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Dare to be your master
Dare to be your master
Dare to be your master
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Dare to be your master

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Buddhahood, enlightenment or "waking up" are really all quite similar. They can be achieved when one attains the frequency or the state of peace of mind, heart, body and soul. It is precisely that very instant when a person forgets himself, accesses the void and then finds himself immersed in totality. Here he fuses with the light of unconditional love. At that moment he realizes he is one with everything and peacefully feels "at home".
Thereafter nothing will ever be the same. He has become his inner child once again; pure innocence. He has finally understood that it's all about just getting on with life in a carefree way. His new light will act as a beacon for many to follow as they feel that special attraction without knowing why. You too can be that beacon. Dare to be your own master!
Release dateFeb 1, 2017
Dare to be your master

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    Dare to be your master - Suzanne Powell



    Ireceived the information that I was to write this book via a channeling which I experienced on the last day of the great Mayan cycle: 21st December 2012. The idea rang clear inside me: You will write a book with this title.

    My first reaction was to ask myself why I should undertake this assignment when I was still learning to be the master of my Self. But I was captivated by the title and I felt it was necessary to be daring, because in actual fact, nobody teaches us how to become a master. That is why one of our greatest tasks in life revolves around learning to be the master of our Self and to share, generously, all that we have learnt.

    It is like when a couple have their first-born child. They ask themselves: Where is the instruction booklet? How will this new being know what to do? And what about us parents? The answer is simple: we all learn as we go along. And at each moment, we ask ourselves: "Are we doing things right?

    As if by magic, your child accepts everything. Whether you are doing things right or wrong is not important for him. He simply accepts your nature as a father or a mother. When we find ourselves in the process of self-mastery, it does not matter how we do it. We are called upon to be the master of our Self. Whether we want to or not, every personal experience will help us to gain mastery in everything we do.

    Everything in life serves as a lesson.

    Experience nourishes us, filling us with life and wisdom.

    With greater or lesser fluency, we learn from the situations that life puts in front of us. Depending on our level of personal development, we live these experiences as human beings, either with confusion or with clarity, at times in ignorance and at others in wisdom. One of the best ways to learn is by means of reflection. You can listen to many opinions and heed their advice or ignore them, though sooner or later you will inevitably realise that in some way, everything is perfect just as it is, everything is fine, it always has been and it always will be. You start to be aware of the existence of a greater order where everything has a reasonable explanation, which at times we are unaware of and which we may find difficult to understand right now. But everything is fine. Everything flows towards a common good, and this is a great lesson in self-mastery.

    Thanks to reflection, we learn that we are a kind of human GPS, (Global Positioning System), like radars that detect the signs and we begin to direct our lives in a different direction. Whatever the outcome, we are ready to change at any moment, and pursue our path of life towards something greater and more profound, which is more authentic and joyful. Despite what our relatives, friends and boss might say, or even our own thoughts, we become more and more ready to go one step further along the path of inner experience, that of a true spiritual approach towards connecting with the most divine part of our being.

    When you surrender to your multi-dimensional being, and you allow your Self to be, it is then that you become a complete human being, full of joy and great spiritual serenity.

    This calmness is borne from the innocence of a small child and the wisdom of an old man. At times, this new way of seeing and feeling life does not fit in with the world around us, but that also forms part of the challenge of awakening to this flow of consciousness. On awakening to self-mastery, we must inevitably break free from old patterns and systems of thought which are no more than former ways of seeing and understanding the world. As we proceed to do this, others will do so too.

    The secret lies in knowing how to live this new presence while being ourselves yet assuming all the consequences; how to be constantly here in the now, aware and present in everything we do and think and in every feeling which emerges from within us every second of our lives. My favourite mantra could well be: What difference does it make!

    That is what I mean when I talk about spiritual calm. What difference does it make! Everything is fine. Living like this, I can laugh at myself, getting in touch with my inner child, trying to identify with neither my own emotional and psychological dramas, nor anybody else’s. When this is the case, we no longer want to sap the life out of anyone or for anyone else to bleed us dry. Once we reach this state, our sole desire is to share the experience of abundance we are now living. The abundance of our Being.

    We must observe with impartiality any kind of conflict which appears, without dramatising. Seen from the outside, everything changes. If you choose happiness, harmony, peace, innocence... you relax in all aspects and find yourself living in a state of tranquillity which becomes your favourite swimming pool, a lake of personal strength. You cease to live in the turbulent waters of a stormy, volatile sea. Even though you may see a threatening wave, you know that once it reaches the shore, it will be lulled, with no fear of it reaching you or affecting you, because everything continues to pass, everything returns to the sea, to the ocean. It is wonderful to accept oneself and fearlessly say: I am as I am, like it or not; this is my story, my song, my life and I choose to be happy being like this, accepting myself, embracing myself and being at peace with every part of me.

    This works for me. And everyone should find what works for him or her to discover who they are, to fulfil their lives and to listen to their inner voice. And from then on, they will realise their purpose, their mission on this planet, in this world, at each and every instant.

    To get where I am now, accepting myself as I am, I have undergone many conflictive incidents; highly dramatized moments of victimisation, annoyance and tedium, although deep down I always knew that everything would turn out for the best. In fact, everything works out right if we simply allow the natural flow of the universal laws.

    The Law of Attraction, the Law of Polarity, the Law of Compensation, the Law of Karma –otherwise known as the law of cause and effect– they all lead us towards harmony. As they say in the East: He who cries a lot shall also laugh a lot.

    We must learn to be aware of our words, thoughts and deeds. We learn as we go along. We have no instruction booklet. We choose to live and experience life, just like the captain of a ship navigates through the storm, hand at the helm, knowing that sooner or later, come what may, he will safely arrive home. Arriving home is living the fulfilling life we are worthy of, full of peace and love, dedication and service, support and mutual help; the life of a complete human

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