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Humanity was born into a different world than the one it finds itself living in at this moment. The world back then was a simple one guided by Nature and void of the amalgam of taboos and draconian rules that have only one purpose: to complicate and confuse the human condition. So, instead of simple desires and wants the human element has been amplified beyond what Earth can sustain. This is a guide to why and how to turn things around on a global and personal level.
This is an exposition of the battle between Nature and the way it does things and the way the current culture operates. While Nature resulted in the beauty that exists today in the mountains, valleys and water ways with millions of flora and fauna species adorning them, the current culture seems to be going in the opposite direction. The evidence shows that our culture has been reducing the diversity of the biosphere. This publication discloses the reasons why each of these two forces is the way it is, and the hope for our future.
Hope is an essential and positive component of the human psyche. Without it, there is only despair and no real reason to continue living. Those who can see the forest from the trees have a vision of hope that is different than what the rest of us can see. It is therefore the responsibility of those who have hope in their hearts to help by making sure a beautiful future is in sight.
Release dateMay 8, 2024

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    Earth - Hassan Rasheed

    Part 1: Earth Is a Product of Nature

    Life is a Natural Thing

    Nature is like a Rubix Cube.  The little cubits move up and down left and right.  If you know this then getting the colors together in order can pretty much happen in a jiffy.  If you don’t know this it might take you a while or even forever to solve it.  Unfortunately, Nature is much more complicated than a Rubix Cube.  It has characteristics that humans can’t understand but we will leave that subject to much later in this publication.

    Characteristics of atoms that influence how they interact with each other.

    The closest you can get to the characteristics of Nature is by taking a course in Physics.  If that does not turn you on then try a course in Chemistry and if that is a bummer too then try a course in biology.  These disciplines will train you in observation, experimentation to find out the unknown, and the attempt at making conclusions about your findings.  Suffice it to say that we have been doing this for hundreds of years and we still have little clue as to how Nature works.

    Life before humans did not bother with these thoughts and simply followed Nature in everything they did.  When it was time to hunt, they hunted.  When the urge for the erotic act took over, they did not resist.  When it was time to migrate, they migrated, and so on.  They did not ask questions about what they were doing either.  They simply did them. 

    Life Uses the Sun’s Energy

    From the three disciplines of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, we learned that nothing happens without some energy.  Energy is the transfused lifeblood of the Earth from the Sun.  If it was not for energy, the first life molecule (DNA) would not have happened and there would be no life like what you see every day on Earth. 

    Without the Sun’s energy, there would be no days or nights to start the Earth’s bio dance in the morning and calm it down when the Sun disappears.  In the absence of energy, there would be no primary food source available from Earth’s flora to feed the fauna.  Without herbivores, there would not be carnivores or omnivores, and certainly no humans.

    Without flora flourishing in the Sun, there would not be any structural materials for birds to build their nests.  There would not be any insects hunting for their food or pupating.  And as the Earth wobbly revolves around the Sun the seasons come into play increasing the diversity of life on the only Earth in existence.

    Information in The Form of DNA

    A caricature of a segment of DNA

    Each atom in existence and as far as we know has a set of characteristics that govern how it reacts with other atoms and molecules.  In turn, a molecule (combination of two or more atoms) has its own set of characteristics that govern its reaction with other atoms and molecules.  It is the thought of many inquisitive people that the molecule DNA (di-ribonucleic acid) is an informational guide for development, construction, and some or most behaviors of the living. 

    It is thought the first DNA was able to evolve into the estimated millions of flora and fauna species that existed just 100 years ago.  The species that evolved up to but not including humans never knew this, did not need to know this, and simply did whatever they felt they needed to do like find shelter, food, and mates.  As a result, millions of species on Earth coexist. 

    Changes to DNA Are by Nature

    Like any molecule, DNA has characteristics that govern how it behaves in its environment.  It can grow, it can duplicate, segments of it can be benign or silent, and others can be effective in expression or expressed multiple times in an individual’s or species’ lifetime.  In other words, the DNA molecule has a plethora of ways or characteristics by which it reacts to its environment and to itself. 

    In addition, the environment can change the structure of DNA and thus its capabilities in the areas of individual development, structure, and behavior.  These changes can come from the soil through toxins, from the air by way of toxins, by way of cosmic rays, or from the Sun’s energy packets hitting the DNA molecule.  All these reactions are accomplished through their natural inherent characteristics.  Nothing tells them what to do or what not to do.

    These environmental changes occur all the time but only a very few ever result in a beneficial life change.  Therefore, positive change occurs over thousands if not millions of years.

    The Results of Changes to DNA

    Adaptations to different environments

    Since the inputs to the reactions in the previous section are natural, the outcomes are natural too.  As you might have guessed some changes are detrimental to the individual involved such as exposure to a toxin that debilitates or even leads to death.  Other exposures may be beneficial and give the individual a new characteristic that allows them to develop, or behave in a way that secures food, shelter, or a mate more successfully or with less

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