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God Hates Divorce
God Hates Divorce
God Hates Divorce
Ebook311 pages5 hours

God Hates Divorce

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About this ebook

In a world filled with divorce, it goes against the tide to bring out Scripture against it. However, when God says write I write. Marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church. In today's Church world this picture has been grossly misrepresented by today's Church leaders. "Till death do us part." Why? Allow me the privilege of showing you through Scripture why this phrase is of the utmost importance. God has a message for those who will listen to sound advice.

Release dateJun 24, 2018
God Hates Divorce

Manuel Villalobos

Manuel Villalobos: I am not an author of books? It was never my intention to begin writing books. As God would have it, I was basically thrown into it by circumstance. My brother was the one who got me thinking about writing. He had written a couple of books at the time. I am currently residing in Victorville, Ca. I am married and have several children. It is due to God's grace I am what I am today as my books testify to. My goal is to allow others to have what I have found in Christ. My prayer is that once they hear my testimonies, they too will reach out to God through His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ. May God bless you one and all. Manuel Villalobos

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    Book preview

    God Hates Divorce - Manuel Villalobos


    Time: It’s either your friend or your enemy, depending on what you spend it on. On one hand it perpetually sends your life spiraling downward; on the other, you live, learn, and regroup until you weed out the bad and supplant it with new life worthy of celebrating. This is the dilemma and the enigma of time. We live, learn, and hopefully with God’s help, make something worthy spring forth during the latter end of our lives, discarding those things which were childish or foolish which occupied our time.

    No one is guaranteed long life. Some lives are cut short due to other’s sins against us, such as abortion, others are cut short due to our own sins, still others are a mystery as to the reason. Whichever category, each life holds a purpose which God has ordained. What complicates matters is when two lives become intertwined in marriage.

    The Word of God declares it is better not to marry. Not that marriage is a sin, but rather that it is much easier to serve God when not bound by oath to meet the needs of a spouse. However, each man has his gift; some for marriage, and some who live without the need of it. God gives His blessings upon each. This book deals with marriage and its sanctity.

    My brother Manuel Villalobos has battled long and hard on his journey and one would not wish much of what he has gone through on anyone. To his credit he has done all he could to reach the plateau of relationship between himself and his Creator God. Not that he takes the credit, no, that belongs to God.

    Writing this book in and of itself was a huge undertaking on his part. He like many others, felt unworthy to share his understanding of Scripture. However, when God lays something on your heart to do, it becomes necessary to choose whom you will serve. Will you serve God or your own fleshly desires? Fortunately, my brother chose to be obedient and share his personal understanding of marriage and what it entails and means where the Word of God is concerned.

    May you the reader take what is written in this book: God Hates Divorce, and apply what you may to your own life and maybe just maybe spread what you feel God would have you spread of its contents.

    Blessings to our brothers in Christ Jesus;

    Jesus Villalobos


    It has been seven years since my first book, From Murder to Grace, was published. Considering I had no experience writing, much less getting a book published, the thought that I would once again be at this computer writing another book never crossed my mind.

    When I began writing my first book, and as I began typing, I knew it was God’s spirit guiding my fingers. Of course, God used many people to help me put down on paper, my testimony of His grace for this sinner; otherwise, it could not have been written. I thank all of you whom God put in my path just when I needed you for the writing of my first book and also for this book.

    After reading my first published book, I could hardly believe how God used a seemingly bad situation that year, to make it possible; and how my testimony had come to be published. I know of a certainty, that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose, amen. (Romans 8:28)

    I wondered why, in that first book, I had left out parts of what my Lord Jesus had done in my life, which seemed to be miraculous and would have given even more glory to our Savior. Parts of my life, of which, I had alluded to in the first book. Not knowing and not intending to write another book, I wrote that I would reveal the things I had eluded to; perhaps in my second book?

    Well, much to my amazement, here I am writing that second book. A book, about a subject, that was the farthest thing from my mind. Has God chosen the foolish of this world? However, when God says, Go, I go, when He says, Do, I do, when He says, Speak, I open my mouth and speak; and when He says, Write; well, need I say more?

    However, none of the above in my own strength, knowledge, power, or by my will, but all by the will, grace, and power of my Lord God’s Holy Spirit; for the Spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. My Lord knew exactly why He had me leave out certain events in that first book. He knew He would use me at least one more time, in writing another book.

    I, of course, did not want to write this book; God Hates Divorce. First of all, I didn’t know much of what His Word says about divorce, and the remarriage of the divorced. All I knew for certain was that God hates divorce.

    Second reason I didn’t want to write this book was because of my fears of being mocked, shunned, or ostracized. I could bear this from most, but maybe not from my church family, and fleshly family. Will I also be asked to leave my church home and family?

    I pray none of the above, but if it is to be, I know God’s grace is sufficient; amen. I did, however, wrestle with my God for several years trying to talk myself out of writing this book; for the reasons I have explained above, but also for the following reasons.

    I know in my heart, I do not have the skills to write anything, much less a book worthy of publication. Especially on a topic which, after which being read, may bring a lot of backlash and criticism from most Preachers, Teachers, Theologians, Biblical Apologists, Evangelists, Biblical Scholars, and Christians of today.

    Why do I say this? I write this because I am none of the aforementioned, in training and much less in accreditation. I am a simple man. I see things in this life as black or white, true or false, yes or no, and for or against.

    I have no claim to have any extra special relationship with our God and Father in Heaven, or any gift of insight into the things of the Spirit of God. I do know this, I am a man who has been forgiven so much, and so, I love Him much; Jesus, the Christ, who gave Himself for me.

    I also know it is better to obey God, than to wind up in the belly of a great fish, so-to-speak. Surely God hath chosen the foolish things of this world! I pray; May God, my Lord, and Savior, Jesus the Christ, be glorified. I also pray that He give me His wisdom and understanding in all that I will put down in this book; amen!

    Chapter 1

    In Perspective

    For perspectives sake, I began writing this book in the latter year of 2013. However, like many men whom God has called for His purpose, my response was, But Lord, I’m slow of speech, and I’m not able to do as you ask of me!

    Lord, I said, I can’t write a book about marriage and divorce, I’m not a theologian, or writer, I continued; Who would believe that you spoke to me and told me to write this book? I’m nobody Lord; I will be ridiculed by everyone, maybe asked to leave my church home, just as my brothers and I were asked to leave that other church for exposing the truth, to other believers, about tithing, Lord!

    So strong was God’s urging and the heaviness of God’s spirit upon me, I could not resist; and so I began reading and studying God’s Word even more than I had ever done. What do I mean by, More than I have ever done?

    At times there were months of reading and studying three different Bible translations every day, for hours every day, three Bible studies a week, church services four times a week, many days of fasting, and prayer without ceasing.

    I tell you this, not in boasting, or to make you think I am something other than what I am; but because it is the truth and was done only because our Lord and God, Jesus, the Christ, by His Spirit, put the desire to do so, in my heart.

    I began writing not even sure whether what I was typing made sense whatsoever. Each day, after I had finished typing, and I read what was written, I began to see that when this book got published I would get a lot of backlash by way of criticism from most Christians.

    From everything I have heard, since I became a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, what I am writing seems to fly into the very face of many Christian men and women who either preach and teach the direct opposite of the things you are about to read, or never deal with the subject in any depth; especially the subject of the remarriage of the divorce.

    At the first, when our God began putting these things in my heart, and I began telling others what our Lord Jesus was speaking to me, concerning marriage, divorce, and the remarriage of the divorce, I began to get a good taste of what I was going to face as I tried explaining to them what God has put in my heart.

    As I began telling Christians what our God had told me in my spirit, in no uncertain terms, I hate divorce, the resistance or push-back began. It was subtle and polite at first, but… When I began telling others what my Lord told me to write about the remarriage of the divorced, then the responses I got was even worse.

    Let’s just say most of those conversations ended with, The Scriptures say that His Word is of no private interpretation! As if that Scripture meant we could make His Word mean whatever suits us. God tells us, His Holy Spirit will reveal all truth to us; so, HE will tell us what He means by the above Scripture. His word is not to be used to justify our behavior, which is often the case.

    Here is an example of what I keep hearing repeatedly, especially in the last few years; Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make you paths straight.

    This sounds good and right, but there is a different connotation, than in the following; which, by-the-way was the accepted understanding before that above translation. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

    I know that the word for direct may be translated smooth; but when God’s Word is taken in totality, He wants us to walk in His path, or His way, not walk on that broad path that leads to destruction, which is usually smooth as silk.

    In the twenty third Psalms, God says, He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Psalm twenty-four; show me Your ways, oh Lord; teach me Your paths." There are many other references to what path we are to take, and in none of them does it infer we are to take or make our own path, or that God would make our paths straight.

    Another conversation ender was, Well, you know God permits divorce in the case of adultery! The last or least of the conversation enders is when Christians became irritated, and many used this excuse, Well, he/she (divorcing person) did not want, or does not want anything to do with church or God; and the Bible says, if the unbeliever departs, we are not under bondage in such a case.

    Did I mention, Remarriage, you ask? Yes; and this practice and the teaching on this, is even more troublesome than divorce! It is more troublesome when you consider God tells us plainly that the person who marries a divorced person causes that person to commit adultery, and if any believer who is divorced marries another they commits adultery.

    The more I wrote and re-read what I had typed, the more I would ask God, Please, Lord, I can’t do this, please use someone else, someone who is more qualified than me! Because I had already had a small taste of people’s reaction, I did not want to write this book.

    Night and day as my Lord would speak to me about this book, I would tell Him, I can’t do this; and, Besides Lord there are so many books out there about marriage and about divorce. I would plead, Please Lord, use one of your other servants who have more knowledge in your Word, more respected, better known, and are more eloquent speakers and writers.

    God’s answer to me was, Though I reveal Truth to all my servants, they become proud in their imagination, thinking more of themselves then they ought; and believe, because I use them, they know all Truth.

    He said to me, They are on TV, they are on radio, they are in the pulpit, and they roam the streets saying, ‘Ask me, and I will explain to you all truth, ‘as best I can, from God’s Word,’ but they should know I do not reveal all things to any one man!

    Of course, I had more to say; But Lord, there are great Writers and Theologians, Apologists, Evangelists, Teachers, and Preachers! If you use someone who has more credibility, people would listen to them; but me, I’m nobody Lord and no one will believe you put in my heart what I’ve written; that this is truly from you!

    He said to me, I am the Head, they who think they have all truth, they say to everyone, ‘Jesus Christ is the head of the Church,’ but in their hearts they think they are the head, and know all things of My Spirit!

    God’s final answer to me is, If they know all My truth, what need do you have of the rest My body? He said, Can the mouth say to the ear, I have no need of you? But like My people of old, today My children want a king over them; and you see, their kings think they have no need for the rest of My body.

    He, who has an ear, let him hear and understand the mystery of marriage. Each day, I was in a state of urgency. So strong was the leading of God’s Spirit, I could not stop writing for the day until I had God’s peace. Sometimes I would write a couple of chapters a day, sometimes a page or so of one continuous line of reasoning. Come, let us reason together, says our God.

    As God’s Spirit urged me each day, I could not resist more reading of His Word, more study, and more writing until His hand was lifted from me; for that day or days. Even though I was still afraid of what my Christian Brothers and Sisters would say, what my Pastor would say, my family, friends, and of course Christian leaders, I continued.

    Every day, for many months, reading, re-reading, studying, fasting and praying, and writing until I had written what I believed God had put on my heart. I’m so ashamed to tell you I stopped writing this book for a few years despite my Father’s constant and continual urging.

    The first few months I had written several chapters where I present in this book, the reasoning and the Scripture God had given me; but I stopped writing because, basically, I allowed myself to become afraid of ridicule.

    And I continually made the excuse that if I tried to publish all that He had given me to write, it would be a very, very short book; and I would have nothing to give credence to the fact I am hearing from our Lord, Jesus, the Christ. So, as you will read, I have included many stories of God’s grace and instances of His speaking to me.

    I did not want people to think, or say, Who do does this guy think he is? The hand of God; really, are you kidding me? Forgive me, my Lord and my God, for allowing the fear of ridicule to keep this book from being written sooner.

    After reading what I had written, which was and is the basic reasoning in this book, I convinced myself that it might not be a good idea to continue writing on this subject of divorce; but especially on the subject of remarriage of the divorced.

    Most Christians know and believe God hates divorce, but all who initiate the divorce believe their circumstances make their divorce legal or acceptable in God’s sight and so He condones this practice or idea.

    As God as my witness, I don’t know of any other way to describe the urging, the prompting, the compelling, and heaviness of the leading of God’s spirit. Within days of being born again, back in 1977, God would often talk to me, sometimes audibly, sometimes in my spirit.

    I remember talking to my first Pastor, of whom I will tell about in a later chapter, of the first church I attended, telling him all of what God was telling me. How God and I would talk to each other, how He would reveal His Word to me, and tell me of things that were going to happen before they occurred.

    He, my Pastor, and others, of course, would give me that look, I have all too often been given by Church leadership, other Christians, and people in general, when I would tell them how Jesus was always talking to me, leading me.

    At first, I could not understand why Christians would look at me in such an odd way every time I would tell them things that my Lord was explaining to me, telling me, or directing me as I read, studied, and meditated on His Word. I couldn’t understand; after all Jesus Christ says, My sheep hear my voice.

    It wasn’t until I started asking other Christians if God talked to them, either audibly, or in their spirit, that I realized why most looked at me in that odd way, why most seemed to get nervous, and seemed to want to get away from me.

    I had assumed because they were Christians, they also heard Jesus Christ’s voice. Other than all the TV preachers, and some on Christian radio, I only know of four other Christians personally, who say our Lord talks to them, they hear His voice, and they talk to Him on a continual basis, twenty-four hours a day.

    As I was saying, I was resistant to writing this book and tried to talk God out of using me to write down what He wanted put down for others to read. As I look back on my walk with our Lord which began in 1977, it seems I have always wrestled with Him as to what He wanted me to learn.

    I don’t know why I still wrestle with many things God wants me to do, say, or learn. I know He will always have His will done, in Heaven, on earth, and in me. I of course, eventually end up doing or saying what He asks of me, but…

    I will always walk with a spiritual limp, I guess, I told my Pastor. I told my first Pastor, Better the limp than the belly of a big fish; amen. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is oh so weak. Christian, the time is very, very short. It’s time for the final harvest and God will have an unblemished bride, with clean garments! So, Come out from among the world’s thinking and be ye separate, saith the Lord of hosts; amen.

    Now God says, Come, let us reason together. May this book bring honor and glory to our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ, who is worthy of all our praise and all our adoration; AMEN!

    Now let’s go on this journey for the Glory, for the honor, and to the praise of Jesus, the Christ, my Lord and Savior, and hopefully for our edification, and understanding of His will, because with God all things are possible; amen. So, by the grace of God, the guidance of His Holy Spirit, my feeble attempts, and with great humility I present, to you, this book, God Hates Divorce.

    Let God be true, but every man a liar.

    Chapter 2

    From Grace to the Mind of Christ

    Malachi 1:5, Were the first words I heard in my spirit, just as I was waking up early that morning; it was Wednesday May 16, 2012. I said in my mind, Malachi 1:5, Lord? I know I have read Malachi many times, but I don’t remember what that particular passage says; I will look it up later, Lord I said out loud.

    I had to get ready for work and so, I prayed a short prayer praising and thanking God for His presence, His grace, for the new and latest job he allowed me to have, and asked for the strength to go through another day, to be a witness for Him at work that day. I will tell you more about this new job, in a later chapter, and how I came to have this latest job.

    Being the lazy person I am, I didn’t make it a priority to look up that Scripture that day, despite continually being urged in my spirit to read that particular passage of Scripture. On the second day, May 17, 2012, I could not resist God’s continual urging and prompting, so I said to Jesus, OK Lord, I will read Malachi 1:5.

    I don’t know what could be the urgency to read Malachi 1:5, I thought to myself, I’ve read the book of Malachi several times in the past year; what could I have missed?

    Early that morning, before I went to work, I opened my Bible to the Scripture I had been too lazy to read. Malachi 1:5, Your eyes shall see, and you shall say, the Lord is magnified beyond the boarder of Israel. My heart leaped inside of me, and there was a great anticipation in my spirit!

    Somehow I knew that my Lord and my God was about to, after almost 35 years of prayers, do a mighty work in my wife’s heart and life and in our marriage. I don’t know how I knew, but I knew, that I knew, that something was about to change in my wife’s life; little did I know, also in my life.

    What I didn’t know was God was going to take my wife through some very hard things before bringing her to a point where she wanted this change. I too was about to go through the most testing of my faith I had ever been through. I thought God had brought me through so much testing of my faith that there couldn’t possibly be anything more He could take me through, but…

    What God was going to do in my wife’s life, I didn’t know; however, knowing my Lord, when He speaks to me in my spirit, or shows me something in His Word, that quickens my spirit, I knew it was going to be awesome. I had no idea nor did it enter my mind, He was going to do a mighty and marvelous work, not only in my wife’s life, but more importantly in my life.

    I had no idea the testing of my faith that was to come that year, but more so three years later; April 7, 2015. If you have read my first book, From Murder to Grace, you will better understand what Malachi 1:5 means to me; if not, here is a synopsis of From Murder to Grace

    I have been married to my wife since 1971 and I have been born again since early 1977. I have been praying for my wife, since God’s grace touched me and He entered my life in 1977, to come to the full knowledge of the gift of God, in Christ Jesus for her salvation. I wanted her to have the joy, peace, and all of what I found in my Lord and Savior.


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