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The Kidnapping of an Innocent Girl
The Kidnapping of an Innocent Girl
The Kidnapping of an Innocent Girl
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The Kidnapping of an Innocent Girl

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Currently, we live in a world filled with corruption, where many of societys problems are formed. One of these problems is child exploitation, where we mean sexual abuse pertaining to child pornography that is easily sold on the World Wide Web every day. Several organizations have been dismantled however, they do not stop operating in any place in the world.
Childrens sexual abuse or pedophilia is the behavior where the minor is used as an object where a relation of inequality is maintained, whether its age, maturity, or power. It is a global problem that it is found in one way or the other. It is present in all cultures and societies. We cannot allow the continuity of these abuses therefore we need to report any anomaly that occurs at home, in the streets, schools, or at the least expected places. These organizations operate at any time and poorer countries are the sellers while rich countries are the procurers.
Release dateNov 7, 2012
The Kidnapping of an Innocent Girl

Moisés Trápala

Un 4 de septiembre, durante la década de los 70’ la ciudad de Tulancingo Hidalgo México acogió al ciudadano Moisés Trápala, quien durante parte de su vida estudio en esta ciudad, anhelando otras aspiraciones emprende sus estudios en el campo de soldadura profesional y conocimientos elementales en refrigeración. Con esfuerzos y meritos alcanzo sus mayores anhelos y metas. Amigo lector; Todo se logra con esfuerzos cuando pretendes, no hay obstáculo que impida realizar lo que deseas aprender. La lectura es una cultura y un paso adelante hacia nuevos conocimientos que bridaran el potencial suficiente para seguir avanzando hacia nuevos horizontes asimismo poder superarte, siempre y cuando impongas una meta.

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    The Kidnapping of an Innocent Girl - Moisés Trápala


    F irst and foremost, I want to thank God for allowing me to be here with you, esteemed readers, and for giving me the opportunity of expressing in this book [the sexual abuse that a young woman lived through, she didn’t know where to go since corruption was at every point in the city, and the suffering of this young woman is discovered whilst in the hands of a cruel and sexually ill politician].

    Dear readers,

    Let us denounce any type of child abuse. We should not remain silent and turn our backs to any young person that needs help. This could be one of our daughters or any other young woman. Child abuse is a crime. I want to also thank Palibrio for having given me the opportunity to be able to make my dream a reality and to be able to publish my book. I hope it is to your liking. Thanks to my family and friends for believing in me. I would like to thank my dad and mom for giving me much support in this work.

    God bless you all.


    T his is a drama novel based on what is happening today, with the exploitation of teenagers forced to make child pornography and have sex. No one is concerned with stopping this because money bribes many authorities, having as a result serious repercussions, fraud, kidnappings, and child pornography regardless of whom it pertains.

    A teenager, who is a college school student, is kidnapped and is moved to the city, where there is a company that pretends to be an employment agency that finds work for people who are unemployed. But behind all this is a national and international network dedicated to exploit young women and cater to important men who look to enjoy the company of young virgins, paying thousands of dollars to these networks.

    Soraya is a young woman of merely eighteen years of age, where she will have to play the role of a woman child who is forced to have sex with a man that will make her life a burden and forcing her to do humiliating things that left her traumatized for the rest of her life. Feeling that she can endure no more, she escapes her assailant, risking her life in the process. When she is able to leave that hell, she moves to a big city where she would face many dangers and now her subsistence is in danger. Hoodlums and the police itself follow her throughout the city until she is found. However, without imagining what is happening to her, she falls into the hands of her aggressor, but he becomes motionless when he discovers who that young woman really is. What he did cannot be forgiven, and his life takes an unexpected turn. Discover the most intense, chilling mistreatment and abuses of this criminal that abuses young and innocent women regardless of their suffering.

    Currently, there are several sexually ill people that end the happiness of many innocent and harmless beings.

    CHAPTER 1:



    "M om, I need to go to school now. It’s getting late!"

    I’m going dear. I’m just need to fix my hair because it is all matted.

    Please hurry, mom! I’m going to be late.

    Ok dear! Why are you so impatient?

    I’m sorry, but I just don’t want to miss my first class. We have an exam and the teacher that gives the exam is very strict.

    I understand dear, give me a second. You know I don’t like to have messed up hair.

    Oh mom, you never change, you are so vain! Today, I have my math exam and I don’t want to be late. I hope that I pass this exam because the last one was very difficult.

    You have to do it dear! It’s your favorite subject and you are very intelligent. I know you can do it, darling!

    Thank you for rooting for me mom and for taking me to school. It’s not necessary for you to do it every day because school is not that far. You can sleep a bit more in the morning if I can just walk there. That way I don’t have to go to the gym besides I also like to walk a lot.

    It’s not that it’s far dear and don’t think that I don’t want you walk. The fact is that there are a lot of crimes and delinquency of minors and teenagers. Their organs are sold and on much worse occasions, they are kidnapped to be raped or sold as slaves. I wouldn’t like for something like that to happen to you. You’ve seen on the news about the companies that make child pornography and of the young women that are forced to have sex and then sold on the web, since it’s so important on the Internet these days. I’m scared darling, I’m very scared!

    Oh mom, the kinds of things that occur to you. Nothing has ever happened here, we are in a safe place. That only happens in big cities.

    Yes my dear, but remember a few weeks ago, a young high school girl went missing and that’s why I’m very scared. There are so many bad news—Oh no, my God!

    Ok mom, we shouldn’t talk more about this because it scares me. Give me my blessing because it’s getting late to go to my class.

    Alright darling. God bless you and I will come back for you later. I will be here waiting for you at the end of class.

    Yes mom, goodbye!

    Soraya is the eldest daughter but was always treated as an only child. Mrs. Cintia had a second daughter but while giving birth, she was told that her daughter had died. She was never allowed to see her. Her husband took care of all the funeral arrangements minutes later.

    Sometime later, her husband asked for a divorce and to give up Soraya so that he could be the custodian. He would take care of her and asked her to restart her life.

    She refused to give him that girl because she did not agree with her husband’s absurd idea. Then, her upset husband asked her not to bother him and forget that he even existed. Henceforth, he disappeared from their lives and would only send money for their sustenance. He never asked how his daughter was nor did he even meet his daughter. She was young woman and Mrs. Cintia never sent any photos but also asked for the monthly alimony payment. It was very difficult to communicate with him and when they were able to do so, it was only to discuss an additional expense for school. Also, she didn’t care what her ex-husband did.


    At another point in that small city:

    Let’s go! The boss told us to not come back empty handed and we have to tour this town and carefully survey what we find. In this area we have some high schools where there are a lot of beautiful young women. You know that the boss is very particular and wants the girls to be beautiful and to be very attractive to men.

    Yes, the boss is very demanding and wants the best.

    Jose Luis and Joaquin had arrived at the small town to explore its surroundings and survey the college’s schools and junior high schools. They were in charge of finding beautiful and elegant adolescent girls where they would move them to the city to do business with them and the immature young girls bewitched wealthy people. Many men paid to have these teenage girls for months and were at the mercy of these cruel men. They were possessed by the desire of having sex with these adolescent girls. They were sick men.

    They stayed there for several days studying each movement of the young girls. They needed to find the right moment.

    Once they were able to find that moment, they had already planned what they had to do and they only needed to remain calm.


    Mommy! Mommy! It’s time. I’m going to be late!

    Oh dear, it’s always the same with you. Go on to school, I will catch up with you.

    What have I told you mom, if you allow me to walk to school then you don’t have to wake up early, but no you always want me to go with you! Just rest, mom and give me your blessing.

    God bless you. Go on, you’re going to be late. Please be careful.

    Good-bye mom! It’s not necessary for you to pick me up after school. I’ll walk home after class.

    That morning, the young girl left very happy and the happiness could be seen on her face as she headed to school. As she was getting closer to school, someone was looking carefully at all her movements.


    Look! We have here a true jewel that will be worth a fortune.


    Hey! I’m finally at school! I don’t know why mom doesn’t allow me to walk alone every day.

    Hello Karina! How are you?

    Very good! Thanks Soraya.

    And where’s Rita?

    You know how she is. She’s very conceited and is in the bathroom making sure her hair is fine.

    You’re right, I had forgotten that she’s very vain.

    At that moment, the school’s bell rang and everyone went to their classrooms.


    Outside school, there were two well-dressed men with their heads filled with grey hair. One of them was thinner than the other. They walked around nervously. One of them was smoking a cigarette and didn’t know at which moment to act, while the fat one was devouring his nails off his fingers looking very desperate.

    Stop eating your fingers Joaquin. You’re making me nervous!

    I can’t stand it anymore! We need to act as soon as possible.

    Everything with time, so stay calm or someone will get suspicious of us.


    One afternoon, after class:

    Let’s go Soraya, we can take you home!

    Let’s go! Come with us and we will take you home.

    No thanks Karina, but my house is not very far and it’s early so there are not a lot of people walking. It’s not dangerous and I don’t normally walk too much so today is a good day to walk. Thank you my friend, and thanks for worrying about me.

    Well, goodbye and be careful. We’ll see each other in class tomorrow. Hey! Go straight home!

    Alright! Bye my friend.

    She smiled and waved her hands saying no and then good bye. She began walking and slowly was distancing herself from her school when she turned on the corner and headed home.

    Suddenly, a car with tinted windows approached and followed her slowly. They lowered the passenger window and then a smiling fellow asked her:

    Hey baby, we’re lost and wanted to know if you could give the directions for an address that we’re trying to find.

    Leave me alone! My mom told me that I’m not supposed to talk to strangers. Good bye!

    Please, Miss! We’re lost and have to find this address, it’s an emergency.

    Leave me alone!

    Don’t make that upset face, we’re only trying to find this address. That’s all.

    Can you help us? Just tell me where this address is and we’ll go.

    Okay, what’s the address? Let me see, I think I know the address you’re looking for. It’s close to where I live. Keep on going straight and turn left two blocks from here and keep on going for three blocks and there’s the address you’re looking for.

    Thank you very much, Miss. As a sign of appreciation we could take you home and you could show us where the address is. Our friend has suffered an accident and is in critical condition and there’s not much hope that he will survive. He asked us a favor to find his aunt and explain to her what happened and asked to take her to the hospital.

    One of them, with his eyes bloodshot red and on the verge of crying, looked at her very sadly, You would do the same of a relative or friend, right?

    In spite of her volatility towards any stranger, she was very sentimental so her heart slowly softened and decided to accept. She decided to take them to the address because she considered them noble and charitable people.

    Thank you, thank you very much, said the teary man.

    Look! That’s the address you’re looking for. What are you doing? Why are you accelerating? What’s wrong with you! I want to get off now! Who do you think you are? Idiots! Please! Let me go!

    Shut up brat! Your mom was right: rule number one is not to talk to strangers and rule number two is to not get in the car with someone you don’t know.

    Please let me go! I trusted you. I thought you were good people. Please!

    Never trust anyone, much less people that you don’t know. Even those you consider friends could harm you.

    Once again, another teenager fell in the hands of strangers and another forgotten case. Who would be interested in a young missing girl much less if there wasn’t any money to investigate the case?

    An innocent face with irritated weeping eyes and a heart that was like a bomb at the verge of exploding but it didn’t stop beating due to fear.

    She asked herself what do these people want with her, why did they take her. And where would all this go? She was very scared. She was so scared she began screaming and kicking the seats. She wanted to take off running and screaming. She tried to scratch the man that was with her on his back.

    Look Joaquin, it is better that you use formaldehyde so that she falls asleep.

    Alright brat, calm down. This will not hurt, but it will calm you down. Aaah! She bit me!

    Leave me alone! I want to get off now. Now!

    Calm down, don’t make me hurt you.

    She was very upset and was very resentful towards these people.

    Leave me alone please!

    The formaldehyde was slowly calming her down until she fell asleep.

    At last! It was hard to calm down this girl. She bit me really hard, my finger hurts.

    Stop complaining! The pain will go away.

    You’re calm because you weren’t the one that got bitten.

    About twelve hours had passed and it was the middle of the night, when afar the city lights with its large buildings could be seen. For her, this had been an eternity. She began to regain consciousness after the formaldehyde began to lose its effect. She was calm and her eyes were still red. Her feet were asleep since they were unable to be moved easily. She looked out the car but only saw the lights of big skyscrapers. She didn’t know where she was. Even though she was scared, her stomach began to make noises as a result of hunger since she had not had a bite to eat since she left her house.


    On the other hand, her worried mother made her report with the local police.

    She is of a thin frame, light skin, she’s eighteen years old and she never goes far from the house and always calls me when she’s coming home late. I always pick her up from school when classes are over, but I didn’t do it this time because I was out shopping. Please lieutenant, find my daughter! She’s all I have in life and if she doesn’t come back I will die.

    Mrs. Cintia felt as if she was dying inside. Her heart was breaking into pieces and didn’t know what to do. She was very confused and sad and at the verge of madness.

    Please find my daughter!

    It was necessary to give her a sedative to calm her down.

    We need to set a red alert. This situation gets worse every day. Not long ago, a teenager in the same area went missing so let’s send more security to the schools.

    Yes, Sergeant.

    Let’s reinforce the security of the schools and be more alert. When the mother recuperates, we need her to give us more information about the teenager. Additionally, we need her to give us pictures of her daughter so that we can begin the investigation and pass out notices throughout the city.

    Yes, Sergeant.


    In the meantime, in a picturesque residential area, the reflection of the lights in the streets shined a light on the luxuries of the residences. They were the beautiful private areas of wealthy folk, where no one could enter if they were not registered. No one could easily enter.

    When we get to the house, you get in touch with the boss as I park the car in garage. Then you tell him that we have what he asked for.

    He’s really going to like her. This girl is very pretty. He needs to give us an advance. We deserve it.

    Yes I will talk to him, what about we go out for a drink?

    Show our guest her room! We don’t want her to feel upset.

    Of course, we need to be respectful with her.

    This way, Miss! This will be your room.

    Leave me alone, don’t touch me, I know how to walk on my own! You’re all bastards, how could you trick me this way.

    Stop talking! You will like all of this. From now on, your life will change. This is your room. In a moment we will send someone to give you something to eat.

    When she went into the room, she was very surprised. It was a dreamy room that every young girl would like to have. There was a bed, a desk with a bureau on each side with rose-colored lamps and there was also a dresser and a big mirror.

    On the table, there was a rose bouquet emitting its rich natural aroma. There was a big window with silk curtains and a lava lamp reflecting its colors. For a moment, she was transported to another world but when she came to her senses she didn’t know what was going to happen to her.

    She asked herself why she was taken to such a place. Perhaps, they would ask for a ransom for her. She was unable to understand yet what was happening.

    She walked towards the mirror and looked at her beautiful reddish face. She touched her soft hair with her hands and then caressed her face. She was very confused but impressed by the room. The bathroom was very elegant and there was a lot of room which included a beautiful Jacuzzi. There was also a big closet and she couldn’t believe what she found when she opened it.

    Her eyes weren’t able to see everything that was there, but her question was: why was everything there?

    Suddenly, she heard noises in the room so she quickly closed the door of the closet and left the bathroom.

    Hello girl! Don’t be frightened and let me introduce myself. My name is Mari Tere and I’m at your service. I am the butler of this house. Are you hungry? Do you want a light dinner? It’s very late for you to eat too much.

    She wanted to say that not at that moment, but she was very hungry so she was forced to say yes.

    I want a sandwich and an orange juice.

    I’ll come back in a second. By the way, what’s your name? I want to know your name so we could start getting to know each other.

    My name is Soraya.

    It’s a pleasure Soraya, welcome! I hope that we’ll get along well. I’ll be back with your dinner.

    Thank you.

    My poor mom, she’s probably suffering right now. I hope to go back soon. I don’t want her to suffer for me, I’m fine.

    She began to cry once again. My mom I miss you so much, I want to be with mommy!

    The exhaustion and hunger made her fall asleep and she was also very frightened.

    When Mari Tere came back with dinner it was too late. She was already asleep.

    I think she was very tired. I will leave the food here. It’s best for her to sleep.


    Very early the following day, Don Carlos arrived in a rush.

    Hello Mari Tere! Where’s the girl?

    She’s in her bedroom Mr. Carlos.

    Thank you.

    He began to go up the stairs quickly. Every step he took was like an eternity for him. He finally reached the room and began to knock the door.

    But no one answered. He did it once more but no one opened the door then he opened the door slowly and there he saw her lying down on the bed sleeping.

    He looked at her from head to toe. She was so pretty and had a perfect body. In spite of her young age, she was already a lady.

    For a moment he admired her beauty, he couldn’t believe what his eyes saw.

    What a beauty! He had seen beautiful girls but Soraya surpassed beauty.

    This girl will give me great profits. I’m going to call the Deputy, he is a good client and has always paid me good amounts for these girls and money talks. Too bad he’s fat and ugly but there’s money involved. On the other hand, it’s convenient for me to have him around because he has a lot of political power. It is very important to have him on our side, so we can continue with our business. Without political influence, there’s nothing to be done.

    Mari Tere! I want you to take good care of this girl! We will need at least one year for her to be ready. Jimena will be here tomorrow.

    Yes boss, as you say.

    Another thing, I don’t want her to get out of the room. Keep it always locked. I don’t want her to escape, because you and I are implicated in this situation and you would not like anything bad to happen to your family, right? You will respond with your life if she disappears. You know me very well and you know how I get when I’m mad.

    Don’t worry boss, I will take good care of her.

    You know that you receive your pay from this business.

    Yes sir.

    For a moment she put her head down and remained in silence. Several things went to her head. She regretted what she was doing but she couldn’t leave the situation that she had gotten in. She was too involved and her family would suffer the consequences if she retired from all of that. Tears of regret began to flow from her eyes.

    Where could Joaquin and Jose Luis be? I will call them once again on their cell phone. Damn it, I will dial again. It’s the same thing with them every time I need them. Where the hell are you? Why didn’t you answer the phone? I have been calling for a long time and you can’t answer the phone.

    I’m sorry sir. We arrived very tired and didn’t hear our cell phone.

    You have to pay attention to your cell phone! This is a business and I want you very active.

    It won’t happen again.

    Forget it. Now listen up carefully, tomorrow Jimena will be here to be the teacher of the girl. I want her to be very well educated because our clients are very demanding and pay good money. She’s very pretty but uneducated. It would risk her beauty and my business.

    Also, I forgot something. I want you to call the United States for engineer Santiago and ask him if he has the videos ready. He said that he had one of two adolescent making love in a Jacuzzi and thinks that it would sell very well in the market. And if he has them, tell him to send them to me because I have a lot of clients calling for them. I don’t want to lose them. Tell him that I already have the videos and photos that arrived from Spain, they are of very good quality and have a great fortune. Now what are you waiting for? Call him!

    Sir, when will you give us the advance for what we agreed for the girl? It’s not that we’re being demanding, but we have some expenses and we need it.

    Oh! I almost forgot, tomorrow stop by the office and I will give you your money. Now get to work. Bye! And I want more girls. Do you think that one is enough? Well it’s not! Remember that the ones we have are losing popularity. Our customers demand pretty girls. Different each week and we need girls. Also, I want some boys for the video that it is going to be filmed on the beach and if you cannot get what I ask, then I will be forced to fire you.

    Don’t worry boss, in a few days we will have what you’re asking for.

    No, the ones that need to worry are you.

    What a way to give thanks.

    A good welcome Don Carlos gave us.

    Don’t even ask me how he received us.

    Don Carlos Castañeda was a handsome old man in spite of being in his forties. He was wealthy, and he was involved in underground business deals. He was difficult to describe as he was very affectionate, but at times very cruel. The law protected him. His operations where he trafficked young virgin girls were very well covered by great influential figures in politics.

    The profits were really juicy and some of them serviced their lovers for months. He also ventured on youths that made child pornography. He would take many pictures of nude kids and sexual acts upload them on the Internet and sent them to countries for their sale for international connections.

    Finding vulnerable kids on the internet, pretending to be kids in the pages, they would find friends and ask them to meet them somewhere so they could do improper things that a child should not know. In the United States, they had an organization that was well organized, but haunted by the FBI. This federal office had been following their tracks for some time, but they were very intelligent and moved from one state to the other operating for a few weeks or months, then move to another place. So they would not suspect of them, they were also very good in hacking wireless lines of several users that did not have security. They would use their line and create problems for the owners of those lines, to the point that several of them were arrested without a clue of what was happening. Justice worked very fast, but those individuals were astute.

    CHAPTER 2:



    Months later:

    "B ravo! Bravo! You’re doing it very well. You are already walking elegantly, and you learn very fast. You really have style and now you simply need to improve your manners, but you’re really ready. You look very pretty. Today, we’re going to the closet and you will choose one of the dresses there."

    Sure enough, Soraya continued being the same teenager, but she was transformed into a woman. She was very beautiful and with an enigmatic personality.

    All these clothes are mine?

    Of course! It’s all yours.

    Why didn’t you tell me that?

    Because you were not yet ready to use a dress with elegance.

    Soraya became upset and answered with an aggressive tone.

    "Well! Why so much attention towards me? That you needed me to have good education and that I needed to walk with style. What’s

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