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Blood and Magick: The Order Of Fate
Blood and Magick: The Order Of Fate
Blood and Magick: The Order Of Fate
Ebook223 pages3 hours

Blood and Magick: The Order Of Fate

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Ami always knew her life would be tied to Demons. As a member of The Order of Fate, it's been her job to fight the legions of the night her whole life. But when everything she knows is shattered, she has to decide if it's worth it to be the hero or embrace the power she never knew she had.

Wesley has made it his job to protect Ami from the time she started training in the order. When she disappears without a word, he has no choice but to go after her even if he isn't sure she can be saved. He might even give up everything he's ever known to keep her safe.

Release dateMar 24, 2024
Blood and Magick: The Order Of Fate

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    Book preview

    Blood and Magick - Tavita Lane

    Chapter 1


    Her eyes caught the blur race past her at blinding speed. She kicked her boot into the dirt to make the monster think she didn’t see it, but her hand slid around the six shooter at her side. Suddenly she was met with green cat eyes and hands on her shoulders. They always looked human. That’s how they could blend in and take the souls they wanted. It smiled before giving her a hard shove into the side of the nearby building.

    Ami winced at the pain that rang through her body. She quickly regained herself and knelt on one knee, her eyes flicking around her, trying to find the monster once again. It got the jump on her that time, but she was not going to let that happen again.

    It stopped moving and stood right in front of her. It was daring her. Her hand slid over the gun at her side. Her cowboy hat was pulled down to guard her eyes. Ami met his eyes. He smiled, his dark hair falling into his face slightly. He would have been a handsome man. If he were human.

    You’re a little out of your element, don’t you think, girl, the demon said, smiling slyly. When she didn’t say anything, he curled his lips more. She waited and he jumped at her, pushing her to the ground. Her hand shot up to protect her face and her hat went flying from her head. She felt the hard blow of the ground under her. It almost knocked the wind out of her, but her mind was focused on the demon pinning her to the ground.

    So, why did they choose you? He stared. You don’t have the heart to be a monster slayer. You’re just a kid. He was so close to her face she could feel his breath and smell the stench of death.

    She pulled the gun from the holster and jabbed it into his stomach. He smiled at the new move. I guess I could be wrong, he said, laughing as she pulled the trigger. The shot was loud in her ear.

    Ami pushed the demon off of her and pulled herself to her feet. She watched the monster as it turned to an odd steam and vaporized in front of her. She smiled and holstered the six shooter. Her eyes scanned the ground for her hat to keep her face out of the hot Arizona territory sun.

    She saw the old brown hat, but it wasn’t laying on the ground where she thought it should be, it was in the hands of a man. He was dressed in dirty blue jeans and a red button down shirt. His light brown duster blew behind him. She watched him as he looked from under the rim of his own hat and met her gaze.

    You shouldn’t have taken off on your own, he said, taking a step towards her. Ami just rolled her eyes.

    I was ready. You of all people should know that, she said grabbing her hat and sliding it on her head.

    And what if your gun had fallen into the wrong hands? He turned away and started walking. Ami stood a minute and watched her teacher. He was the first in this unknown world she'd come to understand. He saved her when she should have been a demon’s play toy.

    How did you know where to find me, Wesley, she said, following behind him to the pair of horses he had tied at the end of the alley. The dark haired man just looked at her, his dark eyes piercing and warning. Ami knew that look. He would give it to her when she was asking something she shouldn’t be or doing something that could get her killed.

    We need to get back. The Shaman called a meeting. He climbed onto his light brown horse. To keep the animal in line, he pulled at the reins.

    So, she never wants us involved in those. Ami climbed her own horse and glanced at Wesley.

    This time she wants everyone there. It’s important, he said as he gave his horse a light kick to get moving. Ami took a breath and followed. She knew this wasn’t a good sign. The Shaman only ever told the ones who were part of the inner group and Ami was not one of those.

    The ride back to their home was short and quiet. Wesley didn’t chastise the fact she’d left the safe zone, but she had a strong feeling he was leaving that for the Shaman.

    The desert gave way to the base of a mountain with a wood arch. Ami always trailed her eyes over the symbols carved into the wood. This kept them safe at the base of the mountain. The thin veil the magic held kept them safe and gave them enough power to keep the balance of good and evil. But it had to be protected.

    We rode into the small village that was put together with lingering dirt homes and stick housing that was crude at best. This was not the most comfortable place, but it was safe from the Demons of the world. We were all targets of some kind. Most got thrown into this war without any previous knowledge there was something more to it or that there were beings beyond human.

    Hurry up and get to the fire pit. I’ve got to talk to a couple other people, Wesley said, turning on her and heading off into his own direction. She stood there for a moment, waiting for a bitch out session from someone else and sure enough one person she didn’t want to see came running up to yell at her.

    What were you doing going off like that? She said. Ami took in the young girl. Her blond hair was long down her back. She dressed herself in a long dress and flat black shoes. Ami wondered how she expected to hunt Demons dressed like that.

    What do you care? Ami turned on her heel from the girl. She grabbed at her arm and pulled her back.

    We are all at risk if one of us gets caught or killed. You know that. She was getting annoying, and Ami was not going to stand there and listen to it.

    Jan, we’ve got to go to the fire pit. There’s some kind of meeting going on. We’ll talk about this after, okay? She said, hoping it would get her to drop the whole thing. If I don’t kill you first. She forced a smile and pulled away from Jan. The last thing she wanted was to deal with her and her Holier than thou attitude. Jan wanted to be the best, and it burned her ass that Ami was better in a shorter amount of time.

    Ami made her way to the fire pit and stood at the back. It was already full of the other fifty or sixty people living in the village. Some of them were teaching others, most were learning.

    I’ve called you all here for a reason, a small full blooded Native woman stepped into view. She was visibly wise, but she also looked like the kind of person you’d tell your life story to. She was short, and her long silver hair flowed down her back. She smiled and glanced at me before she stopped in the center in front of the fire.

    I have been given information from the Elders. There is a lot coming we may not be ready for. I want you all to stay close for at least a little while. Her eyes met Ami’s as though she was talking to her alone. Important work must be done, but we must do it as a team. No one person can stop the threat coming our way. I will tell you all more as needed. She stopped, turned and disappeared from view.

    Ami stood there for a moment, listening to the group chatter. Most didn’t understand what was going on, and why it mattered, but she knew it was crucial, and the Shaman wasn’t telling them everything. Why would she? They were almost all students of her teaching. None were ready to fight the big Demons in the world. Even if she thought she was.

    Ami walked towards the edge of the little village she lived in for most of her life. Everything changed when they found her, and she understood what she was fighting. She was stronger. She could understand what it was she was doing and how to kill the Demons that stole her entire life from her.

    The night was dark and hot. Ami was small, maybe five at most. She was sitting on the back steps when she heard the screaming of her mother. Ami ran into the house to see two men pinning her mother to the wall. They were both dressed in long coats and dark cowboy hats. She looked at them and back to her mother.

    The man farthest from her raised his head so she could see the face under the black cowboy hat. It looked normal, but his eyes were different, they seemed to glow. She watched in horror as a smile crept across his lips.

    That’s the one we’ve been looking for, he said, taking a step towards her. She felt almost frozen in fear, but her feet knew what to do. She turned and ran as fast her feet would allow. Ami knew she would never be able to run faster than these things, but she had to try. The desert was vast in front of her, but she knew it well from taking hunting trips with her father.

    Ami ran until someone grabbed her from behind and scooped her up. She closed her eyes and tried fighting the man.

    Hey, I’m trying to help you, he said, pulling her back so she could see he wasn’t the enemy. She met his eyes and waited a moment to see if they would do that odd glowing the others had done in her home, but they stayed the same dark brown color. She glanced behind him, but no one was there.

    He whistled and a white horse came trotting up to the pair. It was gigantic, but obedient. The man who saved her grabbed her around the waist and helped her onto the horse. He then got on behind her, and they rode to her new life.

    She sat quietly for a while before asking, who are you? He seemed to hesitate with his answer, but then decided to humor the child.


    Ami remembered the night all too well. She also remembered the day Adam didn’t come home. He gave his life for hers to make sure no one else had to suffer.

    She hoped that one day she could help someone the way he had.

    Ami kicked her boot into the sand around her feet. She shoved her hands into her pockets and thought about what the Shaman had said. It seemed as though the tide was closing in on her again after all this time. Ami wasn’t sure she could take it yet again. What if she lost those she loved again, or worse, she couldn’t handle the fight?

    What are you doing out here all by yourself? You’re not thinking of going off alone again are you? A voice said behind her. Ami knew it was Wesley. He was the one that always got onto her for every little thing.

    No, I just need time to think, she said, turning to face him. He wasn’t wearing his hat and his dark hair was combed neatly around his face. She couldn’t help but see how attractive he was when he wasn’t getting on her nerves.

    The Shaman wants to see you. He only moved enough for her to see his eyes. They shined a beautiful blue that made him light up underneath the hard expressions he normally gave.

    Ami wrinkled her nose. Why would she want to see me?

    I don’t know. She doesn’t tell me everything.

    You’ve been here the longest, you would think she would trust you with everything, She blurted before she thought about it. Wesley was the oldest in the village. A lot of others who were trained before him went off to other parts of the country and sometimes even the world to fight the Demons around us. He decided to stay and help with the village. Ami still didn’t know why.

    He shrugged and turned away from her. Ami walked back towards the middle of the village. When she got to the fire pit, she turned left and headed to the large home the Shaman lived in. It felt odd for her to be going into the largest structure in the village, but when the Shaman called, you went.

    Ami glanced around her as she made her way through the door. It smelled of earth and dirt all around her. This seemed odd since they lived in the middle of the desert, but she pushed the thought from her mind. When she took a second step, she could see the Shaman sitting to the right of her, eyes closed and breathing deeply.

    Please sit and we will talk, she said, no opening her eyes or moving. Ami did as she was told and sat on the part of the ground that was covered with a rug. She waited, wondering what it was the Shaman could want to talk to her about. A part of her just wanted to ask, but it seemed the old woman knew what she wanted.

    I know you are wondering why I’ve called you here. She opened her eyes and watched Ami. You don’t know everything about yourself and your family. You only know what was told to you. She waited. Ami felt her heart fall out of her chest. There was no way she thought her family was anything more than what they were. Her mother was a great cook. Her father was a good hunter and fed the family that way most of the time.

    What do you mean? Ami figured it was rude to ask what the heck was going on, but she needed to know.

    I cannot tell you. I can only say you must believe in who you are and why you’re here. You will be tempted to fall, but you must embrace your ancestors and the power they hold. The Shaman smiled and turned away again.

    Ami didn’t understand what the woman was saying. She took a deep breath and prodded again. I don’t understand what you mean?

    You will in time.

    Do you always talk in riddles or am I just special like that? Ami knew it was the wrong thing to say to such a powerful woman, but she didn’t care. How was she supposed to know what was going on, if she was only getting half the story?

    The old woman opened her eyes and gave her an annoyed look. Your destiny is out of my hands. I can only tell you what you need to start your journey, not finish it. That is up to you.

    Ami pulled the duster over her body. She often preferred sleeping outside instead of anywhere else. She could feel the ground underneath her and the air in her lungs. Even on the rare event of rain, she still stayed outside. It just felt like home. She closed her eyes and waited for sleep. It didn’t take long, but Ami wasn’t sure it was sleep at all she was experiencing. It felt like something more and something valuable.

    The sky looked a strange purple under the setting sun. Ami stood in the middle of the desert, her duster blowing around her. She could feel her blond hair hitting her cheeks as she waited.

    Something was coming, but Ami wasn’t sure what it was. She waited with uncertainty as the figure came closer. It was a man, dressed in black and smiling. He cocked his head to one side and stopped not far from her.

    My how you’ve grown. You have become more than just a child. He smiled larger as he spoke. Ami felt her blood go cold, and she felt her hand slid to her six shooter at her side.

    What do you want? Ami managed through her suddenly dry mouth. The man smiled.

    You don’t remember me? As he spoke, he raised his gaze.

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