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Knowing Jesus Better
Knowing Jesus Better
Knowing Jesus Better
Ebook242 pages4 hours

Knowing Jesus Better

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Do you feel like you are not living up to your potential? Does life seem too meaningless? Are you looking for life’s purpose? When you feel lost and your soul craves for something bigger than the everyday life, God can help you find the way. As God’s faithful servant, you have the responsibility to carry forward God’s message. That is what religious author Braden Becknell has to say in her latest book called "Knowing Jesus Better”. Divided in many chapters, this book reveals important teachings from the Gospel itself. Being a devout Christian, Braden Becknell believes that Jesus, the Lord and the Savior can help you lead a meaningful life. All you have to do is speak to Him, and let Him speak to and through you.

Release dateMar 31, 2016
Knowing Jesus Better

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    Knowing Jesus Better - Braden Becknell

    Knowing Jesus Better

    By: Braden Becknell

    Knowing Jesus Better

    Text copyright © 2016 by Braden Becknell

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.  

    Table of Contents

    The Holy Spirit

    The Holy Spirit Fire

    The Holy Spirit Power

    Something New

    Saving the Unsaved

    Parable of the Coin

    Why Share the Gospel?

    Praying Away Shyness

    Breaking the Silence

    Raise your Voice for God

    Passive About Faith

    Overcoming Fears of Persecution and Rejection

    Why Should we Be Bold?

    Be a Witness

    Be the Witness

    Share the Good News

    No One Left Behind

    Spreading the Gospel

    Equipping the Next Generation

    Teaching Children About the Gospel

    Idle Hands are the Devil’s Playground

    Little White Lies

    The Danger of False Realities

    The Danger of Foolish Sin


    Habitual Sin

    Overflow of the Heart

    Grace and Truth

    Balance According to God

    Got Fruit?

    Why Should We Care About Legislation?

    Legislation Doesn’t Affect Me

    What Will Happen in Society if We Don’t Speak Up?

    Legislating Morality

    Why Am I Here?

    Why Share the Good News

    Mission Work

    Prove it to Me

    Go and Teach

    Why be a Christian?

    Back to Salvation and the Church

    Passionate About Christ

    A Prayer of Salvation

    The Holy Spirit

    There I was again. Waiting for the next Holy Spirit high. I collected them like Scout badges. If you’d been to my church before, you knew that if you waited after everyone had left, the Pastor would impart a double portion of blessing/fire/ anointing. And I was not going to miss out. The worship team built up to a crescendo as he finally prayed over us. Only a few hundred of us. Out of thousands. Bliss. Tomorrow I would wake up on fire for Jesus, but by ten o’clock, my flesh would scream against anything I had experienced the night before. And I would need more. I don’t doubt that the Holy Spirit in those meetings was real. But my intentions were not. I mistook Adrenalin for Holy Spirit fire. And Adrenalin is a bit like a drug. After you come down you need your next high.

    The phrase catching Holy Spirit fire is becoming more common. If we test this phrase to God’s Word, we see that God often revealed Himself to man as fire or something fire-like. Perhaps the first time is in Exodus 3:2 when He shows Himself to Moses as a burning bush. Then again as a cloud of fire above the tabernacle, at night, in Exodus 40:38 and Numbers 9:15. The fire on the altar in Leviticus 9:24 was lit by God Himself. These are only a few examples, but the most likely place where this phrase originated is in Acts 2. Acts 2 (NKJV) Coming of the Holy Spirit "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.

    And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Here, the Holy Spirit came on the apostles as tongues of fire. And the evidence thereof, was in their speaking in tongues, Peter’s powerful, unprepared speech thereafter through which over 3000 people were baptized and saved and the further healing and miracles performed by the apostles (Acts 3). Catching the fire points to this powerful experience of the Holy Spirit which enables us to do that which we cannot possibly do by ourselves. Why fire"? Fire in nature purifies and destroys. We have many bush fires in this area and a few weeks after the devastation, you will always see the vivid green shoots peeking through the soil.

    John prophesies in Matthew 3:11 that Jesus will baptize in the Holy Spirit and in fire. That fire will bring purification for those who chose Him, but destruction for those who don’t. Fire also represents a warming in us. Of a passion for God, birthed by the Holy Spirit. The travelers to Emmaus in Luke 24:32 spoke of their hearts burning within them when Jesus spoke to them. I can attest that when I was first saved at a crusade aged 11, I felt a burning within me that I could not explain and a gentle tugging to go forward. I still remember that feeling to this day. And perhaps that is what we are chasing when we are pre-occupied with catching the fire. We are chasing a palpable experience of God’s power. A small touch from the hand of God.

    Francis Frangipani (1) says: ... the Holy Spirit comes not just to give us goose bumps and chills but to restructure our attitudes and perceptions until we think the thoughts of Jesus. The fire comes to purify us and change us, not just for an experience. The Story of Elijah But I want to nestle down for a while at a scripture that seems to contradict the others. In this passage, Elijah is experiencing a spiritual low right after a spiritual high. I can relate to this. Often after a spiritual breakthrough, a spiritual attack follows. Elijah is feeling sorry for himself. Queen Jezebel wants him killed, he is convinced that all his hard work has had no effect and he is hiding in a cave.

    God realizes he needs an experience of Himself rather than a pep-talk. 1 Kings 19:11-13 (NKJV) And he said, Go out and stand on the mount before the LORD. And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him and said, What are you doing here, Elijah? God is saying: I AM in the big, powerful miracles, but I am not only there. I am also in the still small voice. I am in the fire, but I am also in the whisper. That light tap in your shoulder that you are not even always sure is really Me."

    What does Elijah do? He covers his face in reverence but also, I believe, in repentance. David Guzik (2) in his commentary on this passage says: Instead, the still small voice of God speaking to the human heart is actually more powerful than outward displays of power or displays of God’s judgment. The Quiet Roar The Holy Spirit is in the Fire, but He is also in the stillness. In the quiet roar when you pray in faith for a marriage that has fallen apart. In the soft rumble when you call on Him for the healing of a loved one. And in the still thunder when you act on His voice and bless a stranger. Don’t make the mistake I did for so long and just chase after the next thrill. Seek Him in the quiet places. He lives in peace, not in confusion. And He often waits for us to become still before He speaks. And when we hear and obey, like with the apostles of old and with Elijah, He shows His fire through us.

    The Holy Spirit Fire

    Have you ever had an indication of approaching danger in which you felt obligated to warn a person heading toward that direction? Perhaps you’ve driven in horrible weather conditions and advise another to be careful of the roads. Consider a kid when they walk near a stove. In an effort to inhibit hurt we yell, Stop! That’s hot! Most, of us have at one time in our lives advised someone to halt their actions due to a danger that lies ahead. As Christians we know the eternal fate that awaits those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Therefore, knowing this, if we would be eager to warn one another concerning the earthly details of life, shouldn’t we be much more readily advise others regarding eternity?

    You and I inhabit this earth, but as a Christian this is not our home. Heaven is. According to Philippians 3:20, our citizenship belong to that of Heaven’s, before this Earth, before your own Country. But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. Being that we are citizens of heaven, and heaven is our eternal home, should we not be concerned about our neighbors? One of the factors contemplated when buying a home is the neighborhood. Is it safe, is it friendly, is it fitting for your family? In considering our neighbors in heaven, we should be focused on one aspect regarding them: multitudes. Many neighbors in heaven directly correlates with many souls won over for Jesus Christ. And as we just learned our true home, our true job, or mission, in this life is acquiring these neighbors by spreading the gospel.

    Spreading the gospel is not as easy as it sounds. Jesus made it direct and spoke deliberately, Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone (Mark 16:15). He didn’t say, If you are comfortable or If it’s an opportune time or even If it feels right. There were not stipulations to His request. Though how often do we miss the opportunity to truly bless someone with the Good News because we are afraid, uncomfortable, bashful, or even embarrassed? Ultimately, the root of our hesitation is fear of rejection. Maybe you fear that person will turn you away. Perhaps you fear you will not be able to find the right words to say. Often times, what I have found, is that my God who does not allow me to endure one thing is this life alone, requires the simple act of just opening my mouth.

    When I used to give speeches in high school I would become extremely nervous. I remember rehearsing the speech in my bedroom countless times and would even ask my teacher if I could deliver my speech first in the class. After all, how would I remain calm seated at my desk watching my classmates exhale after their speech was over knowing it was not yet my turn? I remember the overwhelming feeling of relief I had felt when I returned to my desk smiling at the sound of the classroom applauding on my behalf. Whether it was a good speech or not I had no idea, but I appreciated the support, and the daunting task was over. Often, as the next victim began their speech I would think to myself, How did I get that all out? In fact, many times I would recollect on my speech to give myself my own critique and seem to have forgotten most of what I said.

    Prior to delivering any public speech I have given, whether that have been in high school, college, or even job interviews, I have found ample significance in asking the Holy Spirit to speak for me and through me. I made practice in reciting the following prayer. Lord, speak through me and let me say what you want me to. Hold my tongue at what I should not say. Simple put. Upon finishing speaking, I noticed that I spoke with eloquence that was beyond my practice. It wasn’t me. How could it be? I could hardly remember most of what I had said. It was the Holy Spirit speaking from within me. Our amazing God does not require us to endure this life alone. Likewise, although He requires us to go and spread the gospel, He will not allow for us to do that alone, either. Psalm 138:3 says, On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.

    On the very day called, God moved. Just as I asked Him to guide me through my menial high school speeches, and He did, I can confidently expect for Him to show up when I am preparing to deliver the message of His Son. The boldness does not come by our own standards or as a result of our own courage. It comes through Jesus Christ. Where you find spreading the gospel in the word of God, you almost always find the word boldness corresponding. And if you pay close attention to the Bible’s numerous mentions regarding boldness, you will find the power of Jesus lies close around. Acts 14:3 states, Therefore they spent a long time there speaking boldly with reliance upon the Lord... How did they achieve boldness? With reliance upon the Lord. In another verse, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth (Acts 1:8).

    How do we receive power to spread the word of Christ? By the power of the Holy Spirit. Lastly, 2 Corinthians 3:11- 12 explains, ...Since this new way gives us such confidence, we can be very bold. Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. Once more, we act in boldness only through Christ Jesus. You see, it is not by your own works, your education, experience, nor your confidence that you may boldly approach the world in spreading the gospel. Through Christ, you become bold as a lion. Even Jesus Himself relied on the Father and the Holy Spirit to accompany His life here on earth. And since we have Him within us that is greater than he that is in this world (1 John 4:4), we can accomplish the exact mission He has entrusted to us.

    My friend, as John came to the realization that he must become less and He must become greater, we, too, must die to self. Dying to self includes the death of our insecurities, fear, shyness, and every other antic of the enemy in hopes to thwart the spread of Jesus Christ. When you ask your Master for boldness in spreading His word, He is not only able, ability is but a speck of dust to the God we serve, but our God is more importantly, willing. In Matthew 8:3, Jesus reached out and touched him. I am willing, he said. Be healed! And instantly the leprosy disappeared. Why do you believe the bible made note to Jesus’ words, I am willing? Of course we know He was able to heal, that was merely effortless for Him. Hearing the words I am willing, reminds us just how loving of a God we serve.

    It brings Him great delight to rush to our rescue and do above and beyond what our human fragility cannot accomplish. Why? Because he loves us with an incomprehensible, irrevocable love. Spreading the gospel isn’t just for the pastors, bishops, or priests. It is for every person that calls themselves a son or daughter of Christ. This is a job for you, and for me. It may be frightening, and you may in fact get rejected by some, or many. But know this: there is a resounding rejoicing in heaven, a celebration among the angels, for every soul that is saved by Christ Jesus. James 5:20 explains, You can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins. We are not talking about saving someone from a hot stove or weathered roads, we are speaking in regarding their eternity. Decide today to be used by God regardless of your fear. The disciples didn’t do it without His help, and neither will you. Call on His name, and watch Him show up. You won’t know how, you may not even understand the words that have come from your very mouth. Your only requirement is to say, Here I am, Lord. Send me. Use me. Have Your way in me. Then watch as your meek whisper become a lions mighty roar.

    The Holy Spirits Power

    Acts 2: 1-4 says When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them (NIV). This event at Pentecost in Jerusalem was the first mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon men after Jesus’ crucifixion. This movement of the Holy Spirit was so intense a pure that men began to speak in languages not native or known to them. This was the beginning of the influence of the Holy Spirit given to followers of Christ. When the Holy Spirit moves in a great way, such as with a group of people like in Acts, there is a unity and fullness of Christ that overtakes man through the Holy Spirit.

    In one accord these people at Pentecost were touched with the presence of the Holy Spirit and in unison were able to speak in other languages. When this movement occurred, as it continues to occur today, it provides proof that Christ’s promise of giving us a helper as described in John 14: 15-17 is true. We as believers know what it was like before we were saved. We didn’t have the Spirit of Truth in us. We were wayward in our ways. Once we were saved and as Jesus promised, he gave us a Counselor, the Holy Spirit, to lead and guide us through life and on our walk with Christ. As individuals, we may or may not have experienced the movement of the Holy Spirit in a corporate setting, such as when the Holy Spirit falls onto a congregation, or during a revival service, but we believers have been moved by the Holy Spirit in our individual lives, hopefully more than once but every day.

    The Holy Spirit has an integral role in our lives. He is there to lead us to righteousness. He is there to provide guidance (counsel). He is with us to assist us with spiritual warfare. He is with us to reveal God’s truth and wisdom. When we hold tight to Christ, the Holy Spirit’s presence is more pronounced, or, shall I say, more in tune with our hearts and souls. The voice and the presence of the Holy Spirit can be a whisper or a loud voice in our lives; this is up to us. The significance of attuning ourselves to the Holy Spirit is quiet simple- we stay aligned with Christ and are able to defend ourselves from the attacks of Satan. The Devil’s mission is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He will attack via any means possible with his bag of tricks to get you to fail, fall, and turn away from Christ.

    The Holy Spirit will give us encouragement and guidance to not fall prey to Satan’s attempts to sway us from truth. The Holy Spirit will give us the strength and tenacity to hold fast to Christ. People slip up nonetheless, and though this will happen, the Holy Spirit is always with us to help us get back on track. When faced with adversity, the Holy Spirit moves in us and can help us face trials and tribulations with the courage and confidence we have in Christ. When the Holy Spirit moves in us, we are reminded that we feeble humans

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