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Silent Heart
Silent Heart
Silent Heart
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Silent Heart

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Rich in emotions of love, loss, and future happiness. Ava struggles with self-love, insecurities and a silent heart as she grieves the death of family members and the end of her marriage.

After dating her old high school friend and crush, Ben Wolfe, for the past few months, he shows her a night she will never forget, full of passion, love and promise of forever, but will it be enough?

Can Ava find her happily-ever-after with Ben? Or will she succumb to the challenges when her narcissistic ex-husband, Rowan, reappears in her life? Ava seems to be intrigued by Rowan's proposal for her daughter's education, but she has reservations about his motives. She worries that he may be employing his past tactics of exploiting her vulnerabilities to win her over.

Ben and Ava seem to be struggling with their emotional connection, and their efforts to communicate are only pushing them farther apart. Ben's optimism prevails, even in the face of persistent stalking by his former love interest. He maintains his hope of restoring his relationship with Ava, undeterred by the challenges he faces.

In order to achieve genuine happiness, Ava needs to prioritize her independence, focus on her own healing, and work on rebuilding her ability to trust and love.

Release dateOct 31, 2023
Silent Heart

Deborah Adele

Deborah Adele is an author of sexy, steamy and heartwarming happily-ever-afters. After years of selling real estate and being an interior decorator, Deborah found a welcome escape in writing romance. She carries her notebook with her everywhere so she can capture every idea as it comes. Deborah enjoys the best life has to offer, from travelling the world to spending lazy evenings in her boat on the various lakes of Muskoka, watching the sunsets in the arms of her husband. When time allows, they enjoy sharing a bottle of wine as they cook new recipes together. One day, if her husband can keep his hands off her long enough, they may even try making a dessert. Deborah is a lover of cooking, reading and spending time with family and friends. She is currently working on her next novel.

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    Silent Heart - Deborah Adele

    Copyright © 2023 by Deborah Adele

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Tellwell Talent


    978-1-998190-44-7 (Hardcover)

    978-1-998190-43-0 (Paperback)

    978-1-998190-45-4 (eBook)

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    About The Author

    Praise for

    Silent Grief - To New Beginnings

    Trilogy - Book One

    "This author’s talent is something very special. Silent Grief is an emotionally consuming story about loss, finding peace, and discovering love again. Beautifully written, I fell in love with Jacob and Arya from the very first introduction of their characters. I sensed that the author was close to the subject matter because it was so real and authentic. Just a lovely story and a fabulous ending. I can’t wait to read more from this brilliant writer."

    Renee H.

    "Silent Grief: To New Beginnings by Deborah Adele is the first book I’ve read by this author. Wow, just wow… the emotional rollercoaster this book took me on was breathtaking. The emotions the characters went through, I felt them as if they were my own. Sadness, Loss, inadequacy, needing to distract yourself…all of those feelings were so well written. I smiled, felt my heart crack at times . . . Deborah Adele has a gift of writing, that’s for sure. The character, Arya, needs a fresh start so she moves to a new place . . . Bellmere. She has so much heartache from her past that she tries to bury it behind new friends and a booming business but emotions need to be felt. That is something this book is very good at getting across. Then Jacob enters the picture who’s trying to move past his marriage that just didn’t work. He meets Arya and there’s this connection that neither of them expected. Reading this couple’s work through the ups and downs in their life was truly a great read. It was a steamy romance that had such a great emotional tone . . . it kept me reading until the very last page. It was a quick read coming in at 215 pages but don’t let that fool you, there was a lot to delve into. I recommend this book."

    Kim Dabbs

    There are certain ways words can be arranged to wake up your senses, your desires, your fantasies. Descriptions become visions of how something looks or feels against your skin. Deborah does all those things in her writing. I love this author’s writing and hope there are many more books to follow.

    Larry K Morphew Author

    Hard to put down, engaging, excellent read. I had a difficult time putting the book down. I read the book in two days. The book is intense, emotional, and a must-read.

    Trish W.

    Engaging, Seductive. Couldn’t put it down. Captivating, emotional and well written. You could feel every emotion of the characters — their pain, eagerness, wanting. I can’t wait to see what the Author has in store for these characters! Hoping for a series!"

    Trista P.

    I could barely put the book down. It was very interesting. I always needed to know more. Knowing grief is real and we all deal with it in our own way but also knowing it is okay to move forward and on with our lives — just how the book describes with the two characters. Very heartwarming after all for the two characters as well

    Tammy M.

    I loved how Jacob and Arya’s paths kept crossing and how they both changed within themselves as fate drew them to each other. Can’t wait to read the next one!

    Christina M.

    Definitely a great read. The book keeps your interest from start to finish and you can feel the emotions from the character.

    Crystal Mark

    "Silent Grief is the story of two people who are getting over relationships and a missed connection they just can’t forget. Jacob is a powerful businessman who recently divorced. When he bumps into a woman at the airport, he is stunned by her beauty but misses the chance to get her name. Arya recently lost her husband, Liam, in a terrible accident that also took her father and brother. She is still grieving, and we see the love that she and Liam shared throughout the book in flashback. (I thought those scenes were really powerful.) She also can’t get the man she encountered at the airport out of her head. One thing I loved about this book is had a great feel like that movie Serendipity. The two main characters are both friends with another of the main couples, Isabelle and Andrew, as Andrew works for Jacob and Anya does interior design for them. There are all these fun near misses and I also liked seeing Isabelle and Andrew as a couple. I really liked the author’s note at the end, and loved how the book incorporated the themes that life goes on no matter how bad our losses and love and happiness are possible after loss and grief. This was steamy and romantic and I can’t wait for Deborah Adele’s next book!"

    Kat Kinney Author

    To my husband Terry with love and gratitude for his continued support.

    Chapter 1

    Fuck, fuck, fuck, Ava shrieked, her voice echoing through the upstairs hallway.

    The scream caused Ava’s mother, Gloria, to wake abruptly from a deep sleep. She threw the covers off and sat. She reached over, fumbling as she switched on the lamp, rubbing her eyes to clear her vision. She started blinking as she focused on the clock on the nightstand.

    Midnight, she groaned, swinging her legs off the bed and sliding her feet into her pink slippers’ soft fluffiness.

    One of these days, that girl is going to give me a heart attack, she thought as she put on a robe and hurried down the hall to Ava’s bedroom, crossing the two sides of her belt and tying them in a knot. When she entered, the light was on. Gloria looked around the room, but Ava wasn’t there. She walked back out to the hallway, hearing Ava swearing again.

    Dear, what in the heck are you cursing about? Gloria said as Ava swung open the washroom door, causing Gloria to jump back.

    Ava stood in her purple flannel bottoms and matching T-shirt, with her wildly tousled hair spilling over her face, concealing her eyes.

    Oh no, your hair, Gloria’s chin dropped. It’s bright green, she said, placing her hand over her mouth as an accidental laugh escaped.

    No shit, Mom, Ava said, pulling her hair off her reddened face and exposing the tears rolling down.

    What the heck happened?

    I bought one of those boxes of hair dye from the pharmacy, she said, pulling at her hair.

    Gloria stepped forward so she could better see the green strands of Ava’s hair.

    My hair! Ava sobbed. It’s ruined. What am I going to do, Mother? Arya’s wedding is in two days.

    Ava’s shoulders sagged, and she continued to cry.

    I don’t know. But in the meantime, you better find a hat and turn on the fan, she said, scrunching her nose. You need to get rid of that offensive stench. At this point, Gloria couldn’t help herself as she laughed.

    Mother, this is not funny, Ava said through gritted teeth as she stomped her feet on the marble-looking porcelain tile floor of the bathroom.

    No, dear, I guess it’s not, Gloria said. Still standing in the doorway, she reached out, placing her hand on Ava’s shoulder. I’m going to bed and keep that voice of yours under your breath before you wake the girls.

    The following morning, Ava stood in front of the entranceway table. It was a beautiful, rich, red-stained table her father had built from natural, reclaimed wood many years ago. The table had been in the exact location for as long as Ava remembered. She stood there digging in her purse for her keys.

    Come on, girls, put your weekend bags in the SUV. We need to get you dropped off at Mr. & Mrs. Chaplin’s. Then, Nana and I have to get on the highway to Bellemere. Papa will be meeting us at Auntie Arya’s at eleven o’clock.

    Before going along with her girls out the front door, Ava caught her image in the oval gold framed antique mirror above the table. Her face drained of colour as she felt the churning in her stomach.

    How could I be that dumb? I should’ve known better than to dye my hair, she thought. Why do I do these things to myself? I knew this would happen. Now, my hair is bright slime green from the roots to the ends of my hair.

    Since Ava’s divorce over four years ago, the girls and she had been living in Redfield with her mother, Gloria. Ava had been able to manage her finances, living off her savings. But with the girls starting back to school soon, it drained most of her account. Nevertheless, she just hoped she had enough left on her credit card to go to the hairdresser to fix her hair and hopefully get through the weekend.

    Ava knew she needed a job, but now, at thirty-five, it wouldn’t be a straightforward undertaking. Married not long after high school, she never worked outside the home. She handled things this long without help, but looking in the mirror at her hair, she knew she would have to make a few changes after her sister Arya’s wedding.

    How are things ever going to change for me? she thought. Sometimes, I wonder why I bother trying.

    With a deep breath, she turned to put on one of her late father’s black baseball caps, which she had found on the top shelf of the closet. As she grabbed the hat, she knocked her purse off the table, spilling its contents all over the red vintage rug that ran the length of the hallway on top of the porcelain floor.

    For Christ’s sake, she said as she tucked her hair underneath the ball cap. Then, bending, she picked up her keys and placed them in her pocket. Roughly handling the objects that spilled across the floor, she jammed them inside her bag. She got up, walked outside, and slammed the door behind her.

    Ava’s oldest daughter, Abigail, was putting her duffle bag in the back of the SUV when Ava came and stood beside her.

    Mom, I don’t understand why we can’t go to Auntie Arya’s wedding, especially when it’s a costume party. It should include us. Abigail said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

    Costume party? Ava said with her forehead wrinkling,

    Yeah, Mommy, isn’t that why your hair is green? Ava’s youngest daughter, Harper, asked as she tugged on a stand of her mother’s green hair bouncing on the balls of her feet beside Abigail.

    No, that is not why my hair is green. Now, I already told you it’s a late wedding. No children allowed.

    Then, finally, the middle daughter, Grace, piped up. Mommy, that’s stupid.

    Hey, what did I tell you about using that word? The three of you get in the car now, Ava said with a stern look of disapproval.

    Well, ‘stupid’ is not as awful a word as the one Mom used last night, Harper said to her sisters, and the three of them giggled as they got into the back seat.

    After a two-hundred-mile drive, Gloria and Ava arrived in Bellemere. Arya was waiting for them, sitting on her wicker chair on the front porch. She was wearing pink-coloured leggings and a black crop top, enjoying a cup of coffee, and listening to the birds in the yard.

    Ava climbed out of the driver’s seat and started walking up the driveway, pulling off the baseball cap and exposing her hair. Arya took one look at Ava, threw her head backwards, and burst out with laughter.

    Why do you and Mother think this is funny? Ava said with her hands on her hips.

    Well, for one thing, I think that green hair looks hideous with your blue eyes, Arya said, fighting for air from laughing uncontrollably.

    I wish they would stop laughing at me. Do they not know how much it hurts me, Ava thought as she stood in the driveway, twisting her face in disgust.

    Ava’s attention was drawn to the sound of a vehicle approaching. She turned and saw Mr. Montgomery Hill the Third driving his new pearl white two-door convertible up the driveway. As he exited his car, he wasn’t a man who went unnoticed. He was a tall, well-tanned, distinguished-looking, well-dressed, and well-groomed gentleman in his early sixties. With greying hair, he still looked younger than his age, with a few lines on his face and eyes that crinkled when he smiled.

    Montgomery was the perfect match for Gloria. She was an elegant and vibrant woman full of vivacity — a widow who had not been ready to love again after losing her husband. But when she met Montgomery, he instantly gave her all the beautiful emotions she had been missing, the ones that warmed her insides. He made her feel safe and whole again.

    In the beginning, Gloria hid the fact that she was seeing him. She was afraid her family wasn’t ready to see their mother with another man, someone other than their father. Besides, she wasn’t sure if she was prepared to be with someone new in her late fifties.

    But as time moved forward, so did their relationship. The more Montgomery and Gloria saw each other, the more they opened their hearts and let the other in.

    Her children and grandchildren accepted him with open arms. Montgomery was the man the younger children now called ‘Papa.’

    He looked at Ava.

    I’m not even going to ask, he said, shaking his head and helping Gloria with her bags before holding the door open on the passenger side.

    I’ll see you girls tomorrow, Gloria said, getting into Montgomery’s sports car.

    Bye, Ava and Arya said simultaneously as Montgomery waved.

    Ava grabbed her suitcase before closing the hatch of her SUV.

    Come on, a pot of coffee is on. It’s a good thing you called me on your way here. I was able to get you an appointment for one o’clock. That gives us plenty of time to get you settled, Arya said.

    Ten minutes later, they were sitting in Arya’s living room when she had to ask, Ava, what were you thinking? Why would you dye your hair.

    Because I wanted to look unforgettable at your wedding, she said, twirling her fingers in her hair.

    Well, you, without a doubt, accomplished that, Arya said with laughter.

    Hahaha, not funny, Arya. Anyway, this will be the first time for Ben and me, she said, taking a sip of her coffee.

    What? Arya said, lifting her eyebrows and cocking her head. After six months of you and Ben dating. You haven’t had sex.

    Ava looked away, focusing on the waterfall painting above the fireplace, and she began shifting in her seat.

    No, we have not. But it’s not from lack of trying. It’s always been terrible timing. The girls always need my attention, she said, shrugging.

    Ava was uncomfortable talking about it; she wished she hadn’t mentioned it.

    Things might come easy for Arya, but nothing seems to work out for me, Ava thought.

    They were sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace. Looking around the living room, it was the same as Ava remembered it. A room that radiated hospitality and charm, a warm and cozy space that said, ‘Stay a while.’ It had subtle coloured paint on the walls, and there were two wing chairs in the room with plump pillows in pastel shades. She sucked in a deep breath, rubbing her hand on the extravagant linen fabric of the sofa arm. What are your plans for this place after the wedding?

    Well, I considered keeping it as a furnished rental property.

    Ava took a drink of coffee and began fidgeting in her seat again. Then,

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