants took great care of the princesses: one servant washed their feet: that made them giggle; another servant washed their hands, which they didn’t like very much; another servant brushed their hair: sometimes it hurt but mostly it didn’t because the brush was soft and the servant was careful. Another servant washed their faces: they didn’t like getting their faces washed. They scrunched up their eyes and held their lips tightly together during the washing.

    Because they were princesses they knew they always had to look their best and smell nice, so they just put up with the servants fussing over them.


    This is King Onion’s Castle, the most important building in the Kingdom of Chipolata; where the princesses lived. Every evening they looked out over their land through one of the windows. They could see for miles from their high place on the hill; that made them feel very tall.

    Every day the King called his daughters to visit him in the Throne Room for five minutes to receive instruction about the kingdom. As you can see, they sometimes felt a bit bored and could not wait to go and study or play. Mostly they wanted to play games.

    Every night, Queen Broccoli kissed her daughters as they lay in their beds; she always sighed deeply and said,

    You are beautiful; I wish I had a son.

    Biscottini and Bruschetta were sometimes naughty: one day they broke the arms off one of their hundreds of dolls when the servant was not paying attention; they cried loudly and pointed to their servant, blaming her, ordering that she be punished. They sent another servant to the king with a hand-written note, telling him about their broken toy. King Onion was very busy when the servant knocked on his door: he was trying to decide between a strawberry cup cake and a lemon cupcake. He made a quick decision:

    Put the servant in the dungeon to cool off.

    The princesses laughed until they fell on the floor, just as the servant was dragged away to be locked up. They gave each other high fives and said, We are smart.


    One day a servant found

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