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Snow White Gets Her Say: Satellites Out of Orbit, #5
Snow White Gets Her Say: Satellites Out of Orbit, #5
Snow White Gets Her Say: Satellites Out of Orbit, #5
Ebook57 pages54 minutes

Snow White Gets Her Say: Satellites Out of Orbit, #5

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A collection of the classic fairy tales retold – what would have happened if Gretel, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and others had been strong and critical girls and women living today?

"The voices you catch out of the old fairy tales are very impressive. I got quite attached to them." Fiddlehead

"So I didn't know what to expect when I read this … it was a fast read (not sure it took me an hour ) … laughed a lot (and sitting on a plane that made for some interesting looks) and when i finished … the only thing i could think of is … why isn't anyone doing this on stage …" szferris, Librarything

"I loved the sassy voices in these stories, and the humor, even when making hard points." PJ O'Brien, 5/5, Smashwords

Release dateOct 7, 2011
Snow White Gets Her Say: Satellites Out of Orbit, #5

Chris Wind

chris wind has degrees in Literature, Education, and Philosophy. Her poetry has been published in Alpha, The Antigonish Review, Ariel, Atlantis, Bite, Bogg, Canadian Author and Bookman, Canadian Dimension, Canadian Woman Studies, Contemporary Verse 2, The Free Verse Anthology, Girlistic Magazine, grain, Interior Voice, Kola, Mamashee, The New Quarterly, Next Exit, Onionhead, Poetry Toronto, Prism International, Rampike, Shard, The University of Toronto Review, The Wascana Review, Whetstone, White Wall Review, Women's Education des femmes, and three anthologies (Clever Cats, ed. Ann Dubras; Going for Coffee, ed. Tom Wayman; Visions of Poesy, ed. Dennis Gould). "Luncheon on the Grass" was the motive poem for an exhibit by Brooks Bercovitch and Colton at the Galerie Schorer, Montreal (1998). Her prose has been read on CBC Radio and published in ACT, Alpha, American Atheist, The Antigonish Review, Canadian Woman Studies, event, Existere, (f.)Lip, Herizons, Herstoria, The Humanist, Humanist in Canada, Hysteria, The New Quarterly, Other Voices, Secular Nation, and Waves. Her theatrical works have been performed by 27th Letter (UK), Creative Curve (UK), Venus Theatre (US),  Laurel Theater, Alumnae Theatre, Theatre Resource Center, Theatre Asylum, Buddies in Bad Times, and A Company of Sirens (all in Canada). chris wind has received thirteen Ontario Arts Council Writers' Reserve grants based on publisher and theatre recommendation. chris wind was a panellist at the Canadian National Feminist Poetry Conference (Winnipeg, 1992), and featured in an article in The Montreal Gazette (1994). Lastly, chris wind is listed in "Who's Who in Hell" (probably because of "Faith," "The Great Jump-Off," and Thus Saith Eve).

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Rating: 2.8333333333333335 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    so i didn't know what to expect when i read was a fast read (not sure it took me an hour...) laughed a lot (and sitting on a plane that made for some interesting looks....) and when i finished.....the only thing i could think of is...why isn't anyone doing this on stage......and why not throw a couple of the boys in there with it....(they can have their own crazy feminist slant....) what a great night of theater that would be...and in case you are fave story in the collection is in fact snow whites.....but the step sisters is a close second...

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Snow White Gets Her Say - Chris Wind


chris wind

Smashwords Edition

* * * * *

Published on Smashwords by:

Snow White Gets Her Say

Copyright 1991, 2011 by chris wind

Cover by Donna Casey based on a design by chris wind

Formatting and layout design by Elizabeth Beeton

wind, chris

Snow White Gets Her Say / chris wind

ISBN 978-1-926891-09-5

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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* * * * *

also by chris wind

Thus Saith Eve


Deare Sister

Soliloquies: The Lady Doth Indeed Protest

Satellites Out of Orbit*

Particivision and other stories

Paintings and Sculptures


dreaming of kaleidoscopes

Snow White Gets Her Say is available in print as part of chris wind’s Satellites Out of Orbit (2nd edition), titled And We All.

* Satellites Out of Orbit contains the four books listed above it as well as this book.

* * * * *




The youngest princess

Little Red Riding Hood

Snow White


The Wicked Stepmother



The King’s Daughter

Sleeping Beauty



(summaries of the ‘original’ fairy tales)


* * * * *


We read fables in school to teach us a lesson. And we read fairy tales at bedtime to put us asleep. And indeed they do: especially those of us, a full half of the human species, who are lulled lower and lower into a semi-conscious state by their lessons.

Remember Hansel and Gretel? The one about a little boy and a little girl. Who was me. Not particularly proud of it, but there you go. I didn’t write the story. I didn’t intend those lessons.

That, first, women are deceitful. There are two women in the story, the stepmother and the witch. And both of them lie to us. When Hansel and I are taken into the forest to be left there to die, my stepmother says We’ll come back for you. And later, when we meet the witch, she assures us she will do us no harm. But of course they didn’t and she did. Both women used deceit to achieve their goals.

That, second, women aren’t very intelligent. It was my stepmother’s idea that a good solution to the food shortage was to leave us in the forest. Why not kill and eat the pigeon or the cat first? Why not hunt for squirrels and rabbits? The witch, as well, wasn’t too brilliant when she climbed into the oven to give a little demonstration.


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