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The Vision of All
The Vision of All
The Vision of All
Ebook158 pages2 hours

The Vision of All

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The Vision Of All is the first book to contain a sequential flow of Bible Prophecy. It does not contain the doctrines and traditions of men. Reanalyzing the foundational scriptures for the doctrine of the revival of the Roman Empire; it asks the one question whose answer completely destroys the doctrine and leads to the identity given by the Lord Himself: the King of Assyria who will be the ruler of the union of Syria and Iraq. You see, native born Roman citizens did not destroy the temple, Jerusalem, and the nation of Israel. The Lord Himself said (Isaiah 7:14-20) that Assyrians and Egyptians would do this job after the son was born of the virgin. Since the word of the Lord is true, Assyrians and Egyptians came to do the job. Were they Roman soldiers when they came? Yes they were. The Roman General Titus used the Tenth Fretensis from Damascus, Syria, and the Fifteenth Appolonaris from Alexandria, Egypt. Were they Roman citizens when they came? Yes they were, but only by means of draft inducement. Goodby revival of the Roman Empire. Hello, King of Assyria.
The second Lord Himself passage likewise does away with the doctrine of Rapture Next theology.
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) Verses 16 and 17 clearly read the catching up follows the dead in Christ rising first. So the answer to the question of When does the Rapture occur? was always easy, it was after the Resurrection. Martha knew the resurrection took place on the last day.(John 11:22-24) Even the Lord said He would raise them up on the last day. (John 6:38-40) I do not believe the Lord God of Creation was confused about what He said; so end your confusion and believe what He said. Then prophecy is simple.
Release dateNov 21, 2011
The Vision of All

Curtis A. Routley

At the age of seven, I was saved at a Youth for Christ meeting in Cudahy, Wis. When I was ten, I read the Bible for the first time. Then I said, “What kind of a book is this Revelation? The rest of the Bible is understandable; but not this Revelation.” So whenever Jude was read, Genesis was started again. At sixteen, finishing Jude, I said” I’m older now, I understand more now so maybe if I read it again, God will show me something in that book to understand. Revelation chapter nine jumped out at me. I knew what John was looking at, causing him to write the words he used. It was a perfect description, for a man from 2000 years ago. When you see what he is seeing, you understand the words he has recorded. Unfortunately for you this chapter and another had to be removed in 1979; to keep the flow of this book. Those two chapters and more will be in my second book, Running Prophecy. When I entered the United States Air Force, I went through three major fields of training. From Undergraduate Navigator Training, I learned how to use and make maps. From Bombardier Training, I learned all about the Atomic Bomb. After serving as a navigator, I went to pilot training and became an instructor pilot. Every one of these courses were necessary for me to learn and be able to see, what men of old saw, and spoke of, when I began to study Bible Prophecy. This book does not teach what others teach. It is the first sequential presentation of prophecy. The teaching at the core of the book is about to jump upon this world, and you have not even heard of it.

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    The Vision of All - Curtis A. Routley














    Those who search the scriptures to see if things are so.


    The Vision Of All is presented as a new approach to the prophecies concerning the end of time and Israel’s Messiah. It builds a new story, precept by precept—a prayerful blend of both Old Testament and New Testament prophecies. It is not meant to be read and forgotten. I rely upon your interest in Second-Coming prophecy to keep you reading beyond the first chapter.

    This book is a careful portrayal of a sequence of events which builds a new and dramatic story all the more dynamic for its clarity. It is the first sequence a reader will be able to understand, test, and fully accept.

    The literal content and intent of each vision is sought. The scriptural meaning of every word or symbol is examined. No meaning or intent is denied. No interpretation is forced. No Scripture is used to argue against another scripture. Rather, every attempt is made to find harmony among the visions.

    This book is a partial report of a study that evolved as I began to clarify in my own mind what these scriptures say. I started without any preconceived opinion, and I diligently sought understanding. I herewith present a statement of what I have come to accept, to believe, and to expect will happen to this generation of people. The simple concepts and straightforward style will not cause you to become confused. May your joy abound as these Scriptures are unfolded to your eyes and heart.

    I feel part of the prophecies may be fulfilled by the time this book is published. If my interpretation is correct, it won’t be long before a new Middle East nation, Ezekiel’s Israel, will arise, and Lebanon and its terrorists will cease to exist. Although these events are foretold in the scriptures, few have even considered the possibility.

    Read The Vision Of All and decide for yourself whether it is just another book of suppositions and speculations or a clear understanding of the blueprint of the last days.

    * * *

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural citations are from The New American Standard Bible,© The Lockman Foundation, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975.


    Hear now my words. If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord shall make Myself known to him in a vision. I shall speak with him in a dream: Numbers 12:6.

    God’s Special-Delivery Jigsaw Puzzle

    One little, two little, three little… forty little… seventy-three little… one hundred sixty-five little… two hundred eight-seven little… three hundred ninety-nine little… five hundred little pieces lying there. Some have one straight side, a few even have two. All the rest of the pieces are irregular. Looking at the distorted shapes lying there, you have to wonder why the knife had to carve the picture into pieces.

    The pieces have colors and hues; some even have prominent differences in color. How do you begin to piece them together into the picture they once portrayed? You start by looking at the model picture, to figure where they should lie.

    The model of how the result should look captivates you with its beauty. The challenge is to arrange the ungainly pieces so that they match the beauty of their portrait. It will not be easy to do this, for such work is very time-consuming. Will you see it through until all the pieces are mated and the picture reappears in its original perfection? Or will you tire of the effort, disassemble the pieces, re-box them, and set them aside until a later time? Will you find the puzzle to be interesting enough to hold your attention? Time will tell.

    You begin to establish the boundaries by collecting the simpler pieces, those with the straight edges. Arrange them by depth of color and fence the picture in. The empty square now requires care to ensure correct placement of all the irregular pieces. Sorting and studying the demarcation of their colors will simplify their positioning. With patience, the picture will form and you will behold the reward of your labor. Then you can feel free to disassemble it, repackage it, set it aside, and take up another problem.

    Just as you worked on this puzzle, even so did God work to notify man about His Son’s birth, death, ascension, and promised return to earth and mankind. God sent this whole puzzle picture to a specific man by Special Delivery. He sent it to the only one on earth who had insight enough to understand and to assemble the pieces for his fellow countrymen, so that, through His vision, they might comprehend.

    The man was startled when, in the middle of the night, the eye of his mind watched a chain of events etch themselves in his memory. It was a picture of wonder and awe. Even though he was a champion puzzle master, he did not understand and he had trouble describing the whole picture which he saw unfold from beginning to end. Even the aid of the Special-Delivery agent did not provide him with a complete understanding.

    The champion racked his mind every moment of the day; it still was no use. He did not understand; so he began to pray for guidance.

    God saw that the delivery of the whole picture had proved too much for this man. Yet God still wanted him to see and to make these events known to mankind; so He began anew. This time, though, He sent only small segments and had his Special-Delivery angel remain to provide continued assistance. Segment by segment, with care, He reassembled His picture through the visions in the night.

    Finally, the champion puzzle master could put it all together. In his mind he could see how all the pieces fit. But when he tried to explain them to his countrymen, they could not see or understand the beauty and order in the picture. So, sadly, he gave up trying to explain. He returned all the pieces to their box and set it aside, so that another could find pleasure in it at a later time.

    God saw that the puzzle had been set aside and this did not please Him. It was His plan to have men know about the events that were going to occur. Isaiah said it like this: Behold, the former things have come to pass. Now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.¹ He patiently waited for other men like His champion to arise to the challenge. Mankind had to be told all the parts before they occurred, for in this way, God makes Himself known. But where is a man who will listen?

    One by one, He gave these other challengers illumination of some of the aspects of His plan. But his piecemeal delivery—here a part and there a part, some to this man and some to that man—did not eliminate the confusion about the events of the picture.

    To this day confusion remains about this picture. It remains because mankind has not yet rediscovered or reassembled all the pieces of this puzzle. Mankind has failed because it has refused to search out the model of the picture given to the first champion of God.

    Without this model, the degree of difficulty has increased astronomically. This has resulted in many abstract hopes and bizarre descriptions, as attempts have been made to solve the puzzle. But men, perversely, were satisfied with what they had. They did not search for the missing pieces which would eliminate their confusion. Errors of interpretation coupled with faulty knowledge prevented the real picture from being completed. The artists were good at mixing their colors, but their image was incorrect because they did not correctly divine the words of truth. As a result, the incomplete interpretations have created havoc in the land.

    In all of Christendom, no story is more disturbing than the one that this picture contains. The events associated with the return of Christ have gone beyond a two-sided tug of war. For at least two events, there have come to be four different viewpoints; yet each can fit only one way into the Master’s puzzle.

    No one viewpoint has yet been able to quiet all the others. Isn’t this a solid enough basis for us to doubt whether any one of the current viewpoints is truly correct? Isn’t this dissension a good enough reason to let the search begin again?

    Will the Rapture be just a partial event for God’s people? Will it be before, during, or after the Tribulation? And Christ’s return—will it be without a Millennium, or will it be before, during, or after this period is over? These are common questions today, and each group, faction, and denomination picks its own answer. And yet these questions remain, because all the parts have not been found and correctly positioned.

    The job, then, is clear: Reexamine the puzzle! Its designer was God. We are sure that the plan is His word. All the events that the picture portrays will take place. Will you be prepared? Will you be able to understand the Scriptures enough so that you will recognize the events as they unfold? Or will you be caught unprepared and permit the thief to rob you when you have no light—though you could have had it?

    Why has man continued to be such a superficial seeker after truth? Why didn’t he go back to the original design and give the designer credit? How did he fail to see the design which the first man portrayed?

    God had a plan and He sent it by Special Delivery to man—by way of a special angel. Only one angel was given this task, but even this truth has remained hidden from modern man.

    This angel executed and interpreted the visions of God, which came as dreams in the night. The champion puzzle master received his visions because he understood and applied the Scriptures to his everyday life. He was concerned about the meaning of the vision which he had related and explained to his king. This story from God had been special and new, so Daniel thought upon its meaning. Daniel’s visions then came to him for the reason which Solomon had recorded; that is, A dream comes through the multitude of business.²

    In other words, you dream about the things that occupy your mind during the day. This fact was recorded in the Scriptures. When men search the Scriptures, they are provided with light. When they turn from them, only darkness remains. The deep significance of dreams had been ignored for almost 3000 years, until Freud rediscovered its truth.

    Was it because of someone like you that God asked the question, Who is so blind as he that is at peace with me?³ I know it was because of someone like me that He said it!

    For over twenty years I was satisfied with, God loves you. Believe in the Lord and be saved. I knew it, I did it. What more did I need than to read the Scriptures? So I read them and reread them. I became familiar with all the Bible contained. Yet I was more than happy to skip over or ignore a good study of Christ’s return, because of all the dissension its promise caused. Aren’t you, dear reader, the same way? Though you may feel you can understand the other Biblical truths, aren’t you turned off by the mystical and spiritualistic ideas that have been expounded about the events of Christ’s return?

    How can God be so radically different in His approach to this subject? I don’t believe that He is; we just cannot see. We grope like the two blind men who are faced with an upside-down automobile. They have heard talk about how men can travel swiftly in these things, although neither one of the two has ever traveled in one. They finally manage to open a door and enter. One discovers the steering wheel. Then he feels a part of the seat belt hanging down, so he explores for the other half and fastens himself in. Playing around a little longer

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