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The Keeper's Gate, Dark Heritage Saga IV: Dark Heritage Saga, #4
The Keeper's Gate, Dark Heritage Saga IV: Dark Heritage Saga, #4
The Keeper's Gate, Dark Heritage Saga IV: Dark Heritage Saga, #4
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The Keeper's Gate, Dark Heritage Saga IV: Dark Heritage Saga, #4

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The roads were unexpected, unknown, and only now they turn to their destination. But with the end in sight, a new secret must be unearthed. The future of Scyllia depends on it.

Amra Oronar, Isla Solwen, Alliana Oronar, and Page Tarnis must enter a beast that wishes to consume them.
Taniyan Oronar, Dineth, and Lauliss continue their hunt for Rose Blakenship; unaware of Katji Bloodmoon.
Zara has returned to a home she no longer knows. Even as the Allied lands start to crumble, she has faith in success.

The most secretive of things have secrets of their own.

Time is the enemy

Release dateMay 13, 2012
The Keeper's Gate, Dark Heritage Saga IV: Dark Heritage Saga, #4

Michael Bertolini

I live in Simsbury, Connecticut where I graduated from Central Connecticut State University with a bachelor's degree in history. I have been writing for years but published my first book, The Cold Tower, in February 2010. My writing appears on various creepypasta websites online and in print. [Many of the published books are available from all major online book sellers as well as my website; all are available on my website or at].

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    Book preview

    The Keeper's Gate, Dark Heritage Saga IV - Michael Bertolini


    Michael J Bertolini

    Copyright 2013 Michael J Bertolini

    Smashwords Edition

    For Zachary


    The quiet morning air was accented by the cheerful songs of hidden birds. Many animals found the small pond in Cal’adir to be a haven, protected by the nymph Uruviel. The nymph herself was sitting on the fallen tree in the lake, which broke the surface enough to give the impression of a floating log. Her back was to the pathway leading through the trees, her fey eyes watching the fish darting through the water around her feet. Uruviel was brushing her hair with her long fingers, a useless act of beauty that would be undone the moment she returned to the water.

    Uruviel spent her alone time thinking about all that had happened to her; unable to venture out to the world herself, she only knew what the forest told her. Her thoughts continuously returned to Amras Oronar’s unexpected visit. She was happy to help the young warrior, as she had helped his father. Yet she had no problem keeping Amras to his word. Every once and awhile, Uruviel looked at the simple sword Amras had left with her in exchange for borrowing the infamous Aratoamin. She mused about what Amras had not taken; maybe he did not know about-

    The water behind Uruviel began bubbling as though a volcano had opened in the nymph’s domain. Instinctively, Uruviel slid into the water; becoming one with the pond. She opened her consciousness to the forest around the pond and, through the eyes of the woodland creatures, she watched what was happening.

    The bubbling water heralded a growing column of water that took on a faint humanoid form. Uruviel was surprised; it was something only nymphs were capable of. She had never heard of a nymph invading another nymph’s home, though she did not believe it totally impossible. Angered by the invasion, Uruviel rose to meet the newcomer. Like her appearance to Amras months before, Uruviel was completely naked; her form was obscured by the watery slip that dripped from her shoulders. She watched the newcomer take on a solid form but not the one she expected.

    Before her stood a male elf built strong with experience in war. Uruviel was not an idiot. She possessed an excellent memory. She knew Elrohir Oronar when she saw him and her emotions were somewhere between amazement and horror. She had always been fond of Elrohir’s naked form; he used to bath in her pond while she watched. But Elrohir was dead, killed fifty years before. Uruviel knew because she kept the fallen warrior’s armor hidden. She was lost for words; fortunately, he was not.

    Your beauty keeps you, Uruviel, he smiled. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Do you know why I am here?

    You died, Uruviel whispered.


    How are you here? Her voice found confidence as the words left her lips.

    It appears that my presence is necessary; my children are going through difficult times.

    They both left the islands, Uruviel spoke softly, unaware of Alliana, while trying to be brave. In truth, she was frightened. War has returned.

    Yes, Enlokirim survived me, Elrohir shook his head. Though Amras defeated the vampire that took my life.

    What do you want with me? Uruviel had heard stories of undead creatures; they were always looking for food. While she did not fear Elorhir’s thirst, she was wondering about his lust.

    Do you still possess Aratoamin?

    Amras will return it in a few months, I am sure, he did not make any response to her answer. All I have is your armor.

    Fingon was kind enough to bury me in the ruins of that citadel, he said. I was too dead to be resurrected.

    Tuor brought the armor to me. Amras gave me Aratoamin several years ago.

    I will have to deal without Aratoamin, but I will take my armor back, Elrohir paused. And I think I shall keep my sword, once Amras is done with it.

    Uruviel remained still for a moment before nodding. She could not refuse him.


    Baast walked with purpose. The terrain was so rocky that any mortal would find it impossible. The Goddess was not hampered in that way as she approached a towering spire that looked out over much of the land. Normally she would stay away; she was keen to avoid the wicked Ekrat, but she had a purpose for her visit. Already the toad-like demon servants of Ekrat had been spied in the Taivaan Forest; they wanted her. She wanted to kill them all.

    Baast typically appeared as a beautiful elf maiden, but she had taken a humanoid-feline form on this occasion. She watched the demons spring out of the spire to meet her. They made hooting sounds, like that of owls, and brandished black spears covered in poisonous barbs. In her current form, Baast could not smile but her eyes reflected excitement. She beckoned them on.

    The first one to rush her moved quickly, spear before it. Baast exploded in a cloud of white smoke as a demon rushed her, as if the demon had ran through a tower of leaves. She reformed behind the demon and grabbed its spine, ripping it away as the rest of the body collapsed on the stone. The watching demons took note of what had occurred as they planned their next attacks. Several began circling her. With attention turned to the circling demons, she did not see another pair approaching with a heavy net between them. The net was enchanted and would secure the Goddess, their goal was to imprison her with the other Gods and Goddesses.

    None of the demons noticed the being that was following Baast. Domoros was a giant being with a thin beard and coal-black eyes. He walked on mechanical legs that he had constructed for himself at the insistence of his son Lauliss. Domoros usually avoided wars between the various Gods, choosing to remain neutral. In fact, he was responsible for constructing all the weapons that the Gods used, including the barbed spears the demons held. He knew how effective the weapons were and he knew their weaknesses.

    A larger demon was impaled by Domoros’ lance. But as the creation of a God, it was not a simple weapon. The lance’s tip opened like a spider’s web; when Domoros pulled the lance free through telepathic control, the razor-sharp web cut through the demon; the toad-thing fell to the rocky ground in a hundred pieces. Baast moved to guard Domoros as the larger God tossed a silver powder at the demons. It had no effect on the monsters, but their weapons dissolved quickly. Without weapons, they were unable to fight Baast and Domoros.


    Amras moved slowly, each step light on the stone floor. He was an elf, the speed and pressure of death came naturally to him. He was also a trained killer; all of his senses were heightened. He wore knee-high leather boots which sounded softly as he walked. His thighs were covered by a special chain armor which was connected to his torso armor. It was built by the moon elves. His chest was covered by levels of different armor to protect his vital organs from attacks. On his right shoulder was a curved bronze plate with the insignia of his family on it. On his left shoulder was a bronze spaulder, a flexible shoulder guard. He did not wear anything on his head although his cloak did have a hood with chain armor woven into it. Amras preferred to keep the hood off, however; because he liked having the total freedom of an unobstructed head. The Ar-Fainel remained covered by a leather bracer to hide it from curious observers and his own eyes.

    Amras had straight, black hair that fell to his shoulders. It was odd for an elf from the islands of Cal’adir, where they all had blond hair. But Amras was clearly different than them; from his grayer skin-tone to his silver eyes; he was not an elf like those on the island. He only discovered the truth behind his mysterious past recently, discovering his own twin sister in the process.

    Unlike her brother, Alliana could become almost invisible. It was not a magic trick but an effect of her training. Alliana was a moon elf and although her father was a surface elf, she lived in the dark caverns of the Scission Mountains. Where the sun had no hand, her people developed skills for surviving in places the light dared not venture. Her armor was black a tight against her body. It was leather with chain armor woven among the threads. It was flexible and designed specifically for her. Her form of magical protection came from her helm, which she only put on to dispel magic around her. Then there was her shield, an oblong dark-steel buckler rested in a pouch on her upper left-thigh.

    Alliana also had black hair highlighted with streaks of purple; her skin was ash gray and her eyes were completely silver. Traditional tattoos in the shape of sickle blades decorated her left eye. She was lighter in appearance than even her own mother, who was a leading figure amongst the moon elves. She had not been aware of Amras until he appeared in her home.

    The pair stalked through an empty tunnel with Amras leading the way. Neither wanted to speak for their mission had taken a dangerous turn; but Alliana could not control herself.

    This is their city, we cannot win.

    Amras did not even bother pausing as he listened to his sister’s nervous words. He was well aware of their coming struggle but it had to happen. If the plan was going to succeed, blood would spill. As the light from the open end of the tunnel hit Amras in the eyes, he paused briefly but the pair continued on.


    Reve led the way down the narrow corridor. He was in his early forties with salt and pepper colored hair over thick eyebrows and dark eyes. He was not part of the group that had departed Yorshire months before, but he wanted to help because his former wife was among them.

    Page, the woman Reve would always love, followed closely. Page was in her thirties, with auburn red hair and fair skin. With her was her growing book of spells which hung from her shoulder in a satchel that was worn from age. She had no armor but the enchanted sword that she carried. It had always been a good defender in the past.

    Jogging to keep up with Page was Isla. She was the priestess among the group and was trained in the art of hunting the undead. She had come on this mission to find and eliminate the vampire Oztool, which they had done, but she had been unable to return home even when the chance had presented itself. The baby she was aware of had made the choice to stay, though the pregnancy would eventually render her armor useless.

    Her armor was designed for both stealth and sexuality. It was form fitting, made from several layers of leather and steel. She had no head protection, which meant that her black and blood-red hair hung freely around her heart-shaped face. She used to wear a steel collar around her neck but that had changed when Oztool rent it; she had been wearing it at the time which allowed the vampire to nearly choke her with it. Part of Isla’s armor included a heavy leather vest, which connected to the cape that draped down her back. It was heavy enough to restrict her movements but was secured around her ample chest with three thick straps. She wore leather pants and knee-high red boots lined with steel. She carried the average essentials a priestess needed, like the holy symbol of her Goddess Mu, and a small Bible dedicated to her deity. Her weapons included the long bastard sword strapped to her back, which was effective only against the undead, as well as a mace and small axe strapped to her legs which could be used against her human adversaries.

    The three were deep under the lost city of El’Sharak, city of the mysterious Ghosts. Reve had led the women there on the promise that it would bring them close to the chamber where the yellow Triangle of Power was kept. The pair hoped that it was a true statement; they needed that palm-sized stone to finish their quest. The point of their travels was to collect the Triangles of Power and destroy them together.

    Are you sure this is okay? Page asked Reve. The older man looked at his ex-wife with a smile she remembered from their youth. He knew exactly what he was doing.

    Just follow my directions; you will get what you want, he said to her.

    What about you? Isla asked softly. Her question was treated with more thought than anything Page could have asked.

    My actions will be forgiven, he answered. He did not dare look at Page for fear that she would see the lies in his eyes, but rather focused on the narrow tunnel they were sliding through. They will likely blame you all; which means you will have to be cautious of Ghost pursuers.

    Reve laughed, but it was hollow.


    The twins ran into the courtyard between two of the pyramids of El’Sharak. Alliana, who had taken the lead, slowed to a stop and urged her brother to do the same. The forest was open around these pyramids and the courtyard was devoid of plant-life. It was dominated by combat training structures, most of which were being used. Alliana drew her rapier and raised it so the blade was perpendicular to the ground.

    We should have gone a different way, she managed to whisper as the first attack came. They sounded like flies cutting through the air but the nimble elves easily avoided the storm of throwing stars. The spinning steel weapons zipped harmlessly around the two elves as Amras drew his own weapon. Aratoamin looked like a scimitar with a long handle, but when he uttered a magical word a second blade grew from the base of the pommel; giving Amras an enchanted double-scimitar.

    A dozen Ghosts, dressed in black leather armor with masks over the lower halves of their faces, rushed forward to meet the twins. Amras smiled at the show of force, Alliana wore a similar look of pleasure. The Ghosts let out a unified cry of defiance, but they all stopped when Elizabeth Nian stepped out of the far pyramid onto the courtyard. The Ghost fighters had stopped their attack while Elizabeth joined them. Elizabeth was one of the leaders of the Ghosts and had a personal history with Amras.

    Amras, why do you continue to push me? First it was my father, now my people! Amras had killed Elizabeth’s father years before and had been unable to explain his actions to Elizabeth. Why? Why? Her voice grew quiet as the other Ghosts resumed their attack.

    The Ghosts formed a semi-circle near the center of the courtyard. Amras took several steps to his left and took a defensive stance. He was usually more assertive, but he wanted to draw this out as long as possible.

    A Ghost at the back of the semicircle pulled out a rope and stone. He fired the rock at Alliana, using the rope as a sling. The rock flew harmlessly over Alliana’s left shoulder; she did not even pay any attention to it.

    A Ghost to Amras’ left stepped forward and swung her kama. It was a two-foot long wooden pole with a long, hooked blade on one end. The attack missed as Amras stepped out of the weapon’s reach.

    A Ghost to Alliana’s right attempted to run at Amras, but got close enough to her to provoke the rapier. The thin blade bent in the morning sun and pierced the Ghost’s abdomen, but did not slow the rush much.

    While Alliana was focused on the rushing Ghost, another pulled a rock and rope from his belt and fired the stone at her. This time, the rock struck her between the breasts. The force of the impact made her cough for a moment, but it was going to take more than a single rock to bring her down.

    The Ghost on Alliana’s end of the semi-circle began to circle around the

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