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View From the Front Row
View From the Front Row
View From the Front Row
Ebook117 pages1 hour

View From the Front Row

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View From the Front Row The Jesus Movement by Larry Durham offers a unique perspective on the transformative Christian revival that swept the United States in the late 1960s. While existing narratives often focus on the leaders, Durham, a member of the congregation during the early '70s, provides an intimate portrayal from the eyes and ears of a

Release dateMay 10, 2024
View From the Front Row

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    View From the Front Row - Larry Durham

    View From the Front Row

    The Jesus Movement

    Larry Durham

    Copyright © 2024

    All Rights Reserved


    Dedicated to the one I love.

    My partner and my friend

    my wife,

    Nickie J. Durham


    First, I would like to acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Savior and Redeemer, along with the direction and power of the Holy Spirit.

    Secondly, I want to honour my wife, Nickie, for 55 years of not only being my soulmate but for all the things she has endured being my friend and partner and for her never-ending love.

    Third, I am so pleased that I have had a wonderful shepherd who was not only my pastor, teacher, and mentor but also my friend. I miss you, Papa Chuck; you were the closest man in my life whose love resembled that of Jesus Christ. Pastor Chuck Smith and the wonderful team and staff members of the Jesus Movement at CCCM.

    Next, I wish to thank my friends and family for reminding me of how wonderful the impact of the Jesus Movement was in our lives and for the great work the Lord continues to do.

    I want to personally thank Pastor Harry and his wife Linda Wilson, Amy Adams, Pastor Jeff Johnson, Nickie Durham, Bob Durham, Pastor Ron Wilkens, Chuck Missler, Bob Ward, and the many who had an impact on me and led me into a deeper relationship with my Lord.

    I want to give special credit to my favorite daughter-in-law, who created the graphics besides designing the book cover. Melissa Durham, who also gave us two wonderful granddaughters and a great-grandson (The Mav). Thank you!

    Certainly not last or least, but so that I might show separately from the others just how much love and respect we have for our daughter Mindie Lynn, who gave us our third granddaughter, the chosen one, Nevaeh. Chosen to become part of our family. Although at the time of adoption, she also chose us, and we are so proud of Mindie and cherish our Nev.

    Finally, I want to acknowledge Pastor Chuck again for his heart, the way he loved the sheep in the Jesus Movement, and his wonderful spirit-filled smile. Even though he voiced it, words were not necessary as God’s Love radiated to all through his beaming smile.

    On the first day of school MCA, Pastor Chuck with Bobby Durham, and Darcy Wilson

    About the Author

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    Born in Alliance, Nebraska, Larry Dean Durham was a part of the Jesus Movement from 1970 to 1982 at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California.

    He cites Chuck Smith, Chuck Missler, and Rick Warren as his mentors.

    After spending about 36 years working in the entertainment industry as a director of package engineering, he retired from the industry. As a result of that experience, he has a vast knowledge ofproducingmost printed packaging from LP Record Jackets, cassettes, CDs, and DVDs. Special, custom packaging was one of his strong suits and received special recognition (along with movie posters and lobby displays). Through his design talent, he has received 13 patents and numerous packaging awards for outstanding packaging design.

    Apart from sitting on many boards of church affiliates, he was the chairman of His Place Christian Centre in Indiana.

    He has written MTFT (My Thoughts for Today,) which includes over 450 devotionals written.

    Currently residing in North Carolina, Durham is married to Nickie and is the loving father of Robert and Mindie.


    Nickie’s View from the Front Pew

    Larry and I embarked on our journey as a married couple in 1968. At the time, I was a student at Azusa Pacific College, while Larry proudly served in the United States Air Force, stationed at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, Alaska. The year 1968 marked the beginning of our married life, and it was an adventure of a lifetime as we drove from Los Angeles, California, to Anchorage, Alaska—a truly unforgettable honeymoon trip.

    Our Alaskan chapter continued until June of 1969 when we decided to return to our home state of California. It was during this period, in October 1969, that our family welcomed its first addition, our son Bobby. Three years later, we celebrated the birth of our daughter, Mindie, whom we named after Mike Macintosh's daughter.

    Back in Southern California, we found ourselves attending the same church where our marital journey began, a place dear to us because it was also attended by my parents. While we cherished the people within that congregation, we couldn't help but feel disillusioned by the lack of substantial spiritual teaching. Consequently, we embarked on a quest to find a church that prioritized solid Biblical teachings, one that would challenge us and not dilute the Word of God in its sermons.

    One fateful day, as we shared our concerns with a friend, she introduced us to a little church in Santa Ana that was experiencing remarkable growth, primarily among younger individuals. This community was embracing Jesus and exuding enthusiasm for profound Biblical teachings. Intrigued by what we heard, Larry and I decided to give it a chance.

    The following Sunday morning found us at the doorsteps of a packed, modest chapel known as Calvary Chapel in Santa Ana. Our experience was nothing short of impressive, and we were instantly drawn to the vibrant atmosphere and the depth of the Biblical teachings we encountered there.

    Larry has asked me to contribute some of my own thoughts and insights about the special moments within the Jesus Movement and our experiences at Calvary Chapel; my view of the happenings, the wonderful things emanating from Calvary Chapel.

    Our first visit to Calvary Chapel, located on Greenville St. in Santa Ana, California, was nothing short of remarkable. The worship and praise were not only exhilarating but deeply rooted in biblical principles. The pastor, with his evident connection to the Lord, warmly welcomed us, and his excitement about our presence was palpable.

    Moreover, the presence of the Holy Spirit permeated the atmosphere, infusing the attendees with a joy that set this gathering apart from the many other churches we had previously attended. It was an extraordinary service where the worship was filled with unbridled joy, and Pastor Chuck's sermon left us eager to grasp its profound message.

    Our initial encounter with Calvary Chapel left us with no doubt: we wanted to return for the evening service. Once again, we were met with an awe-inspiring experience. The worship, led by one of the hippie bands, such as Love Song or The Way, who were newly saved and passionately devoted to the Lord, was nothing short of fiery and contagious.

    Chuck’s teaching was a highlight for me. His verse-by-verse approach to teaching provided us with spiritual nourishment that we deeply appreciated. Following that memorable Sunday, we became regular attendees.

    Sunday nights at Calvary Chapel were always bustling, requiring us to arrive an hour before the service began to secure our seats and check our three-year-old and newborn into the nursery when it opened. It was during these visits that we had the pleasure of meeting new friends, as well as reuniting with old ones. We would often gather in the front row, share food, and enjoy each other’s company before the nursery became available. The nursery was in high demand, making early arrival a necessity.

    I still vividly recall the nursery’s walls adorned with the scripture, Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed... from 1 Corinthians 15:51. It was a fitting reminder of the transformative power of our faith, one that perfectly encapsulated our experiences at Calvary Chapel.

    We were deeply appreciative of the nursery workers, as CCCM held services every night, and we had chosen to attend on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday nights. We extend our heartfelt blessings to the childcare workers and teachers who played an integral role in our uninterrupted learning and growth.

    From a woman’s perspective, Friday mornings held a special charm with the Women’s Study, expertly led by Kay Smith, the

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