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A Bad Day: Hobo Warrior Bunny, #2
A Bad Day: Hobo Warrior Bunny, #2
A Bad Day: Hobo Warrior Bunny, #2
Ebook51 pages36 minutes

A Bad Day: Hobo Warrior Bunny, #2

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After Jayson Hopper's encounter with Mortimer Walters the day prior, he tries to relax by walking around, eating trash burritos, and taking a nap. But Mortimer needs to kill him to get paid by Mama Bear, so resting is not an option. Fortunately for Jayson, his desire to live is ruining Mortimer's day, too.  

Release dateMay 8, 2024
A Bad Day: Hobo Warrior Bunny, #2

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    A Bad Day - JB Williams

    By: JB Williams

    A Bad Day


    THE CRACKS IN THE SKY warp the sun and any clouds that go near them, and yet the afternoon light shines brightly on the dying buildings of Bliss Town. Even though the town is hell, there is still life in the decay. The chirping songbirds rest in the trees and on the powerlines, children play in crumbling parks and dead grass, and cars are bumper to bumper outside of the best fast-food joint in town. Taco King.

    The rugged sign has yet to be updated or repaired, so the same smiling taco with a crown has faded colors and a cracked shell, partially exposing its large light-tubes. The taco waves at the citizens of Bliss Town with its ball-shaped hand, and cars bully each other to get into the drive-thru or parking lot. No amount of sunshine or chirping birds will calm them down until they get those delicious tacos.

    The rundown building that is Taco King is currently being repainted, bringing out bright yellow and red colors. Next to the door is a sign that says: TACO TUESDAY SALE! 4 TACOS FOR 16 BUCKS!

    The cars honk, angry people shout, and the clog in the street gradually worsens as more customers line up to get in on the amazing deal. But while they are distracted, Jayson rolls out of a nearby bush, his hand clutching his sword’s hilt tight. His eyes snap around, his nose and ears twitch, and then his eyes lock on a dumpster guarded by one wall of fencing. Jayson grins with a needy glint in his eyes, runs, and leaps on the fence. Then he climbs the old, splintered post and dives into the dumpster. 

    A minute later, Jayson jumps out, covered in bits of food, sauce, and other things. In his hands is a bag filled with half-eaten burritos and soggy tacos and nachos. But right as he leaves the dumpster, an old squirrel, wearing the Taco King uniform, greasy from hard work, rushes towards Jayson with a broom. This is Juarez Gomez.

    Hey, dick nugget! What are you doing in my trash! yells Juarez.

    I'm getting lunch, replies Jayson calmly.

    Go dig in the Crystal Plate's trash! Leave my trash alone!

    Lexia won't let me on her side.

    I don't care. Get lost before I sodomize you with this broom!

    Jayson holds up his hand and bows his head in mock submission. Alright, alright, relax. I'm outta here.

    Juarez walks away, shaking his head, and Jayson huffs and looks at his food.

    I'm going to need some hot sauce with this, says Jayson.

    MEANWHILE, INSIDE THE Taco King, the entrance bell dings and Mortimer walks in, wearing his raccoon mask and dressed in a simple blue suit with a white dress shirt. The mask and suit do an excellent job covering his old scars and new bruises, but not even the mask can hide his annoyance when he sees how full the lobby is. And he finds a plague of disgust surging through him

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