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Yana grew up in an orphanage. She had just turned six, an age at which the facility would no longer keep the individual. In all those years, she only had a couple of friends. She may as well have been a ghost at times. Despite instances of assaults and unruly beha

Release dateMay 2, 2024

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    RITUALS 007 BLOSSOMING SIN - Ryan Hastings

    Volume I

    About the Author

    Born in Texas, Ryan Hastings moved freqently as a child, often leaving new friends just as soon as he'd made them. Still, he feels blessed to have seen as much of the world as he has. Raised Christian, he has remained tethered to it, and credits his faith and even the darker moments from which it pulled him with shaping him into the person he is today.

    Table of Contents

    Part I: Sordid Affair (New Nostalgia)

    Chapter One: Time Lapse

    Chapter Two: Back to Sleep Again

    Chapter Three: White Out

    Chapter Four: Like a Dance

    Chapter Five: Her Winter

    Chapter Six: I Found You

    Chapter Seven: The Wood

    Chapter Eight: Meridian

    Chapter Nine: Demon King

    Chapter Ten: Solstice’s Eve (Indoctrinate)

    Chapter Eleven: Nostalgia

    Chapter Twelve: Another Curtain Rises…

    Chapter Thirteen: Dummies’ Guide to Becoming Queen

    Chapter Fourteen: Galileo

    Chapter Fifteen: Double Bass

    Chapter Sixteen: Time to Play Royalty

    Chapter Seventeen: Dancing in the Dark….Or Not.…

    Chapter Eighteen: Déjà Vu

    Chapter Nineteen: Full Circle

    Chapter Twenty: Hot Street

    Chapter Twenty-One: Closure

    Chapter Twenty-two: Downtempo Dark Reflections (Castle Of Glass)

    Chapter Twenty-three: Anvil (Rush!)

    Part I: Sordid Affair

    (New Nostalgia)

    Chapter One: Time Lapse

    Alter: Origin.

    Timeline adjusted.

    Commencing in 3… 2… 1…

    Yana grew up in an orphanage. She had just turned six, an age at which the facility would no longer keep the individual. In all those years, she only had a couple of friends. She may as well have been a ghost at times. Despite instances of assaults and unruly behavior, Yana always managed to avoid trouble.

    She packed her things in a backpack, and the orphanage gave her a voucher to enroll in a high school. They said, Good luck.

    Not long after walking the streets of Evermore, she noticed how men looked at her. She put up her hood and kept her head down to avoid that.

    It was early morning, the time the city would be waking up. Daytime ventures were once again in motion. Jazzy music was playing over loudspeakers. Yana always appreciated music, which, sometimes, helped keep her together.

    Her netherbox was her most prized possession. She walked for a couple of hours, wandering into a portion of the city she had never visited, one that was more affluent than her old territory.

    She stopped and took out her netherbox, activating it and putting it back in her backpack once she left the blocks with the loudspeakers. A downtempo melody began to play as she stopped to look around, imagining the families that lived in the area. Then, a mother and young son came from one of the homes, getting into a vehicle to go elsewhere.

    Yana looked at the pair in tired awe, her icy blue eyes having a melancholy to them. She continued her way, passing shops and looking at items in the windows.

    She yawned heavily, having not slept well for the past few nights. Fuck, she uttered to herself. I can only hope these stupid dreams stop. I could practically lie down on the sidewalk.

    Continuing to glance about, she added, Crazy how quickly the scenery changed. At least it’s safer around here, by a little bit.

    Yana made it to school at about lunchtime, stopping just short of campus grounds and looking at all the students. She took a deep breath, putting one foot in front of the other. Her clothing was older and loose-fitting, while all the students were in uniforms.

    Obviously, she stood out.

    One upper-class girl took notice of Yana, waving her down. Yana looked around curiously, but there was no one else near her. The girl was blonde and devilishly attractive. She was sitting with other students. Yana timidly approached the group.

    My name’s Rayne, the girl said with a friendly and confident composure. You seem a bit lost.

    Um, my name is Yana, she answered softly, brandishing the voucher the orphanage gave her and handing it to Rayne.

    Rayne glanced over it, took Yana by the hand, and began walking, saying, I’ll get ya set up.

    Thank you very much, Yana replied awkwardly as she tagged along. So, an orphan?

    Rayne asked bluntly, glancing at Yana. Yana nodded.

    Do you have anywhere to stay? Rayne inquired. It’s not like you can live at the school.

    Not yet, Yana replied quietly.

    No, no, that won’t do. You can shack up at my place. It’s a bit of a mess, but it’s better than the street, Rayne stated casually.

    Yana was amazed at the generosity coming so soon. That, that would be nice, she kindly answered. Another girl was passing by; she greeted Rayne happily. Heeey, Rayne. She was a natural redhead but colored it to the point that it was orange. She had a lovely figure as well.

    Sup, Sapph? Rayne answered as a friend would. Who’s this? Sapphira asked.

    Rayne introduced Yana, continuing, I’m gonna’ get her hooked up with what she needs; she’ll be our new roomy.

    Our? You live together? Yana echoed curiously.

    We’ll get you filled in later, Sapphira answered with a wink, then continued her way. Rayne took Yana to an office, and the school secretary gave her two pairs of uniforms. Yana changed into the uniform, a blouse and skirt setup.

    When she came out, Rayne gave an impressed whistle, saying, Girl, you’ve got a figure. Don’t worry; I’ll keep the boys away from you.

    Rayne was a well-known student. She was a star academic, naturally intelligent, and athletic, although she didn’t participate in sports. This gained her favor with school officials. Rayne was able to let Yana stay with her for the rest of the school day.

    Indeed, Yana turned every head she passed. Not even being seventeen, she looked older than she was. She was well-developed. Right now, her raven hair, tied into a ponytail that went to the small of her back, was longer than when we first met her.

    The two entered a classroom before it started. The chatter almost ceased when the two girls walked in. Yana was blushing from the awkward attention she was getting.

    She sat at an empty desk beside Rayne, sinking down in the seat and trying to hide behind her backpack that was on the table.

    Rayne patted her on the head, quietly saying, That isn’t making you any less noticeable, sweetie.

    I see we have a guest, the teacher said as he entered. Would you like to introduce yourself? he asked.

    Yana was clearly uncomfortable with the request, but Rayne took Yana’s hand and walked with her to the front. She stood beside Yana and prompted her to introduce herself. Among other things, Rayne loved Yana’s voice and how soft and well-spoken she was.

    As the day continued, Yana stuck to Rayne like a shadow. Rayne didn’t mind, often having an arm around her new friend or holding her hand.

    The end of the school day came, and students were leaving the campus. Rayne was waiting for Sapphira, and so was Yana, by extension. Rayne was among the pinnacle of a cool kid, so Yana quickly gained renown by being next to her that day. A boy came over to Rayne and whispered in her ear.

    I can’t tonight, Rayne replied. Maybe later this week? Another boy approached Rayne after a while and said something inaudible to Yana. Rayne shook her head and made a reply.

    Rayne? What’s up? Who were those boys? Yana softly asked.

    Just part of the rabble I deal with, Rayne replied. Yana accepted the cryptic answer. Eventually, Sapphira met up with the two and began walking.

    It’s not far, Rayne commented. Low budget, but it’s cozy enough, Sapphira added kindly. Neither of you have parents? Yana asked.

    Nope, Rayne answered plainly. Bad people killed my parents. Sapph’s were both military and killed during the last ordeal with Dak.

    I was raised by an aunt for a while, Sapphira added. Yana stopped in her tracks, prompting the other two to do the same.

    I’m sorry, Yana said softly. It’s ok, Sapph assured.

    Rayne nodded for Yana to continue with them, saying, We’ll have a nice Q and A when we get home.

    Each of the three girls was lovely, as we already know. Being in a group drew stares; some had less than good intentions.

    The area they walked to was known to be a bit rough. Places looked more weathered and modest. There were people on the streets, and vehicles were randomly parked. About forty-five minutes later, they came to a small apartment building that looked safe enough. Rayne unlocked the door, and the three went inside. Yana glanced around at the very messy living space.

    Rayne stripped off her clothes, leaving on her underwear and putting on a small t-shirt. Yana was slightly surprised by how comfortable Rayne was undressing in front of a stranger. Meanwhile, Sapphira, a tad more conservative, went to a room to change, wearing a similar level of clothing as Rayne.

    We need to find you some stuff, Rayne remarked, but damn, I don’t know if I have any tops that will fit over your tits, she added playfully.

    Rayne took Yana to her room and began to look for fresh clothes, tossing several aside as she searched.

    Soon enough, Rayne set aside an assortment of clothing for Yana, saying, We can take you shopping, but this should work for now. Yana knew Rayne wouldn’t leave the room, so she undressed, putting on shorts and an extra-large hoodie.

    Rayne gave Yana a friendly slap on her butt, then headed out of the room. The three sat in the common-living area, where a small kitchen space connected to the room at the back. Sapphira was using skunkweed, something Yana didn’t know about.

    Sapphira glanced at Yana, saying, I’d take protection with you if you go out alone. This area isn’t known for politeness. Yana curiously nodded. Sapphira loaded a pipe with skunkweed, lit it, and took a deep drag, then passed it to Rayne, who did the same.

    Rayne passed it to Yana, who didn’t hesitate. She mimicked the other two, lighting the herbs and inhaling. She took a large hit but managed to cough only twice after she exhaled. Then Yana handed the pipe back to Sapphira. Your eyes, Rayne stated after a couple of moments.

    Huh? Yana uttered, looking at her. They look less sad now, Rayne said.

    Less sad? I looked sad? Yana uttered.

    You did… a little. How do you feel? Rayne asked with a smile.

    I feel alright… Yana answered, feeling a relaxation she hadn’t felt before. Rayne and Sapphira could tell as much. The three continued to smoke, and eventually, all three were pacified by the skunkweed.

    Rayne? Yana asked. Yes? Rayne replied curiously.

    Why did you take me in so easily? You didn’t know me. Why have you been so good to me? Yana inquired. Sapphira was curious as well. There was a brief pause.

    I can tell who the best people are, and I see something new in you, Rayne answered. New? Yana uttered a bit oddly. What, what do you mean, Rayne?

    Destiny? No, potential? Rayne answered plainly something like that and then added, Priceless. That’s a good word. 

    Wow, that was kind of deep, Rayne, Sapphira said, impressed. Whatever, you know I have my epic moments, Rayne replied. Yana was still trying to understand what Rayne had said and why.

    Yana, Rayne said kindly. Yana looked Rayne in the eyes.

    I felt obligated to watch out for you not long after we met. You’re pure, too, right? Never been with a guy? Rayne asked. Yana blushed, shaking her head to affirm. Rayne got up and went over to Yana, embracing her like family. Soon enough, Yana returned the gesture.

    You’re special, Yana, I just know it, Rayne said softly. The wholesome moment passed, and the three continued in their evening, smoking more as they chatted, and why not? The three were comfortable with each other….a natural harmony.

    I’ll set this aside for you. It’s a good fit, Sapphira commented to Yana.

    Thank you, Yana answered, her head resting against the back of a couch and looking up as she pondered various things.

    Rayne came over to Yana and straddled her, catching Yana off guard. Rayne used the instance to look at Yana’s eyes, even if they were a bit red now. Rayne came in close to Yana’s face, sensually saying, Yeah, there is something so crazy about you. I can’t figure out what all it is. Yana smiled nervously, thinking Rayne was going to kiss her, but Rayne got up and went to the refrigerator for a beer, getting one for each of them.

    You ever shot a gun? Rayne asked. Yana shook her head. Rayne slid open a drawer and took a handgun from it. She came over to Yana and tossed the unloaded firearm, saying, Point and pull. You won’t have to, though, we hope.

    Sapphira proceeded to help Yana understand the firearm and how to work it. Keep it with you, she said kindly but seriously. Yana nodded in affirmation.

    There’s a boy at school, Enoch, who is a hero. Heroes aren’t usually in public schools like this, but from what I know, he insisted on coming here, Rayne explained. Hero? Yana uttered, having little knowledge about heroes other than what she had read in old scripture about heroes of Harth.

    He takes advantage of his abilities. Never be alone with him, Rayne said, with an amount of disgust.

    Ok, Yana answered, seeing a change in Rayne’s composure. Rayne became more solemn after mentioning the boy’s name. Obviously, there was a wound.

    Yana recognized it but didn’t pursue it. Again, thank you so much, Rayne, she said, hoping to shift the mood again.

    Rayne smiled, answering, I’m happy to have you, Yana. I have another little sister. I’m like two months younger than you! Sapphira protested, hating for Rayne to call her that.

    The girls went to school the next morning, each to different classes. Yana would have to fly solo. Her first class was writing. Students whispered amongst each other when Yana entered the room. A girl, dark-skinned and very pretty, was in the back corner, waving Yana to sit at an empty desk behind her.

    So, Yana made her way back, sitting behind the girl. I’m Delia. Yana, right? For being new, you’re making waves," Delia said. Indeed, Yana was surprised that Delia knew her by name.

    Rayne took you instantly under her wing. People are curious about you, Delia added.

    Oh, Yana uttered, I didn’t realize.

    Delia giggled. Don’t worry. As I said, it’s more curiosity than anything. Yana nodded.

    Then the teacher came in, and the class started. As it happens, Delia and Yana had a handful of classes together, something they both enjoyed. Yana liked Delia. She was kind, proper, smart, and light-hearted. Yana noticed that Delia wore nice jewelry.

    When a chauffeur came in a luxury vehicle for Delia after school, that confirmed her affluence. Delia waved at Yana as she got in the car, and Yana waved back. Rayne and Sapphira found Yana at the entrance to the campus, happily greeting her.

    Do either of you know about Delia? Yana asked.

    Delia? Sapphira said. "People know she has money and could afford a faaar better school than this one."

    Did you two hit it off? Rayne asked.

    Yeah, Yana softly affirmed. We have the same classes. She was the one who broke the ice.

    Cool, Rayne answered with a chuckle and proud smile. You’ve been here two days and have every connection you could want.

    Yana turned on the netherbox in her backpack as the three began to walk home.

    Yana? Sapphira inquired. Hm? Yana answered.

    Don’t take this the wrong way, but netherboxes are pricey—even old models. How did you come by one? Sapph asked.

    It was all that was left with me at the orphanage, Yana answered.

    Really? Sapphira said with curious surprise.

    You just get weirder and weirder, Rayne stated playfully.

    It was the end of the week, and the girls had just arrived home, each changing into a casual outfit.

    I have a gathering to attend. It shouldn’t be too long that I’m gone, a couple of hours or so, Rayne said. She was scantily dressed.

    Ok, I’m sure Sapph and I will be fine; you be safe too, ok? Yana answered. Rayne was happy to have Yana care for her, embracing her before she left.

    Where is she really going? Yana asked quietly. To be fucked by three or four guys, Sapphira answered plainly, with a sigh. She fought Rayne about this more than once before. There was a noticeable pause.

    Sapphira continued, Rayne is unique in several ways, but part of that is she’s something of a nympho. She ‘services’ boys at our school.

    Yana lowered her head.

    It’s her choice. Don’t pity her; just pray she comes home, you know? Sapphira stated. I will, Yana answered.

    Sapphira noted that Yana was more spacey than usual, and she said, C’mon, let’s start our weekend off right. Yana, you can’t focus on Rayne. Again, just pray that she comes home unharmed." Sapph brought

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