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Mystery of Existence in 22 Letters
Mystery of Existence in 22 Letters
Mystery of Existence in 22 Letters
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Mystery of Existence in 22 Letters

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In the twenty-two letters is hid the mystery of creation and existence. Creation did not exist before these letters. They were present before creation! The structure, plan and formation of creation and existence came from the twenty-two letters. These letters are the “bricks” of creation that translate the will of the Creator into reality. The 22 letters exist in every creation. Each person, like each letter, has a unique purpose in the Creator ́s plan. No one may impinge on another’s particular mission in life, just as no two letters may overlap. Just as the DNA molecules are regarded as a carrier of information concerning the development of life, so we must view the twenty-two letters that formed the original language of the scripture as a cipher describing you and the universe.

I believe that each of us can attain lofty spiritual states as we meditate on these letters because they help the soul to actualize its potential with much greater ease than with any other way. As you begin to combine the letters to meditate, you will experience wisdom, understanding, good counsel and knowledge as the Spirit of the Creator rests upon you. These sacred letters will continue to serve as a source of inspiration, guidance, and wisdom for those who embarked on the journey of spiritual growth and development.

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Mystery of Existence in 22 Letters

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    Mystery of Existence in 22 Letters - Uche Onubiyi

    Uche Onubiyi


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    Table of contents



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5





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    Published by:


    +234 8139 260 389

    6, Amusa Street, Agodo-Egbe, Lagos

    Published in the Federal Republic of Nigeria


    I am profoundly grateful for the abundant wisdom and inspiration bestowed upon me by every individual I've encountered throughout my journey thus far. Each interaction has imparted invaluable lessons, shaping me into who I am today. It is often said that we are the culmination of all those who have contributed to our learning, and I wholeheartedly affirm the truth in this sentiment. I extend my heartfelt appreciation for the profound words of wisdom and exemplary attitudes that have been imparted to me along the way.

    I am especially indebted to the assembly of Yahsharal (Israel) whose unwavering faith, prayers, and enduring patience have served as a constant source of motivation, propelling me forward in my endeavors. Words cannot adequately convey the depth of my gratitude for your steadfast support.

    Above all, I reserve the highest honor and gratitude for my Creator, Boss, and Leader. His boundless love and timeless guidance serve as my constant companions, and for this, I humbly offer you all the honor and reverence you rightfully deserve.


    To escape the matrix (systems and structures in society that disconnects us from our very essence and keep us bound to illusion), you must know the ancient abryth alaph-bayt and what they symbolise. To interpret the scriptures correctly, the foundarional language of the scripture must be studied. We must start from the earliest version. The confusion in the Christian religion can only be solved through this pattern. The language of the Creator and the universe is symbolism . These symbolisms are hidden in 22 letters. The twenty-two letters we are about to explore contain the mystery of creation and existence. Creation did not exist before these letters. They were present before creation! The structure, plan and formation of creation and our world came from these twenty-two letters. The twenty-two letters are Abryt alaph-bayt (Sn: Hebrew alphabet). They are letters of creation. They are more than just a collection of letters. The 22 letters are conduits that channel the Creator’s creative supernatural energy for creation. The creative power of the 22 letters can be seen when they were pronounced in the ten statements that brought forth all into existence. These letters are the bricks of creation that translate the will of the Creator into reality.

    Within each character lies a wealth of mystical symbolism and profound meaning that offer insights into the very fabric of existence. But before we go further, alaph-bayt is the ancient Abryt (Hebrew) version of the English alphabet. Abryt is what we know as Hebrew in English Language. I will also be using the correct name of the Creator ( Yahuah) in this book. If you want to know more about the correct name of the Creator, please check our website to get the book. In this book, we will explore the mystical symbolism and meanings behind the 22 letters of the Ancient Abryt (Sn: Paleo-Hebrew). I believe that the understanding of what the letters stand for will effortlessly lead us to the revival of truth and giveus freedom from the matrix.

    The Ancient or Paleo-Hebrew alphabet was originally known as the Ancient Abryt Alaph-bayt in ancient Yahsharal (Sn: Israel). The Ancient or Paleo Hebrew letters form the foundation of the Ancient Abryt (Sn: Hebrew) language and a thorough study of these letters is essential in understanding the cultural background of the words they form. The process of reconstructing the original Abryt (Hebrew) alaph-bayt is associated with the field of archaeology, which digs down to hidden depths to determine the origins, culture or way of life of ancient civilizations. When artifacts are found, they are compared to artifacts of other cultures and other time periods to determine the distinctive characteristics of the culture and civilization. When studying ancient alphabets, one goes back in time and compares the artifacts of pictographic and non-pictographic scripts to determine dates, meaning and sound. Note: Alphabet is Alaph-bayt in Ancient Abryt, and Abryt is Hebrew in Modern Hebrew.

    Ancient Abryt Alaph-bayt is key to understanding the scripture.

    Everyone alive needs the truth to break out of the matrix of the world to fulfil the purpose of existence! Truth is the only ingredient that can make a man reach his full potential. Because of the deceptions and distortions of the truth today to keep the world in the dark, going back to the root of history in search of truth has become the only option. The ancient Abryt (Hebrew) alaph-bayt is an ancestor to the Greco-Roman and English alphabet we commonly use today. When it comes to searching for the truth in the scripture, nothing beats starting from the earliest available sources and then working forward, but not starting from the latest sources. For any current translation of the scriptures to be true, it must align with the Original or Earliest Texts. Seekers of truth must be familiar with the scripture that were first delivered to Abryt (Hebrew) patriarchs, prophets, and apostles who lived by the commandments of a Mashyakh (Messiah) from the human lineage of King Daud (David), who was a Yahudym. Yarmayahu (Sn: Jeremiah) 8:7-8 warns us about the lying pen of the scribes and the Pharisees.

    The 22 letters are present with us. Each person, like each letter of the sacred alaph-bayt (alphabet), has a unique purpose in the Creator’s plan. No one may impinge on another’s particular mission in life, just as no two letters may overlap. Just as the DNA molecules are regarded as carriers of information concerning the development of life, so we must view the Abryt (Hebrew) language of the scripture as a cypher describing the universe.

    I believe that each of us can attain lofty spiritual states as we meditate on these letters because they help the soul to actualize its potential with much greater ease than any other way. Through proper understanding and practice, any person can use the ancient Abryt (Hebrew) language as a means to arouse tremendous intuitive capabilities.

    Chapter 1


    Each of the ancient Abryt (Hebrew) letters is a mystery. The Abryt (Hebrew) letters convey concepts, images, ideas, and symbols and possess eternal numerical value. The alaph-bayt is a treasure house of information. The letters possess inner meanings that exist beyond words and letters. They form the words of the Creator’s messages and they have much to teach us about the plan and attributes of the Most High. The alaph-bayt is able to reveal the Creator’s spiritual laws and His ultimate vision which includes His plan and purposes. They are letters of fire and carry supernatural energy. These letters of fire convey the Creator’s teaching and reveal His intentions for creation! Furthermore, the messages of the supernatural are conveyed through the letters. They carry the very power and authority of the Creator, creating whatever they are sent out to create. They are the building blocks that brought the vision of the Creator for the world to reality.

    The Abryt (Hebrew) alaph-bayt contains 22 letters, read from right to left. All the ancient Abryt (Hebrew) letters are consonants. With the passage of time, the teachings of the divine letters became deeply embedded into the fabric of human culture and consciousness, forever shaping the course of history and the evolution of the human spirit, but many are unaware of this. As the people of the world continued to grow and develop, they carried with them the wisdom and sacred power of the divine alaph-bayt, forever connecting them to the eternal source (the Creator) from which all things emerged. The collaboration of these letters was remarkable, with each one contributing its unique strengths to fulfill the initial aspect of the Creator’s timeless plan, manifesting this tangible world. It's truly astonishing how they continue to cooperate, utilizing humanity and every occurrence to advance towards the realization of the future (eternal) world. This ongoing partnership is a marvel that will inspire awe

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