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The Volks Garten: A Handbook for Gardening with Subtle-Energies
The Volks Garten: A Handbook for Gardening with Subtle-Energies
The Volks Garten: A Handbook for Gardening with Subtle-Energies
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The Volks Garten: A Handbook for Gardening with Subtle-Energies

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The Mayan God Kings had been blessing the crops of Maya with Reiki prayers when the white brothers from Europe arrived. It was decided to keep the details of Reiki Prayers a secret from the white brothers until the Age of Pisces was over. They etched secrets of the Reiki Prayer process, onto coded glyphs on an animal skin called, the Dresden Codex. See the illustration from the Dresden Codex, on the back cover, of a Mayan God King praying or their crops. They predicted that the secrets would again be deciphered by December 12, 2012.

Man is the only triune being in the animal kingdom. He consists of a conscious self (the only self that communicates in languages), a subconscious self, which communicates by emotions, and, a HIGH SELF (or the Father above.) All three are involved in a Reiki + MANNA prayer task. The conscious self must first describe the prayer, in terms the subconscious self relates to. He then imagines he is standing in water. (MANNA is interpreted by the subconscious self, as a prayer substance (i.e. like WATER.) that can flow up thru a tube.) The conscious self notifies his subconscious self, to: accumulate manna through breathing cycles , send it up the Aka cord, (i.e. in the back), up to the HIGH SELF above, and ask the HIGH SELF to accumulate MANNA, MANNA, LOA, and request God to rain down the prayer results, to the earth below.

The lower right, symbolizes a man reincarnated during the Age of Aquarius , standing in water with his back to us, (i.e. symbolizing the AKA cord up his back), using both HANDS, (for praying) to obtain heavenly responses (i.e. stars, in the water from the jug), as it flows down to the earth below. According to the book, Knocking At The Gate, it is the Age when:

Man can ascend into Heaven WHILE STILL ALIVE, as Jesus suggested. Extra terrestrials will help evacuate people to other planets before God makes necessary changes to the earth, and after the Earth changes have been made, return them. And, if you are still here, do as the Christian Bible says: RUN, dont walk, to the mountains, and grow a garden in your back yard.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 16, 2013
The Volks Garten: A Handbook for Gardening with Subtle-Energies

Don Elwood

or 25 years the author, an industrial engineer, researched various garden designs, techniques and strategies for obtaining the most food for the least cost, energy and garden space.

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    The Volks Garten - Don Elwood

    Copyright © 2013 Don Elwood.

    2nd Edition

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/27/2013






    Other Books By The Author

    Chapter 1 Volks Garten—A Garden for the Family

    Chapter 2 Evolution of the Family Garden

    Chapter 3 So—Where’s The Mud?

    Chapter 4 Other Gardening Techniques

    Chapter 5 Other Considerations

    Chapter 6 Symbiotic And Synergistic Considerations

    Chapter 7 An Enhanced Three Sisters Garden Configuration

    Chapter 8 The First Pyramid Intensive Garden

    Chapter 9 Subtle-energy Garden Devices For The Volks Garten

    Chapter 10 Further Refinement

    Chapter 11 A Basic Volks Garten Configuration

    Chapter 12 Increased Efficiency

    Chapter 13 Increasing Crop Production Per Square Foot

    Chapter 14 A Subtle-Energy Pyramid-trellis For The Volks Garten

    Chapter 15 Early Season Subtle-Energy Components

    Chapter 16 Grow Frames vs. Plastic Shield Assemblies

    Chapter 17 Strategies

    Chapter 18 A First Year Volks Garten

    Chapter 19 The Outer Soil Mounds

    Appendix 1—Criteria For The Family Garden

    Appendix 2—Effects Of Magnets On Plants

    Appendix 3—Sources

    Appendix 4—A Carbon Dioxide Generator For The Volks Garten

    Appendix 5—Birdhouse Specifications For Insect Eating Birds

    Appendix 6—Plastic Shield Assembly

    Appendix 7—Pyramid Assembly Instructions

    Appendix 8—How To Design And Build A Grow Frame For The Volks Garten

    Appendix 9—Homemade Whitewash For The Garden

    Appendix 10—References

    Appendix 11—Definitions

    Appendix 12—Yantras For Gardening

    Other Books By Author:


    I give grateful thanks to the following for the assistance they gave in the preparation of this book.

    Dan Frykman, Jane Webster, Mary Cody, Terry Shook and Su Wicker for editing.

    Dianna Kitzinger and Jane Webster for experimental gardening data used herein.

    Jane Webster for illustrations.

    Bill Rudge for sharing information about the Star of David subtle-energies which he refers to as rainbow energy

    Helen Craig and Rod Gambon for preparing camera ready copy, illustration touch up and ebook support.


    THE AUTHOR IS AN AEROSPACE engineer, not a farmer or agricultural specialist. Various experiments with plants were performed and recorded in an engineering notebook, and some of the more promising data, procedures and techniques were then presented in this book.

    An engineering notebook is much like a diary in that it includes the ideas and innermost thoughts of the engineer recording the data, so that promising trends can be identified for further development and experimentation. Some portions of this book also follows this approach to encourage readers to brainstorm on their own when some technique or idea appeals to them.

    Some of the information and data being shared, therefore, is on the personal level of a diary of the experimenter. It is hoped that the information being shared will reduce unnecessary hunger as we now transition into the Age of Aquarius.

    The data presented herein justifies further research into the effects of subtle energies on plants throughout their life cycle. Such studies will take many years of experimentation and data collection. If you wish to participate in such investigations and share your findings, feel free to send the results of your investigations to the Foundation for the Betterment of Mankind. Some of the more interesting and revealing data discovered each year may be included as bulletins in the annual Hands of Light Seed Catalogue.

    If sufficient interest is shown, a separate newsletter may eventually be initiated to share the findings of interested garden enthusiasts.


    I HEREBY DEDICATE THIS BOOK to my fellow aerospace engineers who sent man safely to the moon and back. They’ll recall the college professors who envied us for living during such opportune times, for it would be our generation who would close solar-energy-technology gaps to free us from the burden of utility bills. We would build aqueducts to channel water from the great lakes to drought-prone areas of the country to facilitate agriculture; and we would develop ocean farming equipment for a self sustaining mariculture industry, to replace the fish to extinction practices of past centuries. This pleased us. Unfortunately, utility companies weren’t interested in funding projects which removed customers from the grid. Great Lakes politicians weren’t interested in sending their water elsewhere; and fisherman weren’t interested in fish farming while they could still beat competition to the fish that were still left. This left us with the arms and aerospace industries.

    Unfortunately for us and our fellow man, these companies insisted that we sign agreements to give up all rights to inventions while employed by them. Therefore, since 1940 America’s creative abilities have been muzzled! Only weapons of war, space vehicles and computers received the creative thrust of the greatest increase in engineering talent since the Piscean age began. It is only now, after the second aerospace depression in as many decades, that engineers are finally free from this bondage.

    During the 50-year period since World War II, new products that should have been developed for the benefit of mankind were not. We now have the an opportunity to fill this void. I suggest to my aerospace engineering associates that a trip to the museum is in order. Pre-1940 systems are now museum pieces. Many older designs can be easily modified or redesigned with relatively little effort with the modern technology which only we possess.

    More millionaires were made in the 1929 depression than at any other time in American history because the 10 percent who were responsible for 90 percent of what got done finally got paid for doing it. They hustled, took some risks and benefited from their intelligence and tenacity.

    We are now entering the Age of Aquarius, the age of a 1000 years of peace. Now is indeed a time of opportunity for us, for we are finally free to do something that will leave the world a better place than it would have been if we had not come this way. It is time to convert swords into plowshares, but who will design the implements of peace, if it is not us?


    HAVING SPENT SEVERAL YEARS AS an aerospace engineer, I had the privilege of helping to send man safely to the moon and back. I participated on teams of engineers who analyzed potential threats, defined means to counter and mitigate these anticipated threats, and helped design, develop, test and build systems for performing successful space missions. As a result, I view the earth as an extremely reliable space vehicle. It’s as if we were placed as a small colony of humans on an extremely reliable space ship which provided all of the necessary life support systems required to sustain life.

    Certain technical terms are frequently used in developing complex systems which have a specific meaning to engineers, but they are not usually used in gardening books meant for the general public. It is therefore felt that the technical meaning of the following words should be clarified.

    • Reliability: Degree of dependability.

    • Redundancy: Exceeding that which is considered necessary or normal

    • Synergism: Interaction of components in which the total outcome is greater then the sum of the outcome of the individual components if applied separately.

    • Symbiosis: Living together of two dissimilar organisms which are mutually beneficial.

    Reliability is the degree of dependability that a system will function as designed throughout its life cycle. In sending man to the moon, our space system had to function at an operational reliability approaching 999,998 times out of 1, 000, 000 without failure in order to successfully complete the mission.

    In order to achieve this overall reliability goal, the reliability of all components of the system which might lower the probability of achieving this goal were duplicated. If one component failed, one or more fall-back components were provided to continue to perform the necessary function for the rest of the mission. If a system contains two of the same components, or similar components which can perform the same function, it is said that the system has redundancy, or that a given component performs a redundant function.

    Our ancestors instinctively learned to live on spaceship earth using these principles. If times were good they found that they could hunt, fish and forage for vegetables, berries and fruit. If times were bad and the weather jeopardized their normal food supplies, they found that it was wise to cultivate nourishing crops that could easily dried and stored. In engineering terms, they developed redundant food supplies for such contingencies.

    They found that cultivating crops is not always a reliable means of providing food either. In the process of gardening they discovered that not all seeds germinate, and not all that do germinate survive throughout the season. The weather, pests, and predators will likely take their toll. The Indians mitigated this contingency by planting more corn than they expected to survive. They planted three kernels of corn in the hopes of harvesting only one. They had a saying for the concept: Plant one for the bird, one for the fox and one for the gardener. In engineering terms, they planted corn seeds at a triple redundancy rate in order to provide themselves with a reliable source of cultivated food.

    In going to the moon weight was a critical factor for it takes approximately 20 pounds of fuel to send one pound of anything into space.

    Therefore, engineers selected synergistic and symbiotic components for their designs. No unnecessary components were used. All components had to be at least symbiotic in function, they had to perform as a useful, integral part of the system and be compatible with other components of the space vehicle.

    Synergistic components were used whenever it was feasible. Trade-off studies were performed to select only reliable light weight components in according to the principles of synergy. If two components of approximately the same reliability were being considered, the component with the greatest output was chosen. For example, if a generator weighing one pound was compared to another with the same electrical output, but weighed only a quarter of a pound, the lighter weight component was selected, because it was said to have a synergistic advantage of 400 percent based on weight.

    In gardening these basic principles also apply. Growing legumes like pole beans or peas in a corn patch is symbiotic . The legumes provide nitrates for the corn and keep the corn stalks from blowing over in high winds. In return the corn stalks provide support for climbing plants to grow upon. The consumption of lysine is synergistic as it increases utilization of the essential amino acids of grains and legumes. Man cannot live on corn and beans alone, because they do not have enough lysine to permit us to absorb the essential amino acids that are available in other grains or legumes. Squash and amaranth seeds are relatively high in lysine which greatly increases our ability to absorb the other essential amino acids of the food chain. Therefore, planting foods which contain high lysine levels is considered to be a synergistic practice.

    It is hoped that the above explanations will help prepare the reader for understanding the logic, principles and theorems presented herein.


    SOME OF THE PREVIOUS BOOKS by the author shared the results of subtle-energy gardening experimentation conducted at The Foundation for the Betterment of Mankind. The books presented theories and findings of 8 years of gardening with subtle-energies. These books are titled:

    • Quest For The Light

    • Spiritual Gardening At Its Best- A Quest For The Navoti Spirit, and

    • Holistic Gardening- A Scientific Approach For Gardening With Love.

    After discovering how well plants respond to various subtle energies (e.g. this includes the energies of prayers, light, color, reiki, mana, crystals, magnets, cones, pyramids, cosmic energy, and yantras) several gardening devices were designed to take advantage of free subtle-energies that showed the most promise for gardening applications. These devices were then tested to determine their effect on plant performance. As the more promising devices, techniques and strategies were identified the author started writing small books which presented designs, techniques and strategies which had been tested. These books are titled:

    • How To Design, Build And Use A Subtle-energy Light Garden

    • How to Design, Build and Use a Subtle-energy Grow Frame

    • How To Design, Build And Use A Subtle-energy Pyramid Intensive Garden

    • How To Design, Build And Use A Subtle-energy, Phased-Array Pyramid Intensive Garden

    The authors last book Knocking at the Gate-The White Gold Adventure included some testing with gold foliar sprays which also showed great promise for gardening applications. So many of the products, devises, techniques and strategies proved to be beneficial that it was decided to consolidate them into a single book; this book. No two gardeners will use all of the same garden configurations, subtle energy devices, components or techniques. They will not all use the same gardening strategies or grow the exact same varieties of plants, nor should they.

    This handbook was not designed to present one way, but to provide an overview of different ways of gardening so that gardeners can have a wider choice of the foods they wish grow, and the features, components, and techniques they wish to use for growing them. Whatever these choices may be, the strategies, devices, and techniques which are used should be sequentially applied throughout the plant’s life cycle. The reader can choose the strategies which will be most useful for them in their personal approach to gardening.

    Chapter 1



    DURING THE 1930S, PROFESSOR PORSHE designed the Volkswagen automobile for an average German family of four. Volkswagen in German means people’s car, which indeed it was. It was a car that people could afford and it created manufacturing jobs for German citizens during the great depression. It was designed to go 40 miles per hour, cost no more than a medium sized motorcycle of its time, and perform in the harsh German climate without the protection of a garage. Due to cost restrictions it’s performance was not maximized in any way. Even the horsepower and cubic displacement was designed to be just under the German tax and insurance rates to reduce the cost of owning and operating the vehicle. The Volkswagen design was a grand compromise that people of those times needed and could afford.

    It was beefed up to serve as the German Jeep during the war and thereafter, it competed effectively in world markets for over 30 years. It was the only car that consumers could own that was reliable enough to be maintained over many years of service. It’s body style changed so infrequently that one could buy a $2000 car and drive it for an entire generation without ever having to buy a new car. This reduced Detroit’s auto sales and the U.S. Government finally placed environmental restrictions just under the Volkswagen’s performance limits to prevent its further importation into this country. As a result, Americans now must purchase cars costing up to $40,000 and replace them every 5-6 years due to their low reliability and high maintenance costs.

    Since World War II, nothing in this country has been done for the benefit of people. Everything has been

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