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Kittens Causing Chaos: Amelia's Animals, #2
Kittens Causing Chaos: Amelia's Animals, #2
Kittens Causing Chaos: Amelia's Animals, #2
Ebook64 pages44 minutes

Kittens Causing Chaos: Amelia's Animals, #2

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About this ebook

Ten year old Amelia loves animals and is so excited to be part of the sanctuary that Figgy is building. The cattery isn't finished yet, but there's a mysterious box on the doorstep with two scared little kittens inside. Meanwhile, Mr. Gunder is trying to shut down the animal sanctuary before it has even opened.


Can Amelia help two frightened kittens and save the sanctuary from closure?

A heart-warming chapter book for children aged 7-10. Amelia helps to get the rescue centre ready to look after cats, and overcomes her shyness with new people to save the sanctuary.


Perfect to read independently, or read together with younger children.

Release dateOct 16, 2021
Kittens Causing Chaos: Amelia's Animals, #2

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    Book preview

    Kittens Causing Chaos - Rose Waterbrook


    Helping Out

    Can you pass me up another nail, Amelia, dear?

    Yes, Figgy, here you go. Amelia stood on her tiptoes and reached up, holding a nail out. Figgy was a stout older lady with curly grey hair and boundless energy. Right now, she was halfway up a stepladder, hammer in hand. She was busy nailing up a sign that said ‘Cattery’.

    Thank you. I don’t want the delivery people to get confused; I have a lot of packages coming today! Figgy banged the last nail in and came down the ladder, stepping back to admire her work.

    It’s looking good! When do you think the cattery will be ready? Amelia asked.

    Oh, I think two or three more weeks should do it. I’m so glad you came today. Would you help me pick out some scratching posts, and other things the cats will need?

    I’d love that! Amelia said. It was nearly four months since she had found a little puppy shivering in a field. She had taken the poor dog home and named it Lucky. The next day she had rescued Lucky’s mother, brothers, and sisters from the same field. It had turned out that the mother dog belonged to Figgy Highpole, who lived in the large manor house near her home. Figgy had asked Amelia to keep Lucky. Now it seemed like they had always been friends, and she could hardly remember a time without Lucky in her life. On cue, the little dog came bounding over. She had been playing with her sister Honey on the lawn, but now she wanted a fuss. Amelia bent down and scratched behind her ears.

    As they turned around to walk back to the manor house, they saw a man in a long, grey coat holding a large camera. A flash went off, startling them. The man spoke quickly with an out-of-town accent while they recovered themselves.

    Great, thank you ladies, that’s one for the front page!

    Who are you? Figgy asked, her surprise turning into anger.

    "I’m Simon Edges, from the Town Gazette. I’ve come to write an article on your animal sanctuary."

    Well... Figgy said, flustered, I’m very flattered, but we aren’t ready! We won’t be ready for some time. I would love to give you a proper tour and tell you all about it, but as you can see, we haven’t finished building anything yet.

    I know, I know, but I’ve got pages to fill. No offence meant, but this is a very sleepy little town. Hardly anything happens round here. Yet I have to fill my paper, week after week. I heard about you, and had precisely nothing to go on my front page, so here I am. Don’t worry, I’ll be back again when you are ready to open. And probably again after that, too. Whenever anything happens really. Anything at all.

    Figgy, who usually always had plenty to say, looked stumped for once. Her mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. Amelia felt her face becoming hot. She didn’t know why, but she had become shy around new people recently. Figgy still looked lost for words, so Amelia screwed up her courage and spoke to the reporter.

    Do you want to come and see where the kennels are going to be? I can tell you all about our plans for the dogs.

    Yes, said Figgy, seeming to snap out of her daze. "That would be a good idea. Let’s go have a walk around. You know, it won’t hurt to build up a bit of a buzz about the place. We’ll be looking for charitable

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