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Unleashed: The Turning Series, #2
Unleashed: The Turning Series, #2
Unleashed: The Turning Series, #2
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Unleashed: The Turning Series, #2

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A feud, which has been unsettled for centuries…
A vampire leader, determined to sacrifice his army…
A werewolf clan, ready to invade its greatest enemy…
A town on the verge of destruction, its secrets buried in a Native American legend…

This is Apollo's story.

In a hurry to leave the forest of Stockwood, Washington, and the feud between his vampire family and his werewolf bloodline, Apollo and Sophie flee to a neighboring town in order to seek a "normal" life together.  Protecting Sophie is the only thing on Apollo's mind—until he finds himself in the middle of a town with a deadly secret—a secret which includes everyone he loves.

Now caught between his duties to protect the vampire family that raised him, share his life with the woman he loves and unravel the town's secrets, which could destroy everyone, Apollo makes a choice. Determined to do the right thing, Apollo's world is torn apart, causing him to unleash his rage on everything in his path.

Release dateMay 20, 2024
Unleashed: The Turning Series, #2

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    Book preview

    Unleashed - April M. Reign

    Chapter One

    The wind whipped and swayed my trench coat against my legs. This time of year, Stockwood, Washington, was cold and damp, although snow had not yet touched the ground. The temperamental weather was much warmer this year than in winter's past. I’d lived in this forest since I was born, and it was the only home I had known.

    This forest kept my childhood dreams secret. Dreams of being a superhero or adventurist rested in my memories alone and shared confidentially with the forest trees. I had never dreamed of being a vampire—it was never a thought in my mind—but here I was. I was a ruthless, blood-sucking, meat-eating hybrid who longed for his human life back.

    I leaned over and rested my hands on my legs, watching closely to see that the werewolves continued to move further away from us. Their stench was fading—the same way that my moment of choice was fading.

    I had chosen the vampire clan, crossed that threshold of uncertainty to claim the clan I’d protect. An hour before, I hadn’t known such werewolf beasts existed except in a journal left behind by a hermit who had once lived in my childhood home.

    The wolves had introduced themselves as my family, a distant bloodline, which had diluted through the years. They followed me in my race to save Sophie from Tereq and Amaya, and when they thought I was in danger, they stood behind me to protect me. I didn’t know them. I didn’t owe them anything. They’d appeared out of nowhere, expecting me to hand over my loyalty.

    To my shock, one of the wolves lunged forward to attack my father. At that moment, I made my choice, causing the wolves to retreat into the night.

    Instinct—my killer instinct reared its ugly head when they attacked my father. Until that point, I had never claimed the Sanguis as my family. They were the last clan I would have stood up for because they were the very vampires who’d turned me into a blood-sucking, flesh-eating monster.

    My human life was short—too short to partake in all the pleasures of being human.

    My twin sister and I were humans raised in a vampire clan. Our destiny was arranged, our fate anticipated, and our freedom stolen.

    Until the very moment I had chosen to save my father, my patronage and loyalty belonged to no one but myself. However, tonight, deep in the terrain of the forest, my family stood behind me and watched with me as the werewolves who had come to stake a claim on my bloodline had left with a dead comrade in their arms.

    I turned and faced my father. My head tilted down, my eyes glaring at all of them. I took a mental note:

    Vasco with his dark, bold demeanor was nothing more than a mindless follower who would stand on the sidelines and wait until someone told him what to do. I had never seen him make a decision on his own, nor follow through with his own ideas. He was a puppet in Max’s puppet show.

    My English-born father, with his prideful brown eyes—those eyes gleamed whenever he looked at Amaya and me—found peace in the fact that we were part of this lifeless journey of vampirism. In my eyes, it was a selfish attempt to keep his family near in order to avoid being alone. The thought and knowledge of his motives made my stomach churn.

    Amaya’s smug look on her angelic face was a façade for what she really was. That façade was not for the fact that she was a vampire, but for the fact that the essence of evil surrounded her soulless heart. Power, strength, and wicked desires swirled around her petite body like a tornado—a tornado that carefully enveloped the girl nestled between a world of new adventures and a child grasping for her father’s approval. With that knowledge, she was also my twin, my blood, my friend and my sister—because of that, I will always wrap her in the cocoon of my protection.

    Ori stood behind my sister with his shoulders back, his blond hair spiked and his blue eyes dark. Before the turning ceremony, Ori had been my best friend. Of course, I had thought he was human. He was the silent, strong type. He was the vampire one underestimated in a fight. And although I had emancipated myself from this clan of vampires, I knew Ori well enough to know that he was in love with my sister.

    I had questions that needed answers and bloodlines that needed to be acknowledged. And my father would stand trial in my court until he satisfied my questions—starting with the question that kept echoing in my head. Did you know? I asked him.


    His answer came without the hesitation of thought. His extraordinarily large, muscled frame made the rest of our group look miniscule in stature. His breathing was erratic, yet slowing down after the confrontation. He was a decent vampire, but misled, and at times, he was sucked into our leader’s vortex of wickedness.

    You didn’t know that Mother carried the werewolf gene in her blood? I asked again with a sterner approach.

    No, I can assure you, I did not. My father glanced around him, wondering if everyone else was watching me berate him for being a terrible father, or so I thought that was why he glanced around.

    Did Mother know she carried the werewolf gene?

    If she did, she never told me, he said. And had she told me something like that, I would not have believed her.

    My questions were bountiful. I’d just begun to search for answers that would help me accept this transition. Someone had to come forward and answer simple questions like, Why is Max determined to drag me back each time I try to leave?

    You belong here with us, son.

    I ignored that ridiculous answer. I’m different. Was Amaya affected at all by the gene that Mother passed on?

    She’s not like you.

    I watched my father’s body language. He was relaxed, yet mentally on guard. He was a proud man who didn’t appreciate his integrity questioned.

    I understand that. The gene passes on to both sexes but remains dormant in the woman until she has a son. Even then, with Mother’s diluted blood, nothing would have happened had a vampire not bitten me. The vampire’s poison ignited the werewolf gene.

    Who told you this? Father asked. The raised eyebrows and wider-than-usual eyes told me that he was shocked that I knew so much about the beast I had become.

    But I ignored his question. How did the vampire venom affect Amaya? This was his trial, not mine.

    Amaya stepped closer to Nicholas. What about my visions? My speed? she questioned.

    Father glanced back at Vasco. Do you know? Have you ever seen anything like this?

    Vasco hesitated before he committed to an answer. Never. Four hundred years ago, there was a myth of a hybrid in England, but I had never seen her with my own eyes.

    What else am I physically able to do? My strength exceeds that of a vampire. I glanced at Vasco. My speed is faster, my hunger stronger, my vision keener, my appearance fierce and mutated. What else? I demanded an answer. I needed to know what all of this meant. Not only did I not want to be a vampire, but also now I had to deal with the fact that two beasts fought inside of me to be dominant.

    Max will know. It’s time for us to go—grab the girl, Vasco demanded.

    We’re not going anywhere! Those things approached me miles from here. They’ve been watching us, reporting us back to their leader in Spain.

    Vasco leaned down and slid his fingers into the tar that Tereq’s body had left behind. He retrieved a chain that Tereq had worn as a remembrance of those he’d killed through the years.

    Vasco’s voice demanded obedience from the small group standing in the clearing. We’ve little time. Max needs to know that the wolves have found us. I’m sure they are now surrounding our perimeter.

    Now my trial of questioning moved to Vasco. You knew who they were. You said something in another language. What did you say? All I wanted was answers and nothing seemed to be getting answered.

    That is not your concern, Vasco growled.

    The hell it’s not. What do they want from us besides me?

    Vasco walked up to me, stood inches from me, his face stone cold, his pupils black as coal. He parted his mouth and released his yellow fangs. Intimidation attempts only pissed me off and heightened my anger. He leaned in and clicked his teeth. You will be told what Max wants you to know and nothing more.

    I didn’t move...didn’t blink...didn’t flinch. If he made a move, I’d end his existence as I did Tereq’s. As much as I fought being a vampire, I was a soulless creature with the ability to dissect my enemy with one sweep of my claws.

    Ori moved forward and cleared his throat. When he had our attention, he switched the shotgun weapon from one hand to another. Does this have to do with Max’s feud? He addressed Vasco.

    You don’t have permission to share what you know? Vasco walked up to Ori and slapped him across the face, dragging his nails over Ori’s cheek. Black blood dripped from the wound before it healed itself and closed, showing no sign of the injury.

    Bastard! Amaya yelled, slamming her hands into Vasco’s chest and sending him plummeting into a tree.

    Vasco pushed himself up, shook his head and growled. We are running out of time, you idiots. Do you think five werewolves came all this way from Spain to ask Apollo to join their forces? I’m surrounded by a bunch of newborn vampires with no intuition or logic.

    That’s why we’re asking, Amaya said.

    The only thing you four need to concern yourself with is that they are here in numbers far greater than we have. They’re stronger than we are, they are intelligent, and they can see at night. They will recognize your scent for miles, they will hear you miles away and their jaws will crush every bone in your body. They are at the top of the food chain. But like girls at a tea party, you all want to stand around here and question me about issues that can wait! Vasco snickered and turned to walk through the trees, but the sound of Sophie’s moan stopped them all.

    I was at her side in a millisecond.

    I took her in my arms and helped her to her feet. She was unstable, woozy and still in a state of shock. She rubbed her neck and released a soft moan. Fear resonated in her eyes. She clung to me, her body against my arm, her almond-brown eyes pleading with me to take her away from the forest. I pulled her against my chest and held her closely.

    We’re not going, I announced to the group.

    Vasco had already turned his back to leave and when he heard my announcement, he stopped but did not turn around.  "You are going. We were ordered to bring you back with us. You have Tereq’s death to answer for and Max demands your return. This is not a game, you imbecile. Max will kill you without ever touching you and then snap her

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