

With the present Coronavirus outbreak and rapid adoption of non-face-to-face means of interaction, digital transformation is spreading throughout society. The work-from-home approach has now been reactivated, and the term ‘remote’ has been added to most of our daily activities. A similar shift is evident in the field of architecture. Beginning in the second half of last year, the Seoul Metropolitan Government began to hold a design competition for public buildings as using the format of a digital competition. Some construction companies and architectural design offices introduced a system that would remotely manage construction sites to improve the quality of construction and productivity. The design process has been digitised – from hand-drawn architectural drawings and actual models to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and 3D printing – and the presentations are being delivered through augmented reality and virtual reality platforms. Nevertheless, the spaces on which architects strive to design are still at the front of their monitor in their office. The custom of working together by gathering in one place is too sturdy to break, so not many offices in South Korea have initiated remote working in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Contrary to this tendency in the field, THE_SYSTEM LAB was actively promoting digital transformation well before the outbreak. The office eliminated designated seats in their office, implemented video conferencing and remote working, and introduced other inducements to maintain these initiatives. On the 14th met up with Kim Chanjoong at his office in THE_SYSTEM LAB in Seongsu and heard the stories of the studio.

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