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Gods and Guardians: Journey to the Plains of Amar
Gods and Guardians: Journey to the Plains of Amar
Gods and Guardians: Journey to the Plains of Amar
Ebook216 pages2 hours

Gods and Guardians: Journey to the Plains of Amar

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In the fictional book Gods and Guardians Journey to the Plains of Amar. R.W. Dove weaves a tale of a young man named Authur. Authur learns on his eighteenth birthday that he is not who he thought he was. After his mother is attacked by a ruthless government official, the family and Authur's best friends are forced to flee the only home Authur ha

Release dateMay 17, 2024
Gods and Guardians: Journey to the Plains of Amar

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    Gods and Guardians - R.W. Dove





    R.W. Dove

    Gods and Guardians Journey to the Plains of Amar

    Copyright © 2024 by R.W. Dove

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

    Published by: Book Publishing LLC


    I will forever be grateful to my incredible wife, my biggest supporter, and my source of endless inspiration. Pursuing my dreams hand in hand and always at my side is such a privilege. You are the reason I can chase and fulfill my dreams. I love you, Lady Julie Dove. You are my wife, my queen, my eternal love. Forever, and ever, and then some.

    Forever my love,

    Lord R.W. Dove

    About the Author


    .W. Dove was born in Alexandria Virginia. His family lived for several years in Fairfax Virginia. Then around age five R.W.’s parents moved the family to the mountains of Southwest Virginia. R.W. spent most his childhood growing up on their small farm. He enjoyed growing up in the mountains. R.W. loved hunting and fishing in the Appalachian mountains throughout his te-enage years. He is a  graduate of Fort Chiswell High School. R.W. has a passion for all things paranormal and has had several paranormal events in his life. He became fascinated with Greek mythology in high school and has enjoyed studying about different mythologies throughout the years. He enjoys reading and studying about the paranormal .  R.W. met his wife Julie in Utah and they have been happily married ever since.


    The book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, events, incidents, etc., are the products of the author’s imagination and are not based on the life of any real person alive or deceased. Any resemblance to actual persons or events would be coincidental.



    About the Author


    Chapter  1

    Chapter  2

    Chapter  3

    Chapter  4

    Chapter  5

    Chapter  6

    Chapter  7

    Chapter  8

    Chapter  9

    Chapter  10

    Chapter  11

    Chapter  12

    Chapter  13

    Chapter  14

    Chapter  15

    Chapter  16

    Chapter  17

    Chapter  18

    Chapter  19

    Chapter  20

    Chapter  21

    Chapter  1


    n A Time Now Vanished in the annals of human history, in a galaxy far away, the Kingdom of Travek ruled for almost a thousand years on a planet called Abitol. With an ethereal landscape and never-ending beauty, Travek remained unparalleled.

    But those days were long gone, and Travek was now referred to as the ‘once great empire.’ A land where people previously thrived under the emperors’ rule now had inhabitants who struggled with the onset of every war the empire engaged in, each one bringing a new set of hardships for the people of Travek. As time passed, every new emperor who ascended to power became more repressive than the previous one. Doom seemed inevitable, and the fate of the empire appeared bleak.

    Still, Travek wasn’t a lost cause—an ancient prophecy foretold of a young boy who would one day save the people of the Kingdom from an impending fate. The prophecy described a boy of great strength and character who would stand up to the empire and protect the people of Travek from the evil that had taken hold of the land. The people of Travek had long been struggling to survive under the reign of the powerful emperors, who took all they desired with little regard for others. But the prophecy gave them hope, and as with the passage of time, more and more people began to believe in this prophecy, anxiously waiting for salvation from their oppressors.

    Arthur, a precious bundle of joy and laughter, was born during this time. His appearance was one of a kind, for the prophecy had spoken of this. For a male child would be born at a time when the planets would all align. Then, on the day of his birth, the sun would not give forth light for a time. For at the time of his birth, there was neither day nor night.

    Besides, Arthur’s delicate features, velvety skin, and immeasurable innocence had people visiting him from across the Kingdom. Everyone’s hearts shared a sense of awe for the newborn, not knowing the fate he was destined for.

    Arthur grew up hearing stories about the heroic deeds of his predecessors from people across Travek. His father would proudly boast the ancestry he was born in and give details of the gallant exploits of his forefathers. Arthur yearned to be like them and prove himself worthy in front of his peers and the people of Travek.

    As he grew older, he quickly became known for his courage and strength, given the adventures he often embarked on. He would never miss a chance to explore the wild, regardless of the risks. In fact, he would often be on the lookout for one!

    When Arthur was a young boy, he befriended Samuel. They would always stay together, playing with other kids their age or attending school. With both being incredible runners and wrestlers, they were always competing against each other, but it never changed their friendship. The strength of their bond was mighty, but life had other plans for the two friends.

    Arthur, belonging to a humble family from a small village in Travek, always had to pull back because of his responsibilities. He had to give a hand at the family farm and be available to assist them at all times.

    Samuel had a different, more affluent living standard. The family name was all that was needed to display a sense of their elevated social status and an obligation to uphold their legacy. Although Samuel enjoyed a much more comfortable lifestyle and lived a polar opposite life to Arthur, their social class was never a differentiating factor.

    One particular warm and sunny afternoon, as a cool breeze blew, the two friends were working in grain fields. Arthur thanked Samuel for coming over to lend a hand. With feelings of gratitude, he said, I am truly thankful for your help. It always makes a huge difference in my productivity and the day's outcome.

    Samuel passed him a soft smile and gestured, letting Arthur know he was there for him. It meant a lot to him that his closest friend was standing by his side to get the work done. The two continued to work together without saying much, enjoying each other’s company in companionable silence. They eventually finished with the grain fields and made their way back toward the barn.

    I don’t know how you manage to do everything, Arthur, Samuel said as they made their way back through the field. You know that the government has equipment that can harvest these fields much faster, right? he asked.

    Arthur, while wiping the sweat off his brow, replied, I know, but they charge a fortune for it. And you know I don’t have that.

    Samuel was surprised to hear that. He said, Oh, I had no idea they charged so much. Doesn’t feel justified.

    Thanks again for coming out and giving me a hand getting this spring crop ready for market, Arthur expressed his gratitude once again as he leaned on the cutting scythe.

    You don’t have to thank me. It gets me out of the house, at least. My father has been trying to get me to go to the law school. I am not sure if I want to be a lawyer, but he insists.

    Well, be anything but a farmer. There isn’t enough money in it, and the hours are horrible, Arthur laughed.

    Ever since Arthur’s father passed away, his mother, a hardworking woman, continued to exert herself on the farm without her husband for several years. Arthur, being the only son, started lending a hand as well since the responsibility was his to make things happen.

    I just don’t know how you manage everything here. I mean you could make a better living if you got a job in the village. I know my parents would help, Samuel said as he spun his scythe as if it were a fighting staff.

    Arthur then began to explain his situation to him.

    I know it is a lot of hard work, but I am determined to make my mother proud. My father didn’t leave us with much; I am everything my mother has. You know, I used to wake up early in the morning to tend to all the animals and help around the barn? I spent most days working in the fields, plowing and planting, while other days were spent mucking out stalls or doing maintenance work on tractors or other farm equipment. Before I knew it, this became my routine, Arthur reminisced while running his hands over the tall grass. He paused and took a breath as if reflecting on his circumstances. He then added, Someone has to do it. I don’t think mother would approve of Evelyn working the fields and cleaning out the barn. It’s not right to have a lady doing those things.

    As the heat rose and their energy dwindled, Arthur’s mother, Emma, called out to them.

    Boys! she bellowed.

    We are over here, Mother, Arthur responded as the sweat continued to roll down his chest on a hot sunny day.

    The two boys picked up speed as they ran toward Arthur’s mother. While at it, Arthur felt his body weaken with all the sweating. He found himself growing desperate for a break in the relentless heat of the day. When they finally reached his mother, she urged them to follow her off the main path to a shade tree nearby. She asserted it was essential for them to, given the unforgiving scorching sun.

    As the boys laid down and gave their bodies rest, Emma smiled at them and said, You boys have done enough for the day. Have a drink.

    The two gratefully accepted her offer, thanking her as they shared the pail of water. Emma watched with satisfaction as they gulped down the refreshing water. When they finished, she said, Now, you boys need to get cleaned up; supper will be ready soon.

    She directed them to a river nearby and insisted on them being quick. Arthur and Samuel knew the place well and eagerly agreed.

    I didn’t bring a change of clothes with me, said Samuel.

    Oh, don’t worry about that. You can change into some of Arthur’s clean clothes. I’m sure he won’t mind you borrowing his clothes, Emma assured Samuel.

    Arthur was quick to respond as he gulped down the water. I don’t mind. You don’t have to worry about anything, brother. I got you.

    Thank you, Samuel said, responding to both of them.

    The two boys then grabbed their tools and quickly headed to the barn. They walked and laughed as they chatted on their way. The sun, once again, beat down on the boys as sweat rolled down their young muscular bodies.

    I’m glad the work is done, Arthur said, smiling.

    I know. You were also starting to stink, Samuel chuckled.

    In his defense, Arthur remarked, The muck stays with you from cleaning out the stalls.

    The duo made their way to a small room in the barn and placed their tools on the hooks. Samuel grabbed the shirt he had left on a hook earlier in the day to wipe the sweat off his face.

    They then rushed to the house and went down to Arthur’s room. Arthur began looking through his dresser for clothes for both of them as Samuel looked around the room. A few pictures caught Samuel’s eye, and he unintentionally said, Hmm. This is strange.

    Strange? What is strange? replied Arthur as he was still rummaging through his dresser.

    Samuel responded, Oh, you heard that. Actually, I think it’s strange how much Evelyn resembles your family, but you look nothing like them, especially your dad.

    It was true. Arthur was taller than his parents. His hair was dark, unlike the rest of his family.

    Maybe you were adopted, Samuel joked.

    Both of them let out a laugh, grabbed the clean clothes Arthur had sorted, heading out of the house through the field to the river nearby.

    When they arrived at the riverbank, the boys quickly disrobed and jumped into the crystal-clear water. It sparkled in the sunlight, and the twinkle made the view spectacular. The cool water felt great to the boys, having worked at full capacity under the sweltering sun. They played and splashed about in the slow-moving current for a while. They jumped off the rocks into the deep pools, swimming against the current, catching fish with their hands, and exploring every nook and cranny of the stream as if it were their first time.

    So, how does it feel to be turning eighteen tomorrow? Samuel queried.

    Scary, to say the least. Another year closer to being drafted into the Imperial Army, Arthur said.

    I know how you feel, Samuel empathized. He added, Can I ask you a question, Arthur?

    Sure you can.

    Samuel queried once again as he quickly dipped under the water and then resurfaced, What is the deal with your sister, Evelyn? I have never seen her go out with anyone.

    It is a bit complicated because of our father. The guys around here seem to be scared to date her after father was killed and we got blacklisted by the government, said Arthur with a sigh.

    Samuel splashed around in the water and continued to speak as he let out an idea he had in mind.

    Well, if you would like, I think it might be good to bring my older brother, Jared, here. He is back from his term in the army. He hasn’t been here for a couple of years, and the boy has grown into a fine man. I think we can light a spark between Evelyn and Jared. They would look good together, and it cannot hurt to see if they like each other.

    Arthur appeared pleased with this idea, and it instantly clicked with him. He replied, Well, you have my blessing then.

    Right as they finished with their scheming, a female voice reached them. It was Evelyn shouting from afar, looking for them.

    Arthur! Samuel! Where are you?

    Both boys quickly moved to deeper water, trying to hide themselves from view. But Evelyn had caught a glimpse of Arthur already.

    Evelyn, what are you doing here? Arthur said.

    Mother did not want you two to be late for supper. You both better dry off and head home now, Evelyn directed.

    We will be right behind you in a few minutes, Arthur responded.

    Just when Evelyn was about to turn and start her journey back home, Samuel suddenly emerged from the river's sparkling waters. She paused and slightly turned her head to catch a better view. She couldn’t help but notice Samuel’s well-chiseled chest. She passed a soft smile and turned around again. Evelyn began walking back, enjoying the beautiful spring day. Suddenly, an intense rush of feelings unexpectedly struck her. She felt envious of Arthur. She remembered how, before her father died, she and her friends often went to that same stream. She

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