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Ramat´S Wish
Ramat´S Wish
Ramat´S Wish
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Ramat´S Wish

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About this ebook

Ramats Wish is the story of a rabbit named Ramat, who goes deep into the wood and discovers a family of humans living there by circumstances of fate.

By noticing they were so different, he is immediately interested, and so he decides to observe them for a while. As he observes them, a profound wish is born inside him: He wants to become a human.

Ramat talks to his master about his wish, who tries to explain the major challenge of what he is asking for.

Ramat does not listen to the reasons given by his Master and insists in wanting to be a human.

His Master decides to give him the opportunity, not before subjecting him to a hard test, for which he gives him some tools which he shall use in order to succeed.
Ramat accepts this test and his adventure begins.

At first, the story seems to look like a childrens book, but, as the story unfolds, it plunges into a deep topic that makes us meditate on the great challenge of being alive having a Human Experience.
Release dateMay 19, 2015
Ramat´S Wish

Luz Astrid Montoya

Luz Astrid Montoya Nació en Colombia en Enero de 1968. Hija de German Montoya y Nelly Betancur. Tuvo dos hermanas menores Lina y Doris Estudio Odontología en la Universidad de Antioquia y se graduó como Odontóloga en 1993. Se caso con Luis Jimenez en Diciembre de 1998. Vivió en Colombia con su esposo hasta el ano 2000, y luego decidieron emigrar a los Estados Unidos. En los Estados Unidos se desempeño como Higienista Dental hasta septiembre del 2012. En el 2004 les nació su hijo Simón. Quien es hoy día su motor para crear, aprender y ser un mejor ser humano. Siempre ha tenido mucha curiosidad por los asuntos espirituales y por todo aquello que lleve al ser humano a ser mejor y a lograr su destino. Fue así, como justo después de asistir a un seminario llamado ”Awaken” con el gran motivador y líder mundial Robin Sharma, autor del libro “EL Monje que Vendió su Ferrari en el 2007, que redescubrió su pasión por la escritura. Se dice que redescubrió su pasión por la escritura, porque fue algo que siempre llamó su atención, pero nunca encontraba el tiempo para hacerlo. Como madre, esposa y mujer trabajadora, siempre estaba ocupada y no tenía tiempo para mas cosas. Pero después del seminario descubrió, que el tiempo no existe, uno solo lo maneja y lo administra y decide qué hacer con él. Cada persona decide si lo utiliza en rutinas inútiles o si por el contrario lo utiliza para alanzar sus sueños. Encontró que levantándose un poco antes de lo acostumbrado, podría empezar a tener tiempo para hacer lo que tanto la apasionaba. Empezó levantándose 15 minutos antes y escribía durante ese tiempo. Luego se levantaba 30 minutos antes, hasta hacerlo una hora antes. Poco a poco y con mucha paciencia sus obras empezaron a aparecer. Otra particularidad que descubrió fue que le encantaba escribir pero no sabia que escribir. Entonces descubrió que poniendo la pluma en papel las palabras empezaban a salir y las frases empezaban a fluir. Mágicamente las historias se empezaban a materializar en el papel de una forma fluida y coherente. Al escribir ella siente la misma sensación que tiene el lector por primera vez cuando lee sus libros, ya que ella no sabe lo que va a ocurrir. Llora cuando sus personajes mueren, se angustia cuando los amantes no se encuentran. Pero entendió que las historias solo fluyen y ella no las puede intervenir porque cuando se atreve a hacerlo mutila la esencia de las historias. Ella aprendió que el material se deja salir tal y como es. No importa si es largo o corto, si los personajes se mueren o aparecen otros nuevos. Ella simplemente se dispone y disfruta su escritura confiada en que siempre saldrán historias constructivas y bien logradas porque provienen de una fuente infinita a la que ella procura conectarse antes de empezar a escribir. Cuando la conexión no se establece y se fuerza a salir la historia, ésta se siente fría, vacía y sin sentido. Su intención es motivar al lector a encontrar elementos que le ayuden a vivir mejor, que lo ayuden a volverse mas conciente y a valorar el aprendizaje que implica la vida. Desde siempre ha buscado alimento espiritual como mencionamos anteriormente. Es por ello que ha leído muchos libros que le han dejado valiosas enseñanzas que se dejan ver entre las líneas de sus escritos. Tiene dos modalidades de escritos. Uno, son los cuentos meramente infantiles, historias cortas para leer antes de irse a dormir. Tienen como objetivo sembrar en el subconsciente de los niños ideas positivas sobre el amor, la lealtad y la esperanza antes de que se entreguen al descanso, con la intención de sembrar valores útiles que puedan usar en el transcurso de sus vidas. Contribuyendo con esto en la formación de nuevos seres humanos mas concientes, mas amorosos, mas leales y mas felices Tiene también novelas inspiracionales para adultos. Estos son relatos aparentemente muy simples de la vida cotidiana que tienen como objetivo hacer reflexionar sobre el sentido y el valor que le damos a la vida. Su compromiso con la vida es continuar escribiendo mientras este viva para que muchas historias inspiracionales se materialicen a través de sus manos y cambien y motiven la vida de los seres que se atrevan a cuestionarse y a hacer cambios que los lleve a lograr sus objetivos. Ella esta convencida que “Querer es poder”. Es cuestión de identificar claramente lo que queremos para que el Universo se pueda confabular con el cumplimiento de nuestros sueños. Cuando tenemos claro que es lo que queremos y para donde vamos todo es mas fácil. Pero para lograrlo necesitamos silencio, reflexión, inspiración y compromiso. Darnos cuenta es el primer paso, desear es el segundo, confiar es el tercero y ejecutar es el cuarto. La vida no existe por si sola, la vida se construye día a día, y es tu responsabilidad su construcción. Puede ser mediocre, aburrida, buena o excelente. El grado lo da el nivel de conciencia que tengas y la capacidad de aprendizaje y adaptación que presentes.

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    Book preview

    Ramat´S Wish - Luz Astrid Montoya

    Copyright © 2015 by Luz Astrid Montoya.

    Cover picture by Dario posada

    Author photography by Santiago Betancur

    Library of Congress Control Number:      2015907693

    ISBN:        Hardcover     978-1-5065-0452-0

                      Softcover       978-1-5065-0451-3

                      eBook            978-1-5065-0453-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Rev. date: 18/05/2015


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    Part One

    Part Two


    Today is the start of a new stage in my life. Today, I will start officially to set out on what I have always wished to do: write.

    So, I look at the blank sheets of paper and wonder, What shall I write about?, and for me, I think that I have found the answer by going ahead, and letting the words come from the bottom of my heart, with no interference from my mind.

    What I do know is that these words are charged with good intentions, faith and positive energy.

    Good intentions, because I only want good and constructive things to be part of it.

    Faith, because I believe that I am being assisted by someone I cannot see, but can feel.

    And positive energy, because I only want to express well-being, peace, and love.

    This is the story of a small rabbit with many skills, but also with many doubts, who wishes to reach places that nobody else has reached, and is prepared to do anything to achieve his goal.

    With the guidance of his Master, he goes through a series of experiences that help him to understand things better and learn what he wants to learn.

    I would like to dedicate this first work to the most wonderful being that God has brought to me – my husband Luis, who has constantly encouraged me to follow my dream; my son Simon, who gives me the energy that drives my life; and Robin Sharma, a superb writer and lecturer whom I recently had the good fortune to meet, sharing a seminar that awakened me and led me to start out on making my dream a reality.

    I hope that all of you who read this story will enjoy it, will learn something useful for your lives, and will become infused with the wonders of positive energy.

    Part One

    Ramat was a rabbit. He lived in a beautiful, leafy wood. Ramat was good-looking, rather sweet, and very small. He was a curious and happy rabbit, and rather adventurous; and most of all, he had an overpowering desire to learn. He involved himself in any kind of adventure that came up, and nonetheless, always came out of it in one piece.

    As time passed, he realized that through his adventures he was acquiring Knowledge, and he really liked Knowledge, perhaps even more than the adventures themselves.

    One day, Ramat went deep into the part of the wood where he had never been before, because it was a long way from the place where he lived, and there he discovered a family of humans: mother, father and three children - two girls and a boy. He was immediately interested in the way they lived, and so he decided to observe them for a while.

    The family had been there for some time. It had set up home in the wood, hoping to find a new life. The father, Allan, had been a senior executive, a systems engineer, and have always felt an attraction for something new. But because of his day-to-day occupations, and his quick rise in his professional career, he had never achieved his dreams. The mother, Cathy, was young and pretty, an interior decorator, but she had never worked in that, because she had married early, and then the children had come along… The two girls, Linda and Melissa, were twins aged eight, and their brother Bob was five.

    This lovely family had always lived in a big city, in an attractive house with all conveniences, and apparently, all of them were happy. But deep down, something was wrong. Alan, although he was in love with Cathy and his children, never had time for anything other than work. He had an inner struggle, because he wanted to enjoy the family and spend more time with them, but at the same time he was afraid that he would lose all the comforts which they had around them as a result of his success in his job. Cathy loved him and admired him, and was ready for anything. And although she wanted him to spend more time at home, she also understood his enormous economic responsibilities. In her own way, she also tried to make up the time that the father wasn’t there with their children. Linda, Melissa and Bob were affectionate and educated, and you´d think that they were happy children, even though they always felt something was missing, because they couldn’t share anything with their father. They even became used to seeing him almost as an adornment info in their photographs. They knew he was a good person and that he provided them with all the comforts enjoyed; but that was all.

    One day, as often happens in that world, Allan was summoned to a meeting of his company´s board, and they told him that the President and owner of the company had resigned, because he felt too tired to go on; and that there would be some changes. Allan had been the one that the President had always given every opportunity to do well, because he was very fond of him, and saw he had great talent; but this had made others who had been working there for longer jealous of him. And so, when they had the chance - and although the old man, before he retired, had given orders to do everything possible to keep such an excellent employee, they began to sabotage his work. They overloaded him with things to do so that he could never finish any of them, and so, show that he was incompetent; and so that they would have arguments to tell the old man why he should be fired. After three months in which Allan suffered from the stress of unending work, his enemies´ tactics succeeded, and they threw him out.

    Allan saw his whole life crumbling, and was full of worries, thinking how he was going to find another job like that, which would allow him to live in the way in which the family was accustomed. He did not know how to tell his wife or children about this, but there was nothing to do but to tell them the terrible news. That night, when they sat around the dinner-table, for the first time together in years, he began to tell them about what had happened. His wife and children hugged him and supported him, and made him feel that everything would turn out all right. Then, they joined hands and asked God with all their strength, that He would help them through this awful situation.

    The young father looked for work for some months, but because his former colleagues in the former job gave him a bad reputation in the market, nobody wanted

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