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“All of life for those of us with royal blood is risk—a labyrinth—Nyke,” the Second Queen of Phitio tells her precious son who is marked for sacrifice the minute the crown prince accedes to the throne of Phitio. “We are thrust in the maze by our birth and status, and we spend our lives twisting and turning, seeking the magic center. But even there, the labyrinth becomes a living thing—scheming and fighting against us and changing its avenues, its walls closing in on us. All we can do is continue to seek out the center and to survive for as long as possible.”

And from that moment forward the young Nyke is caught up in a complex web of scheming and double-dealing as, using his wits and his beautiful, lithe, young body and his ability to inflame the lusts of men of power, he works his way through the convoluted posturing and maneuvering of the warring nation states of Phitio, Brixia, Morini, and Cenopolis in an effort to gain the center of the labyrinth—both real and figurative—and to survive to return to Phitio in victory.


“Come now, I know there must be a price.” The general placed his wine cup on the taboret next to the marble bench and looked scoffingly at the governor seated on the other bench. Both were looking out into the grassed courtyard, where the beautiful young and small blond man was reclining on the lip of a fountain, his back leaning on a gargoyle spouting water, and strumming a lute. The young man was naked except for a stark-white loin cloth and sandals that rose in criss-crossed leather straps up his finely sculpted calves, as he was taking in the sun’s rays. The whiteness of the cloth emphasized the deep tan of his lithe torso and legs. From where the two leaders were sitting, it looked like the sun’s rays radiated from his perfectly formed body and lit up the whole world. Off on the other side of the courtyard sat a middle-aged woman of both regal and attentive bearing, who was clearly keeping a watchful eye on the young man and a vigilant eye on the general and the governor as well.

“It isn’t as easy to shop for a prince as for a serving man,” the governor murmured. “Young Nyke there is an institution—a near god—in the land of Phitio. He is here for safety because the main island of Phitio is under siege from the Cenopolis forces. I am sure he would be highly decorative at your court in Brixia, but Nyke is not just the crown prince’s brother, he is our golden priest as well. He serves a function in the ceremonial succession in Phitio, and as the king’s time seems near, Nyke must be preserved to that day at all costs.”

“It is for nothing ceremonial that I want the lad,” said General Lykaios.

Release dateMar 3, 2011

Dirk Hessian

An artist and writer, Dirk has always been interested in history and legends, particularly those of the Mediterranean and Asia. His fantasy works are full of ordinary men, and men who are in touch with forces beyond those of mortal men, fighting for their homelands in unusual ways.

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    Labyrinth - Dirk Hessian

    Chapter One: Phitio to Brixia

    Come now, I know there must be a price. The general placed his wine cup on the taboret next to the marble bench and looked scoffingly at the governor seated on the other bench. Both were looking out into the grassed courtyard, where the beautiful young and small blond man was reclining on the lip of a fountain, his back leaning on a gargoyle spouting water, and strumming a lute. The young man was naked except for a stark-white loin cloth and sandals that rose in criss-crossed leather straps up his finely sculpted calves, as he was taking in the sun’s rays. The whiteness of the cloth emphasized the deep tan of his lithe torso and legs. From where the two leaders were sitting, it looked like the sun’s rays radiated from his perfectly formed body and lit up the whole world. Off on the other side of the courtyard sat a middle-aged woman of both regal and attentive bearing, who was clearly keeping a watchful eye on the young man and a vigilant eye on the general and the governor as well.

    It isn’t as easy to shop for a prince as for a serving man, the governor murmured. Young Nyke there is an institution—a near god—in the land of Phitio. He is here for safety because the main island of Phitio is under siege from the Cenopolis forces. I am sure he would be highly decorative at your court in Brixia, but Nyke is not just the crown prince’s brother, he is our golden priest as well. He serves a function in the ceremonial succession in Phitio, and as the king’s time seems near, Nyke must be preserved to that day at all costs.

    It is for nothing ceremonial that I want the lad, said General Lykaios. And as he did so, he parted his robe to show the governor a manly, fully engorged cock curving up from his lower belly. You know what I want of him. You guarantee he is a virgin?

    Yes, of course he is still a virgin. That too is decreed in our customs. But, please, you must cover yourself, General. By all means don’t let the harridan over there see you exposed thus for the young man. That is the young prince’s mother, the second queen, although she continually declares she is first queen and that the mother of the crown prince has hidden the time of her own birthing so that her son will be recognized as in ascendance. You simply cannot understand how delicate these matters are in Phitio at this time—none of which is helped by being under siege by Cenopolis. Perhaps we need to turn to the discussions that brought your delegation here, General—discussions on what Brixia can do to help turn back—or, better yet, defeat—the forces of Cenopolis.

    You intrigue me, Lykaios said, ignoring the governor’s attempt to turn the conversation. What is it about this young prince that makes you reticent about giving me access—for a price? You have said the prince is still a virgin. That’s hard to believe, given his age and beauty, and having been given into your hands. I saw you debauch two young lads last evening. For the price I offer, I would gladly let you watch me greet and broaden that tender young hole. You enjoyed watching me render that small Nubian unconscious last evening.

    Prince Nyke is the Golden Priest. He must be at the king’s burial ceremony as a virgin.

    Lykaios gave the governor a gaze of noncomprehension.

    It is how we solidify our succession in Phitio. There are only two recognized sons of the king—the crown prince and the second son, Prince Nyke, although there is an undercurrent of support for Prince Nyke as the first son. To maintain loyalty and cut off any possibility of disunity in our multi-island nation, when the crown prince attends his inauguration as king, he must stand alone in the succession.

    You mean?—

    Yes, the ceremony of succession includes the sacrifice of all Golden Priests. And they depart this life as virgins—known neither by woman nor man. That keeps the succession pure and the possibility of bastard sons here and about unlikely. And now, shall we move into the palace and begin our talks on the mutual benefit of neutralizing Cenopolis?

    "Not until we talk about the price for Prince Nyke. I know you must have your price, and I know you are clever enough to find the way. If you are just going to waste luscious sweet meat like that, who needs to know whether he went to his death a virgin or not? And, as for toying with me in this, you’ll find that I’m not just an emissary of Brixia. I am Brixia."

    Come, my randy general, the governor said with a smile and a small laugh that showed a bit of the strain he was under. Perhaps you would like to enjoy a brief respite before we speak of anything further. Here, what do you think of young Paulo here? Do you not fancy golden-red curls? He’s as young as Nyke and also a virgin. He only entered service at the palace yesterday straight from the Temple of Virgins. He is untouched, I swear.

    The governor was looking at the visiting general, co-ruler of Brixia, with anxiety. He had brought in Paulo, a temple virgin, to use in the negotiations with general. He hadn’t anticipated Lykaios having seen Prince Nyke, though. He had other instructions concerning Nyke, although he hadn’t devised his plans yet. The crown prince, already acting for his quickly sinking father king, had burdened the governor of this remote island, one of the collection of islands merged as the State of Phitio, with too many responsibilities at once. There already was the matter of Nyke, and now, on top of that, the negotiations had developed with Brixia to come to Phitio’s aid against the forces of Cenopolis, now investing the main island. And the Brixian general had already overplayed the intelligence provided by the governor’s spies on his interests and capacities. The governor would be hard pressed to provide the next virginal youth after Paulo had been spent. If, indeed, the governor even could turn the general’s attention away from Nyke.

    General Lykaios was gazing out into

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