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Concussed - (Part One)
Concussed - (Part One)
Concussed - (Part One)
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Concussed - (Part One)

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Includes 20+ new and original SUPERHEROES

Zon, the astrophysicist genius finally figures out his Cosmic Theory of Everything. Unfortunately, as soon as he has his genius insight, he suffers a life altering concussion, a concussion type so rare that it's the first of its kind. It prevents him from doing even simple maths. Zon wants to be normal again so badly, but the outcome of his injury won't allow it. The universe creates scenarios for a reason. The Universe's existence depends on his powers.

Release dateFeb 21, 2016
Concussed - (Part One)

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    Book preview

    Concussed - (Part One) - Hyper Structure Comics


    Part One

    © 2016 Hyper Structure Comics

    Table Of Contents

    -The Cosmic Theory of Everything-

    --The NueroVerbs--

    ---Moon Doom---

    ----The Hyper Structures----

    -----The Hyper Brain-----

    ------Planet Worth------


    --------Planet 365--------

    ---------A new world---------

    ----------The Cosmic Moves----------

    -----------Master Dark-----------


    -------------I can-------------

    -The Cosmic Theory of Everything-

    Zon reads the news cast on his Cosmic Watch:

    The Genius astrophysicist Zon, presented his Cosmic Theory of Everything at the Annual Science Speeches last week. He is now the laughing stock of the scientific community. How dare he challenge the accepted principles of the Universe, a top professor states. Zon has boarded the Snow Structure and is setting course to gather data from our solar system's blue star to prove his theory. We will keep you updated.

    Zon powers off his Cosmic Watch. He looks at the blue star from his cockpit. Come on star, it's just you and me, tell me something, he says.

    The blue star unleashes beautiful solar flares which dance around Zon's ship, embracing it with distant hugs. The ship, named the Snow Structure, is designed from the biomimicry of a snowflake. The Snow Structure is black, massive and immense, spanning a one mile radius. Each of the millions of hollow openings in the Snow Structure analyze the solar rays that pass through via sensors. Its columns are designed in such a way that the star's rays give it reverse lift, pulling it in closer to the star as the solar rays pass through. The Snow Structure's flat front surface bathes in the star's blue beauty. The star so massive that its surface is a perfect straight wall relative to the Snow Structure. Zon has invested everything he had in this feat of engineering. It was built for this one purpose, The Cosmic Theory of Everything. He has to redeem himself

    Zon watches the data pour in on the hundreds of screens in his cockpit and writes complex equations with great speed on an input pad on his forearm. The sound of the pen tip traversing the input pad sound manic and percussive. The equations feed into his space time fabric suit which has a built in Super Brain of its own. The suit spits out answers on its surface area, like a color morphing octopus displaying its beauty in the deep sea. Zon's mind is in the zone as he pours equations out of his brain, working on his theory. He is using the blue star for experimental data. He has to prove himself to the universe. Everyone is watching him, waiting for his maths. He knows his maths will be dissected again by the entire astrophysicist community, there cannot be any errors in his work this time.

    He thrusts the Snow Structure closer to the blue star. The Snow Structure cannot handle this distance, the ship starts overheating. The panels in the cockpit of the ship start melting. Zon sweats as he inches his ship closer. He needs error free data. This can only be achieved by getting closer to the data source. The Snow Structure's surface starts melting off and propels away in wet blobs in the solar wind. Zon's body starts overheating from the intense heat. The X-Rays from the blue star irradiate Zon with lethal doses of radiation so strong that he can see the bones in his own body. It doesn't matter, Zon has only one goal. He cannot fail this time.

    Zon pauses with an epiphany. His eyes brighten in the sauna of the cockpit. A contagious smile develops followed by a joyous laugh. He starts jumping, yes yes yes yes yes yesssss, Zon says. He puts his hand on his sharp jaw to help brain activity reach deep into his subconscious to make sure his findings are correct. He swivels his chair 90 degrees away from the blue star and ponders on the distant stars in deep space, racing through his calculations. Envisioning redemption. The blue star sings to his left in a symphony of solar rays as he looks into deep space to think.

    That's it. Hahahah, Zon says. Wait until the Hyper Structures hear this, he says. Wait until the Worlds hears this!

    In a twisted fate of luck, the blue star starts to collapse. It's as if the blue star did not want its secrets known. Zon, along with the Snow Structure, jolt towards the suction of the shrinking blue star at immense speeds. Zon's ship is not equipped to escape these forces of cosmic nature. His work vanishes in front of him. His work flies out into the void of space as the cabin pressure equalizes to the vacuum. The Snow Structure's outer beams and columns crack and separate from the rapid acceleration. The massive and sudden acceleration leftward upon Zon's body slams his brain into the right side of his inner skull. It sloshes and disfigures like a yolk concussed in an egg. The flat Snow Structure breaks apart into disconnected debris, forming a cone shape torpedoing towards the imploding blue star. He has lost everything.

    The workings of a super novae:

    A star's ejection of solar energy outwards keeps the star inflated, constantly fighting its own gravity to stay filled like a balloon. But the moment the outward solar energy becomes weaker than the stars own inward pull of gravity, it no longer can keep itself inflated. Gravity wins.

    Zon becomes a ragdoll to the cosmic elements. He has no other choice but to wait it out. The star compresses into a mini star with a tightened 5 mile radius. Don't be fooled by the word mini though, the mass of this little ball is immense. It's not over. The star compacts so tightly that it rebounds on itself, just like a bouncing basketball rebounding

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