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From the harrowing journal notes of a suffering woman in the throes of mold/mycotoxins injustice, comes the real life mold saga of the Pawlak family. A courageous, God fearing family of four finds themselves crossing over from home owners to homeless, the week our nation was attacked, due to what TIME magazine called the” Biblical plague of the century”, MOLD! Come peer into the life of a family that lost it all, their home, personal belongings, finances, jobs, friends and almost their lives.

 Mold victims, survivors and ultimately emerging as a more than conquerors family, IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD brings to life the painful realism of toxic injury due to mold /mycotoxin exposure as well as addressing the social stigma of the horrendous myth that mold is nontoxic.

IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD resonates with passion, inspiration and a spirit of determination to hang onto your healing and each other and watch something incredibly AWESOME come out of something horribly wrong.

 This book will challenge your thinking and perhaps you will no longer think, “It’s all in your head!” Great resource section for: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness, mold toxicity, chemical toxicity, healthy homes, physician referrals, much more!

Release dateJul 3, 2006

Joshua S. Pawlak

  Simply Sharon is Sharon L. Pawlak, L.A.S., M.T.-B.C., L.M., Laboratory Animal Scientist, Music Therapist Board Certified, Licensed Minister and National Seminar Leader. Sharon was born in Delhi, NY, growing up on a beautiful farm in the Catskill Mountains. A graduate of both Delhi Agricultural and Technical College in Veterinary Science Technology as well as Fredonia State School of Music in Music Therapy, Sharon has a unique perspective as a "farm girl", scientist, seasoned therapist and musician. She has survived epilepsy, stroke, ovarian/thyroid tumors and severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness. In 2001, Sharon “retired” her private practice and moved to Tennessee. She became a licensed minister in 2002 and avidly writes, desiring to help heal the masses, in mind, body and spirit!  


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    Book preview

    IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD - Joshua S. Pawlak

    IT’S ALL





    Sharon L. Pawlak, L.A.S., M.T.-B.C., L.M.

    Laboratory Animal Scientist, Music Therapist-Board Certified, Licensed Minister


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    AuthorHouse™ UK Ltd.

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    © 2006 SIMPLY SHARON. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 7/17/2006

    ISBN: 1-4259-3105-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-7828-3 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana

    Library of Congress Cataloging- in -Publication Data

    Sharon, Simply/Pawlak, Sharon.

    It’s All in Your Head by Simply Sharon/Sharon L. Pawlak

    p. cm

    Includes bibliographical references.

    1. Natural Health 2. Mold 3. Christian Life 4. Practical Life



    Edited by Mark S. Pawlak

    Proof reading team: Maggie Clark, Linda McCullough, Pat McGee, Mark S. Pawlak, Amy Riggs and Heather Spurlock.

    Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version.

    Scripture quotations marked (GNT) are from the Contemporary English Version Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

    (p. 76, 1Cor 12:26 Chapter 8-New Beginnings)

    • Please note: satan spelled with a lower case letter was done intentionally.

    Front Cover

    • royalty free art work.

    Back Cover: Pictures colored by Calvin Geer, age 5 ½

    • Snowman/girl picture copyright Carson-Dellosa Publ. CD-0956

    • Heart picture- unknown

    • Leprechaun picture- copyright Carson-Dellosa Publ. CD-0956

    • Girl in bed picture copyright 1996 Bryan Haines, Inc BH 89502 Ready for School Skills-Math Activities.

    Author Photo: Creative Images by Jennifer, Centerville, TN. 931-729-4422


    This book is designed to address the spiritual, physical and emotional well being of the reader. It is intended to provide authoritative, informative and accurate information in regard to the subject matter covered. This book is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Please consult your own doctor or other qualified health professional regarding the treatment of your medical problem. Neither Simply Sharon/Sharon L. Pawlak, contributing authors Deanne Geer and/or Mark S. Pawlak take any responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, action or application of supplements, herbs or preparation information and/or knowledge presented in It’s All in Your Head. However, healing can be a by product! This book has NOT been approved by the FDA but has been approved by GOD! Enjoy!!!

    To reach Simply Sharon, e-mail simplysharon@


    Here I am, at a secret place…. writes Simply Sharon in the concluding chapter of her book  It’s All In Your Head and therein lies the answer to how this brave young woman, together with her husband and two children, was able to make the difficult journey from a mold infested home in Jamestown, NY to the hills of Tennessee, a journey back to health and wholeness. She KNOWS the secret place of the Most High God and in that knowing she was able to stand in the midst of insurmountable personal loss and yet emerge not only whole in every aspect of the word, but with a new mission, a new purpose, a new beginning. A touching ashes to beauty account which will bless and inspire you!

    ~  Pamela Harrell

    Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Worshipper

    Mayville, N.Y.

    "Witness….the devastating effects of bombarding environmental contaminants


    Witness….the POWER of faith, family commitment and appropriate health care. MUST READ."

    ~Margaret E. Clark

    B.A., R.N.

    Nashville, TN


    This book is dedicated to my God, my Lord, my Savior and my King, Jesus Christ and my loving and compassionate husband, Mark Stephen James. I give thanks to God Almighty for my God-ordained life time partner, who has and continues to minister to me mightily through this fiery journey. I love you now, MORE than ever! Thank you for sharing a part of your story in this book! You, still crank my tractor! (p.s. when are you getting your doctorate?!)

    -to my son Joshua, a true prophet and intercessor. Thank you for literally taking care of me (and Victoria). You served me (and the Lord) well and because of that we will always have a very special bond. I look forward to seeing your bright future unfold and remember that God always sees what you are doing…. By the way, I will see you at those award dinners, Dr. Pawlak!

    -to my daughter Victoria Rose, a true praise dancer and intercessor and singer and keyboardist! You are truly a miracle and are highly favored by the Lord (and me!) I love our mother/daughter relationship and look forward to watching that grow. May we have many more years of fighting about who gets use of the telephone! Oh yeah, I will be seeing you at those award dinners too, little lady!

    -to Licorice, our new addition, my beautiful service dog in training


    Yippee! So many folks were involved in this process if I named them all, that in itself would be a BOOK! But, at the TOP of my list would have to be my Mommy, Mary Eckert. She has stood by me through it all. (And still is!) From the very beginning of giving birth to me at the age of 39, to now me giving birth to this book at the age of 42, I would hope that the blessing has come full circle. Your prayers and words of wisdom mean more to me than you’ll ever know. You once told me, Don’t put any thing in writing that you don’t want others to read. What a tremendous statement that would serve as the anchor for this book and more to come. Enjoy this writing and keep speaking those words over me! Thank you Mom, I love you a million x a million!!

    • To my sister Sally, what a great nurse you are! I am so grateful that you brought Mom out to see me during the stroke crisis. You knew how important that was and I am so glad that you were obedient. Thank you for encouraging me to check things out and for helping me walk through the maze of traditional medicine. Thank you for NEVER speaking anything negative over me. You are an encourager and I so appreciate that gift. (p.s. you are a fellow speaker as well as a gifted singer!) I love you, Sal…

    • To my sister Mary, thank you for always being there for me especially during the seizures. I can’t explain how reassuring it is to come out of a seizure and see your face. You were always looking out for me when we were little and I really appreciated that! You’re a good sister and I love you very much. (Oh yeah, I’m still looking for that bird in a cage musical jewelry box…HA!) I loved our time together when you visited me in Buffalo, NY. Come to Nashville and let’s do it again! (This time we won’t drive in the dark and the pouring rain) I love you Mary and will always be your baby sister!

    • To my sister Diane, what can I say…we certainly have a unique relationship, sister/ mother and I love it!! Thank you Diane for all of the counsel, guidance, business ideas and support. You have blessed me more than you know. I love our age difference, being an Aunt at age 4 was just way cool! You have challenged me at times and out of those challenges have come tremendous growth and for that, I thank you and I love you. I will always be the crybaby, however, I have seen that side of you as well, and perhaps we are more alike that we care to admit?! You’re a blessing and remember, you will always be older!!

    To my three close friends:

    • Amy Louise Riggs: Oh Amy, I could fill the page! What has happened between us the last few years is amazing! You have been such a faithful friend since we met in 1995 and I am so blessed to share the same birthday as well as middle name! God has richly joined us in the spirit so profoundly, I praise God for the transparency! We are healed Amy, isn’t that awesome?! We are ambassadors on a mission from God and boy, do we have fun! I also want to thank you specifically for being there every day of my season of depression and anxiety for almost 2 years!! (I was even getting sick of myself!) You encouraged me daily and at times, hourly. What a lifeline Amy! Thank you for your patience in seeing me through the other side. My greatest memory of this whole ordeal was in the moldy house when you walked in the door, came over to my couch side, leaned over me with your long hair hanging in my face, looked into my severely dilated pupils and boldly proclaimed, Yeah…it’s the drugs! How true that was and how sick the medicine itself was making me. Thank you my friend, I look forward to a lifetime of friendship! p.s. when are you coming to see me?!

    • Linda Santamaría! Ciao! my Italiana sister! What a good friend you are! Thank you for taking care of me during the stroke and for not allowing me to dwell on the curse speakers. You taught me so much, especially about my attitude. Thank you for staying when you needed to stay and leaving when you needed to leave. I knew I was draining you and I appreciate your honesty as hard as it was to hear it. I love you so much Linda because I NEVER have to figure you out. You tell it like it is and that really helped me to get to the point! Your investment into our little family is so very much appreciated and your gifts so thoughtful! Thanks for all of the meals, prayers, laughter, tears and for supporting Simply Sharon long before I became Simply Sharon. I miss our special times especially your spontaneous pizza visits and Sunday crock pot dipping. (When are you coming to Nashville?!) You are a faithful friend Linda and our friendship has really solidified in the last few years. I love it when you call because you always pray over me! Thank you my friend, I love Linda…and Nicholas and Snowball!

    • Cathy Hatfield: Again, I could write a book. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for believing always. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for being there the week of 9/11. Thank you for being there..period! I so wish you had stayed in Nashville…maybe? ~God knows. Meeting you in 1996 after the Roswell surgery could not have been more appropriate timing and our friendship sure took off! Thank you for encouraging me in the freedom of worshipping the Lord. Thank you for being there for the benefit and who could forget the Rose Garden pre-service supernatural prayer time! WOW! Thank you for being obedient in all of your giving….However, the most important thing you gave me spiritually Cathy was forcing me to see that the very thing I was so livid about(spiritual abuse/church hurt), I was about to be guilty of myself. Thank you for having the guts to share with me so candidly. You were right! To God be all the glory!! I miss our times together and look forward to seeing you again soon! I love you Cathy, Chapter 3 is your Chapter! By the way, we never did do that trip to Toronto?!….hummm…. Oh yes, and to Mark (Cathy’s husband), my Hallelujah Hatfielder, my fellow praiser. It is so awesome to watch you and Cathy with the flags/banners! I love you both so very much! You are so special and have been such a blessing to my Mark! Keep praising God and thanks for being our spiritual bouncer! (We need you brother!)

    ~to Drs. Malti Patel and Kalpana Patel, Dent Neurologic Institute, Allergy and Environmental Health Center, Buffalo, New York. Neurologist and environmental physician, skilled accomplished experts. God used you both so mightily! I would be dead without you. Thank you for hanging in there with me. To both of you Dr. Malti Patel-traditional medicine and Dr. Kalpana Patel-environmental medicine, I owe my new career. Thank you for positioning me to serve as bridge builder and history maker. I pray that I do you both well as I serve my patients in natural health/holistic healing. Thank you for paving the way. I appreciate your commitment to health and wellness and your love for your patients.

    ~to Dr. Michael Murray, thank you for listening to me and taking some ridicule in the process. Also, for the great meal and jam session! Hey, I am still waiting for that drug free body tee shirt!

    ~to Pastors Trevor and Jenny Coburn, my favorite Irish folks who taught me to only believe. Thank you for supporting me for almost 6 years! It was so difficult to leave but so much a part of the bigger picture! Sister Jenny, the prophetic dance really saw me through many a difficult time and your heart to serve is contagious! Thank you for prophesying my healing during the women’s meetings and for letting me cry all over you many times! I love you! Brother Trevor, your sermons still inspire me to write and I am so grateful for the manner in which you break the word. Thank you for literally coming to my rescue, especially during the tragic loss of my nephew. To my New Covenant Assembly Family, Jamestown, New York: thank you for being on the journey with me during the initial part of the illness. I truly feel the prayers of the people. Thanks for all the meals, doing laundry, overnight care, childcare and cards of encouragement as well. We really needed the help. I love you all. ROLE MODELS: Chris and Pat Bohn, you are staples! Thank you for all of the love and encouragement throughout the years, use of the van and engineering assistance and financial wisdom. You bless so many and inspired me to pass it on. Larry and Fran Flint: You too, are staples. We so love and miss you! What a small world huh?! (We haven’t forgotten about the music video…it’s a God thing!) Brother Roy Snyder: Thanks for teaching me to see the ability and not the DISability! God is so good and I miss our private music therapy sessions! (Ding!) Sister Arleta Lawson: thanks for being so understanding and supportive when I needed it the most! You make me smile sweet lady! I miss your laugh and you dancing before the Lord!

    ~Brother Gene Klickner/McDaniel: wherever you are?! We love you and miss you. Thank you for: "It’s not what’s over the

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