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A Royal Request
A Royal Request
A Royal Request
Ebook34 pages31 minutes

A Royal Request

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This is the first introduction at the concept of my Devina universe, a world completely different from our own, with different philosophies, beliefs and it's core foundation revolving around sex and open sexual expression, and this story is a sample of what life is like for the average adventurer living here.

In the Devina universe, Women are the sole holders of power and influence over the many planets, and are the leading population in its many galaxies, with any other gender barely filling 1% of Devina's population. As well as political and econimical power, women are also one of the most powerful beings that exist in the lore, many of the most powerful being goddesses that can shape and create their own worlds. However, they are not completely all powerful effortlessly, and can only gain their power through their sexual nature, though the strongest resource is through Bliss, the sexual arousal and worship of Man. Be it though touch, thought, sight or even sex, some women are gifted with only drawing a small limit of Bliss through their sexuality and through men, while others draw upon men's lust for them to cast powerful spells and perform feats of superhuman caliber.

However, while Devina is a peaceful universe fueled by sexy and female sexuality, the world is not entirely without some conflict. Many women have formed powerful factions within the universe, forming their own belief of how Men should be treated amongst them. Some factions view Men as little more than a resource to gain more power, focusing on powerful technology to endlessly milk the male gender like cattle for their seed, the most powerful resource for Bliss, while other factions of the more spiritually enlightened see men as an endangered species for their dwindling population, hoarding as many as they can into their care in a male-fantasied paradise of pleasure and love only a few could dream of living, with many other factions just as differing views.

In this tale, you will experience a brief glimpse into the eyes of Vaan, a human male who has grown accustomed to living on the Planet Divinia, a neutral safe zone for Men that is protected by the galactic conflict, and has taken a career as an adventurer, doing quests for gold and enjoyment. This is one of his smaller deeds...

Release dateOct 30, 2016
A Royal Request

De'Vaughn Brathwaite

A perverted writer that creates universes based around female sexuality taken to an extreme measure. In Devina, women are empowered by their femininity and sexual nature on a literal scale, gaining power through the arousal and adoration of submissive males, and can gain god-like power through male semen, which has become a commodity and currency that powers their world in many ways.

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    Book preview

    A Royal Request - De'Vaughn Brathwaite

    A Royal Request

    Writen by T.Harper

    Authored and Edited by De’Vaughn Brathwaite

    Chapter 1: A dame to kill for.

    It was a warm and bright summer day, with not a single cloud on the sky and a warm breeze floating through the air, over the large grass plains which Vaan was standing upon. But even with such a nice day like this, the brave adventurer had no time to stop and enjoy the nice weather, as he was on a quest. lying down to the ground and scanning the horizon for any possible movement, his lance and shield ready as he was focused on finding one thing. A group of wild pigmen in this area had stolen some of the royal jewels of queen Amarethia from the snow elves. She was so shocked when she found out, that she had promised a huge reward for whoever would find the bandits that had stolen her precious jewellery. And of course word spread fast through the land, and Vaan was one the first who had heard about the problem. And since he had no other quests at the time and had always been a fan of the snow elf queen, he took it upon himself to track down the pigmen and steal back what they had stolen before.

    The group of outlaws had already been known for causing trouble in their name, multiple large cities already putting a bounty on their head, so this would be a nice way for Vaan to make the lands of Devina a little more at peace and to help out the queen.

    He had chosen this spot to wait, as he knew gangs of bandits would often travel over the plains on the edge of the dark forest, making this hill a perfect vantage point as the man lay there, waiting for any possible sign of activity at the tree’s, deciding to wait for a few more minutes before moving in to investigate himself. It had been long enough and Vaan did not want to waste any more time, slowly getting ready to get up, he then finally spotted a bit of movement. It wasn’t much, but there were dark figures moving out of the forest, and finally into the light. And the man was very lucky, as the two walking out of the trees were two pigmen, chatting with each other as they were walking there. They looked like every other pigmen, overly fat, large and disgusting, with only a loins cloth as clothing and both carrying

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