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The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist: The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist, #1
The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist: The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist, #1
The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist: The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist, #1
Ebook508 pages7 hours

The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist: The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist, #1

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He accidentally traveled to a brand new world, where he discovered some pathogens that had long disappeared in human history, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites. With his profound knowledge and technology in modern biochemistry, he began to exert influence in this world. He made up his mind to help those who were ostracized by society, possessed special abilities but were called "Mutants." These people were isolated and discriminated against because of their unique abilities. Through his efforts, he established a powerful group composed of marginalized individuals—the Mutant Knights. They not only bravely confronted the old feudal system and hostile forces but also fought for equality and respect for the mutants. The establishment and efforts of this team gradually changed society's view of people with special abilities and led a profound social transformation.

PublisherWesley Wang
Release dateMay 11, 2024
The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist: The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist, #1

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    Book preview

    The Chronicles of the Mysterious Alchemist - Wesley Wang

    Chapter 1

    The night was low, and the earth was bathed in quiet darkness. Stars shone brightly in the deep night sky, like the Milky Way spreading out. Bright moonlight poured over the earth, reflecting the outlines of buildings. Occasionally a cloud or two drifted by, blocking the bright moon and making the light on the streets unpredictable.

    The lights on the soccer field reflect your tired but satisfied smiles. Teammates huddle together, patting each other on the shoulder, exchanging thanks and compliments. Everyone gave their best in this day’s game, showing their skills and passion to the fullest, creating wonderful memories together.

    As the whistle blew for the end of the game, teammates gathered in the center of the court and gave each other high fives. You exchanged sincere smiles and encouraging looks with each other, feeling the tacit understanding and unity without words.

    When the time came to say goodbye, teammates expressed their anticipation for the next gathering and shook hands together to say goodbye.

    A soccer game had just ended, Seth said goodbye to his teammates and walked out of the stadium by himself, looking at his watch it was already 8:00 p.m., he was ready to plan to go home and rest.

    I’m so tired, I’m really tired from playing soccer, but I enjoyed it, I worked well with my teammates, and luckily I won! Seth said to himself.

    Shortly after leaving the field, Seth looked at a store not far away and was about to go over there when suddenly his eyes went black and he rushed to hold onto the tree next to him, breathing in and out in big gulps.

    Sure enough, low blood sugar, next time I’ll have to prepare some food in advance before the game, and eat and rest for a while before I leave. Seth headed towards the store not too far away, thinking to hurry over and get something to eat.

    Seth got up and jogged over.

    There was a sudden blinding light and a sharp brake.

    The sharp pain was like a sharp blade piercing into the flesh, and one could not help but let out a gut-wrenching moan.

    The piercing siren of the ambulance, the shouts of the people next to his ears, the ticking of the machine as it ran.

    Seth’s consciousness gradually detached from his body.

    I don’t know how long it took for Seth to wake up from his drowsiness, blinking hard as his vision finally cleared a little.

    The first thing that appeared in front of her eyes was the hidden roof illuminated by the light of the candles. At the same time hands felt straw laying beneath her body.

    Where is this place? Unsure, Seth slowly sat up.

    In the candlelight, he looked at his young, thin hands, and he realized at this moment that something was seriously wrong, as he realized that his own 26 year old mature man had physically turned into a teenager!

    I’ve crossed over! Seth understood the current situation at the first moment.

    Although he had read similar plots in novels and movies, when it actually happened to him, the first thing that came to his mind was only helplessness and despair.

    Taking a few minutes to calm down, he gradually regained his composure. First, there were three things to figure out.

    Who am I? Where am I? What happened?

    He then raised the candle on the wooden table and looked around the room for a week.

    He found that he was in a closed room with a small window, through which he saw heavy rain whistling and blowing outside the room, accompanied by lightning. Not far from him was a wooden door and stove.

    He cautiously made his way toward the wooden door and reached out to push it open, and as he pushed it open a small crack, there was a simultaneous heavy turn of the door in the next room.

    Seth saw a faint glow reflected through the crack.

    Just then, a shrill voice rang out.

    This damned downpour!

    Another raspy voice followed, Howard’s late.

    In this damn weather, it would be strange if he could show up on time!The shrill human voice rang out again once more

    Seth didn’t dare just go out and ask for help without figuring out the situation, and the next conversation Seth heard proved that he was doing

    The raspy voice rang out again, What about the one inside?

    Poor little Ethan, he even made me a bracelet the shrill voice responded.

    Seth also learned that the original owner of this body was named Ethan.

    The person who just poured poisonous juice into his mouth, wasn’t it you? The hoarse voice accused him mercilessly.

    The sharp voice said with a tone of utter disinterest, That can’t be helped, who told him to see something he shouldn’t.

    We need to get rid of that body early tomorrow morning!

    I know, I know, just like always.Put it in a sack and throw it in the pit ……

    Then the candlelight coming through the doorway went out, and the sound of snoring came shortly after.

    Seth began to think about a way to escape, or else he would probably be really screwed if he was found alive tomorrow

    Seth thought of sneaking away while they were sleeping, but thought that after sneaking away, if they saw me alive later, I would be caught and killed again.

    Seth started to think about how to fix the two of them again.

    Go up and stab them with a knife? No, no, no, for one, there are no sharp weapons, and for another, after killing one the other will definitely be found out Seth patted himself on the head.

    Seth checked the room again, walking over to the coal pile, Seth knelt down and picked up a piece of coal and turned it over and over to check it Looking up at the chimney exhaust again, he realized that the fireplace chimney was a cross-cut structure divided in two, which ensured air flow and prevented the triggering of coal-burning poisoning.

    Seth came up with a great way to kill them, namely by burning coal poisoning!

    He stuffed straw into the hearth, set it on fire with a candle flame, put coals into it, then grabbed wet and dry dirt from the ground and glued all the seams. Finally, he plugged the chimney pipe to the roof, leaving only the pipe in the next room in a through state.

    Very well! Even though this is the first time I’ve ever killed anyone, I had to do it for my future, not to mention they’ve already killed me once! Seth gets up and prepares to leave.

    Seth pushed the door open gently, while keeping an eye out for any pause in the two different snores, and slowly made his way out of the room, where he got his bearings of the front door with the help of the candlelight. Fortunately, the house was small, with only two rooms, a hallway, and the front door at the end.

    Seth walked over and pulled on the door, very worried that it was locked.

    Hahaha, God help me, God help me. Seth opened the door with ease, luckily it wasn’t locked, it was just a small block of wood holding the door up between it and the doorway, Seth pulled gently on it.

    The moment the gate opened, he regained his freedom, he released his mind.He was going to forget his old name and remember that he was just called Ethan now!

    Seth stepped out of the gate, drenched in heavy rain and cold, but more important than that was to be alive. Then he found a big, thick tree and climbed it, because he wanted to make sure that these two were really dead by tomorrow, and that was important for him to plan his life later on.

    Exhaustion and weariness suddenly swept over him, and luckily for his thin frame he was able to lie down in this large tree, and he slept.

    In the morning, a chill woke him from his sleep and he sat up with a jolt, his heart racing. Noticing that a light snow had begun to fall around him.

    What’s wrong with this world, this damn weather, it changes at the drop of a hat, last night it rained so hard and this morning it’s snowing?! Ethan thought through gritted teeth.

    Ethan was thankful for the weather though, for being woken up by the cold, afraid that he would miss the sight of whether or not they walked out the front door

    Ethan looked at the sky it felt like it was still very early in the morning and the night looked like it was just fading. ethan was going to wait until noon because ethan remembered that they said they were going to settle the bodies early in the morning and if they were still alive they would surely realize that I escaped and walk out of the gate looking for me.

    The closer the time got to noon, the more confident Ethan became, thinking to himself that he was definitely dead Still Ethan had to check it out for peace of mind.

    Ethan climbed down from the tree and walked to the front door, pushed it open and walked to their room, there was no sound. He pushed the door open and the first thing that caught his eye were two bodies in a gruesome state of death.

    Both bodies had puddles of vomit coming out of their mouths and their skin was flushed.

    Ethan smoothed hard at the violently beating hearts in his chest and reached down to check their breathing with his fingers to make sure they were truly dead.

    Ethan picked up a fur from the ground and draped it over his body, it was snowing after all.

    Suddenly he remembered last night’s conversation: that couldn’t be helped, who told him he saw something he shouldn’t have.

    Chapter 2

    Turning away from the door, Ethan noticed a small gap where the fur had been, by the light coming through the door. Getting down and moving the other clutter around him, a hidden door and an iron ring pull appeared in front of him.

    Huh? Ethan lifted the iron ring and pulled open the ground door, seeing a torch soaked in tarp on the wall. ethan lit it.

    At this point Ethan looked around.

    The cellar was not large, five meters square. The stone walls on all sides were plastered and briefly reinforced with wood, and there were primitive ventilation ducts in the top wall. With such a large space dug out of such a hard limestone layer underground and so carefully arranged, it was obvious that whoever dug and set up this place in the first place must have gone through a great deal of effort.

    He found a small wooden box right on the cellar table, about ten centimeters long and twenty centimeters wide. One of the tiny locking eyes appeared before his eyes.

    Sure enough, it’s locked just as I suspected Ethan tried to open it.

    Ethan, who was a bit dazed looking at the eye of the lock, sat with his legs crossed in place thinking for a while, when a possibility suddenly occurred to him.

    Climbing up the wooden steps to the floor of the hut again. It was highly likely that the key to the wooden box was in their possession.

    Touching or even dissecting corpses and such things, in his previous life he had done it, but it was all purely academic research work, and now that he was going to put his hands on the human beings he had indirectly killed, his heart said that in the end there was still some resistance.

    Stretching his hands out as far as he could, his head tilted back, he felt around on them for a long time before he finally found a keychain strung with an iron ring around the hunchbacked man’s waist.

    Retracing his steps back to the cellar and following the light of the torch, he turned the keys over one by one, and finally saw one that approximated the size of the lock eye.

    Ethan gingerly inserted the key into the eye and twisted it clockwise, only to hear a soft click inside the lock gate and the lock opened.

    Looking inside, he finally understood why the wooden box was so heavy.

    It turned out that not only stacked inside the sandbags used for cushioning, but also placed a cylindrical black box built of lead, the box is divided into upper and lower parts, tightly sealed together, can not see any lock hole, only the front installed sixteen copper six-sided tumblers, tumblers each face has a letter, sixteen tumblers are different.

    c, r, h, d This is the English alphabet? There are English letters in this world too? Look at this arrangement, anagram lock?

    Ethan had seen similar objects in museums in his previous life, each tumbler had a letter on each side, and could only be opened by scrolling to the correct position and synthesizing a code.

    This kind of letter lock looked extremely complicated to the average person, but there was actually a pattern.

    For example, E, T, I, O, A, N are the most commonly used letters and appear most frequently; the splicing of syllables and the composition of vowels and consonants are also

    But there is a caveat, the unlocking answer cannot be a meaningless patchwork of letters.

    In a previous life, the soul known as Seth had often lost track of time by immersing himself in academic research When it came to Ethan’s body, this trait was manifested to the fullest.

    Unconsciously, the stone walls on all four sides had been filled with the arrangement of letters in charcoal, and Ethan had basically confirmed several characteristics of the answer: one, the answer was a sentence, or possibly a combination of words; two, judging from the letters and the arrangement, the text of the answer was attributed to the Latin language

    casc…… not right, nascen…… sixteen letters, this arrangement is so familiar…… A phrase popped into Ethan’s head, ‘Nascentes_morimur’…… ‘to the death’, Latin proverb, but what’s the point of labeling that here?

    Adjusting the tumbler to the correct position, the top half of the solid lead column moved a few millimeters, cracking a thin slit.

    Using both hands, he moved the top half again and a ten centimeter long thumb-thick shiny copper pipe appeared in front of him.

    Breaking through the layers of obstacles, Ethan carefully took out the ‘final product’.

    Taking it into the light, he examined it carefully, the copper tube was very light, weighing almost nothing, the material of the tube should be hand polished, the workmanship was extremely fine, under the illumination of the firelight, faint relief could be faintly seen.

    ‘’Once a person has satisfied the lowest level of needs for survival, curiosity will become the most terrifying thing in the world.’’

    This curiosity could even allow the soul in this body to ignore the safety code that was often recited in the scientific research work in his previous life.

    The first and most crucial one: regardless of the circumstances, treat all unknown things with a cautious and conservative attitude.

    With a bark, twisting open the lid above the copper tube, Ethan turned his eyes to the inside of

    A puff of grayish-white smoke was released from within, pouncing on his unprotected eyes

    Ahh! AH!!!

    The sensation of burning like a flame traveled from the cornea of his eyeballs down the optic nerve ‘burning’ into his brain.

    Throwing away the copper pipe in his hand, Ethan covered his eyes and wiped them with all his might, but he was unable to alleviate the fire-like pain in his head in the slightest. It felt like putting his entire head into a furnace at thousands of degrees, burning it, and then placing it on an anvil to be beaten repeatedly with a giant hammer.

    Slamming his head against the stone wall, his forehead cracked open one after another, and blood dripped down his cheeks, but it did nothing to alleviate the pain in his head.

    His hands kept groping on the ground while his body tripped over debris, Ethan’s hands clawed forward haphazardly and inadvertently grabbed a few garlic cloves, subconsciously crushing them and rubbing them into his eyes.

    The acrid pain from the juice of the garlic cloves brought a new source of suffering to his eyes, but dulled a hint of the pain in his brain

    To ease the sharp pain in his brain, Ethan fumbled for more garlic from the ground, crushed the cloves, dripped the juice into his eyes, and stuffed the garlic paste into his mouth.

    This went on for I don’t know how long, his body burning like fire he lost consciousness and slumped to the ground and closed his eyes

    When Ethan woke up again, his eyes were dark, his body incapacitated by all movement, and in a daze he felt someone moving his arms and legs.

    Moving his lips with the last of his strength.


    A muffled voice said to him.

    Little man, my name is Howard.

    Chapter 3

    God grant you joy, my daughter (song)

    Let all things be hopeful, nothing frightens you

    Thinking back to the golden years

    Fromto Thriving

    My Daughter, Dressed in a Beautiful Wedding Gown

    Oh Heavenly Gospel, Bringing Comfort and Joy

    My Daughter is All Grown Up, Getting Married Today

    Howard! For God’s sake! Stop singing! Ethan, blindfolded by layers of gauze, lying on a four-wheeled flatbed wooden wagon, with his hands over his ears, was making a stern protest to the motorist overhead.

    Accompanied by the sound of thumping wooden wheels spinning their axles, a muffled male voice came from up ahead, Little one! My singing voice was famous in the village back in the day, it could make geese retract their wings and make hares stop!

    ‘’I think it was your voice that could scare the geese into incontinence and the hares into Parkinson’s?’’

    With such a belly laugh, Ethan raised his head slightly, pointed at the gauze in front of him, and asked Howard, When am I going to get this thing off?!

    You can try now, but I can’t guarantee that your eyes will be okay.

    Hesitantly lowering his arm, Ethan asked again, Where are we going with this?

    To where we belong.

    What’s going to happen to me when we get to the place?

    That’s up to you, little man.

    Dropping his head heavily on the board, Ethan gave up struggling and swung his body into a ‘big’ shape, Well, why do you give me the same answer every time?

    With good-natured teasing, the thick voice once again rang in his ears, Why do you ask me the same question every time?

    Giving the other man the middle finger and rolling over gamely, feeling the bumpy, uneven road beneath him, Ethan thought back to the last few days.

    Seven days had passed since he was brought out of the cellar until today. The first three days had been spent in a coma himself, and on the fourth day he woke up lying on such a horse-drawn flatbed wagon.

    In the time since then, this man who called himself Howard had been taking himself on a journey, and even when he ate, slept, and even pooped, he was never three steps away from the wagon. In such a long time, the eyes have not been improved, even if you secretly lift the gauze, what you can see is only a darkness, the only thing that can be slightly comforted is that the pain in the brain is slowly fading away.

    He had asked several times for directions and destinations, but through the light and warmth of the changing direction, Ethan was able to tell that the wagon was traveling south.

    In the middle of the journey, Ethan had not considered running away or hiding, but for one thing, even if he was able to get away in his condition, walking like a blind man on this unfamiliar land was nothing more than asking for death; for another, through the several conversations he had with Howard, he vaguely sensed that this man didn’t seem to have any malicious intent.

    Regarding the two corpses in the hunter’s hut, Howard never mentioned it from the beginning to the end, and Ethan naturally wouldn’t be stupid enough to take the initiative to mention this matter. The two of them maintained a tacit understanding and unspoken silence on this topic.

    What will happen next?

    In short, let’s take a step and see.

    God grant you joy, my daughter~

    Hearing the song that was comparable to plastic bubbles rubbing against each other resuming, Ethan, with a jolt, sat up from the car board, raised his hands to the sky, and yelled out, God, please send down a lightning bolt to strike us dead!

    This painful and uninteresting journey lasted for another day and night, just when Ethan was thinking that it would be nice to simply puncture his eardrums and be blind and deaf for the rest of his life At that time, the sound of bell ringing came from the distance.

    The sound of a bell ringing in the distance caught his attention.

    Howard’s next words instantly made Ethan realize the true meaning of heavenly music.

    Here we are.

    The carriage stopped on a masonry flat, and the man driving it held out his hands, wrapped in leather gloves, signaling Ethan to tug on his sleeve as the two of them moved slowly forward, one behind the other.

    Walking down the cobblestone path, the chanting of monks in his ears, Ethan smelled the fragrance of flowers and asked toward the leader in front of him, Where are we?

    There was no response.

    After another ten minutes or so of walking, Howard led Ethan to a stop on a patch of loose sand.

    The muffled voice seemed a little formal and reverent, Master Miles, I’m back.

    An old voice came from the distance, Come in, my boy.

    Howard tugged on Ethan’s sleeve and said to him in a faintly audible voice, When you go in, don’t talk nonsense.

    Ethan nodded noncommittally.

    Crossing a threshold, he heard the old man’s voice again, Is this ……?

    Guiding Ethan to stand still, Howard respectfully said, Master, this boy unlocked the ‘Box of Proverbs’ by his own power ……

    Oh? Is he an apprentice of the church? Or the son of a noble family?

    No, he’s just a child of an ordinary farmer’s family.Also, he touched the 『Satherlan Relic』……

    En…… what did you say? That’s impossible!

    Master Miles, this boy who touched the relic is alive but has lost the light in his eyes.

    Ethan felt a large warm hand touch the top of his head as the pale voice came to himself, It was a fortunate outcome, none of those I know who went to touch the relic have survived to live.

    Ethan couldn’t help himself and asked, What exactly is the ‘Satherlan Relic’?

    Howard let out a cough.

    Ethan could imagine the displeasure that must have hung on the man’s face at his casual question.

    The old man did not blame, but patiently explained, The sage Satherlan, the greatest alchemist of the millennium, laid down the three original foundations of alchemy and proposed the Origin theory.Later, he was put to death by fire by the fanatics, and his remains were divided into several parts and preserved all over the world ……

    Ethan’s face grew darker and darker as he listened, Dare I be sprayed by the ashes of a dead man?

    Master Miles continues to explain, Rumor has it that Satherlan’s remains have incredible power, but after so many years, those who have attempted to touch the relics have died and turned to dust.

    With a tentative tone, Howard whispers towards the old man, So, is this boy going to be one of us?

    Master Miles’ tone held uncertainty, I don’t know, after all, there is no precedent to follow.First, let me try to heal his eyes ……

    A head of steam, listening to the duo’s conversation was like a heavenly book, and doubt was written all over Ethan’s face.

    The old man placed his hands on the latter’s eyes.

    Ethan instantly felt a warmth that stimulated the nerves around his eyes.

    After a few moments, Master Miles removed his hand and unwrapped the gauze that Ethan had wrapped around his eyes.

    Slowly opening his eyes and slowly adjusting to the change in light, Ethan regained his sight and was shocked to realize that what he saw was completely different from what he had seen in the past. Through the human clothes, he could see the flesh and bones under the skin; through the wooden planks of the cabinet, he could see the folded bedding inside; through the masonry roof above his head, he could see the sun hanging in the sky.

    Cocking his head and spotting the half ham Howard had hidden in his arms, Ethan pointed to his coat pocket and said indignantly, Didn’t you say this morning that there was no meat to eat, only bread?

    Watching the man sardonically pull the ham out of his arms, Master Miles laughed, That’s right, he’s one of us.

    Chapter 4

    Stepping on the green stone tiles and walking through the spectacular sanctuary, Ethan was finally able to see the world with his own eyes once more.

    The long, striped nave chancel, with a stone barrel vault arranged above its head and high sidelights spread out on either side of the roof, was covered with alternating shades of marble for the floor and walls. Grilles made of metal, stone screens with carvings, choir seats, wood carvings in the pulpit, sculptures of the Holy Spirit.

    Rotating his feet and looking at all the things around him, Ethan sighed in awe.

    In his previous life, he had never again imagined that he would one day be able to travel to such a medieval world.

    Monks in gray robes walked past him, casting strange looks.

    Seeing through the wide step robes, Ethan saw the blood and organs in their chests. As the monks looked to Howard, their leader, their hearts beat faster by the beat and their steps beneath them became hurried.

    Nervousness? Fear?

    Returning his eyes to the man in front of him, Ethan realized that Howard had the face of a standard Slav, with a long skull, high forehead, low cheekbones, thin lips, chin jutting outward slightly, tall, slim, pale, and a neatly combed goatee tied into pigtails, the whole did give off a sense of menace inaccessible to the senses.

    But after a few days of spending time with him, Ethan felt more and more that there was really nothing scary to be found in this man. His appearance was only superficial; Howard was calm and thoughtful, yet outgoing and loved to sing. There was only one thing that made him a little bit concerning.

    From their first encounter, Howard wears a pair of leather gloves, which he is never found removing during the journey

    Ethan also tries to use his penetrating powers to see what’s hidden under the gloves, but what he sees is a mass surrounded by a black mist.

    Maybe Howard this man’s body, also has his own secrets ……

    Spent more than an hour to stroll around, this way, Ethan with the help of Howard’s introduction, also gradually roughly understand the place and era he is in.

    In terms of civilization development, the world he traveled to is similar to the medieval Europe in the late 12th and early 13th centuries in his previous life in terms of technology and culture.

    In terms of geography, according to the results of navigators and cartographers, the entire world was divided into a continent and a number of islands.

    The extreme northern end of the continent was covered in ice and snow all year round, and the rest of the land was cut into several terrain areas by three horizontal and two vertical mountains, and two large and three small lakes.

    The archipelago region in the northwest, the plains region in the west-central and southwest, the highlands and snowfields region in the northeast, the desert region in the east-central part, and the steppe region in the southeast.

    In terms of country distribution and religious regions, the central and western regions consist of papal and secular states, mostly believing in God, similar to the Christianity of the previous world. The place where Ethan is is the Sheng Xideluo Monastery next to the Silver Ring Kingdom in the western coastal region.

    Speaking of the Sheng Xideluo Monastery, this building, which had a history of nearly a hundred years, was a landmark of the Moon River Plains. It was built in 1031 A.D. by the Silver Ring Kingdom in honor of the ascetic monk Sheng Xideluo. At the beginning of its construction, it was a small gathering place for monks with only three buildings, namely, the Auditorium, the Sacred Doctrine Hall, and the Resting Place. After nearly a hundred years of renovation and expansion, Sheng Xideluo Abbey has expanded and become a famous religious place in the southwestern kingdoms.

    Hundreds of monks gather here, adhering to a hermit-like monasticism that aspires to inner peace and piety.

    That’s what Howard told him.

    But as the tour route through the abbey’s basement got deeper and deeper, Ethan’s mind questioned that statement more and more.

    The dark and long tunnels, the flickering and eerie torches, the damp and blackened floors.

    If they hadn’t just walked through that bright and holy place, no one could have imagined that it seemed like the aisles of the catacombs, which happened to be built underneath the abbey.

    The two walked to the end of the tunnel, and a gleaming metal door appeared in front of Ethan’s eyes.

    Engraved on the door were these four words.

    As it is within;

    As it is without;

    As it is above;

    As it is below.

    Who came up with such a comical quatrain?

    With a head full of question marks, Ethan trailed the tall man into one of the underground chapels.

    The statue of the Holy Father stood high at the top of the underground hall, and although its appearance was no different from that in the sanctuary, the dim firelight always gave him a different illusion.

    Master Miles stood on the high pulpit, his attire looking much more formal than it had a moment ago. He wore a rather distinctive bell-sleeved vestment with an inverted triangular pointed collar, and the trim and brim of his hat were decorated with several raised stripes and stitched with gold and silver thread.

    Below him were several benches on which three men and a woman sat.

    The moment Ethan walked into the lobby, all eyes were on him.

    Nervous and unsure of how to handle himself, Ethan was nudged by someone behind him. When he looked back, he saw an encouraging and approving smile on Howard’s big face.

    Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Ethan walked up to Master Miles, looking at the old man’s warm smiling face, there was always a feeling that he had mistakenly entered a pyramid scheme.

    Today, we are gathered here to witness the addition of a new member.

    This child, born in a farming family, without any church education, has unlocked the ‘Box of Proverbs’……

    Someone under the stage let out a surprised sound.

    Master Miles watched the expressions of the audience with some mischief, and after the people’s emotions had settled down a bit, he blandly threw out an even bigger news: He came into contact with the 『Relic of Satherlan』 ……

    Oh my god!


    Several people let out loud exclamations of surprise, and some kicked over the benches beneath them.

    The old man raised an eyebrow, seemingly quite pleased with the crowd’s reaction, I declare that as a Fae, he is now officially part of our family.

    Waving towards Ethan, Master Miles gestured for Ethan to follow him and step down into the congregation below

    With his palms facing upwards, the old man made a half arc to the men and women in front of him, and finally pointed to himself and said to Ethan, My son, as far as you can see, all of us are Fae. What is a Fae? Unlike normal people, we have more or less some abilities in us that ordinary people do not have. This is a blessing and a favor from God, but there are people in the world who fear us out of ignorance, who hate us out of fear, and who call us theDevil’s Legacy and want to get rid of us before they can do anything else.Therefore, the only way for Fae to protect themselves is to congeal into families and hide their abilities …… Come to me, and I will introduce you to your families ……

    The two first stopped in front of a middle-aged man and woman who curtsied and saluted. Master Miles said, This is Mr. and Mrs. Lagren, they run a bakery in the town and also handle the trading of supplies and food provisions for the abbey.

    Looking at the middle-aged couple in front of him, who were around forty years old, short, chubby, and kind, Ethan followed the other’s example and curtsied as well. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lagren took advantage of his inattention and directly went up and cupped Ethan’s cheeks, looking curiously at his teeth.

    They say that those who touch the relics, even their bones will turn into gold ……

    Hearing his wife’s brainless and dim words, Mr. Lagren hurriedly opened her hand with one hand and busied himself with even saying sorry towards the boy.

    Master Miles rolled his eyes and guided his follower to the tall, thin man with a silly, harmless smile.

    Watching the other man rise from his seat, Ethan tilted his head back and opened his mouth wide in surprise.

    Howard was tall enough as far as he could remember, but compared to this tall, skinny, long bamboo pole of a man, he was a veritable dwarf.

    My God, five-foot-eight? No, this is closer to two meters, I’m afraid.

    This is little Jerry, who just celebrated his eighteenth birthday the day before yesterday, a pious and good-hearted child.

    Hearing the old man’s introduction, Ethan was once again surprised.

    To grow up like this at eighteen years old, wouldn’t he grow up to the sky if it were a few more years?

    Moreover, listening to this name, little Jerry …… always reminds people of the omnipotent little mouse in 『Cat and Mouse』, this contrast is really too big.

    That’s Edgar ……

    Ethan looked at the lone figure of a thin boy in the corner of the lobby as he was told, his cold gaze looking a little uncomfortable.

    He is our messenger and liaison between us. Master Miles looked around the lobby and asked, Where are Marcos and the ‘Black Sheep’?

    Mrs. Lagren moved to Ethan’s side and respectfully replied, Marcos has gone to the eastern Watchtower, no word from him yet.

    Edgar dropped an icy note, ‘Black Sheep’ followed the circus and went to the next city to perform. Before she left, she said that it was there that she felt more at home than the boredom here at the Abbey.

    With these words, he turned and disappeared into the aisle.

    Hearing the melancholy sigh of the old man beside him, Ethan immediately felt that this pyramid scheme organization he had joined was not doing a generally poor job of brainwashing ……

    Chapter 5

    What do you mean! Getting up at four in the morning and taking seven classes?!

    Holding the board Howard handed him, Ethan’s hands were shaking.

    Listening to the long list of course titles reported by the man in front of him: grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and …… music?

    Ethan’s insides were dripping blood.

    You bunch of puritanical monks, it’s fine to recite the scriptures, why do you have to learn so much nonsense?

    The teaching master of music, it can’t be you, right? Seeing Howard shaking his head, Ethan’s heart was a little more at ease, finally hearing a good news.

    But you can also specify the master, I’m still quite confident in music.

    Hearing Howard’s self-recommendation, Ethan did not hesitate for a second and flatly refused the offer.

    Howard, who looked a little disappointed, instructed the latter to take an early rest, and at the last moment when he stepped out of the door, he dropped a thoughtless sentence, In the night, no matter what sound you hear, do not go out of the room.

    The door of the room was closed with a ping.

    Through the closed wooden panel, Ethan, who possessed the ability to see through, looked helplessly at Howard, who had just stepped out of the room and had his ear pressed against the doorway.

    I can see you!

    Howard straightened up without shame, muttered something under his breath, and left the

    Finally, he was able to enjoy the quiet.

    Ethan turned back to the empty room, with its dim walls, chipped stonework, a shutter fitted with wooden prongs, a narrow wooden bed for one person only, and a single table and chair that were old and creaked with use.

    It was go.

    Yes, that’s it, nothing.

    I guessed that the night life after crossing over would be boring, but I really didn’t expect it to be so ‘desperately’ boring.

    Can’t even give a candle!

    Looking out the window at the slowly setting sun, Ethan remembered what Howard had said to himself in the afternoon.

    Little man, Master Miles really thinks highly of you, he gave you a single room with the best conditions and arranged for you to have the best master.

    If the conditions of the ‘best single room’ he was living in

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