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Perspective: Metanoid Mates, #1
Perspective: Metanoid Mates, #1
Perspective: Metanoid Mates, #1
Ebook236 pages4 hours

Perspective: Metanoid Mates, #1

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In the dance of shadows, even the strongest heart must brave the darkness.

In a world where myth meets reality, my life changes dramatically with Ian's arrival. He reveals a world where Metanoids—mythical beings with extraordinary abilities—live among humans. Ian, a Sanguine-type Metanoid, introduces me to werewolves, wizards, and vampire-like creatures, upending my view of reality.


Our love story unfolds against a backdrop of danger as rogue Metanoids threaten the balance between the supernatural and the human world. Ian's duty to maintain this balance draws us closer, challenging my preconceptions and pulling me into the Metanoid realm.


As we confront trust, passion, and a secret war that could reshape our reality, our love faces its ultimate test. Together, we embark on an adventure that delves into the essence of love, questioning whether a future is possible for us in a world that refuses to remain hidden.

PublisherKelly Dodson
Release dateMay 11, 2024
Perspective: Metanoid Mates, #1

Kelly Dodson

Kelly Dodson lives in Minnesota with her husband, son, and two cats. Kelly started writing as a hobby. Over the years Kelly developed a passion for drawing readers into the story. A story is meant to do more than entertain but to give the reader a glimpse into another world. It is a break from the daily routine and the expectations of the world. Enjoy the journey.

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    Perspective - Kelly Dodson


    Amy was closing up the cafe that night. Not her favorite shift. You always had that last-minute customer who would dodge in the door and then order the most complicated drink after debating about it for fifteen extra minutes. But tonight she got a little bit of a break at least. Her favorite customer came in later than usual. Ian came to the cafe and smiled as he walked in. It always made him relax to see Amy. Amy beamed like the sun when he came in, Hey, handsome! Ian winked as he came up, Evening, baby. My usual please. Amy nodded, starting to prep it, You are later tonight than usual. Ian leaned against the counter, Extra points to you for paying attention to my schedule. Work ran late and so did the train. It was one of those days. Amy shook her head, Must be a full moon or something then, cause my bus was early so I missed it and then it’s just been one picky person after the next all day. Ian took his drink as she handed it to him, Do you open tomorrow? Amy shook her head, Nope. I’m off actually. Ian smiled, Good then if we let off steam at the new club then no harm done. Amy flushed with a smile, I will take you up on that offer if you can wait like fifteen minutes. Ian nodded, moving to one of the oversized chairs nearby, You got it, baby. Amy started to clean up at record speed. She could hardly believe it, she had been flirting with Ian for weeks now. It was outside her comfort zone and she never in a million years thought he would actually like her back. Ian was the type of guy she had always hoped would pay attention to her. Just the right mix of a bad boy look with a good guy underneath. Ian had shoulder-length black hair, gray eyes, multiple ear piercings, and his eyebrow pierced. That was in contrast to Amy's blonde hair with red dyed tips, a nose piercing and double ear piercings, and a general good girl feel.

    Amy flipped the sign on the door to closed and nodded in satisfaction, All wrapped up for the night! Ian walked out with her and waited as she locked the door. The pair walked side by side to the nearby subway station talking. They got on the subway train to find it packed. It was a weekend night and many people were heading out for the night just like them. Ian found a handhold and turned to Amy. Amy chuckled with a flush, Well guess it’s a good thing you are cute. Ian winked with a smile, I was just thinking the same thing about you. Amy looped her arms around his neck loosely replying, Well off to a good start then. The pair swayed as the train stopped and people came and went. Amy cringed as a guy who was obviously already drunk grabbed onto a handhold on her other side. She unconsciously pressed closer to Ian and moments later felt him shift and her body pivot. Amy glanced around a second to realize that Ian had shifted to where he now had his back to the drunk and Amy was next to some teenager on their cell phone. Amy looked up to Ian who winked with a small smile. Amy flushed but leaned up to say softly, Bonus points for chivalry. Ian leaned down to say next to her ear, I’ll collect on my credits later, baby. Amy felt a thrill run through her that was new. She was slightly intimidated by this whole outing but at the same time loved it. The train swayed several stops later and Amy released Ian’s neck to slip a hand into his as they moved through the sea of people on the platform. They came out onto the street and moved down the block to where a large line was already forming. Amy tugged at her button-down blue over-shirt she had on covering a white tank top. She felt a bit casual and less sexy at the moment. She and Ian kept up a good conversation while they waited. Even though they didn’t have identical interests they were similar enough to be compatible which made Amy nervous and excited even more. After a while, they were let inside the club that pulsed with dance music. The pair moved to the dance floor instantly and started with their worst dance moves. After a few good laughs and a change of songs, Amy gave a small smile as Ian reached out pulling her against him. She leaned into him as they began to dip and move as one. Amy felt her body heat and was grateful the dim lighting would help hide her flushed cheeks. Yet the more they danced the more hot and aroused she felt. She almost second-guessed herself, she never fell so quickly or so physically for anyone.

    Ian felt his body hum with excitement as Amy leaned against him. Her body fit snugly against his, making him even more aware of her. It was only a matter of time before Amy tipped her face up to him and he leaned down brushing his lips over hers. A shudder ran through both of them and Ian knew he was in trouble. He gently guided Amy off the dance floor to a booth they could sit at. Amy turned her green eyes to his gray ones as she slid into the booth next to him. Ian resisted the urge to loop an arm around her shoulders and draw her against him. He wanted nothing more than to explore her further but not without clarifying things first. Amy spoke before he could, Ian…I want to say thank you for an amazing night and…. Her voice trailed off a moment as she looked down. Amy frowned, reaching out to lightly touch one of his hands that was on the table. There was a gash healing on the back of his hand that was mostly covered by his long black shirt sleeves. Amy asked softly, What happened? Ian swallowed a bit at her light touch across his hand saying, My job…is dangerous. Occupational hazard to get some marks. Ian sighed running his other hand through his hair refusing to meet her gaze, You could do better than me, Amy. Truthfully. You are attractive, hard-working, sweet, and just a calm spirit. I deal with dark things, straight-up science fiction. Amy continued to absently lightly trace the mark on his hand saying, Even so you come to the cafe every day and you smile at me. You don’t make crude comments, you don’t get frustrated waiting in a line…simple crap I know but that to me means you can control yourself. Not to mention you kept me away from the drunk idiot on the train and never once grabbed my ass while dancing. Ian gave a light chuckle, It was very tempting for the record. Amy flushed a bit but reached out turning his face to hers, Ian…as corny as it sounds I like you. Ian covered her hand on his face while whispering, Amy, I think the corny stuff is part of your appeal but that aside I…don’t want to scare you. Amy chuckled a bit, Scary isn’t one of the words coming to mind at the moment. Ian gave a slight smile, Oh believe me my mind is in all kinds of places… Amy blushed a bit but replied, I don’t do one-night stands, just for the record. Ian responded in a low voice, Not a chance.

    Later that night Amy was back in her small apartment washing her face. Her mind was replaying every detail of the time with Ian at the dance club. There was a list of unanswered questions a mile long. Yet that didn't stop Amy’s pulse from skipping along when her phone beeped with a text. Amy unlocked her phone and smiled to see Ian had written Is now too soon to reach out again? The pair texted back and forth for quite some time before Amy laid down to rest. When the occasion came a week later to go out dancing again Amy didn’t hesitate. The pair had been texting off and on non-stop during that time. Amy felt underdressed the second time at the club but her mind didn’t linger long on that worry. It was soon drinking in every move, touch, and sway of dancing with Ian. Amy slipped a hand into Ian’s eventually and pulled him to the side. They paused along the far wall and Amy raised herself on tip-toe to speak closer to Ian’s ear so he could hear her over the throbbing music, I’m done with dancing for now, handsome. Ian nodded that he had heard her and asked in return, Of course. What would you like to do?

    Amy felt herself shiver slightly at the warm gaze Ian was locking her with. She managed to say softly, This is the point where one of us asks whose apartment we are going to, I think. Ian laughed quietly taking her hand from his face, replying, Mine is like three blocks. Amy took his hand and moved from the booth tugging him with her, Then that's the closest, handsome. The pair came out of the club and Ian guided them down the block. They had to pause at a crosswalk and Ian murmured, Thank God. Amy chuckled, turning to look up at him, Why? Ian looped an arm around her waist and leaned down, taking her lips in his gently, slowly. Amy melted against him, returning his embrace. Ian pulled away as the light changed and they could cross. Amy had a silly smile as she nearly skipped alongside him, Any more crosswalks? Ian laughed with a wink, One more, baby. But they were able to dash across that one as they came up to it. Ian paused outside a large set of warehouse-type buildings. He opened the door to one and brought Amy inside. They moved to a freight elevator and took it up to the third floor. Amy moved once they were in the elevator to loop her arms around Ian’s neck bringing her lips back to his. Ian latched an arm around her waist pressing her to him and cradled her head with the other deepening the kiss instantly. Amy didn’t care that it had been a year since her last relationship. Everything came naturally with Ian. She was never impulsive but all she cared about at the moment was being with him in every way possible. As the elevator doors and cage rattled open Ian shifted to grab her waist and Amy broke from kissing him to giggle and jumped up slightly. Ian caught her under her legs as she wrapped them around his waist, carrying her inside. Ian set her down to sit on the edge of a long marble countertop and she tossed her purse to the side kissing him again. Ian deftly unbuttoned her over-shirt and Amy tugged the sleeves free, leaving it on the counter as Ian pulled her off to stand and then guided her down to another room.

    Amy felt herself lay back on a soft bed. Her tank top had come off somewhere in the hallway as had Ian’s shirt. Amy reached up, lightly running her fingers over several scars she found. She then sat up slightly to where he stood beside the bed kicking off his shoes. Ian visibly shuddered as she lightly kissed each mark on his smooth chest and torso. Soon enough Amy was only wearing her lace pink underwear and Ian in his boxers. Amy whimpered and moaned as Ian fondled her breasts. Ian took her lips in his and dove his tongue into her mouth. Amy gripped his shoulders and felt the tips of something hard, more than shoulder blades would be. Granted at the moment she could care less. Ian broke away to catch his breath slightly letting his hand travel from her breast down to cup her ass. Amy gazed up at him whispering, What are you thinking, handsome? Ian gave a roguish smile, I’ve been fantasizing about you this past month. To taste and feel you is heaven, baby. Amy moaned, arching towards him as he squeezed her ass lightly, And here I was worried about disappointing you. Ian leaned down kissing her lightly before saying, Not possible, baby. You are beautiful…sexy…and I’m not even remotely finished with you yet. The pair were soon intertwined but slow and deliberate about making love. As they calmed Ian lay beside her drawing her against him. Amy nestled close whispering, You’d better be here in the morning, handsome. Ian kissed her shoulder replying, I’m not going anywhere, baby. Amy found him to be truthful as when she woke slowly the next morning Ian was beside her still. Amy propped herself up slightly beside him and then pouted to find his gray eyes open, You are already awake? Ian chuckled, reaching a hand up to stroke her cheek, I don’t usually sleep much, baby. Amy kissed his hand before pointing to a long trio of scars on his left side, So are these from work? Ian nodded, Yeah…occupational hazard. Amy cocked an eyebrow, So you are sexy, mysterious, and dangerous? Ian winked with a smile, Something like that. Amy propped herself up and reached out to where her phone was on the nightstand nearby, I have plans this afternoon but nothing this morning, handsome. Ian had smoothly grabbed his shirt from beside the bed and already had it on when she turned around, Then why don’t you clean up first and I’ll make breakfast, baby. Amy looked up as he came around the bed to lean down and kiss her, You cook too? Ian nodded, A few things. Ian moved towards the kitchen and Amy went into the large, tiled bathroom.

    Amy finished a rather luxurious shower and dried her hair before pulling on her clothes from the day before. She pulled her hair into a braid while talking to her reflection softly, Okay, we are never this spontaneous but for shit's sake, this guy is incredible. Almost too good. I mean, a dangerous job leaves a lot of unknown territory. Amy sighed letting her arms fall to her sides, But I can sense an asshole a mile away and I’m not getting any of that from him. Amy ran a hand over her face, One day at a time. She smiled with a chuckle to herself, And it’s been a hell of a first week so far. Amy came into the kitchen and Ian was setting food on the table, Perfect timing, baby. Amy sat with a smile, Wow, you made eggs, pancakes, and bacon? With fruit options too. Ian sat saying, Only the best for you, baby. Amy took a bite before saying, I do not live this elegant fairytale life, handsome. So if you are looking for a high fashion, trophy girl, then you’d best keep moving. Ian shook his head, Hell no. I may have many things but that doesn’t mean I expect it. Nor do I want a bitch who is a gold digger. I work hard for what I have and I want to be with someone who does the same. Amy took another bite before asking, So what happens now, handsome? Ian swallowed a bite of food, Well neither of us does one-night stands, baby. So, we get to know each other and likely rock each other's worlds often. Amy rested her chin on her hand, Sounds like a good plan to me, handsome. Amy left later that morning with a smile and giddy feeling in her stomach. That night as she was back in her apartment her phone buzzed with a text from Ian Missing you already, baby. Do you work tomorrow? Amy responded I open the cafe tomorrow and miss you too, handsome. Ian replied Ill be out working late tonight. Have any plans tomorrow afternoon? Amy typed back Only if it involves this sexy, mysterious man that I met recently. Ian sent back a winky face Sleep well, baby.

    Amy sat in her apartment one morning when her phone buzzed with a video call. She quickly answered it with a smile. She propped up her phone on her kitchen table before sitting and signing as she spoke, Good morning you two! Two teenagers were sitting on what looked like a park bench. They both had vivid green eyes and black hair. The girl of the pair smiled back even as the young man signed Do you work today? Amy nodded, signing and speaking aloud again, Yes I work this afternoon until the place closes. Will you two stop by? The young man moved to hold the phone while the young woman signed Yes! It is nice enough weather to walk. Amy then asked while her hands moved in sync with her verbal words, Are you two okay? Can I get you anything to bring with me? The young woman looked to her companion who shoved the phone at her before signing Some Tylenol would be good. River needs her girl hygiene stuff too. The young woman, River, pouted with a slight flush but nodded. Amy chuckled, You got it! I can’t wait to see you two later. River pushed the phone into the young man’s hands before signing Anything new or exciting with you? Amy chuckled with a wink, Well I have met a guy… Both instantly leaned towards the phone with smiles and both tried to sign around holding the phone. Amy laughed before signing as she said, His name is Ian and he is a regular at the cafe. Turns out that he is not only sexy but a gentleman. So we are dating and we’ll see where it goes. The young man finally managed to sign, We should meet him. Make sure he isnt a bastard. River nodded enthusiastically. Amy pouted as she said, I appreciate it but I promise my asshole radar is pretty accurate. How about with you two? Both shrugged and shook their heads. The conversation came to an end and Amy headed to get the supplies the twins requested. River sighed turning to sign to her brother after the call I don't like hiding things from Amy. We lied. All these weird things have happened. Sky signed in reply I know but what could she do? It might frighten her. She already worries about us. I don't want her to feel like she needs to worry more. River ran her hands over her face I agree but I wish there was someone we could talk to. Sky rolled his eyes signing Right. Because being able to do magic shit is a totally normal conversation. River shoved him slightly. Sky smiled slightly before signing We have each other. We can figure out anything.

    As Amy went to the store, her mind was turning over every detail about recent events. She was still waiting for some red flag to pop up in regards to Ian. Hell, she was looking for the damn things. She had never met a guy who didn’t have something that she had to ignore and tell herself would change. But the worst conflict so far had merely been when Ian had a long day and was short with her on the phone one time. A quick apology followed and Amy had heard far worse. Amy lay one night when she was over at his apartment. Ian had managed to fall asleep for once before she did. She studied his features in the dim light. Amy went through a mental checklist of warning signs and yet still came up with nothing worth noting. Nothing more than what would make someone human. Amy and Ian saw each other daily for a month. At the end of the month, Ian told Amy she could choose the date night one night. Amy chose a shooting range she had been to many times before. Ian met her there and came pulling her close for a kiss, Feeling lethal, baby? Amy chuckled, It’s a pastime of mine and I wanted to share it with you. Ian nodded, Thanks, baby. Alright, you pick the first round of weapons. The pair put in earplugs and stepped back to where paper targets hung down the lanes. Both fired several shots and the paper targets swung up to them to view. Amy smiled, holding out hers, Not bad for me! She had managed all shots within the center mass of the target. Ian tugged the paper down and turned it to her. It seemed to just have a large hole in the center. However, Amy had been at shooting ranges enough to know that meant he had hit the exact center with every shot. Amy put a hand on her hip, This time you show me what you usually work with, handsome. Ian chuckled, coming to kiss her slowly, Then let's make it interesting. Make a bet. Amy slid a hand up to his shoulder, I bet you can’t do that perfect center with three different gun types. Your choice of guns. Ian placed a hand at her hip tugging her against him, And if I do? Amy gave a coy smile, Then you get to see some recent shopping I did once we are back at your place. Ian patted her ass lightly, I look forward to it, baby. Amy then watched as Ian lined up three different guns of a variety of sizes. He

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