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Matt R. Rocks: A Story That Matters
Matt R. Rocks: A Story That Matters
Matt R. Rocks: A Story That Matters
Ebook41 pages8 minutes

Matt R. Rocks: A Story That Matters

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Matter breaks apart and grows new ideas setting forth a new island at dawn. When Matt R. a rock who wants to swim, embarks on an adventure with Captain Higgs and his crew of other rocks, they learn to build themselves up to form a vast island of resources. Cracking themselves up, the rocks become alive with curiosity and joy after hurling themselves on shore. They walk, talk, and swim their way into your heart.

The US Review of Books

From the days when the ancient Sumerians chiseled out The Epic of Gilgamesh in cuneiform, to modern times when writers and animators at Pixar or Dreamworks put the final touches on their latest blockbuster, people have searched for inventive and entertaining ways to teach social mores and viewpoints to others, especially the young. In keeping with this time-honored tradition, the author has crafted a book designed to teach the importance of working together while also subtly introducing little children to the rather heavy concepts associated with particle physics.

Release dateOct 1, 2013
Matt R. Rocks: A Story That Matters

R.K. Brown

Patricia is a nature and animal lover, a San Francisco native who resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico where she received a degree in elementary education with a focus in language arts. She lives with her two terrier mixes and competes in dog agility around the Southwest. She loves to write poetry and stories that touch on understanding our purpose in the world. She loves the arts and considers it to be an integral part of living a full life. She believes creativity comes from the soul and creative writing is an important branch that reaches out to people who are looking to connect to what makes them happy.

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