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Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest: Satellites Out of Orbit, #2
Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest: Satellites Out of Orbit, #2
Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest: Satellites Out of Orbit, #2
Ebook69 pages36 minutes

Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest: Satellites Out of Orbit, #2

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About this ebook

Lady MacBeth kill herself? Please. And Portia—you don't think someone that intelligent would be pissed to be bait and trophy? As for Kate ... that's supposed to be funny? "Soliloquies: the lady doth indeed protest" is a collection of soliloquies by Ophelia, Lady MacBeth, Regan, Portia, Desdemona, Kate, Isabella, Juliet, Marina, and Miranda—protesting the role given to them by Shakespeare.

Exquisite poetry. Fresh new audition pieces. And a theatrical script ready for performance.


"…not only dynamic, imaginative verse writing, but extremely intelligent and intuitive insight … I know many actresses who would love to get their hands on this material! As a Shakespeare director, I'm thrilled by the perspective which Chris' pieces provide of the plays and characters which they challenge – I believe these will be sought after by theatre companies which also do solid classical work, as new material for their audiences, embraced by a season of Shakespeare plays.As a feminist, I'm excited by how these characters come alive and point up the perceptions and misperceptions that have shaped their literary and theatrical destinies.As a dramaturg, I'm more than pleased to find modern playwrights who can write in heightened language and/or verse. This is a rare gift, and Chris has this gift." Joanne Zipay, Judith Shakespeare Company, NYC


"I quite enjoyed this poetry collection!"  Sam, Goodreads

Release dateAug 10, 2011
Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest: Satellites Out of Orbit, #2

Chris Wind

chris wind has degrees in Literature, Education, and Philosophy. Her poetry has been published in Alpha, The Antigonish Review, Ariel, Atlantis, Bite, Bogg, Canadian Author and Bookman, Canadian Dimension, Canadian Woman Studies, Contemporary Verse 2, The Free Verse Anthology, Girlistic Magazine, grain, Interior Voice, Kola, Mamashee, The New Quarterly, Next Exit, Onionhead, Poetry Toronto, Prism International, Rampike, Shard, The University of Toronto Review, The Wascana Review, Whetstone, White Wall Review, Women's Education des femmes, and three anthologies (Clever Cats, ed. Ann Dubras; Going for Coffee, ed. Tom Wayman; Visions of Poesy, ed. Dennis Gould). "Luncheon on the Grass" was the motive poem for an exhibit by Brooks Bercovitch and Colton at the Galerie Schorer, Montreal (1998). Her prose has been read on CBC Radio and published in ACT, Alpha, American Atheist, The Antigonish Review, Canadian Woman Studies, event, Existere, (f.)Lip, Herizons, Herstoria, The Humanist, Humanist in Canada, Hysteria, The New Quarterly, Other Voices, Secular Nation, and Waves. Her theatrical works have been performed by 27th Letter (UK), Creative Curve (UK), Venus Theatre (US),  Laurel Theater, Alumnae Theatre, Theatre Resource Center, Theatre Asylum, Buddies in Bad Times, and A Company of Sirens (all in Canada). chris wind has received thirteen Ontario Arts Council Writers' Reserve grants based on publisher and theatre recommendation. chris wind was a panellist at the Canadian National Feminist Poetry Conference (Winnipeg, 1992), and featured in an article in The Montreal Gazette (1994). Lastly, chris wind is listed in "Who's Who in Hell" (probably because of "Faith," "The Great Jump-Off," and Thus Saith Eve).

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    Soliloquies - Chris Wind



    chris wind

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    Published on Smashwords by:


    Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest

    Copyright 1991, 2011 by chris wind

    Cover concept and design by chris wind

    Formatting and layout design by Elizabeth Beeton

    wind, chris

    Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest / chris wind

    ISBN 978-1-926891-08-8

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    * * * * *

    also by chris wind

    Thus Saith Eve


    Deare Sister

    Snow White Gets Her Say

    Satellites Out of Orbit*

    Particivision and other stories

    Paintings and Sculptures


    dreaming of kaleidoscopes

    Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest is available in print as part of chris wind’s Satellites Out of Orbit (2nd edition), titled Soliloquies.

    * Satellites Out of Orbit contains the four books listed above it as well as this book.

    As I the Shards Examine, a theatrical version of this work with the soliloquies interwoven, is available for production; contact chris wind ( for the script.

    * * * * *


    Juliet Alpha Fall/Winter 1987-88, no.12

    Not Such Stuff (based on the soliloquies) was performed at Venus Theatre, Laurel, Maryland, March 2009.

    As I the Shards Examine (based on the soliloquies) was performed at Alumnae Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, April 1995.

    An earlier version of Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest appeared as Soliloquies in the first edition of Satellites Out of Orbit.

    * * * * *



    Lady MacBeth









    Notes on the Plays


    * * * * *


    O what a noble mind is here at last uncover’d!

    The glass

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