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Gathering Hunters: House of the Abandoned_ Part One
Gathering Hunters: House of the Abandoned_ Part One
Gathering Hunters: House of the Abandoned_ Part One
Ebook49 pages43 minutes

Gathering Hunters: House of the Abandoned_ Part One

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A unified group of hunters track down a hidden witch clan. Till surprises approach around every corner as simple objectives liquefy into utter insanity, as each person's agenda arises from their unspoken minds. From the passionate lonely lover, a forest god, luster’s of money, fame, and power, even the seeker of a comfortable life with unity of their separated family.

Release dateMay 12, 2012
Gathering Hunters: House of the Abandoned_ Part One

Sttorm Forelhost

“When reality fades from the mind, one will achieve fantasy” ...however... “When reality resembles fantasy, then that one will have lost their mind” - STTorm Forelhost

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    Book preview

    Gathering Hunters - Sttorm Forelhost

    Gathering Hunters:

    House of the Abandoned

    Part One

    Written by Sttorm Forelhost

    Other Creations:

    Preparing Your Zombie



    Author: Sttorm Forelhost

    Publisher: Freedom From Rain

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 Sttorm Forelhost. All rights reserved.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    _ Splitting Up _

    Upon a small collective island of Cuba, we find a green lavishing weeded overgrown dirt path leading to a splitting crossroad with a massive amount of shadowing forest in its straight directive middle. While a group of armed, armored, talkative yet silently trained gathered men of unified strangers walk grouped together. Heading forward, with unparallel ambitions…

    Fig…uhhh, sir? Ummm…., a bearded man named Rocke speaks up near the groups backend, unable to meet their leader’s gaze. Intentionally he just peer into the dirt at their dusty boots.

    Come out with it Rocke, their aged wrinkling skinned leader, Fig, demanded sternly with silent haste, halting the group several feet before the thick forest trees, stationed between the crossroads.

    How much further is this….house, Rocke sprouted, looking only once upon Fig’s leering eyed impatience, which the other six shifted their view up upon their leader in their comrades place since they all felt mutually in doubt.

    Please, oh please, don‘t distrust this information of ours. Its extremely reliable, never have we once run into problems. We might be strangers yet the promised exchange rate should of covered everything right?, Fig calmly explained, while everyone’s face still wore a heavy unsureness, giving his spine a annoying chill.

    Yeah, its not that, but….we‘re all a little uncertain, Concer of a wide burned scar upon his right sided face, from his nose upwards into most of his missing haired skull top. He spoke cautiously yet glared.

    Suspicious? C‘mon, if anyone has second thoughts. Please speak up now. We have a time schedule, promises too keep, Fig noted, rubbing his eyes, too avoid their seekings.

    We‘re nearly a few miles from their little cavern home. Where a hefty exchange awaits us, Fig continued confidently with a chuckling smile.

    Soooo, exactly whats the-, still witnessing their unblinking doubt filled expressions of his newly hired crew, he frustratingly sighed before beginning to speak his mind till their group rookie poked in.

    No trust…. you old bastard!, A shorter man of the group, younger indeed, a tattooed leering eye had been predominately placed next to that left socket upon his face.

    Look, no one has the balls to say it, but I know a beat up old fool when I see one. Obviously, if you could take these bitches down we‘d not be needed. However, if you‘ve looked in the same mirror-, with his voice raging up amongst his sight towards Fig, everyone cleared the way for them too sprawl once again.

    Owwfh!, in a flash, Covy was lifted up into the air by Fig’s hand alone, in the shape of punch denting stomach.

    Any other comments? Beyond this little shit’s!, shaking in a phase, ridding the grin from Covy’s

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