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Audiobook6 hours


Written by Dale Mayer

Narrated by Jack Calihan

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this audiobook

Rhys hadn’t expected a trip to Cottage Grove, Oregon to start with a house being shot. If it had stopped there it would have been manageable. A drive by shooting that the cops should be able to chase down. But nothing was easy in his world. And this case went to hell right from the beginning…

Taylor, an army vet herself was struggling to regain a normal life after she was injured in an accident while serving. Taking on a war dog appealed as it gave her a connection that they could both relate to, but she had to pass some kind of interview before she could keep Tallahassee. An interview with someone with a prosthetic just like hers. Only he was far more capable than she was.

Still that was the least of her worries as things go from bad to worse, and she realizes these attacks were very personal… and very close to home…

Release dateSep 6, 2022

Dale Mayer

Dale Mayer is a USA Today bestselling author who writes for the young, the old and those in-between. Some of her books are hot, some are sweet. Some will keep you up at night with a light on to keep the boogie man away and some you'll want to cuddle close. She's long given up on trying to fit a specific genre. Instead she honors the stories that come to her - and some of them are crazy, break all the rules and cross multiple genres! And that's okay too. There is one guarantee with each book - it will be a great read - each and every time.

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