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The Advancement of Victoria
The Advancement of Victoria
The Advancement of Victoria
Ebook69 pages1 hour

The Advancement of Victoria

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When Victoria finds her journey to sexual freedom and self-discovery has reached a lull she begins to question her path, and want she really wants in life. Her latest relationship is fulfilling on so many levels but is she selling herself and her age of exploration short?

When an old High School friend, Margo, comes back to town things only get a little more confusing for Victoria. Margo sheds some light and guides Victoria back to the road that had brought her so much pleasure. With Margo's help Victoria learns to listen to her body, she hears what her heart and mind are telling her. What she hears is what she knew all along. Margo and her husband James are the tools Victoria needed to get her journey back and track. A night of drinks and great conversation is capped off with an astonishing entrance back to the path of rediscovery. Follow Victoria as she navigates the complicated world of her emotions and convictions. Along the way, she learns more about herself, her body and finds a level of pleasure she never knew excited before.

Release dateFeb 4, 2017
The Advancement of Victoria

Rohan Kendall

I am a new erotica short story author. I have a passion for telling stories and an interest in captivating and enticing my readers. I invite you to check out my work. I hope to inspire my readers while exciting them at the same time. I want to reach you on a level no other author has before. My first collection is the "Victoria series." Victoria is a young, powerful woman on a journey of self-discovery and pleasure. Each installment we follow Victoria through the ebbs and flows of her journey, as she pushes herself past her convictions and societal boundaries to reach a place of sexual enlightenment she never knew existed.

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    Book preview

    The Advancement of Victoria - Rohan Kendall



    of Victoria

    Rohan Kendall


    Chapter 1

    His face always contorted into that same shape right before he would cum. It was a grotesque impression of a mouse eating a lemon. I hated that look but loved what it meant. That rush of white seminal fluid would push inside me giving me one last mighty orgasm before our session was over. On cue, as always, he came, and I twitched and tensed up. The orgasm sent waves of pleasure through my entire body exhausting every last bit of energy I had left.

    My name is Victoria, and I’m on a journey of sexual exploration. Well, at least I was. I met Kyle about four months ago, and he was everything I thought I wanted. Rugged, but gentle. He always had the perfect growth of stubble on his face, that delicate balance between clean shaven and sloppy beard. People would think it was one of those things that just happened, it wasn’t. Kyle spent a lot of time crafting that look, making it seem unplanned like the facial hair was some simple act of defiance.

    He was toned, muscular, and a lot more attractive than I ever felt I deserved. He sported light brown hair on his head and crystal blue eyes on his face. All of this was great, but what was even better was his cock. It was thick and long. Not too long, enough to give me the slightest discomfort when he was fully pushed inside me. It wasn’t pain, it was less than that, if anything, I could say it bordered on pain without ever crossing that threshold. I know, you might be thinking why would anyone want discomfort during sex, well, the truth is, it was a huge turn on. When Kyle lifted my legs up onto his shoulders and penetrated me from that extreme angle, I felt every inch of his massive cock pushing into me. He went way passed my clitoris and reached parts of me no man had ever reached before. The discomfort was quickly transferred to pleasure.

    Anyway, Kyle was perfect, and I was happy, mostly. The thing was I felt like I was selling myself short. It was just six months ago I had experienced an act of sexual discovery. I was in a three way, with two men. I had those two dicks under my control. They were at my disposal and there for one reason only, my ultimate pleasure. It was liberating and powerful and exhilarating all at the same time. I vowed to never go back to my boring life of passive fucking.

    Kyle was exciting in the beginning, he loved to have sex, and would do it everywhere and anytime we could. In the car, in his office, in the movie theater, in the bathroom of our favorite restaurant and even behind a dumpster in an ally by his apartment. It was new, fresh and exciting.

    I never told Kyle about my three way. Or the encounters I had leading up to it. How I carefully selected Bradley and Eric as my participants, how I pleasured each one of them individually before inviting them to double up on my waiting and willing pussy. The satisfaction I received from those two men was nothing short of cosmic.

    I would have been more than happy to continue that set-up for the foreseeable future, the problem was Eric, who used to work in my building, quit his job shortly after our orgy. I saw him once after, he was exiting a neighborhood bakery with some young blond hooked into his arm. She was way too young for him, and I knew she could not give him the adventurous experiences I was willing to. I wasn’t interested in Eric in the relationship sense, the only thing I wanted from him was his willingness to do anything I wanted. He never judged me and was always attentive to my needs and where I was looking to take my journey of self-discovery.

    Bradley got clingy after our romp. I guess I always knew that was a strong possibility. I think he experienced his own personal liberation. Shortly after our session, he filed for divorce. Almost as soon as the pen in his wife’s hand scribbled her signature on that line his confidence grew ten fold. We still remained close at work. We opened up to each other a lot.

    He always wanted our relationship to remain sexual. I was cautious about crossing that line, except one evening, while working late I blew him at his desk.

    It wasn’t something I planned on doing it just kind of happened. I don’t know how something like that happens, but before I could put the pieces together, I had Bradley’s erect cock deep into my mouth. My tongue took to his dick like an old familiar friend.

    He must have been doing his homework because he all but solved his quick finish issues. I worked

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