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The Drowning
The Drowning
The Drowning
Ebook89 pages47 minutes

The Drowning

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The first day back to school was meant to be routine for veteran teacher Judith Ellis, but fate had other horrifying plans. As she scanned the fresh faces of her 6th grade class, her eyes locked onto a boy bearing an unsettling resemblance to her late son Tommy, who had drowned in their pool five years prior at that very age. A cold sweat formed as the new student introduced himself as Scott Ellis - Tommy's middle name. Impossibly, he listed Judith's own address as his home. When he solemnly declared her his mother, the ground seemed to shift beneath Judith's feet. 

Though the class proceeded unfazed, Judith's world had been shaken to its core. She tried dismissing it as mere coincidence, but found herself inextricably drawn to this mysterious child. Unnatural occurrences began manifesting around her - objects drifting across rooms, shadows contorting into disturbing shapes. The uncanny sense of being watched creeped up her spine. One haunting night, Judith awoke to the translucent form of Tommy at her bedside, warning her that darkness was coming and he would protect her. But just as suddenly as he appeared, he vanished, leaving her to question her grip on reality.

The more Judith struggled to unravel the truth about Scott, the deeper she tumbled down a rabbit hole of terror. He was no mere schoolboy, but rather a sinister being that had slipped through the veil between worlds, leeching off her anguish over Tommy's death to manifest on the physical plane. As the malevolent force's grip tightened around her, Judith realized too late that it had been slowly devouring her essence, her sanity hanging by a thread.  

With her world spiraling into a waking nightmare, the boundaries of the natural world frayed and decayed. Visions of her beloved son were cruelly warped, wielded as weapons to torment her. Judith found herself plunged into a metaphysical tug-of-war, battling the eldritch entity for her very soul as it thrashed violently against her attempts at exorcism. Darker secrets about her family, her marriage, and the circumstances surrounding Tommy's tragic demise bubbled to the surface to be weaponized against her.  

Only by confronting these haunting truths could Judith hope to sever the unholy tether and banish the malignant force back to the abyss. Her anguished screams echoed through the night as she relived her most traumatic memories. With her soul and psyche pushed to their limits, an extraordinary resilience welled up from her maternal depths. Summoning every ounce of love for her lost child, Judith broke the dark curse and cast out the evil presence in a shattering blast of anguished catharsis.

Release dateMay 14, 2024
The Drowning


JT WULF is a best selling author in the genres of horror and suspense thriller. His books include: The Transition Hole, Dead, The Inn, The Cellar Door, The RIP Club, A Town Called Thereafter, Karma: The Final Payment 

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    The Drowning - JT WULF


    Watch the Real Interview of Teacher Judith Ellis by JT Wulf at the Dead Encounter Podcast Episode #5 at


    Judith Ellis: A seasoned sixth-grade teacher, Judith is a strong-willed and compassionate woman in her early 40s. With shoulder-length brown hair and tired eyes that convey a sense of loss, she has a motherly presence that her students find comforting. Still grieving the tragic loss of her son Tommy, she struggles to maintain her grasp on reality and is shaken by the inexplicable events occurring around her.


    Scott Ellis: An enigmatic 11-year-old boy with sandy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, he bears an uncanny resemblance to Judith's late son. Polite yet unnervingly self-possessed, Scott's presence in Judith's life raises questions about his true nature and intent. He is a mystery that Judith feels compelled to unravel, even as the line between reality and nightmare begins to blur.


    Tommy Ellis: A sweet and innocent child who tragically passed away at the age of eleven. His memory continues to haunt Judith, causing her to question her own sanity. He appears in her visions and dreams, sometimes offering comfort and at other times provoking a sense of dread.


    Matthew Ellis: Judith's estranged husband in his mid-40s, Matthew has short-cropped dark hair with a hint of gray and deep-set eyes that carry a shadow of grief. Though he is emotionally distant and withdrawn, his concern for Judith's well-being is genuine, even if he struggles to express it effectively.


    Mrs. Martha Thompson: The school principal in her early 60s, Mrs. Thompson is a stern yet compassionate leader with graying hair pulled back into a tight bun. Her concern for the well-being of her staff and students leads her to be supportive of Judith during her time of crisis.


    Dr. Eleanor Green: A soft-spoken but perceptive therapist in her late 40s with short curly hair and glasses, Dr. Green tries to provide emotional support and guidance to Judith as she confronts her grief and attempts to make sense of the eerie events unfolding in her life.


    Cassandra Cassie Mitchell: A fellow teacher in her early 30s with shoulder-length red hair and a warm smile, Cassie is Judith's closest friend and confidante. As a loyal and empathetic listener, she tries to support and protect Judith as much as she can during her troubled times.


    David Moore: A local historian and paranormal investigator in his mid-50s with salt-and-pepper hair and a beard, David possesses a wealth of knowledge about the supernatural and the unseen. His expertise in the field of malevolent forces might be the key to helping Judith understand the dark presence that has infiltrated her life.


    The first day back to school was meant to be routine for veteran teacher Judith Ellis, but fate had other horrifying plans. As she scanned the fresh faces of her 6th grade class, her eyes locked onto a boy bearing an unsettling resemblance to her late son Tommy, who had drowned in their pool five years prior at that very age. A cold sweat formed as the new student introduced himself as Scott Ellis - Tommy's middle name. Impossibly, he listed Judith's own address as his home. When he solemnly declared her his mother, the ground seemed to shift beneath Judith's feet.


    Though the class proceeded unfazed, Judith's world had been shaken to its core. She tried dismissing it as mere coincidence, but found herself inextricably drawn to this mysterious child. Unnatural occurrences began manifesting around her - objects drifting across rooms, shadows contorting into disturbing shapes. The uncanny sense of being watched creeped up her spine. One haunting night, Judith awoke to the translucent form of Tommy at her bedside, warning her that darkness was coming and he would protect her. But just as suddenly as he appeared, he vanished, leaving her to question her grip on reality.


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