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The Healer: Conversations with Alex Telman
The Healer: Conversations with Alex Telman
The Healer: Conversations with Alex Telman
Ebook319 pages4 hours

The Healer: Conversations with Alex Telman

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Once upon a time, Psychics and Healers were revered.
They held positions of status and authority. They were the closest confidants to Kings, Emperors and mighty rulers.

Over the centuries, the Western world changed.

Psychics and Healers moved underground, as though their work had become taboo.
To admit consulting with one was akin to a belief in faeries, witchcraft or even aliens.

Today, there are different classes of Seer.
Some charge $5 a minute, giving readings of a dubious nature over the phone.

The real Psychic Healer operates by word of mouth. Often they are booked weeks and months in advance. They consult to the most powerful and wealthy.

They are privy to information that would boggle the mundane mind.

They hold court between what is seen, and what only they can see.

They are the holders of truth, reveling in the mysteries of life and ancient wisdom.

Alex Telman is a real Psychic Healer.
These are my conversations with him.

The Healer is the must-read book of 2016. A storyteller and an internationally renowned psychic healer weave their own personal experiences and discuss all the taboo topics relevant to the modern life. The concepts leap from the page and into your mind, planting seeds of suggestion, invitation, and encouragement.

Readers have described The Healer as a life-changing map that they have been unable to put down. The Healer not only inspires a new set of eyes for life but also demystifies a number of murky words and concepts along the way.

Think. Differently.

PublisherEmma Sargent
Release dateJan 25, 2016
The Healer: Conversations with Alex Telman

Emma Sargent

Check out my new book - The Healer: Conversations with Alex Telman. A full non-ficiton version of Psychic and the Storyteller. E-book available on Smshwords, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Fishpond. Or ask your local book store to order one in for you. Other ramblings will appear here:

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    The Healer - Emma Sargent

    The Healer

    Conversations with Alex Telman

    Emma Sargent


    Copyright © 2015 by Emma Sargent.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2015918151

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-5144-4244-9

       Softcover   978-1-5144-4243-2

       eBook   978-1-5144-4242-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

    in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,

    without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Cover design and illustrations by Dan Adams

    All images protected under ©

    Rev. date: 12/22/2015






    The Game Changer


    Mystify Me

    Psychic And The Storyteller

    In The Beginning

    Conscious Doors

    What Is Spirituality?

    Love —Energy —Grief

    What Is God?

    What Does The Soul Look Like?

    Night Missions



    The Paradigm

    Free Will

    Travelling, Learning, Study

    Five Simple Concepts


    Intellectual Socialism

    Client Sessions

    The Healings


    It’s A Nike Life

    Demonic Possession

    Symbols Of Initiation

    Letters With Ginsberg

    The Creative Process

    New Age Death

    The Answer


    Emma’s Egg & Dairy Free Banana Bread Recipe

    Author Bio

    For my dad, who died during the writing of this book,

    thank you for your last gifts to me.

    It was a pleasure and a privilege to see you across to the other side.

    No attempts to cure the body should be made

    without first curing the soul.



    For anyone who’s ever dreamt of more, questioned life,

    wondered what comes next or whether this was all there was.

    For those who linger - looking for what they can’t find.

    You know you’ve reached the edge of your understanding.

    Not a limit - but the point of no return.

    For to pass through this doorway, means the lock shuts behind you.

    Forward is the only path from here on.

    The Game Changer will show you the way.

    Don’t come with your questions of lottery or marriage.

    Come with your guard down. With your hunger and thirst at its peak.

    Come when nothing else makes sense,

    For today is the day you rise and meet your Self.

    The one you’ve kept hidden in the closet of your mind. Until now.

    The Game Changer

    The Game Changer gets in your head,

    Turns on the light, and throws out what’s dead.

    He polishes the floor, straightens the pictures on the wall

    Leaving you clean and wanting for more.

    Today you have changed,

    Not for better or worse.

    Today you have lifted the proverbial curse.

    The Game Changer loosens the bolts on your fence,

    It’s time you came out and made a difference.

    From now on

    Every day is a new one.

    From now on

    You have the chance to be who you’re supposed to be

    For the Game Changer came,

    And set your soul free.

    E. R. S., May 2014


    M any people have asked me why I do not write my own biography. I often reply that I am not an interesting person: I have never climbed the highest mountain, explored the darkest jungle, nor have I sailed the widest ocean. What earthly interest is there in where I was born, where I went to school, what sports I played or who my friends were?

    Throughout my life very few things have happened to me: indeed it was me that happened to them. All the important events in my life involve my impact on other people. In that sense it is their biographies that are more interesting. I see biographies as a series of confessions; and I have very little of interest to confess. To me the only matter of interest in my life are the people I heal.

    I am a healer. I heal people. I have been healing people since the age of three. I take out people’s negative energies and replace those with positive energies. If your energies are operating at 30% level, you attract into your life people and experiences at that same level. People and experiences at, say, the 80% level cannot reach you. After a healing session with me your energies are raised, and ipso facto so do your life experiences: at the higher level is a greater level of self-confidence and belief, personal productivity, success, happiness and so on. But for me that is not enough. It is not enough that I raise your energies in my office; I care what happens to you when you leave. It is quite easy for you to reconstruct those negative energies over time. I therefore teach my clients strategies to keep their energies high: permanently.

    As you can see, my life’s work has been not about what happens to me, but rather about what happens to other people.

    So why this book? About a year ago Emma came to me suggesting she not write a biography, but rather put together a series of conversation she and I would have in the following 12 months. Emma would ask questions; I would answer them. I agreed.

    This book is, therefore, not a biography, and was never meant to be. It is just a conversation. A conversation I had with Emma, and now a conversation I will have with you. We will talk about energies and about healing and about many other topics.

    I apologise in advance if you find some of the conversation confronting or if you disagree with the content. I am not a ‘new age’ healer nor do I subscribe to any particular teaching or philosophy: everything I know, I know from first-hand knowledge and not from books. I rarely communicate with other healers and nor do I feel the need to. For many years people have been coming to me because I am practical, down to earth and give real-world advice. In fact my clients come from every walk of life: politicians, sports people, executives, entertainers and many, many ordinary and wonderful people who each in their own way lead rich and colourful lives.

    I love what I do.

    I sincerely hope you love reading this book.

    So settle back, relax and please enjoy the conversation.

    Alex Telman

    October 2015

    Mystify Me

    Although I am not here to persuade you of anything,

    I am here to explain certain things to you.

    I am here to explain what your life looks like and how it can work.

    —Alex Telman

    G oing to a psychic, or someone who claims to be, in order to get the weather report is just wrong. It takes away from the sacredness of spirit. It defies the purpose of getting advice. If all you want to know is whether the future is cloudy, go and buy a lottery ticket, because we don’t know those numbers either! I can make them up for you.

    He chuckled, wheezing slightly, clutching a tissue in his right hand.

    Margaret is her name, you’ll meet her at a cafe—around six in the evening, or whenever you decide to finally get off your bum and start living the life you were put here to experience.

    I laughed, knowing he was right.

    When I start getting these kinds of calls or e-mails, I look around the Internet at who is flogging what mysterious psychic skill and sometimes I feel horrified. Horrified at what’s being offered. Who honestly believes all that must be stupid or, at best, completely unaware of their spirituality.

    Alex plucked two tissues from the box, wincing his watery eyes at the lights on the ceiling. He stifled his sneeze, and then blew his nose with gusto. Why doesn’t he let them out, I wondered, scribbling some more notes. The small round light on the voice recorder glowed a solid red.

    "There are people out there claiming to heal your Akashic Records. This is a fate far worse than any exorcism or demonic possession your mind could conjure up. I honestly hope that the people offering the services don’t actually know what they are doing and are just lying. I’ve had some clients who’ve come to me after being with a few of these ‘new-age’ organisations, and I’ve had to put them back together as best I can, considering the damage done.

    I know how to heal Akashic Records, and I simply refuse to do it. It’s dangerous. It’s unnecessary, and it takes the best part of a year. Akashic Records are stored in the body, along the spinal column for a reason. If we were meant to ‘fix’ them, touch them, or open them, everyone would have the skills to do it. It would be in the Bible and other religious and sacred texts as the course to walk toward purity. Buddha wouldn’t have meditated for enlightenment—he would have gone to a psychic for a healing if touching the Akashic Records were the right thing to do.

    The idea of becoming spiritually awake, consciously aware, all the while stepping into the realms of the true knowledge, allows us to align our physical paths so refined that we can begin to resolve any lingering gunk from the records.

    The record inside you is a copy. The original is sitting in your personal spirit realm chamber. When you return to this place upon leaving your body, you can float back in your armchair of nothing, popping invisible popcorn, revelling in re-runs like it was a gripping episode of Big Brother.

    Everything is in there.

    Every one of your lives, your actions, your failure, and triumphs. Surely, the best option would be to create some amazing episodes for review much, much later, instead of slothing on the couch watching something as mind paralysing as primetime programming.


    One of the most overused, misunderstood, and abused words in the English language.

    I can think of a few more: enlightenment, government, religion, angel, medicine, education, new age. . ."

    Immunisation, I mentally threw in.

    All these words have lost their origin, replaced by some overcrazed zealous meaning that has taken on much more than its original intention.

    It’s not so much the word that I have a distaste for, I nodded to Alex in agreement. It’s the way it gets thrown about and simultaneously bashed. Psychic is a descriptor, not the description.

    It’s not just the word that raises my hackles, it’s the way it’s used, he continued. "Like a carte blanche metaphor resembling everything unusual, inexplicable, or supernatural.

    It’s the people that call me up, wanting to know the freaking lotto numbers, because my website has the word psychic in it.

    If you want to know the future—go to a clairvoyant. The gift of psychic sight.

    Want to connect with a deceased loved one? Visit a medium. The gift of psychic connection.

    How about clearing negative energies in your home or life? Come see me—an energetic healer. The gift of psychic energies.

    If you want to have your mind read —catch up with a telepathist. The gift of psychic communication.

    Each one is remarkably different. Each one delves into the deeper realms that exist outside of the common phenomena of things like gravity and credit cards."

    Before we started our recording sessions, I’d looked up the word psychic, the word itself stemming from ancient Greek and Latin meanings that are specific to things like the mind, the soul, and breath. This realm of the spirit, or the unknown does exist. You know it. You feel it. It’s that thing inside you telling you from time to time when something is wrong or about to happen. You get a hunch, or a gut instinct. You know for certain there is an unmistakeable connection there that isn’t spoken about at all. The longer life goes on, you start questioning the validity of this thing that no one wants to discuss. When you do happen across it, it’s usually a negative story about some charlatan charging exorbitant amounts of money to perform some magic and make everything the way you want it.

    There is no such thing as a $1.99-per-minute psychic.

    It’s completely absurd to believe that these things exist.

    Perhaps the reason why people place these unobtainable demands on those with psychic gifts is because our modern society is lacking in deep spiritual grounding, I asked, throwing a long-held idea into the room.

    Alex stared at me in silence. I could see the words regathering in his mind.

    I hesitated.

    "What I mean is, that in ancient times, there was no Wi-Fi or television. There was no ceaseless stream of marketing and noise that passes for music. There were no posters or billboards or smart phones. People made things. People did things with themselves and their time, with the gifts at their disposal.

    There were greater opportunities to feel the connection so many people these days seem to be searching for. The role of the psychic or mystic was far more revered and honoured. Now it’s just an advertisement banner on some website promising all the answers at the end of a 1900-phone number.

    Science has stepped in, to provide the last bastion of unfallard (unfallacious) peer-reviewed proof that ‘psychic phenomena doesn’t exist’.

    They’ve set up their little white rooms, with little white cards, and demand people with gifts to perform instant magic on the spot to satisfy their thesis.

    It doesn’t happen like that.

    Psychic work isn’t stage magic.

    To me, it feels it’s a little weird that we have to prove something exists to someone who is disconnected from it. That person will never see the proof until they become connected, and their own personal philosophy and world outlook will prevent that from happening.

    How about these people prove to me that pharmaceuticals cause more benefit than harm (in a study not funded by a pharmaceutical or chemical company) or that the world isn’t being raped unnecessarily, or that the ocean can be fixed and the natural balance restored?

    It’s like asking for proof of God. Whichever God.

    Religion is the belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience.

    We are all different. Our purposes on this planet are varied. We’re all here to have our own unique journey.

    We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

    I mean, the Lion King has a shaman for goodness sake! Even Disney gets it!"

    I could feel myself getting a little riled up.

    A smirk appeared across Alex’s face. He gently placed his hands together, his fingers meeting at the tips.

    People come to me, usually when they’re ready to start their second (or real) adulthood. They are drawn to me. It’s how it’s been my whole life.

    I’d known Alex for a little more than six months, having originally met him as a client. Since those first original life planning sessions, we’d kept in contact and had spoken occasionally about working on some bigger projects to bring healing and meditation to people all over the world. When we spoke about an idea of me writing a book about him, we agreed on the project and set up a standing session whenever our calendars were free to record our conversations.

    I looked across at him from my seat on the plush apricot couch. The small voice recorder sat on the glass topped coffee table, its red light still glowing.

    Across from me sat a man who wasn’t well—he was sick with a cold. He’d cancelled all his appointments that week, except for our standing session. A tissue was tucked under his palm, his arms resting comfortably on the ornate carved wood and velvet-covered rests of his chair. The heavy chunky gold rings on the last two fingers of his left hand were dulled, worn. His clean-shaven head never had any sign of skin irritation.

    Every time I came to see him, he looked different. Seemed different. And I found myself being surprised, as though each time I was seeing him for the first time; yet, there was something unusually familiar at play.

    I couldn’t put it down to cultural differences or a generational gap-thing. We were born in radically different times, and in completely different places. I’m a young woman in my thirties. He’s a well-travelled man in his late fifties. There is no way we’ve ever crossed paths in this lifetime before, and yet I am so completely familiar with his ideas and philosophies, I can’t help but feel somehow, somewhere, we’ve shared a much more profound connection than just of biographer and subject.

    It feels more like two very old friends sitting down and catching up on all the time that has passed, and talking of things to come.

    In the true definitions of social norms, we’re nothing more than acquaintances.

    Alex sat silently. His eyes gleamed and a cheeky grin tried desperately to hide from his lips.

    Okay. Let me explain why I don’t want this biography written. He said, with piercing eyes. "It was made very clear to me a couple of days ago, that I don’t actually have a biography. I don’t really have a history. I’m not a philosopher. I’ve really got nothing to teach. I actually don’t want to teach people. I’m not a counsellor or a mentor. I’m not a spirit guide. I’m just a person who can see energies—and I know what to do with these energies. I was born with it. Unless it came at the age of three … but let’s say I was born with it.

    I have a direct knowledge of certain things to do with spirit. All of those things—being a philosopher, a teacher, a mentor, a counsellor—they are all things of the mind. They are all ‘things’. A philosopher thinks through things, through issues, ideas. See, I don’t do that. I have a direct experience of those things. When I do a reading, or when I do a healing, I don’t actually have to think through a person’s issues, I have a direct experience of those issues, so my approach is through direct experience. I can’t teach this. And if I did? Teaching this creates a noose. It creates debate, conversations, discussions. Then I have a situation of disagreement and tension, where everyone wants to tell me their theories. . ."

    Death by a thousand questions? I interjected.

    Alex continued, undeterred by my interruption.

    "And to me, that conversation is totally irrelevant. Because I am speaking, or I’m acting, through direct experience. This is nothing I’ve learnt. This is not something I’ve read in books and yeah, I’ve read lots of books about stuff but that’s not where I get my knowledge from. My knowledge is from—as I say—direct experience. I say I have no biography, but I think what I mean that is that I don’t really know who I am."

    What is I? I offered into the room, rhetorically, perhaps seeking clarification from him.

    "Well, I don’t know who I am. I live moment to moment, and then I like to predict the next moment after that. When someone comes to see me, I know before I’ve met them exactly who they are. I help them sort through various issues, depending on the sort of person that they are. The writing of this biography—my concern is that it’s going to create the potential for a huge fraud emanating from other people."

    The haters? I raised my eyebrows. There are plenty of them waiting in every corner, lurking in the depths of dark shadows, just waiting for another to tear down.

    No. Quite the contrary. This book will give fraudulent healers a story to steal. They will read about my direct experiences and then use it in their fraudulent healings. People with a direct knowledge—a direct experience of energies—do not need my biography, because they have their own direct knowledge.

    They have their own story, I said, nodding my head. I hadn’t thought about the book like that until now.

    "About eight years ago, a man came to me. Quite a wealthy man. He had issues with his family. He hired me to go into the family home and to talk to his mother and her father, to talk about death, and to talk about a lot of stuff. He was quite impressed by the results. We talked a lot. He asked me a lot of questions about spirit and healing. I did a healing on him—he was impressed. I’ve seen him a couple of times in the years since then and he followed me, or we followed each other, on Twitter a long time ago.

    Then, I get a message from a friend—he used to be a client of mine—saying that he was contacted by this person: that he’s a healer and if he needs any help to contact him. The same week, I got a message from a girl in Melbourne, saying she’s also been contacted by this person. This girl has cancer, and this person is claiming he can help with her cancer. So, I thought, I’ve got two messages in the same week about this person. I didn’t worry so much about the first one—he and this person both live in Brisbane so maybe there’s a vague chance they know each other from somewhere—but when I heard from my friend in Melbourne—well, she’s a very special woman. She is a client and there is no way this person could have ever met her. So I go onto his Twitter page.

    When we first followed each other, we had no friends in common whatsoever. But when I go on to his Twitter page, which I hadn’t done for years, we had over 300 friends in common. Most of them were my clients, my ex-clients. Some of them were my personal friends that he could never, ever, ever have met. Not possible. I go and have a look at his posts, and I read through the last couple of years, because you can do that. About a year or so ago, when I met him, he said he was working at a large company. He was very well-off, had a very nice house and all of that.

    At about the same time, he posts that, through some sort of enlightenment event, he now has the gift of healing. Okay! If anybody needs help—contact him. Then he starts having these conversations with my ex-clients about how he’s going to heal them and this sort of stuff. So, now he claims to be a healer!

    I sent him a message—like a private message, saying what are you doing? You’re not a healer. He sent me a message pretty much saying, bugger off, I’ll do whatever I want. I said, but that’s fraudulent, these things, these visions that you say you’re having. It’s not true. You know, you’re telling them things that I’ve told you. He then unfollowed me."

    Right. I said, raising my eyebrows.

    So the next thing this person did was to take this former client, who is now a friend, and he paid for a holiday for him. He feels fantastic as a result of this holiday and now he is his client. So he’ll make more than what he paid out for that holiday. My friend is saying, ‘You’re an angel, thank you’, and all of this sort of stuff. And he’s not the only one—I’ve got a couple of other clients who have written similar on his page—you’re an angel, thank you for sending me energies, and all of this. I know that he has no healing capacity whatsoever, and that got me thinking.

    He’s a stalker; he’s stalking your ex-clients on Twitter.

    "So, can you see? By publishing a biography, am I contributing to the fraud of other people? The other side of me says, well, this story needs to be told because it’s the truth. And we’ve gone too far, you and I. It’s going to be told. I’m not going to pull the plug on it. But I just wanted to make the point that—and maybe it should be said in the introduction or something—I personally believe my biography is totally irrelevant, but this story I have to tell is relevant. My fear is that some people will take this story as their own and use it to make money.

    None of what I’ve told you I got from books. You know I’ve read lots of stuff like philosophy and spiritual works and things that are relevant to the areas I work in, and some of it is actually consistent with what I’m telling you and that makes me feel good, because other people I know are experiencing this. I’m just thinking that 90 per cent of people out there have no direct knowledge like I do. They’ve read books, they’ve done courses, they might have some limited healing abilities—I don’t know. I’m just concerned that I’m going to be perpetrating—being complicit—fraud on other people. That’s my concern."

    Yeah, the same thing happens to my astrologer. People copy her stuff and paste it on their own websites as their own and she’s forever hunting people down.

    "It happens. I have had a situation where somebody contacted

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