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There was still a considerable sliver of old Rime left, and this would be the portion to remain until the coming era(s). Otherwise, there were no civilians outside of the TTT (Tal'Traxxi Territory).

Release dateMay 2, 2024

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    Book preview

    RITUALS - Ryan Hastings



    Ryan Hastings

    VOLUME 3

    PART II-A: Vanguard

    About the Author

    Born in Texas, Ryan Hastings moved frequently as a child, often leaving new friends just as soon as he'd made them. Still, he feels blessed to have seen as much of the world as he has. Raised Christian, he has remained tethered to it, and credits his faith and even the darker moments from which it pulled him with shaping him into the person he is today.

    Table of Content

    Chapter One: Illuminate My Fate

    Chapter Two: Swamp Thing

    Chapter Three: Palm Mute (So, What’s The Craziest Thing You’ve Done Lately?)

    Chapter Four: Dancing Leviathan

    Chapter Five: Astral Clusterf**k!

    Chapter Six: Temperance

    Chapter Seven: Time Crime

    Chapter Eight: Proximo

    Chapter Nine: Sunny Day

    Chapter Ten: Not-So-Temporary Hunting Grounds

    Chapter Eleven: Searching for You (Free Time)

    Chapter Twelve: A Strike Ending in Starlight

    Chapter Thirteen: Shapes

    Chapter Fourteen: Coming of Age

    Chapter Fifteen: Turismo

    Chapter Sixteen: 4ever 3nds 2n1ght

    Chapter Seventeen: Good Morning Tonight

    Chapter Eighteen: "The Dusty Castle,

    Chapter Nineteen: "I Walk Slow (Love Song)

    Chapter Twenty: I Won’t Lie Down

    Chapter Twenty One: Planter Of The        Dead Trees

    Chapter One: Illuminate My Fate

    A little over 1 year later …

    There was still a considerable sliver of old Rime left, and this would be the portion to remain until the coming era(s). Otherwise, there were no civilians outside of the TTT (Tal’Traxxi Territory).

    It felt like something of a stalemate for Shiro; volleys came and were repelled. Miri’el’s consecration made the TTT a bountiful and lush place, where development and life had safely marched on thus far. There had yet to be reported illnesses since the angel’s healing mist befell.

    Of course, there were the new children to consider. After quite an ordeal, it ended up being Miri’el and Yana who ordered Bree and Rayne to move to the TTT with their offspring. Certainly, they would also retain attendants in the care of these babes.

    As Rayne and Bree were coming into a roomy-enough home, Bree slyly commented, You’ll have to watch your language, you know? My baby might smite you.

    Ooooh, you’re so funny, Bree, Rayne answered sarcastically, laying her twins on a nearby sofa and sitting on the floor before them. Bree sat in an adjacent chair with her child while some attendants of various kinds went about to furnish and ready the abode.

    I still don’t get you, Rayne remarked.

    What’d you mean? Bree inquired.

    You forcibly joined a marriage, Rayne said as if it were obvious. Who does that? Why? Why Bael?

    Bree blushed, uneasily answering, I’ve told you enough.

    You have not, Rayne rebuked.

    Bree went quiet, hoping against the odds that Rayne would just let it go. After a few moments of said quiet, Rayne casually asked, So? What’s the real reason?

    Bree gave up, turning her head away, still quite pink. She took a breath and said in a soft burst of honesty, He’s my type—and he must be a good lover—to have you two so happy with him after all.

    Rayne began to laugh a bit, amusing her twins as she did. Bree didn’t know what to think about Rayne’s reaction.

    Whatever, Rayne said with a chuckle. You’re just as looney as the rest of us.

    I’m not looney, Bree quietly replied with some amount of offense taken.

    All young n’ shit, Rayne added in an utterance against Bree. I feel like a grandmother around you.

    You’re only a few years older than me, Bree answered.

    I don’t still have ‘teen’ at the end of my age, Rayne protested.

    Bree just looked at Rayne’s back with a straight face, exasperated by the thought that Rayne was just being combative for the sake of it.

    You can have your first night the next time he’s around, Rayne commented. I don’t mind. The man is stretched thin enough as it is.

    Bree was still blushing, despite it being sort of an odd thing to thank someone for. Bree quietly thanked Rayne.

    So, you’re really done being queen, eh? Rayne asked.

    The tribune is already proving to run very well, Bree softly and happily answered. Though they did, of course, ask that I keep myself available.

    Well, we are equal, I guess, Rayne commented in response. Y…you’re just now considering that? Bree oddly asked.

    Even when I was acting head of state, you remained as unfiltered with and against me as you are now.

    Bree went on to rather defensively add, You quite embarrassed me the night you called me out for having Yana intercepted by some heroes.

    Totally fuckin’ knew it, Rayne mumbled, adding more so that Bree could hear her. Yana called them ninjas, but it’s all the same.

    I didn’t hand select them, nor did I select their methods of how Yana was to be kept away from Vaia, Bree continued in her defense.

    Even since then, there had continued to be strange occurrences for the summoner. She might be going somewhere, and someone would show up to misdirect her. Some heroes had to result in throwing insults at Phoenicia and then proceed to give chase to Yana as best they could…

    Oh, my, yes… Strange times …

    How long can you keep Yana from crossing paths with her? Rayne asked in an amused scoff.

    Miri’el will inform her soon, Bree answered.

    Convenient, Rayne curiously uttered.

    Bree cleared her throat before she went on to say, It’ll be over here.

    Rayne suspiciously leered over her shoulder at Bree, then called for some caretakers for the little ones. Rayne took Bree by the hand and guided her out the front door.

    After all this time, effort, and worry, Rayne said dramatically, "now, you’re literally going to have our crazy girl in the new house to do this… on the triple-T?"

    I know how it sounds, Bree said calmly.

    Stupid as fuck, Rayne muttered plainly.

    We’re going to drug her to start, Bree explained, placing her hands on Rayne’s shoulders. Then, we figure with the kind of territory this is (and having the children present), she will be forced to peacefully accept it. Trust me. Everyone is helping to get this ready.

    Rayne answered in an offended sort of tone, "The fuck do you mean ‘everyone’? Who else knows about this? I sure as hell wasn’t cool enough, apparently!"

    Bree began to speak, then quickly clamped her lips shut. Rayne stood there with her hands on her hips, bearing an unimpressed glance at Bree.

    Delia pulled up on a void-powered scooter, coming to a stop not far off.

    DELIA! Rayne immediately yelled. DID YOU KNOW WHAT THEY WERE SCHEMING? Delia had removed her helmet and was on her way over, but now she was reversing course back to the scooter in retreat.

    Oh, no, you don’t, Rayne uttered, beginning to run after her. Bree threw herself onto Rayne and into the grass to allow Delia an escape.

    Hohohoh, oooooh, Rayne said with sinister amusement as Bree had her pinned. Ok. That’s y’all’s play? Fine.

    Bree was still on top of Rayne, kindly pleading, It wasn’t anything personal, Rayne, I swear!

    This is the ninja situation all over again, Rayne grunted. Scheming Firebourne minx.

    Vaia was in one of the countless gardens of the TTT, and she was bowed with her face to the grass and flowers. Her silent prayers were practically endless. Ever since Bol’rel appeared to her, she only focused on her faith.

    She prayed, ate, and slept. Her primary interactions were only with Miri’el or Bree.

    Despite what most would consider a boring routine, Vaia was sleeping well and at least felt some measure of safety. She indeed knew how much grace she’d been shown. She had been spared from a deserving and swift execution.

    Otherwise, Vaia’s former identity was known by very few people.

    She concluded her prayer and stood, looking up to see the ghostly halo among the stars. Then she proceeded toward where she now had a small residence. It was as simple a place as one would expect.

    She let down the hood of her robe and proceeded to prepare dough to make bread for a small meal.

    Her high-tech void comms (VC) was Vaia’s only means to tell the appropriate people that she was home for the day. Not long after, a couple of sharp whistles came from outside her doorway, a signal from the hero that was to stand guard for the time being. By now, any hero who was in rotation for her security was one of few who knew of her situation.

    Each one had otherwise been handpicked by Bree, with one exception. Zeit had brought on a Wolvyn warrior.

    Thank you, Vaia quietly said, considering all those who had seen to her well-being thus far. Emotionally, Vaia was relatively blank. Even still, she was only humble to those who interacted with her. She only looked up to show her eyes to those such as Bree or Miri’el, and that was only if they asked her to.

    The heroes who did see to her security/peace of mind never complained of anything, despite knowing who/what she was.

    Time heals wounds, forgiveness, and such …

    Meanwhile …

    Bael and Suzi were about to start what would be their first duel in their void personal armor (VPA), a test meant to see maximum output against each suit. Each suit had been modified by now. Bael’s armor was substantially bulkier than Suzi’s, but the relative weight to the user was astonishingly low. Two huge weapons (specifically grand and powerful spears) had been made for this piece of armor.

    Bael and Suzi had proven to be tremendous assets with these VPAs, as third, fourth, and fifth candidates were currently being scouted out.

    I’ll always be jealous of how wicked your suit looks compared to mine, Suzi lightheartedly said to Bael.

    Bael chuckled, answering, Well, I’d feel kind of self-conscious if mine was as fitted as yours is.

    Aren’t you two cozy? Yana added with subtle suspicion. I better see you try to beat the shit out of each other.

    Yanaaaa! Suzi answered innocently. You know me by now.

    She’s just moody for other reasons, Bael amusedly answered.

    I’ll kill you myself if you say anything further of the like, Yana sternly uttered. Bael laughed just before he charged at Suzi in a great burst of energy with his suit’s thrusters.

    Historical reference: VPA-B/VPA-A: 12040/031/003

    Suzi twirled so that she could evade, just as one of the mighty spears clashed against her shield and the other smashed into the solid ground.

    Even as Suzi went for an attack, Bael was already too close. She had to block a simultaneous horizontal swing of both weapons, a hit that rattled both of them.

    Suzi called forth the magic of her mysterious shield, using the siphoning void power to cause a great forward burst of energy. The very ground was blown away, and Bael didn’t even evade. Suzi gasped when she saw Bael casually standing there, with an array of deployable drones that provided a handless shield of his own.

    What!? That’s not fair! Suzi protested.

    Gizmo quietly cackled in satisfaction as he had conceived additions specifically due to this test …

    I mean, I couldn’t really say ‘no’ to something like that, Bael truthfully remarked. Suzi grunted, then took a full offensive, using her great shield for mighty swings and plunges. Bael had to use every manner of motion his VPA could offer, having to guard with his spears here and there as the earth burst around the two traces of void energy in every movement.

    Those observing the match through zoom optics acted as if they were watching a sport, having a jolly time. As Suzi shoulder-charged Bael with her shield, the two collided in a great gale and remained in a brief clinch.

    Oye, Suzi, Bael said. One could hear his grin.

    I don’t want to hear it! Suzi frustratedly answered.

    The two pushed against each other with all they could, to the point that bolts of void energy and electricity began emitting from both armors.

    Bael suddenly shot back with his thrusters, barely throwing one of his spears over Suzi. Just as Suzi shifted positions, she gasped and recalled seeing him do this once before to a demon.

    Sure enough, she had to quickly evade the spear that was returning to Bael’s grasp, tethered by extended void energy. Clever tricks, indeed!

    Suzi went on the offensive again, swinging her shield as fast and as hard as possible. Bael would remain on the defensive for about twenty seconds before performing a slice that literally carved the ground from beneath his opponent.

    Suzi shrieked a bit, having to quickly boost herself from the crumbling land. Once more, she called on her shield’s magic while Bael was already flying at her.

    This time, Suzi stole Bael’s move, herself never actually considering it until now. She threw her shield in a great flash of energy as it soared with rainbow lightning.

    Bael couldn’t raise his weapons in time, taking a direct hit. Those in the respective VC channel could hear some manner of ‘Oof’ from him.

    The blow was disastrous enough to throw him several feet backwards. Despite the tumble, he did his best to return to his feet by the use of the thrusters on his back. The movement was calculated, thus quick enough to not waste time. Suzi, however, made a miscalculation. Her shield had ended up too far to recall.

    Bael casually walked around her shield, despite the various pieces of debris stuck in his armor.

    I’ll definitely have a bruise from that, he said lightheartedly, resting the spears on either shoulder.

    Some nervous utterances could be heard from Suzi.

    As it lay? Bael inquired.

    As it lay, Morgan (one of those observing the duel) answered.

    What! Suzi exclaimed.

    Just then, Bael was flying at Suzi with a tremendous expulsion of power. Suzi could only begin to give chase to her opponent, who was swinging with such strength that would, at a minimum, cause injury.

    Suzi was impressively evading her opponent, though Bael kept her from her weapon.

    She had to continuously think very quickly, acrobatically dodging the mighty and swift cleaves.

    It’s Bael. He wouldn’t harm you; calm down. It’s actually scary that I know he’s holding back, she thought to herself.

    Suzi did a series of rapid backflips, then said, Proposition?

    Bael halted mid-swing, coming to stand a few feet from Suzi.

    Can I have one of your spears? she asked.

    Bael didn’t hesitate, handing out the shaft of one to Suzi. Everyone involved found this to be an amusing and agreeable gesture. So, the two VPAs sort of reset their duel. Bael would be considered the winner thus far. They put about ten yards between themselves as Suzi acclimated herself to the feel of the weapon.

    This feels so weird, Bael chuckled.

    This is practically a knife fight now.

    Gripping the shaft of his spear so that the blade pointed behind himself, Suzi (coming to an appropriate stance) opted to grip her spear with both hands.

    Ready? Bael kindly asked.

    I think so, Suzi answered.

    Bael closed the gap between them instantly, coming at Suzi with a quick flurry of strikes.

    Indeed, Bael was handling his remaining spear like a simple combat knife, tossing it from hand to hand, coming in with all directions of swings and spins.

    Suzi could be heard exclaiming some at the onset, even yelling in sheer frustration.

    Has it been a while since you’ve had sex or something?

    Nope, Bael answered, cleaving at her feet just before an upward swing that was traced with void energy. The spears met by the second in glorious rings.

    Suzi was subtly positioning herself to make a move for her shield. She was praying that Bael wasn’t catching onto her scheme. Bael stabbed and cleaved once more, this time nearly knocking the weapon from Suzi’s hand.

    GAH! FUCK IT! Suzi yelled, going for a last-ditch effort. This also prompted a number of gasps, as Suzi was not known to use such language. In a great burst from her thrusters, Suzi launched herself towards her shield. Simultaneously, she hurled her spear at Bael to keep him away for even a moment longer.

    This time, she could recall the weapon with the tethered energy. Coming into possession of her shield, she recalled the weapons with the tethered energy and spear. What a move! A satisfied and sly utterance could be heard from Suzi, now having a sword and a shield.

    Hmm, Bael pondered, casually saying, Well, that’s my fault.

    There was no winnable combination for Bael now. Everyone with insight knew this rather quickly. It was a friendly bout, after all …

    That’s satisfactory, Morgan said.

    What? Suzi protested. I don’t at least get sixty seconds to chase him. Try to ping his helmet once or twice!?

    Ok, fine, Morgan answered with ease.

    Bael sighed.

    Suzi leaped into the air, coming down with her shield so that a crater was created. Bael was supporting the blade of his spear with his free hand, then had to evade a swing of Suzi’s spear.

    Swings of the shield and weapon kept Bael on the back foot. Suzi had absolute control of the ring now, and she was quite enjoying

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