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The Courageous Struggle of Sacred Salmon: Collected Haiku
The Courageous Struggle of Sacred Salmon: Collected Haiku
The Courageous Struggle of Sacred Salmon: Collected Haiku
Ebook209 pages41 minutes

The Courageous Struggle of Sacred Salmon: Collected Haiku

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 31, 2023
The Courageous Struggle of Sacred Salmon: Collected Haiku

Steve K. Bertrand

For this pictorial history of Paine Field, Steve K. Bertrand has selected more than 200 images from the local community, historical societies, regional libraries, and state archives. He has traced the rich history of Paine Field from its earliest days to its present status as a bustling airport and commercial aviation center. These photographs provide a glimpse into the people and events that influenced this small community in the Pacific Northwest.

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    The Courageous Struggle of Sacred Salmon - Steve K. Bertrand

    Copyright © 2023 by Steve K. Bertrand.

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    Rev. date: 07/31/2023




    For the Migratory...

    The courageous struggle

    of sacred salmon,

    as they swim upstream.


    My Song

    My song is to the four winds.

    To the north

    I sing of heavy snow,

    silent mountain & beaver memorial pole.

    To the south

    I sing of spawning salmon,

    cedar longhouse & swift flowing river.

    To the east

    I sing of dark forest,

    stalking grizzly & gray sky.

    To the west

    I sing of salt breeze,

    low tide & Haida myths.

    My song is to the four winds.

    Steve K. Bertrand

    Rainy day –

    nothing but birds floating

    on Silver Lake.

    Ah, the little things –

    hummingbird at

    my nectar feeder.

    Funny –

    a two second kiss remembered

    for 75 years.

    My daughter

    excitedly handing me a shell she found

    on the beach.

    A cold,

    dark night – something in the air

    whispering snow.

    A drunken man

    in top hat and tails clinging to

    a lamppost.

    Where would

    the Acorn woodpecker be without

    his acorns?

    The antique

    gargoyle chair in grandpa’s house

    nobody sits in.

    A Black heron

    canopy feeding at the edge

    of a fresh-water lake.

    The morning sun

    spilling orange down upon the snow-capped

    Cascade Mountains.

    Reading in bed

    past midnight –

    moan of a passing train.

    Popping up

    throughout the desert, orange & yellow

    Globe Mallow.

    The murmuration

    of starlings across an orange sky

    at dawn.

    After the rain,

    white cherry blossoms stuck to

    the hood of my truck.

    This morning –

    snow atop

    the blossoming, red tulips.

    All along

    the boulevard, the pink blossoming

    cherry trees.

    Robin perched

    on a budding blueberry bush

    watching the sun rise.

    Little birds

    frolicking amongst the budding


    The old farmer

    headed to church on Sunday

    to pray for rain.

    Going to the Evergreen Fair

    each summer

    just to meet girls!

    How happy

    the plum tree blossoming

    in my back yard!

    A towhee

    balancing on a swaying


    How high

    jagged mountain peaks, how low

    thick fog in the valley.

    Frost on

    the field grass, dust on

    the piano strings.

    August afternoon –

    mother & son

    squared off on the basketball court.

    The homeless man

    with his found treasures strewn

    all around him.

    A small child

    chases mewing gulls down

    the sandy beach.

    A robin lands

    in my back yard – pecks at a fallen

    pink cherry blossom.

    While on my walk

    this morning, Mountain bluebird perched

    on a willow branch.

    In the eye

    of Raven, the mischievousness

    of coyote.

    Ah, the

    delicious smell of a just fired

    cap gun.

    This morning –

    Lenticular Clouds gathered

    over Mount Rainier.

    Squirrel on a limb

    reaching for his reflection

    in the mill pond.

    The cute

    little spider who turned into

    a large scary one!

    We shoo away

    coyote coming from forest

    to stalk Killdeer.

    That photo

    of an eagle snatching a salmon

    from the river!

    Those forgotten

    railroad tracks leading through


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